2019 March Downeast Dog News

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Hot Dog News Pope Memorial Humane Society Kicks Off 30th Anniversary Year P

ope Memorial Humane Society kicked off its 30th anniversary year with a New Year’s Day Open House. Founders, board members, donors and volunteers came together to reminisce over the shelter and how far it has come while enjoying light refreshments and 30 years’ worth of mementos. From our humble beginnings in 1989 to our brand new 10,000 square foot facility built in 2015 this anniversary offers our community the chance to reflect on the significant impact we have had on the local homeless animal popula on. “We achieved this milestone through the hard work of our volunteers, staff and community as a whole. We have served thousands of animals over the years and we plan to con nue to serve the community for the next 30 years. I’m proud to work with such amazing people towards our mission to save lives and create families” said Tracy Sala, Execu ve Director of Pope Memorial Humane Society. Throughout the year, Pope Memorial Humane Society will host a variety of anniversary events, including but not limited to hos ng the Pen Bay Chamber of Commerce Business A er Hours on May 8th and a Barks N Brews in the Barn party at Harmony Hill Farm in Warren on August 14th. We hope you will join us as we celebrate 30 years of saving lives and crea ng families. Founded in 1989 in response to the needs of homeless animals – their protec on, care and adop on, Pope Memorial Humane Society has become a community ins tu on making a difference in the lives of thousands of local homeless animals. Money was raised to purchase the land between Dexter Street Extension and Bu ermilk Lane in Thomaston, Maine. With generous support of many animal lovers, and a substan al mortgage, the shelter was built and opened in November 1991. Since that day thousands of animals have been lovingly tended, rehabilitated and adopted. Volunteers and members of PMHS are from every community – students, re rees, ar sts and businesses. The following towns contract with the Pope Memorial Humane Society of Knox County: Rockland, Thomaston, Warren, Owls Head, St. George, Port Clyde, Martinsville & Tenants Harbor; So. Thomaston, Spruce Head, Union, Cushing, Matinicus, North Haven, and Vinalhaven, Stockton Springs, and Morrill.

Credit Mercer Photography

Harvest Hills Animal Shelter Freezing For A Reason


or the seventeen consecu ve years the Harvest Hills Animal Shelter held its highly successful “Freezing for a Reason” as a part of the annual Winter Carnival in Bridgton, Maine. On February 16, nine teams of over 75 hearty souls, of ques onable sanity, willingly jumped through a hole cut in the ice of Highland Lake by the local fire department. The jumpers’ efforts are supported by a host of sponsors and have ne ed the shelter an average of nearly $25,000.00 over the past half-dozen years. At press me this year’s exact total was s ll unknown. The shelter, which serves nineteen towns in western Maine, earmarks the proceeds of the event for special needs; for example, last year’s funds financed a new roof. Previous causes have been a new hea ng system and a somewhat unusual “meet and greet” living room where “forever home” adopters may meet and bond with their prospec ve pet. “The shelter’s country se ng, on the eastern boundary of Fryeburg, allows for a network of walking trails and large outside exercise areas which make the shelter unique”, according to Joan McBurnie its Execu ve Director who also coordinates the annual event. (Submi ed by: Carl Talbot)

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Downeast Dog News

Downeast Dog News PUBLISHER Jenn Rich COPY EDITOR Belinda Carter CONTRIBUTORS Susan Spisak Diana Logan Sara Moore Judith Herman Carolyn Fuhrer Don Hanson Nancy Holmes Gail Mason Megan Sullivan GRAPHIC DESIGN Courier Publications, LLC ADVERTISING Jenn Rich 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com


From the Publisher Dear Dog News Readers, I just recently had an exci ng weekend away. I a ended the PAWS Auc on for Animals once again last November and won ckets to see My Fair Lady at Lincoln Center Theater in New York City. We also ed in a milestone birthday celebra on for my friend into the weekend. What a great me and great performance! It was my first New York theater experience, and I would highly recommend the show. While we were gone, Pepper had a li le trial stay with her Aunt and Uncle and puppy cousin Phoebe. We weren’t really sure what to expect because Phoebe really adores Pepper but also doesn’t quite know how to leave her alone for very long. She aims to get her money’s worth out of their me together. It sounds like they all figured out how to make it work and give meouts, and by the end, Pepper was ini a ng some tug of war. I’m really glad that they can get along. I felt a li le bad for Phoebe when I had to take Pepper away, but we got together again the next week for a nice hike and some fresh air. This month is Miss Phoebe’s first birthday on March 15th, and she is about the same size as Pepper is now. Time flies by so quickly, too quickly for our dogs. I can’t believe that Pepper will be five next month. That is crazy! Slow down puppies! As I begin to put this issue together and gather up the adoptable dog profiles for this month, it is really great to see that there have been many dogs that we have featured in recent months who have now found their forever homes. Regardless, if we had any part in their success story or not, it s ll makes me happy to take down

their profiles from our website and think of them receiving much love that they all deserve! Warmest wishes for a safe and cozy March. All the best, Jenn and Pepper

PARENT & PUBLISHING COMPANY Maine Pet News LLC OUR GOALS • Provide the latest in dog-related news and information. • Encourage and support dog-friendly businesses and Maine-made pet products and services. • Cultivate a community of responsible dog guardianship/ownership. • Support animal welfare causes.

CONTACT US Maine Pet News, LLC 91 Camden St., Suite 403 Rockland, ME 04841 Phone: 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com www.downeastdognews.com

Happy Birthday Phoebe!

CIRCULATION Downeast Dog News is distributed free of charge at pet-friendly locations in Maine.

SUBSCRIPTIONS Individual and gift subscriptions are available for $30 (+ tax) per year.

“The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him, and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself, too.” ― Samuel Butler

SPEAK! Downeast Dog News welcomes submissions of local news, events and photos. Email: jenn@downeastdognews.com COPYRIGHT 2006-2019 All contents of Downeast Dog News are protected under United States copyright law. The contents may not be reprinted or reproduced without the expressed written permission of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within Downeast Dog News are those of its contributors and not necessarily those of the publisher. Content of ads is the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content and Downeast Dog News assumes no liability for any errors, omissions or claims made by its contributors or advertisers.

March 2019

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10,000 issues per month are distributed in pet supply stores, veterinary offices, dog daycares, groomers and other pet-friendly establishments across Maine.

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Ask about 3, 6, and 12 month discounts

DEADLINE Advertising deadline is the 15th of the preceding month.

