2019 May Downeast Dog News

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Hot Dog News 26th Annual Mu Strut 8th Annual Greater Bangor Bark for Life A family friendly (including Fido) community walk beneďŹ ng the Kennebec Valley Humane Society will be held on Saturday, May 18th. Registra on begins at 8:30 a.m. Strut starts at 10:00! Kennebec Valley YMCA & Rail Trail Connector Pre-registra on = $25; day of = $35 Children 10 and under strut for free! Register or Donate today by visi ng: give.pethavenlane. org/Mu Strut

This event will be held on Friday, May 10th, 2019 from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Hollywood Casino Raceway in Bangor. Bark for Life is an American Cancer Society event that honors the caregiving quali es of canines. It’s an event that sheds a light on the rela onship between cancer pa ents and their pets in addi on to the importance of caregivers. Bark for Life is an event that focuses on a celebra on of life and friendships. In order to celebrate this year, the event will have a carnival theme including carnival games, a cra beer tent, as well as fried dough and co on candy. Addi onally, Pompeii Pizza, Spencer's Ice Cream, and Bualo Wild Wings will be serving food at the event. Registra on is $10 for individuals and $15 for and individual and a dog. Sign up online at www.relayforlife.org/ barkbangor or in person on the day of the event.

P C : D B

Tenth Annual Southern Maine Coastal Classic Dog Shows at New Site on, the Cumberland Fairgrounds, Maine’s largest canine event, the loca 174 Bruce Hill Road, Cumberland, Southern Maine Coastal Classic, presents its tenth annual four days of AKC All Breed Dog Shows and Obedience and Rally Trials at its new

Maine. Shows run from Thursday, May 16, through Sunday, May 19, 2019,

See SHOWS on page 15

See more Hot Dog News on page 3 and15! Voted BestBEST Trainer VOTED 2015-2018 TRAINER 2015!


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Become a sponsor of an adoptable dog and help raise money for a local rescue! Contact Jenn (207)706-6765 or jenn@downeastdognews.com

Downeast Dog News

Downeast Dog News PUBLISHER Jenn Rich COPY EDITOR Belinda Carter CONTRIBUTORS Susan Spisak Diana Logan Sara Moore Judith Herman Carolyn Fuhrer Don Hanson Nancy Holmes Gail Mason

From the Publisher Dear Dog News Readers, We just celebrated Pepper’s 5th birthday yesterday! She has been suďŹƒciently showered with toys and treats and almost all squeakers have been removed while leaving the toys in tact. She has become quite the surgeon. Dr. Pepper! I’m excited to see the green grass coming back and hoping we have seen the last of the snow! One never knows here in Maine. One day is 60 degrees, and the next you get 4 inches of snow. I certainly hope the yard dries up a bit by the me I need to mow. It is pre y soggy right now. We have gone on a few hikes here and there, and so far we s ll ďŹ nd ice and snow in the woods. The Mt. Ba e auto road while steep has been our best bet lately for non-slippery condi ons. We are ge ng very eager to spend more me outside and ge ng back to the lake! We are now entering the season where many dog events will be held throughout the state. Keep an eye on our calendar and on Facebook! This month’s center spread topic is on pet-friendly lodging. Perhaps you could plan a li le trip around one of these fun events! Have a great May!

GRAPHIC DESIGN Courier Publications, LLC ADVERTISING Jenn Rich 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com

PRESIDENT Wendi Smith PARENT & PUBLISHING COMPANY Maine Pet News LLC OUR GOALS • Provide the latest in dog-related news and information. • Encourage and support dog-friendly businesses and Maine-made pet products and services. • Cultivate a community of responsible dog guardianship/ownership. • Support animal welfare causes.

CONTACT US Maine Pet News, LLC 91 Camden St., Suite 403 Rockland, ME 04841 Phone: 207-706-6765 jenn@downeastdognews.com www.downeastdognews.com

CIRCULATION Downeast Dog News is distributed free of charge at pet-friendly locations in Maine.

SUBSCRIPTIONS Individual and gift subscriptions are available for $30 (+ tax) per year.

All the best, Jenn and Pepper

More Hot Dog News Midcoast Humane Looks to the Community for Help to Find Homes for Long-Term Animals, Launches "No Paw Le Behind" BRUNSWICK, ME - Every animal deserves a forever home. This is the core belief behind Midcoast Humane's new campaign, No Paw Le Behind, a community ini a ve to help long-term, overlooked pets ďŹ nd their forever homes. Led by volunteers and sta at Midcoast Humane, the campaign ensures that every dog and cat who is ready to be adopted ďŹ nds a family within 90 days. The campaign was created because the hardest to place animals need an en re community to help them ďŹ nd a home. Organizers are asking the community to share the stories of these under-dogs and cats with their friends by following the No Paw Le Behind Facebook page at facebook.com/MHNoPawLe Behind. In 2018, sixty-four animals waited 90 days or longer to be adopted, and some mes much, much longer. In addi on to ďŹ nding homes for animals, the community can help by dona ng funds and supplies, providing in-kind adver sing, and sponsoring animal adop on fees. To learn more or donate to the campaign, visit midcoasthumane.org/NoPawLe Behind. About Midcoast Humane Midcoast Humane is one of Maine’s largest animal shelters, caring and ďŹ nding homes for 3,500 animals every year and assis ng thousands more through its programming. It is the contracted animal shelter of 40 towns along Maine’s Midcoast across 1,000 square miles from Falmouth to Washington. The organiza on maintains a 97% Live-Release Rate. For more informa on, visit midcoasthumane.org.

Shasha. P C

: J P

SPEAK! Downeast Dog News welcomes submissions of local news, events and photos. Email: jenn@downeastdognews.com COPYRIGHT 2006-2019 All contents of Downeast Dog News are protected under United States copyright law. The contents may not be reprinted or reproduced without the expressed written permission of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within Downeast Dog News are those of its contributors and not necessarily those of the publisher. Content of ads is the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content and Downeast Dog News assumes no liability for any errors, omissions or claims made by its contributors or advertisers.