Contact Jenn Rich (207) 706-6765 or jenn@downeastdognews.com

Table of Contents Hot Dog News ...................... 2 Furry Words ......................... 4 Ask the Vet ............................ 4 Basic Training Tips ................ 6 Ask Bammy ............................ 7 Elbow Dysplasia ..................... 7 Healthy & Happy................ 8,9 Performance Dog Training ....10 Words, Woofs & Meows ..... 11 Rescue of the Month ............12 Dogs for Adoption ............... 13 Calendar of Events .............. 14 Business Directory .............. 15


This past week I have done readings for so many people with missing animals, dogs that are ready to cross the rainbow bridge, and surviving animals that the owners fear are missing a doggie companion on the other side. It has been amazing and rewarding from the psychic perspec ve to help these people find peace during what can be the most devasta ng part of life and to facilitate healing through communica on with the animal’s spirit. My job is anything but normal, and I absolutely love that! First, I have to tell you that when I do a reading for someone in mourning or sobbing through the call, I have to check out emo onally. Believe me, my heart aches for each and every one of you, but I would be completely ineffec ve if I allowed myself to feel your pain during the call. This allows me to deliver messages about end of life decisions, missing animals that I don’t feel are s ll alive, or things that I know may be hard to accept. A few mes I’ve shed some tears or choked them back, but it’s rare, and it allows me to do my job. I do my best to wrap the sadness with compassion and offer insight into the lessons being presented to you through whatever it is you are experiencing. Something else I have to tell you is that your animals don’t fear

Gallbladder Problems Q. My dog was just diagnosed with a gallbladder problem. How did he get that?

A. Gallbladder disease is less common in our furry friends than in humans. There are different causes for gallbladder issues, both primary and secondary in the dog. First, we need to understand what the gallbladder does. The gallbladder is a sack that acts as reservoir for bile made by the liver. The sac is located between the lobes of the liver. Bile, a bitter yellowish fluid, secreted by the liver is used for digestion of nutrients, fats, and ridding the body of certain types of waste. After a meal, bile flows from the gallbladder through a bile duct into the intestines. Problems can arise from primary causes to the gallbladder or secondary causes. Primary issues are gallbladder mucoceles, cholecys s, and gallstones. Secondary causes are pancrea s, upper intes nal disease, and tumors of the bile duct, or intes nes.


Furry Words by Sara Moore www.enlightenedhorizons.com

death. I haven’t met any who have said otherwise, and they are so excited to “go home” when it’s their me that they are surprised and some mes offended when you ask them if they forgive you for assis ng the process. Yes, I just said offended. From their perspec ve, they have fulfilled their life purpose. It may have been a short journey, or in the case of one client I just read, a long journey of 17 years of companionship with her Chow. But when it’s their me, they are

Ask the Vet… by Dr. Judith Herman

Gallbladder mucoceles are rela vely new. This problem has been recognized in the past 25 years. The bile has trouble flowing out the bile duct into the intes nes causing an overextension of the gallbladder with mucous and bile. This condi on is uncommon and is seen in clusters in different areas of the country. It is seen in middle aged dogs of either gender and breed, but seen most o en in Cocker Spaniels and Shel es.

grateful to be free of aching bodies and illness. Some who just simply can’t integrate a er all op ons have been exhausted are also all right when they are able to be free from the frustra ons of this world. That being said, if they aren’t ready, they are more than happy to let you know that, too! Luckily, for both of us, they will tell you what approach to take, and then you can work with the trainers and veterinarians to formulate a plan. When you ask me, “Does my dog forgive me for pu ng them down,” the dog’s reac on is usually confusion because he can’t understand why you would think it was a bad thing. The dog is grateful to be free. Always. The other popular question is, “How will I know he’s around?” This varies from dog to dog (and human spirit to human spirit), but more often than not, he does stick around energetically and makes visits to say hello. I love helping you figure out his signs! Sometimes one shin or foot may get tingly or warm, and that’s a dog’s spirit sitting there as if he were alive. A whoosh of goosebumps also is indicative of energy around you. Random toys showing up in the middle of the floor or on a table can be a gift from him. One of my favorites is when a surviving dog or cat is comfortably snuggled on a bed

and suddenly wakes up, gives you a look like, “Did you see that?” and then gets up and walks away slightly annoyed because the spirit dog has decided it wants to give his old bed a try. Some of you may actually see a flash or think you saw him and you probably did! If you wake up because you heard his bark, say good morning to him. He is letting you know he is all right. The bo om line is animals are grateful for the me they got to spend with you and will probably choose to check in with you from the a erlife. It’s a beau ful place, and yes, they will be there to greet you when your me comes. They can hear you when you talk out loud to them or in your head. I can certainly help you figure out how to “hear” their side of the conversa on if you can’t. For animals, death is simply a con nua on of life, and they never fear it. Time there is different from ours, so when you ask if they miss you, I can almost guarantee the answer is, “Why would I miss you? I’m right here and I’ll see you soon!”

The symptoms are lethargy and loss of appe te. Dogs may have a low fever, vomit, and have abdominal pain. The involvement of the liver will cause the dog to become jaundice which is evident by the gums, whites of the eyes, and skin becoming yellow. Less commonly found is cholecys s, inflamma on of the gallbladder and biliary tract, and gallstones. The symptoms seen here mimic pancrea c and liver disease, including vomi ng, inappetence, acute pain, and some mes jaundice. Secondary causes are diseases involving the pancreas, intes nes, and bile duct. As men oned above, the bile is excreted from the liver into the gallbladder which then flows into the intes ne by a duct. The duct opens into the upper intes ne close to the duct from the pancreas, another organ used to digest your pup’s dinner. If there is inflamma on in the area where this duct is located, an obstruc on can occur. Inflamma on of the pancreas, called pancrea s, is a common cause of obstruc on. Inflammatory bowel disease and tumors of the bile duct, pancreas, and intes nes are other possible causes. Your veterinarian will do a thorough history and exam on your

companion. She will need to do blood tests, such as a chemistry profile and complete blood count, and possible X-rays to help with the diagnosis. She may need to do an ultrasound too. All this informa on is important to develop an appropriate treatment plan for FiFi. O en the treatment is an bio cs, diet change, and possibly pain medica on, and steroids to decrease inflamma on. There are mes surgery will be needed to remove a diseased gallbladder, which untreated could rupture causing death. Some mes the ultrasound when performed for other reasons shows sludge in the gallbladder. If the dog is asymptoma c, and lab values are normal, no treatment is needed. Your veterinarian will watch for any changes seen by your observa on of symptoms and future ultrasounds. Gallbladder disease is rare but can cause pain and discomfort in your best friend. If you have any concern that your dog isn’t “right”, have your veterinarian check him out. It is be er to be safe.

Sara Moore is a psychic for people and pets who offers private and group readings, workshops and fundraisers. Go to www. enlightenedhorizons.com FMI and to schedule a reading. email enlightenedhorizons@gmail.com or call (603)662-2046.