May 2019

Advertising Rates and Guidelines AD RATES PER MONTH


3-month minimum recommended

10,000 issues per month are distributed in pet supply stores, veterinary offices, dog daycares, groomers and other pet-friendly establishments across Maine.

Business directory: $45/month 1/16 page $75 B&W, $90 color 1/8 page $135 B&W, $165 color 1/4 page $230 B&W, $275 color 1/2 page $405 B&W, $485 color Full page $705 B&W, $845 color

Ask about 3, 6, and 12 month discounts

DEADLINE Advertising deadline is the 15th of the preceding month.

Contact Jenn Rich (207) 706-6765 or jenn@downeastdognews.com

Table of Contents Hot Dog News ...................... 2 Furry Words ......................... 4 Ask the Vet ............................ 4 Basic Training Tips ................ 6 Ask Bammy ............................ 7 Mast Cell Article .................... 7 Maine Dogcation ............... 8,9 Performance Dog Training ....10 Words, Woofs & Meows ..... 11 Rescue of the Month ............12 Dogs for Adoption ............... 13 Calendar of Events .............. 14 Business Directory .............. 15


I do believe spring has FINALLY sprung, and it’s a me to celebrate the earth’s return to life and growth, and also the perfect me to get outside with our four legged friends. In keeping with past edi ons, I asked readers what they’d like to know from their dogs. Just a reminder, a reading is never a replacement for licensed veterinary care. I hope you enjoy what these pooches have to say! Stacy W.’s dog’s name is Chassie. She is a rescue lab mix who is one and a half years old. She's always been wonderful since we got her at 4 months, but she likes to find things to chew as soon as we leave her home alone. Stacy wants to know why she does this, and can they get her to stop? It’s actually funny because I see Chassie gnawing on things and at the same me, watching to see if you see what she’s doing. I do think she’s doing it for a en on. She needs to know that the way she’s going about it isn’t good for any of you. She isn’t regre ng her behavior at all, but she wants you to focus on the good in YOUR life. You do seem to give more weight to things that didn’t go as you had hoped vs celebra ng the wins. Interes ng... Cassandra W. is picking out a new Australian Shepherd puppy in a few weeks and wants to know how she’ll know which one is meant for her. I just saw an image of a sweet pup falling asleep in your arms. She is playful but very well balanced. She likes the crate or having her own me out space and will sleep un l it’s me for a walk. I’m seeing a larger puppy, and she has a dreamy, far away look in her eyes. I also see a blue ribbon around her collar, so if they’ve used that as a way to iden fy them, I bet that’s the one you take home!

Dangers of Bird Seed Q. My Labrador, Buster, will eat anything. He loves the birdseed I use in my bird feeders. Is there any danger if he eats it?


We all want to feed the birds especially with the winters we have. If you have a hungry pooch with no self-control, you do need to be cau ous. Generally, wild bird seed is not dangerous to dogs. The seed mixture usually contains millet, sunflower, safflower, hemp, thistle seed, split yellow peas, split green peas, whole peas, corn, wheat, and milo. As you can see, some of these ingredients are found in normal dog food. So what is the problem? Like ea ng anything, modera on is fine. The biggest problem is when Buster gets into the bird seed bag and has a bing. The overindulgence can create an intes nal blockage. Another common problem is bloat. When the seed is eaten, the pieces expand and ferment in the stomach causing the stomach to distend with gas. If


Furry Words by Sara Moore www.enlightenedhorizons.com

Julie P. has two labs named Gracie and Bandit. “Is there anything that I can do to make them more comfortable around children?” Gracie hates them! They’re unfamiliar to her, and they’re like wind up toys that have run out of juice and then start up again and surprise her. Right when she thinks it’s safe to go sniff them, they move again. Bandit doesn’t mind kids as much but is definitely a bachelor who is used to his own space. Picture a 50 or 60 year old man who never had kids, doesn’t have family, and prefers it quiet. That’s how I see him! How can you help them be more comfortable around them? Bandit likes treats. I smile as I say that, because if you treat him, he’ll suck it up. Bandit is also smart and can do tricks, which he’ll happily do to show off to the kids and, of course, be rewarded with food! Gracie prefers to have her own space. She likes to watch them, but with a barrier between them.

Ask the Vet… by Dr. Judith Herman

your dog feasts on sunflower seed, the risk of pancrea s, a painful and dangerous disease, can occur from the high fat content in these seeds. Another concern is the old seed that drops around the base of the feeder. These seeds can get moldy and contaminated with bird feces. If Buster does have a party with the bird seed, seek veterinary help

Elise B. asked about Bre y who is deceased “I am so broken without you. Help me go on. Can you help me?” I think everyone can relate to the grief one feels with the loss of a beloved pet. Bre y was here to show you who you were meant to be. You were meant to shine, baby- her words, not mine. You are worthy of being treated with respect, and if you fall down, you’re worthy of someone helping you back up, brushing you off, and hugging you un l you feel ready to move forward again. I don’t think you’ve had many people help you this way, and she showed you uncondi onal love- which you are not only worthy of, you are en tled to. She wants you to remember that, and I actually hear, “S ck that in your cap and wear it proudly.” When you remember you’re amazing and see yourself through her eyes, you’ll a ract amazing people and opportuni es to yourself. Chris na P. would like to know what her dog thinks will help her with her extreme fear of just about everything. She is a rescue. Whoa. Everything she sees is new to her. I don’t think she’s been around before, and this world and everything in it is unfamiliar. You are a great teacher, Chris na, and she’s here, so you can show her the world through your eyes. Tell her where you’re going and what to expect. Let her know why people behave a certain way and what certain noises are. I actually think she’s going to come back as a person who will have a huge impact on the world, and she needs your deep level of awareness to kind of get a crash course on humanity. I know that may sound a bit nuts, but it’s what I hear from her! Shannon W. had Rocky, a Shepard/ retriever mix and the

best dog ever. “Will I ever have another as beau ful a soul as his? Is he happy?” I do think you’ll have another dog that will be amazing but in a very different way. Rocky had confidence and intensity. He knew what he brought to the table, but he was also very kind and gentle with people or animals who weren’t as sure of themselves as he was. Yes, he is super happy, and I see him si ng and pan ng with his super long tongue hanging out! My mouth waters as I type this, which cracks me up! Ashley R. wants to know why her rescue dog spins, kicks dirt, and then chases a er it while barking at it obsessively? Holy smokes, this dog is a ball of energy! First answer I get is he didn’t have anyone else to play with, and he thought he was entertaining the people who had him originally. He’s red now and wants to stop the behavior but has no idea how. It feels fran c and obsessive. I’m actually hearing that you should talk to your vet about a way to break him of the habit, and medica on may be prescribed for a week or two to get him to unwind and release the urge to do that. He makes my throat feel ght, too. I wonder if he had a collar on before that was too ght? Thanks again to everyone for their submissions! If you want to be considered for the column, like the Sara Moore Enlightened Horizons Facebook page and be on the lookout for a call for ques ons. FMI or to schedule please go to www. enlightenedhorizons.com and visit the Online Booking page.

as soon as possible. In the case of bloat, immediate medical a en on is a must. Bloat can create gas from the fermenta on of the seed in the stomach. Some mes the stomach will turn causing a twist trapping the gas. The stomach expands, and the pressure can cause the muscle to be injured. The gas needs to be relieved and the stomach untwisted which means hospitaliza on and possible surgery. When the seed forms an impac on in the intes nes, medical interven on is needed. Buster would be hospitalized for tests, such as blood work and radiographs. Treatment to remove the blockage can be medical treatment and surgery. Pancrea s is inflamma on of the pancreas, a diges ve organ. This organ becomes inflamed from ea ng a diet rich in fat. Sunflower seeds are high in fat. Another source of concern is the suet block. Suet is animal fat. It is good for birds especially in fall and winter when the birds need more energy to keep warm. If Buster dines on a suet block or a bag of sunflower seeds, he may develop lethargy, disorienta on,

vomi ng, and diarrhea. Some mes the vomit and diarrhea can be bloody. Your dog could be hospitalized for several days. The old seed at the base of the feeder can be moldy. Different molds can give off toxins when ingested. Molds can affect the gastrointes nal tract, central nervous system, even his heart. Symptoms can include lethargy, lack of appe te, vomi ng, diarrhea, coughing, lack of exercise ability, general weakness, ataxia, and seizures. Again veterinary care is a needed. Preven on is the best medicine. Make sure bags of seed are put in closed containers to keep Buster out and also to keep the mice at bay. Rake up the seed debris under the feeders. Clean feeders regularly with soap and water. This will keep mold and other pathogens away from the feeders and will also protect the birds feeding at these feeders from deadly disease.

Sara Moore is a psychic for people and pets who offers private and group readings. Visit her website at www.enlightenedhorizons.com.

Judith K. Herman, DVM, CVH Animal Wellness Center Augusta, Maine www.mainehomeopah cvet.com

Downeast Dog News

DIFFERENCE from page 1 he was with a group of cyclists heading towards the shop. Biker Chris Dixon explained to her that she and Jarre Li le came across the injured but friendly dog--they guessed he’d been hit by a car. They weren’t going to leave him behind so Jarre --who also rescues dogs--shouldered him and biked the seven miles into town. (Chris showed Andrea a pic of the dog on her pal’s back-the picture and story went viral.) That fortuitous mee ng had Andrea dialing her husband, Joel Shaw. “It’s me. I’ve got bad news. I’m in Georgia, and this very broken li le dog came running into my arms and bled on my shirt. And it’s Georgia, he’s certainly going to die if I take him anywhere but an ER hospital and pay for him.” ‘Is your hotel dog-friendly?’ he asked. “It is now. And I’m going to the vets.” Joel agreed. Rescuing him then and there, she put the pup in her rental Mustang and off they went. She arranged for his orthopedic surgery in Georgia--he had a broken toe and fractures in his femur, required countless s tches, and needed TLC. She named him Columbo aka Bo a er the town where their bond began. She checked out Grateful Doggies, a canine freedom transport and was pleased with their professionalism. (She was prepared to cancel her flight and drive him if necessary.) She booked him on a Georgia to Maine run to his new home, the Shaw’s five-acre farm outside Portland, complete with a pony, a horse,and two rescued Black and Tan Coonhounds. (“I rescued them like a normal person as opposed to si ng on a sidewalk and stealing a dog,” she quipped.) And the “crazy, naughty” Columbo is especially taken with the couple’s young son, Christopher. While his rescue story is a touching, it’s only the beginning.