Judith K. Herman, DVM, CVH Animal Wellness Center Augusta, Maine www.mainehomeopah cvet.com

Downeast Dog News

ADOPTING from page 1 relinquished because their new owners weren’t realis c about what they wanted or could handle. I know an elderly couple who had to have a pup-they found one through a breeder only to discover he had far more energy and strength than they did. The pup was rehomed with the help of a rescue group. If your family walks daily, look for breeds who need and will thrive on that group ac vity. If you have small children, an unflappable breed is a must. Think toddlers who pull on tails or may ride the dog like a horsey. Speaking of children, it’s important that they understand proper dog manners if they’ve never had a pet. If you live in a condo or apartment, don’t think you’re limited. Large couch potato breeds will enjoy lazing the day away. Small dogs will be fine, but stay away from yappers…your neighbors won’t be thrilled. Another point is that while breed is important, the key is the individual dog--and here it’s up to you. Whatever pup you choose, it’s how you raise him that will shape his personality. If he’s exercised, trained, well-cared-for, and doted on, he’ll likely be a wonderful companion. Take the American Kennel Club’s test to help determine the top breeds for you at www.akc.org/ dog-breed-selector/.

BREEDER VS. RESCUE Kathie Bangs, President of the Collie Club of Maine, Inc., as well as a Director for the Collie Club of America, said when making the choice to purchase a purebred puppy, your best ally will be your state and na onal breed clubs--they should be your star ng point and will direct you. (She gets many calls from people who are considering a Collie, and she’s glad to advise them.) “Most organiza ons can provide a wealth of informa on, answer any ques ons you may have, and provide you with contacts for well-known, respected breeders.” Once you have a breeder in mind, call him, and ask ques ons. Remember, this li le pup is going to be part of your family for a long me, so no ques on is stupid. Kathie agreed, “Any good breeder should be forthcoming in answering any ques ons you may have and in turn, you, as the prospec ve buyer, should be happy to answer any ques ons the breeder may have. A er all, breeders, too, wish to see their puppy, who they've brought into the world, end up in the perfect home.”

If you discover the dogs are kenneled in crates in the basement, garage or barn, and you aren’t allowed to meet any dogs, walk away. Start over and search for one of Maine’s countless reputable breeders. Kathie concurred, “Trust your instincts.” (For informa on on breeder referral, specific breed informa on and breed clubs, visit American Kennel Club - Breeder Referral Search.) If you are interested in rescuing, there are pups in Maine’s humane socie es, shelters, and nonprofits awai ng homes (they have both purebred and mixes thereof). Danielle Blake, Board President for Maine Coast Animal Rescue, said her group brings in many pups from southern high-kill shelters. In fact, she’s expec ng 14 Labrador pups this month. (See more info on this rescue on page 12) A perk of working with rescues (and some humane socie es and shelters) is that most of these pups are in private foster homes and the housebreaking, training, and socializa on process has begun. Their fosters provide feedback on their personality, if they’re child- and pet-friendly and what se ng the pup will flourish in. Find out how long he’s been breeding, and if he’s a member of the AKC Parent Club or a breed club. Discuss any concerns you may have on the breed’s temperament, behavior, and characteris cs. A reputable breeder is aware of the breed’s poten al health issues, and should share this informa on. In addi on, is he performing the necessary tes ng and important vet checks prior to pu ng his puppies up for sale/adop on? “For example, Collies have a couple of hereditary eye problems which require having those puppies examined by a Board-Cer fied Ophthalmologist prior to selling them. If a breeder does not have a cer ficate showing that the eyes were examined, this would be a huge red flag,” said Kathie. If you’re sa sfied with his answers, ask when the next li er is planned and schedule a visit. When you meet the breeder and tour the facility, you should get a warm and fuzzy feeling. Kathie agreed, “A buyer should feel comfortable in visi ng a kennel or hobby breeder.” Meet the parents-to-be and any dogs he may have. Watch how he interacts with his dogs. Are they part of the home as family pets? If you’re pleased with the mee ng, his dogs are loved, well-cared-for and healthy, and he is knowledgeable and informa ve, you may have found your breeder.

TRAINING AND BEYOND If you’re new to raising a pup, arm yourself with knowledge on socialization, (a very important role in nurturing a well-developed pet), housebreaking, crate training, gating, feeding, and all things “puppy.” Libraries, book stores, and online sites offer much information. Check out area obedience trainers--ask to sit in on a class to determine training style. Choose a well-respected veterinarian and schedule an appointment. They’re going to be a great resource for any further questions you may have. A puppy can be a magical addi on to your life. By choosing the right pup for you and with foresight and prepara on, you’ll be equipped to mold that li le bundle of fun into a well-rounded, loving, and secure dog. One last thought: If, a er that considera on, you realize a puppy isn’t for you, don’t be hard on yourself---it’s best you discovered this now. There are plenty of adult purebreds, mixes thereof, and plain old awesome mu s awai ng forever homes in shelters, rescues, and breed specific rescues. Look into adop ng one of those sweet dogs, you’ll change its life--and it may change yours.

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March 2019


Change is Possible! Behavior can be modified… with enough me and effort

Basic Training Tips


thought that was just the way he was,” said my client as our fingers were throbbing in pain due to her dog being so “sharky” during a training session. He was crushing our fingers to access the treats she offered. I told her that we really needed to work on this as it directly affected training. She was surprised and said, “I didn’t know I could change that.” “Sandy” had an “ah hah!” moment when she realized that her previous dogs did the same thing. Her epiphany exposed the fact that it was she who had trained this; it wasn’t her dogs’ fault. The good news is that we can teach her dog to take treats gently. “The dog is only doing what has worked for him in the past over and over again. It was fun, felt good, provided him with relief, and got him something he wanted. Why would we expect him to change and start doing something else when he has already go en so good at the other behavior?” Debbie Jacobs, www.fearfuldogs.com Without a compelling reason to change our behavior (this applies to all species), we won’t change. Take, for example, the addic on to smoking. We know it’s harmful not only to us but to

by Diana Logan

the people around us, but kicking this habit is incredibly challenging. Imagine your dog’s bad habits being ingrained as deeply as an addic on. Without your help, he won’t be able to kick it. But how? On paper, it’s simple:

control the consequence. Consequence drives behavior. This means that it’s not what we say or do beforehand that affects behavior, it’s what happens right a erward. You can tell your kid to clean her room over and over and over, but without a meaningful consequence, you can repeat the request a million mes and s ll not get that clean room. Back to the sharky dog…. how can we get the message across to Mr. Toothy that we don’t like our hands to be treated as a chew toy? Answer: we need to control access to the treat. No tooth contact = treat is dispensed; tooth contact ≠ no treat. Zip it! There is no verbal cue necessary - focus only on the consequence. This requires us to be in control of the treat. I like to hide it between my fingers so it’s not immediately accessible - the pup has to make a choice as to how he is going to get it. We grant him the treat for his “so mouth.” We need to start our puppies out right away with this game, so they don’t grow up to become yet more sharks in the waters like Mr. Toothy and his predecessors. For Mr. Toothy, this strategy didn’t work. He con nued to be too rough, indica ng he wasn’t ge ng it (why? because the habit was too ingrained despite his youthful 2.5 years). There are many other op ons for helping teach a so mouth, and I chose my "Skewer Technique" as Plan B. This technique was inspired many years ago by my horse as I

observed him ea ng raspberries directly from their thorny bush. Even with those giant lips of his, Diablo was able to very precisely pick the berries without ge ng pricked. NOTE: the intent isn’t to harm your dog; it’s just to help him understand that he has to think about how to take a treat. Be very careful with this technique if you decide to try it! Secure a small, so treat on the end of a long, metal skewer (a regular or meat fork will work, too). Hold it about halfway up the length and offer it to your dog perpendicular to his mouth so that in case he dives for it it won’t aim for his throat. You should see that he starts to hesitate a ny bit by the 2nd or 3rd me. You can then adjust the angle of the skewer. Gradually slide your hand towards the end of the skewer un l you are holding the treat, but only progress if your dog con nues to be careful. Mr. Toothy took to this strategy beau fully, and it was fun to see the transforma on from “grab it” to “delicately grasp it”. It will take hundreds of successful repe ons and close to zero repeats of toothiness for him to start to more habitually be gentle. Sorry, if you are wondering how to get your kid to clean her room, I don’t have any magic answers except to focus on the consequence. Be kind.

Diana Logan, CPDT-KA Cer fied Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge-Assessed Pet Connec on Dog Training, North Yarmouth, Maine | www.dianalogan.com | 207-252-9352

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Downeast Dog News

I am a Carolina Dog, a breed that long ago owned Na ve American people. We were designed by natural selec on to be so intelligent and physically superior that we survived without human help. My great-grandfather was caught from the wild. I can offer advice based on the natural ins ncts and a ributes of wild dogs. In addi on, my adop ve person and I have had lots of training classes and other experiences. Some humans call themselves Mom or Dad of their dog, but I refer to my human, tongue in cheek, as Boss. Much as I love her, I admit she has many of the same odd no ons as most humans, so I can relate to other pet dogs with problem humans. If I can’t help, at least I can offer sympathy, and we can have some fun talking about our amazing humans. Please send your ques ons! Bammy, 280 Pond Rd., Newcastle, ME 04553, or email: askbammy@ dewater.net.

About Wild Animal Invasion As my readers may know, I am very fond of food and highly skilled at getting humans’ food. In the evening, Boss goes out to

Ask Bammy An Advice Column for Dogs by a Dog

fill the bird feeder. (Why is she feeding BIRDS when her own dog is always hungry? I chase birds. They shouldn’t be getting free hand-outs here.) Recently, she left three loaves of bread dough to rise beside the wood stove. I guess she thought the hot stove would keep me away from them. Hah! When Boss came back in, I

was just licking out the smallest pan, having swallowed the dough whole. Warm, soft, yeasty, delicious dough! Sometimes when I steal food, she barks at me, “Out! Out! Out!” and herds me outdoors. This time, not a sound. She just spread out her hands and ran me out the door. Cold and dark out, I barked and barked. When I finally came in, she kept worry-eyeing me. Why? About that yummy dough?? She backed me into a corner and poured some nasty stuff down my throat. And then, after a few minutes, she did it again. I didn’t growl or snap because I always trust her, but boy did I hate that! We went out again, and she followed me with a flashlight. We just walked around, me smelling who might be coming across my borders, and she stivvering across the ice patches. I don’t worry about ice. My legs go everywhich-way, but I have four, so I don’t fall down as often as she does. I smelled the foreign smell of deer sneaking in the dark - right across my driveway! I barked like crazy to drive them away from MY land, but one of those deer just snorted at me. We went back in, and I took a little nap with my happy full

tummy although I was feeling jumpy about the deer invasion. Boss talked on the phone, sounding worried, and then she got out that bottle AGAIN and backed me into the corner AGAIN! We went out and played ball in the dark for a few minutes and then went for a little walk. The deer smell was blowing away, but I caught a whiff of an invasion of sneaky foxes. There could be thousands of them, and you can be sure they are up to no good. I ran barking to the far end of my yard with poor Boss hurrying after me looking out for the ice. I must enforce my borders from all the dangerous animals trying to come across. I hoped the ice would keep them away, but they just keep coming. I’m so lucky that Boss feeds me well, besides being silly enough to let me steal food! Onward, Food Thieves! umm – Foragers! Bammy

The Ask Bammy column is intended for humor and entertainment. If your dog has behavioral issues please contact a veterinarian or professional trainer.

What Is Elbow Dysplasia? Canine elbow dysplasia is an inherited syndrome that is made up of four separate diseases. This is usually caused by growth disturbances in the elbow joint which consists of the humerus, ulna, and radius. Elbow dysplasia most often occurs in large to giant breed dogs such as German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Labradors, and Golden Retrievers. Dogs with elbow dysplasia will show some degree of forelimb lameness between 5 and 12 months of age. The four components of elbow dysplasia include fragmented medial coronoid process (FMCP- medial coronoid disease), ununited anconeal process (UAP), incongruity, and osteochondrosis (OCD). Any of these abnormali es will result in joint inflamma on, car lage damage, and subsequent osteoarthri s. The ini al signs of elbow dysplasia include front leg lameness that worsens over weeks to months. Dogs are most o en the most lame a er exercise, in one or both front limbs. Ini al evalua on may include physical examina on to detect lameness, pain on range of mo on of the joint, effusion (fluid) within the joint, or thickening of the joint. Radiographs can detect secondary signs such as arthri s, bone fragments in the joint, or an ununited anconeal process. If they do not detect the underlying cause of the elbow pain/ swelling, then more advanced “imaging” (such as a CAT scan)