FRIENDS OF MIDCOAST HUMANE Once in Maine, Columbo saw a veterinarian and began shock wave treatments and physical therapy to promote healing. The vet also discovered broken and abscessed teeth that had to be dealt with. But the biggest challenge Andrea faced was keeping him quiet and mentally s mulated during his 10-week recovery. He was treated to countless chew toys. She bought a so crate with a zip

Columbo preparing to write a Facebook post.

top opening so he could go for car rides or sit outdoors watching over the farmland, “I called it his conver ble.” She took him for walks (making use of Christopher’s old stroller). And Bo discovered the joys of boa ng and swimming with his family on Sebago Lake. Many people familiar with his story offered to set up a GoFundMe page to offset Columbo’s medical bills. The Shaws weren’t comfortable with that--she said they would gladly cover his costs. Instead, Andrea came up with a plan, so they could make a difference in shelter dogs’ lives. “I approached Midcoast [Humane, a 501(c) 3 shelter in Brunswick] about crea ng a fund that we could tell people to donate to, for dogs with non-rou ne vet needs.” They were open to it, and the Columbo Fund for emergency, urgent, and specialty veterinary care was created. Midcoast Humane hosts the Columbo Fund and dona ons go directly to them. Nicole Evans, Director of Development for Midcoast Humane, said they’re incredibly grateful. She added that it’s been a remarkable resource for them--for example, in a 3-week period in March, two cri cally ill dogs’ lives were saved

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Green Acres Kennel Shop .................16

Aloue e Beach Resort ........... back cover

Loyal Biscuit ........................................2

All 4 Paws ............................................6

MIDCOAST Boothbay Railway Village .....16 & back cover Catahoula Rescue..............................10 Kompletely K-9 ....................................6 Loyal Biscuit ........................................2 Mr. Dog Training ....................................2

because of monies available in the fund. As Columbo’s remarkable rescue story con nued to go viral, people flocked to his social media sites--Andrea created an “Adventures of Columbo” website, Instagram account and Facebook page. (He’s a social media star with 20k+ Facebook followers.) Using her natural wit and crea vity, she writes as the lovable and goofy Bo, highligh ng his fun personality and sweet nature that the Shaws know so well. The posts are hear elt as he encourages his beeps (Bo’s peeps) to adopt not shop and to donate to the Columbo Fund to help needy canines. His beeps are drawn to him, awed by his journey and share his mission of making a difference in shelter dogs’ lives. Andrea said his following was born by chance. “Truthfully, I started the Facebook page because people in the South, vet techs, rescuers, Jarre , all wanted updates on the dog.” To bolster monies for the fund, she has an online Columbo Store stocked with Bo merchandise. Columbo “hosted” a Pampered Chef online party with 15 percent of the total sales going to the fund. His Facebook page has an Amazon Wish List for those who prefer to purchase needed items for Midcoast Humane and their shelter partners. “I would do as much as I could to save as many dogs as I could,” said Andrea.

His fans have stepped up beyond the Columbo Fund. In February, Nicole relayed to Andrea that their Sprinter van used for out-of-state transports broke down in Maryland. Midcoast staffers were there to meet and pick up rescued dogs from a Georgia partner, Castoff Pet Rescue. (Castoff allowed them use of their van to transport the dogs to Maine safely.) The repairs would be $7k. When Andrea heard this--especially that it was a Georgia freedom run--she took to Facebook as Bo and asked fans to donate for the repairs. Within 5 days Columbo’s beeps donated $6k. “They’re very dedicated, very engaged, and they love them some Columbo,” laughed Andrea. “What was cool was that Midcoast was able to raise the $1k before their next trip down South, and not miss a run.” That run brought up 77 pups and young dogs and all have been adopted. Bo’s beeps also aided Jarre Li le, Columbo’s original rescuer. Jarre was aware of a momma and puppies that had been abandoned in his area. Could they help him? Andrea posted a Facebook plea, and within hours, the beeps raised $722 to cover necessary ve ng. (Some folks ordered and direct-shipped food, collars, leashes, and blankets as well.) Jarre found new homes for all dogs. Andrea has more fund ideas on the horizon, including a Columbo team that will par cipate in Midcoast’s Save a Stray 5K Run, 1K Walk & Fes val at L.L. Bean in Freeport on August 24. (Downeast Dog News is sponsoring the event--here’s the link to sign up as an individual, team, join Columbo’s team, or race virtually. raceentry.com/save-a-stray-5k/raceinforma on.) He’s had an impact on so many dogs and people…with her leadership. “It’s about 84 dogs that he’s had a paw in helping,” said Andrea--and that number will con nue to grow. “I really had no idea it would blow up and turn into what it did. It’s been my pleasure and not anything I’ve ever imagined in my life.” Nicole agreed. “Columbo and Andrea have inspired folks to donate more than $12,000 to the Columbo Fund…This total does not include the monies raised for the rescue van. Needless to say, we are beyond thrilled for the support.” Her final sen ment sums it up,“Andrea is an amazing example of how a person and community can make something happen. We need more Andrea’s. We need more Columbos.” Read his full story at theadventuresofcolumbo.com/. Click on the Facebook and Instagram icon to follow his adventures.

BEST VET PRACTICE 2012, 2014 & 2018

Animal Emergency Clinic...................11 Lavish Dog Day Spa ................................6 Maine Veterinary Medical Center ......6

Quality medicine, surgery and dentistry from a professional team you can trust.

Pet Connec on....................................6

Taylor Brook Animal Hospital

Pleasant Hill Kennels .........................10 So. ME Coastal Classic Show .................11 Tender Touch Veterinary.....................6

Neighborhood Veterinary Technician ....10 Two Salty Dogs ....................................2 Water Bark Wellness ...........................2

“Honoring the Human-Animal Bond”

STATEWIDE & BEYOND Silver Paw Tags ..................................10


Pet-friendly Lodging .......................8&9

Fun Dog Day........................................10

Pickles Pup Transport ...........................16

Hello Doggie Daycare ........................16 Taylor Brook Animal Hospital .............5

May 2019

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The Dark Side of Raising a Puppy

Basic Training Tips

Are you sure you are ready?

Raising a puppy takes me… lots of me. It will be your second job for many months. You can count on an intensive me suck for at least 6 months and probably more. Even when the puppy is home and happy, you will have to keep a watchful eye on her at all mes. Everything you try to do will be interrupted. Hyper vigilance is necessary but exhaus ng, even with a well-behaved puppy. Excerpt from “The Misunderstanding of Time” by Nancy Tanner. “You cannot rush your skills, or your dog’s understanding of your skills. …learn how to se le in, learn that nothing will happen overnight. Learn that if you try to take shortcuts and try to make it all happen to fit your schedule, or your desires, or your needs, it will come back to bite you in the ass, figura vely or literally.” When we think of puppies, our warm, fuzzy feelings overcome us. We imagine joyful play, sweet cuddles, and innocence: oh, such quiet innocence! “A clean slate” awaits us when we get a puppy, and that adorable li le fluff ball will surely learn the ways of the family quickly and fit in like a fish in water. The puppy will certainly want to please his new humans. What could possibly go wrong with this scenario?

by Diana Logan

a er all, so a young, li le creature entering our home should automa cally know the difference between "right” and “wrong.” When we embrace this mentality, we are pu ng all the responsibility on the puppy for her behavior… and all the blame on her when something doesn’t go according to plan. When we get a puppy, we are first and foremost promising that we will sa sfy her needs, and then we help her learn the skills to thrive in our human family. “The concept that a dog has an innate desire to please us is directly related to our desire to be demigods,” (author unknown).

• •

A "Clean Slate"... or not? A puppy is far from being a “clean slate” - each one comes with her own set of inherited traits, both physical and behavioral. The rule of thumb is 60% gene c/40% learned, though this is not a scien fically-based formula! If a puppy’s needs are not met, watch out! • The truth is that the reality of puppy ownership is far removed from the idyllic portrayal about which we fantasize. Greatest Expecta ons The biggest challenge we humans seem to have is overcoming the sense that dogs should behave in a certain way simply because they are dogs and we are humans. We rule the universe,

Puppies are toddlers carrying knives… and they are also marathon runners. They can inflict a significant amount of pain and damage. A child who was gaga over the very young puppy you brought home may change her mind permanently when that same puppy hurts her repeatedly. Destruc ve behavior. It’s remarkable how much material damage can be accomplished by a young puppy if she’s given the

opportunity. Be sure to invest in plenty of "furniture insurance" (plenty of things for the pup to use her teeth on) Aggression begets aggression. If a puppy’s family uses punishmentbased strategies to “train” their puppy, that puppy can very easily learn to aggress, too. Crazy amounts of energy, just when you want to relax! Barking… oh, the barking! It will drive you absolutely bananas, especially when that li le, innocent ball of fur decides to address the world in the middle of the night . Puppies can be so very, very loud... Dogs o en grow into, rather than out of, their puppy behaviors if their humans aren’t savvy. This can result in a life me of undesirable behaviors, inside and outside the house. Hyper-vigilance: a puppy’s family needs to keep a watchful eye on the puppy every moment the puppy isn’t confined to a safe space. It really is hard to get anything done with a puppy around.

Don't get me wrong: puppies are AWESOME! With great effort, lots of me and skill, puppies can turn into the wondrous adult dogs we knew they could be. For some in-depth ps and considera ons when you are thinking of adding a new canine member, young or older, to your household, please read my “Puppy Comes Home Manual” on my website.

Diana Logan, CPDT-KA Cer fied Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge-Assessed Pet Connec on Dog Training, North Yarmouth, Maine | www.dianalogan.com | 207-252-9352

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Downeast Dog News

I am a Carolina Dog, a breed that long ago owned Na ve American people. We were designed by natural selec on to be so intelligent and physically superior that we survived without human help. My great-grandfather was caught from the wild. I can offer advice based on the natural ins ncts and a ributes of wild dogs. In addi on, my adop ve person and I have had lots of training classes and other experiences. Some humans call themselves Mom or Dad of their dog, but I refer to my human, tongue in cheek, as Boss. Much as I love her, I admit she has many of the same odd no ons as most humans, so I can relate to other pet dogs with problem humans. If I can’t help, at least I can offer sympathy, and we can have some fun talking about our amazing humans. Please send your ques ons! Bammy, 280 Pond Rd., Newcastle, ME 04553, or email: askbammy@ dewater.net. About Talking I say “talk” because that’s what Boss says when we let each other know what we’re thinking. It’s confusing because sometimes when she says, “Talk,” she actually wants me to whine. When she says, “Speak,” she wants me to bark. Just to keep it simple, I bark when she says either “talk” or “speak,”but I don’t have to tell you other dogs that it’s confusing! When a human says, “Down,”

Ask Bammy An Advice Column for Dogs by a Dog

do they mean don’t jump up on people? Or do they want you to lie down? People-talk is so slow that Boss and I some mes get mixed up. When I hear the first word that I understand, I rush off to do or find or whatever she wants. For example, if we are playing with a ball and she says, “Bammy, go get my slippers,” I go get the ball before she’s done talking. She says, “No – slippers.” I nose the ball she’s holding. She must be absent-minded, calling

the ball “slippers.” She hangs onto plays a good, fast game of tag. But the ball and says in that laughing Pookah and Newly don’t like to play. voice, “Bammy, sit. Listen.” I sort Maybe they are too old. Though of sit, but my hind legs are like Boss and I are kind of old, and we springs that I can’t push all the like to play. way down. “Slippers,” she says. Boss can tell when I hear coyotes. “Go get my slippers.” Some mes if they howl, I howl back “Oh! Slippers!” and I run and get to them, so my bark for coyote is a them for her. mix of, “Stay off my territory!” and Boss says she’s red of typing all “Let’s sing!” Boss knows what I these quota on marks. What are mean. She says, “Coyote,” and we go “quota on marks?” to the door to listen. I like “talk” without voices. She can tell if I just hear or smell When we lie on the bed together, I something outside or if there’s put my paw actually on her arm, someone and she uses coming to her paw to our house. stroke me. And I think I give her she knows hand a so that my li le lick, and short, sharp she says in a bark means warm voice, I want (humans just something have to talk!) – right now! “Ohhh, I love Like food. you, too.” But she turns She her back to understands Here’s a picture she took of me asking to get on the bed. me when I It looked so sunny and warm! my voice say that. pre y well. If I see my best friend We understand each other pre y coming to visit us, I make a sort of well, but that doesn’t mean we high yelping bark, and Boss says don’t argue some mes. “Here’s Pookah!” and goes to let her Bammy in. I make the same kind of bark when I see Dudley and Newly, who The Ask Bammy column is intended live next door, going for a walk way for humor and entertainment. If back by the woods. We have a great your dog has behavioral issues me when we meet them going for please contact a veterinarian or a walk with their humans. Dudley professional trainer.