March 2019

has a greater ability to defini vely diagnose the specific form of elbow dysplasia. A CAT scan can also diagnose if the elbow dysplasia is affec ng one or two elbows. The CAT scan is a very rapid test and can be done under seda on. It is similar in cost to that of radiographs of both elbows, and therefore it is the best test to defini vely diagnose elbow dysplasia. Elbow arthroscopy (internal viewing the joint with a fiberop c scope) is another diagnos c tool and can be u lized to treat the elbow dysplasia as well. Treatment for elbow dysplasia depends on the exact underlying form. Surgery is recommended to improve the pa ent’s quality of life, reduce pain, and minimize lameness and subsequent arthri s. Arthroscopy is performed under a brief general anesthesia. A camera

is placed into the joint to visualize the car lage and assess joint health. It is used to visualize any fragments within the joint and a minimally invasive instrument is used to remove the bone fragments. Postopera ve recovery includes moderate exercise restric on for about 6 weeks, with gradual return to normal ac vity. Elbow dysplasia inevitably does result in some degree of progressive arthri s. The goal of surgery is to minimize pain and lameness and reduce long term consequences of the deformity. Reported prognosis for improvement is between 50-100%. Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgery and has less pain and faster recovery compared with arthrotomy (surgically opening the joint). If arthri s progresses, other modali es may be helpful such as:

joint injec ons (PRP- platelet rich plasma), HA (hyaluronic acid) or stem cells. Shockwave (Pulsevet) therapy can also help to combat arthri s by bringing healing cells to the area and decreasing inflamma on. Other recommenda ons for long term arthri s include weight control, Glucosamine supplementa on (such as Dasuquin or Cosequin), and adequate exercise. If patients continue to have severe lameness or pain post arthroscopy surgery, an additional surgery can be performed called the PAUL surgery. PAUL stands for proximal abducting ulnar osteotomy which helps to shift weight away from the damaged part of the joint to a healthier part of the joint. This surgery has shown good success with improving patient comfort levels. Overall, elbow dysplasia is a very treatable condition with arthroscopy being the mainstay of treatment. As arthritis progresses, there are many options to control arthritis and improve function. A consultation with an orthopedic specialist, DACVS (Diplomate of College of Veterinary Surgeon) would be the best way to diagnose your pet and discuss treatment options such as arthroscopy or treatment of arthritis long term. Dr. Megan Sullivan, DVM, DACVS Animal Emergency & Surgical Care Dr. Gail Mason, DACVIM Portland Veterinary Specialists


Healthy and Happy Check your pet’s mouth frequently for: • Red, white, or swollen gums • Brownish tartar on teeth • Strongly offensive breath • Excessive drooling

Hot Topics: Teeth & Ticks This month, our center feature is about bout those who help us keep our pets healthy and come to their aid when and if they become sick or injured. When asked about important mportant topics that our readers need to know, one topic in par cular came up o en, dental care! February was officially Na onal Pet Dental Month; however, this is something that should be a part art of our daily rou ne. The American Veterinary Medical Associa ia on (AVMA) reports that 80 percent of dogs will have oral issuess by the me they are three years old. Just like in humans, periodontal dontal disease permits bacteria to enter the bloodstream which can n have nega ve effects on the heart, lungs, kidneys, joints, etc. This is is preventable with regular dental cleanings at the vet’s office, daily brushing, and dental treats. While chew toys can help massage age the gums and remove tartar, non-flexible chews can possibly sibly cause your pup to fracture a tooth. Flexible, rubber er toys are a safer option. Also, for those who love their heir tennis balls, those “fuzzy” green things are actually ually quite abrasive. Once dirt becomes embedded edded in them over time, they can wear at a dog’s ’s teeth like sandpaper. Discard older tennis balls alls and don’t allow prolonged chewing. Considerr replacing a tennis ball with a rubber ball to save on wear of your dog’s teeth.

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Another very important thing for us as Mainers to be aware of is the fact that cks are actually a year round problem. Most vets will recommend heartworm and flea and ck preven ves to be used throughout the year. If you are living in the Southern and Coastal areas of Maine, you are in the highest risk zone as the cks are well established in those areas. Even during the winter months, it has been reported that the cks can become ac ve where they are not covered by snow on a warm above freezing day. Ticks carry several diseases that can not only infect us but also our furry companions. Speak with your veterinarian about preventa ve treatments available for your dog. Flea and ck preventa ves do not help prevent heartworm. Heartworm is contracted from the bite of an infected mosquito. Heartworm can be prevented but is difficult and costly to cure should you choose not to protect your dog. Many of the preventa ves also include control for roundworms, whipworms, or tapeworms which is another good reason to keep your pet protected throughout the year. Remember that preven on is the best medicine! There are no guarantees that your pets will stay healthy and disease free. Before taking on the responsibility of pet ownership, please be sure that you are willing and capable to take on the financial obliga ons needed to keep your pet healthy. It is important to take your dog in for a checkup at least once a year. A visit with your veterinarian can gain valuable insights into your pet’s health. If you have any concerns about your pet and are uncertain if the pet needs to see the vet, give him a call. It is be er to be safe than sorry, and the vet can help you determine if your pet needs treatment.

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Downeast Dog News

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March 2019

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We offer a wide range of services including wellness care, surgery, dental care, x-rays, ultrasound, bloodwork and physical rehabilitation. Dr. Erica Parthum • Dr. Kevin Cowan • Dr. Amy Wood Dr. Matthew Horgan • Dr. Angelica Stasolla 304.5 Maine Street Brunswick, Maine 04011 (207) 729-3412 • www.thebrunswickvetclinic.com Like us on Facebook

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Training Your Performance Dog Agility, Obedience, Tracking by Carolyn Fuhrer

Thoughts are Turning to Tracking


hile we s ll may have snow on the ground, indica ons of spring are here, and with these, come thoughts of once again enjoying tracking with our dogs. Late winter is a really good me to review our plans and set some goals for the coming season. Start out by making sure you have a current rule book and take the me to read it. Honestly assess your skills and your dog’s skills and decide where you

might need to improve. Review your notes, reread your wri en materials, and make a training plan. If you s ll need to be cer fied to enter a test, set a goal for when you might want to try to get cer fied. If

you are already cer fied, set a goal for when you might like to enter a test. Se ng a goal may help you adhere to a training plan, but if for some reason life gets in the way and you are not ready to meet your goals, just revise your plan. Don’t enter when you or your dog are not ready. Instead, volunteer to help at the test. Be a tracklayer and get to spend some me with the judges and learn more about tracking. In the mean me, before the weather breaks, check out your tracking gear, gather up new ar cles (dollar stores are great for this) and make sure you are prepared for the first day you want to go tracking. Indoors, you can work on ar cle indica on with your dog. Even a new puppy can start to learn this. Make it a fun game; you will reap the rewards of training when your dog downs at the glove! Winter is also a good me to review your tracking rou nes: • • •

Start rou ne Restart rou ne End of track rou ne

Having a clear, well understood, and consistent rou ne will help you

achieve success because it will build confidence in you and your dog as to how to handle each situa on. You don’t need a big area to start tracking, just enough to put out a few starts and prac ce your start rou ne and end rou ne, and to rekindle your dog’s enthusiasm for tracking. Make it fun and keep it fun throughout your training season. There is a lot happening in April for trackers. Mid Coast Kennel Club of Maine is offering a beginners and advanced tracking workshop on Saturday, April 20, from 9 un l 4. This will be a kick-off to the tracking season and will feature a potluck lunch where there will be plenty of me to share tracking plans and ques ons. On April 28, Mid Coast Kennel Club of Maine will host a TD/TDX test in Somerville, Maine. If you have never been to a test, plan on a ending, or, be er yet, volunteer to help. There is no be er way to get involved in tracking. Become a part of this wonderful dog sport this year! For more informa on on tracking and upcoming events, go to midcoastkennelclub.org.