The “411” on Mast Cell Tumors Mast cell tumors are common in dogs and are most frequently found in the superficial layers of the skin on any part of the body. These tumors account for over 11- 21% of all cutaneous tumors in dogs. Normal mast cells are part of the immune defense system against invading organisms. They specifically par cipate in the ba le against parasites and allergens within ssues of the body. The mast cells contain granules of inflammatory chemicals which are normally released when they bond to an “enemy.” When released, these chemicals cause inflamma on, pain, swelling, and dilated blood vessels (think “bee s ng”). This phenomenon explains why mast cell tumors can be o en noted to “change sizes” as swelling increases and then subsides. In some animals, these cells can form a mass or tumor. The granules in the abnormal cells are unstable and can release their chemicals somewhat at random. The chemicals can have both local and more distant effects on the pa ent. Mast cell tumors do not have a specific appearance, but o en cause the dog to scratch the area. Varying degrees of redness, swelling, and ulcera on can result. The tumors usually appear as a singular swelling though dogs can have recurrent and/or mul ple swellings. Diagnosis: Since mast cell tumors (MCTs) can have a variable appearance, any new nodule or mass on your dog should be evaluated by your veterinarian. Since they can generally be recognized and diagnosed via a simple office procedure (needles aspira on and cytology), the choice to instead “just watch it” is not recommended. Though the MCT may appear as a small “bump,” it has the ability to reach below the surfaces in “tentacle” form. Such tumors arising on the face, in the mouth, or in the area of lower abdomen or genitals can have more aggressive biological behavior. Early interven on provides the best outcomes. Don’t Panic! If your veterinarian has just informed you that your dog likely has a MCT, what do you do? If a needle aspirate has been done, then

May 2019

treatment can be planned accordingly. Whenever surgery CAN be performed, it is considered the most precise and efficacious op on. Because of the “tentacle effect,” simply shelling the mass out will likely leave malignant cells behind. Ideally, the surgeon plans to remove the mass with 2 cm “margins” (of unaffected, healthy ssue) in all direc ons (including deep to the mass) for the best chance of cure. If the mass is large, unstable, or in a problema c loca on, your veterinarian may consider referring your dog to a specialty (boardcer fied) surgeon who is highly experienced in oncology. The en re surgical sample should be submi ed to a pathologist who can best determine if the surgical margins are adequate. The pathologist will also “grade” the tumor (I, II, or III) based on its characteris cs of malignancy which o en correlate with expected biological behavior and overall prognosis. Grade I MCTS: These are the most common type and the most benign in behavior. They are referred to as “well-differen ated” as they look and act similar to normal body mast cells. Complete removal generally results in an excellent prognosis for cure (94% of pa ents survive longer than 5 years a er surgery). Grade II MCTS: These are “moderately differen ated” with the poten al for more

aggressive behavior (recurrence or spread to other sites). Within this category, there are other laboratory tests that can be performed on the ssue sample to help predict future behavior (such as nuclear staining, assessing mito c index or rate of cellular division in the sample, Patnaik and Kiupel scoring). Surgical planning is crucial, and addi onal tumor “staging” may be warranted. The la er term refers to inves ga ng other parts of the body for evidence of tumor spread (xrays, ultrasound, blood tes ng) which help to guide treatment op ons. Grade III MCTS: These poorly differen ated tumors are the least common, but are the most aggressive. They readily spread to local and regional lymph nodes and can cause the dog to be severely ill. Surgery alone will not likely result in a cure, and referral to a veterinary oncologist (or internist) is highly recommended. Sadly, only 6% of these pa ents survive 5 years a er diagnosis. Other op ons: Although surgical removal of the tumor (with adequate margins) is the ideal first step, it may not be the only recommenda on. When surgery is not feasible, cor costeroids, chemotherapy agents, and tumor enzyme “inhibitors” can also help control MCTS progression. This is referred to as managing the disease. Lastly, radia on can also be u lized (and dogs do not get “radia on sickness” like humans) for specific instances. These tools are also used in pa ents that have incomplete margins or are at risk for developing tumor recurrence or spread. The terms sound frightening, but remember that knowledge is power! It is important to consider that 1) dogs who develop more than one MCT in a life me do not necessarily have a worse prognosis than those that don’t; 2) Grade I or Grade II MCTS do not “morph” into Grade III tumors over me. Lastly, the great majority of dogs with a diagnosis of MCT can live happy, extended lives even if ongoing therapy is required. Dr. Gail Mason, DACVIM Portland Veterinary Specialists


Maine Dogcation Maine Welcomes Your Dogs! I

f you are planning a trip and wish to include your dog, Maine will not disappoint. From the forests and the mountains to the beautiful rocky coast, there is something for everyone. More and more people are choosing to travel with their dogs these days, and more and more businesses are willing to accommodate and cater to your furry friends. Maine is perhaps one of the more pet friendly states. You’ll find more than 300 dog parks, beaches, and trails, and hundreds of accommodations and stores that will welcome you and your dog. If traveling by car, you might consider restraining your dog with a pet barrier, pet seat belt, or travel crate to ensure a safer trip for everyone. It is also important for them to keep their heads inside the vehicle. While they may enjoy riding with their heads out the window, it is not recommended for their own safety. Bring something familiar with you from home, a blanket or a favorite toy to help them feel more comfortable during the trip. Keep

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them hydrated and be sure and make frequent stops for a bathroom break and for them to get some exercise approximately every 2 – 3 hours. Hiking is a great activity, and Maine boasts some beautiful trails and scenery. The possibilities vary from a simple one hour walk to a day trip or overnight adventure. Be sure to take along plenty of water for both you and your dog to help prevent fatigue and overheating. For the outdoor lovers who may prefer to explore the coast rather than the wooded trails, many of Maine’s beaches allow dogs. Most will require them to be on leash; however, there may be some that allow off leash me during certain parts of the day. GoPetFriendly.com provides some helpful ps for keeping your dog safe at the beach. h p://blog. gope riendly.com/keeping-your-dog-safeat-the-beach/ If a city atmosphere is more your speed, then perhaps you should check out dog friendly Portland. Annual dog events abound in Greater Portland and draw hundreds of attendees and animals. For a full list of pet-friendly parks, beaches, and trails, pick up a copy of petMAINE, a statewide resource published in collaboration with Downeast Dog News (to request a copy via email: jenn@ downeastdognews.com). No matter what activity or adventure you choose, please be sure to read and follow all posted dog guidelines. These are put in place to insure that all visitors and residents have a positive experience. Please clean up after your dog, so the area may remain beautiful for all to enjoy and our dogs will remain welcome. Most importantly, DO NOT leave your dog in the car. It takes only minutes in a vehicle on a warm day for a dog to suffocate or suffer

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from heatstroke. Even on a bright sunny day when the temps are in the 60’s, your vehicle can reach the danger zone, and rolling down the windows or parking in the shade doesn’t guarantee protection. Every accommoda on will have its own set of rules, so do your research before making your reserva on. Some places may allow you to leave your dog in your room for a short period of me, and some will require that you take them with you whenever you leave. If your daily plans do not allow your dog to come along, then you might want to look into a nearby kennel for that period of me. Make sure your dog’s vaccina ons are up to date and travel with a copy of vaccina on records. You should also make sure your dog has been

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treated for fleas and cks. If you plan to spend me outdoors even if you don’t go in the woods, you should s ll check yourself and the dog for cks before you head inside. All of the accommodations that you find on these pages are pet friendly and eagerly await a visit from you and your four-legged family member.


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Whether it is a hike in the park, dinner in Bar Harbor, or a sunset cruise, the Gold Award Winning Comfort Inn® in Ellsworth is located within minutes of your daily excursion. Completely renovated in May 2018, we offer the perfect place to rest, relax, and rejuvenate for your next adventure. HOTEL


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The Acadia Sunrise Motel offers our guests & their pets beautiful views of Acadia National Park. Conveniently located close to Bar Harbor, Acadia National Park, Ellsworth and Downeast Maine.


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Downeast Dog News

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May 2019

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Training Your Performance Dog Agility, Obedience, Tracking by Carolyn Fuhrer

Obedience – What You Really Need is a Partner Basic obedience exercises are not hard to teach to your dog. The trick is having a dog who is a willing partner. So what makes a dog willing to work with you? Cookies, praise, physical affection, toys, fun? The answer is all of the above. If your relationship is only cookie dependent, you will never be able to move beyond very basic levels of performance in a few secluded venues. Food is a convenient, portable motivation that most dogs like and can be eaten quickly, so it generally makes a great reward.

One of the problems comes in where the food has been kept in the “lure” stage too long. If the dog doesn’t see the food, the dog will not work. The dog does not understand that the food (the reward) is payment for work. This has not been made clear to the dog.

Another problem comes in with the dog who in life basically is not required to do anything, but is lavished with exotic treats, food, toys, beds, freedom, praise and petting. This dog has no reason to work unless the spirit moves him, so sometimes he will be great and other days he can’t be bothered. The work in that particular venue has not been properly tied to the reward. Unless the activity itself is self-rewarding to the dog, the dog sees no reason to work “every time”. Another problem comes in when the handler “lets the food do all the work”. The handler does not relate the food with praise, petting, play, release, or whatever else the dog finds enjoyable. Food is just continuously given to the dog with no building of the relationship and the value of the work. When the food is no longer given, there is no inherent value in the work. In training, we need to be creative and use ourselves and what we can offer the dog to let him know we are happy and he is on the right track to getting paid for their efforts. When a dog is stressed or

confused or would rather sniff or leave than engage in work, the handler has not set out a path to success that the dog can understand. Sometimes we progress too quickly in difficulty of exercises or sequences in agility or tracking, We have not built up enough value for the activity, and when the task is harder, the dog will not try and would rather avoid the situation. Sometimes just by changing a location, this will prove too difficult for some dogs, and we need to go back to baby steps and build confidence. Sometimes we “proof” or test situations before the dog is really ready because he does not truly understand what behavior is required. Sometimes we stop variably rewarding behaviors we have taught and after a while the dog assumes these behaviors are no longer valuable because they never pay. Good training involves planning and thinking through exercises, not just repetitions. Good training involves understanding where more confidence needs to be built and uses all your personal resources of relationship to put value into work.

Carolyn Fuhrer has earned over 100 AKC tles with her Golden Retrievers, including 2 Champion Tracker tles. She has recently become an AKC Tracking Judge. Carolyn is the owner of North Star Dog Training School in Somerville, Maine. She has been teaching people to understand their dogs for over 30 years. You can contact her with ques ons, sugges ons and ideas for her column by e-mailing carolyn@dogsatnorthstar.com.