Carolyn Fuhrer has earned over 100 AKC tles with her Golden Retrievers, including 2 Champion Tracker tles. She has recently become an AKC Tracking Judge. Carolyn is the owner of North Star Dog Training School in Somerville, Maine. She has been teaching people to understand their dogs for over 30 years. You can contact her with ques ons, sugges ons and ideas for her column by e-mailing carolyn@dogsatnorthstar.com.

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Downeast Dog News

Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Started Training Dogs The Importance of What I Feed My Pets



hen I brought home my ďŹ rst puppy in 1975, I bought the dog food recommended by her veterinarian. When I got married and both my dog and Paula’s dog came to live with us, our only thought about dog food was budgetary. I now know that feeding the food that costs the least per pound can have signiďŹ cant hidden health costs. In 1991, my wife and I brought home our ďŹ rst puppy as a couple. On the advice of Paula’s employer, a veterinarian, we fed him a premium pet food. Within a year, Gus developed a chronic urinary infec on which his veterinarian believed was related to how he processed food. Thus began our journey of learning about pet nutri on. Late in 1995, we relocated to Maine where we became the new owners of the Green Acres Kennel Shop. Gus was s ll struggling with urinary and bladder issues, and we were commi ed to learning all that we could about the best nutri on for our pets and those of our clients. Eventually, we found a food that helped Gus, and we also began to look very cri cally at every pet food we sold. (FMI - h p://bit.ly/ Gus-Nutri on). I am o en asked by clients how they can learn more about their pet’s nutri onal needs, something I encourage every pet parent to consider, and these are the resources I recommend. Books Ruined by Excess, Perfected by Lack by Dr. Richard Pa on. While very technical, I believe this book does the best job of explaining the science and ra onale for feeding



our pets a biologically appropriate diet. (FMI - Podcast - h p://bit.ly/ DrPa on-Podcast, Video - h p://bit. ly/Video-Dr-Richard-Pa on, Book review - h p://bit.ly/RuinedByExcessBookReview). Dog Food Logic - Making Smart Decisions For Your Dog In An Age Of Too Many Choices by Linda Case. A good review of dog nutri on, the pet food industry, and what dog parents should look for and even more importantly, look to avoid. Natural Nutri on for Dogs and Cats - The Ul mate Diet by Kymythy Schultze. If you want to learn how to feed your pets a raw and natural diet that you make, from ingredients

that you choose, this is the best place to start. NOTE: I specifically recommend against anyone feeding their pets a homemade diet if they have not done adequate research. If you fail to formulate an appropriate diet, you can harm your pet. This book provides sound advice. See Spot Live Longer by Steve Brown and Beth Taylor. By the founder of Steve’s Real Food for Pets, this book is an excellent introduc on for anyone considering feeding a raw diet. Steve’s second book, Unlocking the Canine Ancestral Diet, is also another excellent book for understanding the beneďŹ ts of feeding raw even if it is not for every meal. (FMI - Podcast h p://bit.ly/WfMwSteveBrown-2010). Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats by Richard H. Pitcairn, DVM, Ph.D. This book was the one that ini ated our search for natural healthcare and nutri on alterna ves for Gus. The recipes for pet food are sound but a bit biased towards grain and carbohydrates. The Truth About Pet Foods by Dr. Randy Wysong. This book by Dr. Wysong drama cally changed my view of the pet food industry. It went from my naĂŻve presump on

that all pet food companies must be trustworthy to one of “buyer beware". A veterinarian and the owner of a pet food company, Wysong’s approach is very nonconven onal. In this book, he states “It seems that the ideal would be for people to make their own pet foods.â€? Wow! The owner of a dog food company sugges ng that pets will be healthier if their owners make their food from fresh, whole ingredients instead of feeding commercial dog food. Dr. Wysong is someone I can respect and trust. He was also the ďŹ rst person to help me understand the importance of rota ng what we feed our pets and the reasons not to feed them the same food day a er day. (FMI - Why Rota ng Diets Makes Sense - h p:// bit.ly/DietRota on). (FMI - download the book for free - h p://bit.ly/ WysongTheTruthAboutPetFoods-pdf). Videos Pet Fooled – A Look Inside A Ques onable Industry is a 2016 documentary ďŹ lm about the pet food industry. Everyone I know who has seen Pet Fooled has a new a tude about what he feeds his pet. The ďŹ lm is available on Ne lix and other video-on-demand services listed at the Pet Fooled web site (h ps:// www.pe ooled.com/). The ďŹ lmmaker also maintains a Facebook page with valuable informa on on the pet food industry (h ps://www.facebook.com /pe ooled/). You can listen to an interview with Kohl Harrington, the director of Pet Fooled at h p://bit.ly/ WfMw-Pet-Fooled. The Science and Dogma of Pet Nutri on with Dr. Richard Pa on – This is a video of a presenta on that Dr. Pa on did for Green Acres Kennel Shop in April of 2016. (h p://bit.ly/ Video-Dr-Richard-Pa on).

Don Hanson is the co-owner of the Green Acres Kennel Shop (greenacreskennel.com) in Bangor where he has been helping people with their pets since 1995. He also produces and co- hosts The Woof Meow Show heard on AM620 -WZON every Saturday at 9 AM. Podcasts of the show are available at www.woofmeowshow.com. Don also writes about pets at his blog: www.words-woofs-meows.com. He is commi ed to pet care and pet training that is free of pain, force, and fear. The opinions in this column are those of Don Hanson.


Dr. Marta Agrodnia, DVM, DACVS





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March 2019

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of the


RESCUE OF THE MONTH: MAINE COAST ANIMAL RESCUE Dedicated to Helping Homeless & Unwanted Animals By Susan Spisak “I just thought I could make a huge difference,” said Danielle Blake, Board President for the all-volunteer Maine Coast Animal Rescue (MCAR) on her reasons for increasing the rescue’s geographical area. For over a decade, she helped nurture and rehome hundreds of local stray and relinquished animals who came through MCAR and Blake Veterinary Hospital in Northport — her husband Dr. Justin Blake owns and runs the practice. But Danielle noted countless social media posts about dogs facing euthanization in southern high-kill shelters, so she branched out, applied for a 501(c)(3) in 2017 and expanded the rescue’s range. This life-long animal lover teamed up with southern gal and now close-friend, Heather Hobby. Heather is soon to become a MCAR board member and plays a vital role--she pulls dogs mostly from Mississippi shelters and pounds, has them ve ed in the south, and arranges transports. Well-trained and big-hearted volunteers are part of Heather’s

True North Animal Transport, LLC. and are very important — they care for the dogs on their journey to safety by feeding, walking, and caretaking at overnight stops. Even though MCAR rents office space at Blake Veterinary Hospital, a network of foster volunteers care for the dogs in their homes (a er any addi onal, necessary ve ng by their vet partner, Dr. Blake). The foster family monitors the health of their charge and they enhance socializa on. While they con nue to take in area strays and owner relinquishments, Danielle es mates that they rescue and transport 30 to 40 dogs per month from the south. Stray and purebred puppies and puppy li ers are in that mix. She said southern shelters don’t want poten al parvo outbreaks and o en euthanize the young dogs if they’re not adopted within 24 hrs. MCAR emphasizes the importance of educa ng the community and poten al adopters on the importance of spay/neuter, the proper care and socializa on of animals, and the changes needed in state laws to protect all animals.

They welcome fosters--a cri cal arm of their rescue. They also need volunteers for an assortment of du es. Check out their Facebook page at facebook.com/Maine-Coast-AnimalRescue-149656631718424/ and message her for further info. This mother of four girls--including a set of twins--has a so spot for special needs dogs. Dona ons are appreciated for their weigh er medical bills. MCAR also needs paper towels, puppy pads, cleaning supplies, blankets, and crates. Items can be dropped at the rescue’s office inside Blake Veterinary Hospital at 66 Atlan c Highway in Northport. If you’re interested in adop ng one of their available dogs, request an applica on at mainecoastanimalrescue670@gmail.com. They carefully screen applicants to ensure their dogs are going into loving homes. Their adop on fee for puppies is $450 which includes spay/neuter, rabies, distemper and kennel cough shots, first flea treatment and wormer. Dogs six-months-old and up are similarly ve ed and they’re $400.



Luna and Loki are truly bonded, and will be rehomed together. They have been in long term foster in Maine a er being rescued from an Alabama animal shelter in 2017. Luna (white) likes to be the boss, is incredibly intelligent, a good communicator, intui ve and is an awesome hiker. Loki (white and black) is a couch potato – her goal in life is to take a short walk and get back to a life of comfort and napping. They are housetrained, good with kids, dogs, cats, cows and goats.

She has just recovered a er receiving heartworm treatment down south. She is a lovely girl with a heart of gold, however due to an incident involving another dog she will only be adopted to a dog experienced, petfree, no small children home. She’s under 40 pounds, housebroken and will make a great companion for the right family.

To learn more, contact Danielle or Taylor at mainecoastanimalrescue670@gmail.com

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HOMETOWN VETERINARY CARE 51 Western Ave., Fairfield, ME • (207) 453-7387 www.yourhometownvet.com


Downeast Dog News

Dogs for Adoption View more available dogs on our website, downeastdognews.com. See a dog you like, but don't have a computer? Call Jenn to help you reach the rescue: (207) 706-6765




2 yrs., Hound Mix

Sweet, happy go lucky girl who loves to work her nose while she is out on walks. She'd probably love to go hiking with her family and she also enjoys hanging out in the yard. Super smart and would enjoy working on some basic obedience. Animal Refuge League, (207) 854-9771

7 yrs. Lab Mix

5 yrs., American Bulldog Mix Loving companion who loves nothing more than chasing a tennis ball! Just loves to play and romp around. Ruby would make a wonderful hiking companion or jogging partner. Has done well with kids butt needs be th the only d b d tto b l animal in her home.

Intelligent, zesty pup who is loyal, loving and ready for her forever home! She would be best suited in a home without young children, and has not been a fan of dogs since arriving here at KVHS. She is incredibly sweet and hard not to fall in love with!

Animal Refuge League, (207) 854-9771

Kennebec Valley Humane Society, (207) 626-3491

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First Na onal Bank

Scarborough Animal Hospital

Sunray Animal Clinic

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29 First St., Scarborough • (207) 883-4412 scarboroughanimalhospital.com

73 Admiral Fitch Ave., Brunswick • (207) 725-6398 sunrayvet.com




1 yr., Lab Mix

2 yrs., Boxer Mix Suki loves to play with toys, to hike & to swim. She knows several commands and is a total cuddler. She can be possessive, so it’s recommended she be the only dog in a home unless her people are willing to con nue her training on this issue. No cats for Suki, but kids are ok. FMI: h p://almosthomerescue.net


Ryder is an energe c youngster. He’d make a great running pal! Ryder would do well with another dog and older kids. FMI: h p://almosthomerescue.net

Sponsored by

Hello Doggie Daycare 1311 Roosevelt Trail, Raymond • (207) 655-6521 hellodoggiedaycare.com


18 mos., 25 lbs.

11 mos.

Loves everyone except for other dogs. Kennel trained, po y trained and leash trained.

She is a huge lover! Enjoys walks and sniďŹƒng adverntures. Great with people and other dogs. P.A.W.S. knowledge of her behavior is limited thus far.

P.A.W.S. Animal Adop on, (207) 236-8702

P.A.W.S. Animal Adop on, (207) 236-8702



7 yrs., Min Pin Friendly, playful boy who gets along well with people, other dogs, and cats. He is very snuggly and likes to follow his people everywhere. He would love a new family that is home a lot to spend time with him. Enjoys long walks, as well as running and playing with other dogs. Axel has good house manners. Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, (207) 797-5392

1 yr., Catahoula Leopard Hound Mix Sweetest little love bug you could ever hope to welcome into your home! Super smart and very responsive to positive training techniques. Roxy will thrive in an active home that provides ample opportunities for exercise and outlets for her puppy energy. FMI: catahoularescuene@gmail.com


2-3 yrs., Beagle Flash came to us from NC. He is a friendly boy who loves other dogs and has good house manners. Please give Flash a loving home!

Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, (207) 797-5392


9 yrs., Pit Bull

7 yrs., Lab/Ro weiler

Sweet lady who is not faring well in the shelter environment. She passed her behavior assessment with ying colors. The shelter thinks that she would do ďŹ ne with cats with slow intros. Good with most dogs. She loves people the most!

Handsome and ac ve guy who needs a family who will give him lots of exercise. Once he is comfortable, his sweet nature shines. No young children, but might like some teenagers. He has lived with a female dog before. Cats are a possibility.

FMI: h p://www.olddogsnewdigs.com/pe inder.html

FMI: h p://www.olddogsnewdigs.com/pe inder.html

Help us find a forever home! B

M .


March 2019


March C lendar To submit or get more informa on on the events below, go online to downeastdognews.com per pet and all proceeds will be donated to Charley's Strays, a no-kill animal refuge in Clinton, Maine. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit. com; (207)660-9200 x7

NAIL TRIMMING CLINIC Saturday, March 2 Rockland, 12PM – 3PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them down to Pet Quarters located at 235 Camden St, Rockland and Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! We trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are $10.00 each or a combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to the rescue.

SMITTY’S CINEMA FUNDRAISER Sunday, March 24 Windham, 11AM – 9PM Smi y’s Cinema will donate $5.50 for each fundraiser card presented with $11.00 admission to help build Standish Dog Park. Fundraiser cards available at the Standish Parks and Recrea on office 175 Northeast Rd or at Standish Hardware 8 Oak Hill Rd and digital copies on our Dog Park Facebook event page.

NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, March 2 Brewer, 10AM – 12PM Danielle from the SPCA of Hancock County will be at our Loyal Biscuit Brewer loca on at 421 Wilson St. from 10am – 12pm for our next nail clipping clinic. The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to SPCA of Hancock County. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit.com; (207)660-9200 x7

NAIL TRIMMING CLINIC Saturday, March 9 Camden, 10AM – 12PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them over to Taxes Plus located next to the Camden Dog Park in the old Camden/Rockport Animal

DO YOU HAVE AN UPCOMING EVENT? Let us know about it! Send info to jenn@downeastdognews. com or add to our online calendar at downeastdognews.com/calendar

CALL AHEAD! Event schedules are subject to change. Contact individual event organizers to confirm times and locations. Downeast Dog News is not responsible for changes or errors.

Add your events TODAY on downeastdognews.com/calendar. It's FREE, fast & easy!

RECURRING Shelter at 146 Camden St., Camden and Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! We trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are available for $10.00 each or combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to the rescue.

CATS *NOT* THE MUSCIAL Saturday, March 9 Camden, 10AM In his presenta on Cats - *NOT* The Musical, Don Hanson, an associate cer fied cat behavior consultant (ACCBC) will discuss the natural history of the “domes c” cat. Don will explain how cats use their body to communicate their intent and emo onal state. He will also address feline behaviors, including those that we do not always appreciate, such as preda on, li erbox issues, territory marking and spraying. The socializa on and habitua on needs of ki ens will be discussed so that ki ens can have the best chance at becoming the best companions they can be. Lastly, Don will provide ps on making trips to the veterinarian more pleasant and mee ng your cat's nutri onal needs. Held at P.A.W.S. Animal Adop on Center, 123 John St., Camden.

NAIL TRIMMING CLINIC Saturday, March 9 Union, 1PM – 3PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them over to Union Agway located on 2179 Heald Highway in Union and Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! We trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are available for $10.00 each or combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to rescue.

TEXAS ROADHOUSE FUNDRAISER Thursday, March 14 Scarborough, 5PM – 8PM Texas Roadhouse will donate 10% of food sales, including gi cards, to help build a clean, safe dog park for the Standish Community. Join us and enter to win a Dinner For Two Cer ficate! 600 Gallery Blvd., Scarborough.

NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, March 16 Waterville, 10:30AM – 12:30PM Melissa from Primp My Paws will be at our Loyal Biscuit Waterville loca on on 109 Main St. for our next nail clipping clinic. Convenient parking off of Temple Street, behind Lebanese Cuisine! The cost is $10

PUPPY PLAY GROUP Sunday, March 3, 17 & 31 Brewer, 1PM – 2PM Brewer Loyal Biscuit will be offering a Puppy Play Group every other Sunday throughout the colder winter months to help your puppy get out some of their winter me wiggles! Open to puppies that are 6 months or younger, and weigh less then 25lbs! A par cipa on and waiver form will be required for you to sign. There is NO charge but we encourage you to consider making a dona on to one of the many local rescue organiza ons within our community! loyalbiscuit.com; (207)660-9200 x7

FURRY TAILS STORY & ADVENTURE HOUR Thursdays, March 7, 14, 21 & 28 Kennebunk, 10AM – 11AM Join us Thursdays (when school is in session*), in the Humane Educa on Room at the Animal Welfare Society on Holland Road, West Kennebunk, where preschoolers are invited to discover the exci ng world of animals with: Stories, Play me, Cra s, Songs, Movement and Animal Time. The event is free to a end, though dona ons are appreciated. *Furry Tales follows the RSU 21 school calendar. We will not hold Furry Tales during school breaks, on holidays, or on snow days. animalwelfaresociety. org

Do you have a pet-friendly business? Reserve your space today in the 2019 petMAINE guide! “The ultimate guide to enjoying Maine with your pets” • • • •

Reach pet owners in and out-of-state Great resource for travelers and locals 50,000 printed copies Posted online as an interactive e-guide www.travelmaine.com and www.downeastdognews.com • Guide includes pet-friendly lodging, dining, dog parks, beaches and trails, veterinarians, day cares, kennels, activities and more! “[petMaine] is a must-have for folks who can’t bear to leave Rover at home.” ~ Patricia Harris, Boston Globe correspondent For more information, please contact: Jenn Rich, jrich@rfbads.com or (207)706-6765


Downeast Dog News

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2-3 yrs., Pit/Mas  Mix Charlie really needs to ďŹ nd a home because he is a big boy at 100lbs and jumps too high to be in the kennels so he is out back in isola on. He's a great dog, loves people and loves to hangout inside. He sadly spent most of his life chained up outside so now he will go out and do his business but promptly wants to go back in where he can be super comfy. He also needs to be an only pet. Charlie has a happy, high powered tail and loves to play with hard/durable toys. If you’d like to meet Charlie he is available at Pope Memorial Humane Society in Thomaston. (207)594-2200 or popehumane.org

March 2019


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Snowbirds! Are you planning your return north? Would you like to fly but have your vehicle and pets there too? Picklespuptransport LLC can drive your vehicle and pets for you — while you can fly home without the driving! Please call for a quote.

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•2MAR19 – Especially for New Puppy Parents – Part 1 •9MAR19 – Especially for New Puppy Parents – Part 2 •16MAR19 – Especially for New Puppy Parents – Part 3 •23MAR19 – ENCORE: Listener Questions #33 •30MAR19 – Listener Questions #34 Available as a podcast at http://bit.ly/WfMw-Libsyn


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1311 Roosevelt Trail, Raymond, Maine 04071

Downeast Dog News! Contact Jenn for more information (207)706-6765 or email jenn@downeastdognews.com

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