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Downeast Dog News

An Open Le er to Shelters & Rescue Organiza ons, Humane Treatment – Transparency About Behavior – No Hassle Returns I unequivocally believe in the mission of animal rescue; it has provided me with seven dogs and six cats that became great companions. Having served on the board of a humane society for 15 years, I know that caring for and rehoming pets and funding those eorts is a challenging job. I have worked with thousands of clients, and over half have had rescue pets. In most cases, they became treasured family members. However, I also know that despite an adopter’s best inten ons and eorts, a pet may not be an appropriate ďŹ t for the home and may even present a danger to people, others pets, or himself. It is in the best interest of the animal, the adopter, and the rescuing organiza on that this happens as seldom as possible. Here are three steps that I believe are fundamental to making this happen. Humane Treatment of the Pets Being Rescued A shelter may place a pet with behavioral challenges because: 1) they never witnessed any problem behavior while the pet was in their care, 2) they lacked knowledge about behavior and were not experienced iden fying behavior issues, or 3) they created aggression and fear with the use of aversive tools to “cureâ€? these pets. Cer ďŹ ed Animal Behavior Consultant (CABC) Steve Dale recently addressed this last issue in a blog post en tled At What Cost Is Saving Dogs Acceptable (FMI – h p:// bit.ly/2OvI0MY). Dale asserts that some shelters have the a tude that their priority is to save every dog, no ma er what, even if it involves



using severe punishment such as shock collars. Dale believes that is unacceptable, and I concur, as does the Pet Professional Guild (FMI– h ps://www.petprofessionalguild. com/shockcollars) and the American Animal Hospital Associa on (FMI– h p://bit.ly/AAHA-2015BHx). Transparency About Behavioral Issues In her blog post The Changing Role & Responsibility of Rescues & Shelters (FMI–h p://bit.ly/2HQHit9), Cer ďŹ ed Professional Dog Trainer, Debbie Jacobs addresses the fact that many dogs end up in shelters with severe behavioral issues. She

notes that in most cases shelters do not have the resources to successfully rehabilitate these dogs “eďŹƒciently and humanelyâ€? nor do most adopters. When most people adopt a pet, they are not looking for a project in behavior modiďŹ ca on; they merely want a companion. This week, I had two dierent clients who adopted dogs from two dierent rescues. In the ďŹ rst case, the shelter minimized the poten al diďŹƒculty of the adopter dealing with the dog's separa on anxiety. They got the dog home and quickly discovered she could not be le home alone without having an extreme panic a ack, barking, defeca ng, and urina ng throughout the house. This dog was suering, and these people wanted to help, but they had to leave the dog alone part of the day because they had to work. Separa on anxiety seldom resolves easily and rarely without professional help. That help and medica on can be quite costly. The shelter should have recognized this home was not the right ďŹ t for this dog. Instead, their error further trauma zed the dog and caused some severe emo onal distress for the dog’s adopters who now felt as if they had failed. The only failure here was the shelter. In the second case, my client adopted two dogs whom they were told were “strongly bondedâ€? and had no issues. When they got the dogs home, the dogs were constantly ďŹ gh ng. The aggression was serious enough that my client's veterinarian advised against keeping the dogs. The rescue’s owner said, “One of the dogs is a bit bossy, just let them work it out.â€? Aggression is a severe issue and does not ďŹ x

itself. My clients made a diďŹƒcult emo onal decision to return these dogs. While they felt terrible, they knew they were not equipped to deal with this level of inter-dog aggression. They wanted two dogs they could care for, not two dogs that wanted to hurt one another. What MUST A Shelter/Rescue Do? Be Humane! ALWAYS! – Develop policies and procedures that comply with the AAHA Canine and Feline Behavior Management Guidelines (h p://bit.ly/AAHA-2015BHx) and the PPG Guiding Principles (h p:// bit.ly/PPG-GuidingPrinciples) and then train your sta and volunteers and make sure that they are all following these policies. Be Honest and Transparent About Any Behavioral Issues – Behavioral issues such as separa on anxiety, aggression, and resource guarding can present a danger to the animal, the adopter, and the public. If you have a pet in your shelter with these issues, you have a responsibility to be completely honest with all poten al adopters. Always err on the side of public safety. If an adopter is at all hesitant, do NOT push the adop on so you can get one more pet out the door. I know many people who have had this experience, and because of it, will NEVER adopt from a rescue again. Happily Accept All Returns with NO Shaming! – Not all placements are going to work. When someone brings a pet back, accept it cheerfully without trying to guilt or shame the adopter. Surrendering a pet was not an easy decision for anyone, so please show this person as much compassion as you would show the pet.

Don Hanson is the co-owner of the Green Acres Kennel Shop (greenacreskennel.com) in Bangor where he has been helping people with their pets since 1995. He also produces and co- hosts The Woof Meow Show heard on AM620 -WZON every Saturday at 9 AM. Podcasts of the show are available at www.woofmeowshow.com. Don also writes about pets at his blog: www.words-woofs-meows.com. He is commi ed to pet care and pet training that is free of pain, force, and fear. The opinions in this column are those of Don Hanson.

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of the


RESCUE OF THE MONTH: EMMA’S ANGELS RESCUE A Foster-Based, Mul -Mission Organiza on By Susan Spisak Cheryl Monkiewicz has been rescuing animals for two decades but officially began her own foster-based non-profit out of North Berwick in July of 2016. She named it Emma’s Angels Rescue in memory of a sweet heartworm positive dog that they rescued from North Carolina. Cheryl took on the role of president while Molly Anzalone accepted the du es of vicepresident. Shortly therea er, an Emma’s Angels foster and adopter, Laura Kohler, came on board as the secretary. Their mission is to rescue dogs from high-kill southern shelters, and they also take in sick, senior, and owner surrendered animals. Most of their dogs come from Louisiana now. They partner with groups in the south who pull dogs in danger, vet, foster, and quarantine them-then they’re professionally transported to Maine. She estimates in their almost three years, they’ve saved 150 dogs. “It’s what I do, and I love it.”

Cheryl admits they’re lacking in fosters--they only have a handful--so she refuses to overload the group. She wants the rescues they do take in to understand the positive attention. “We want [the dogs] to decompress, get in a home environment, and feel loved. We spoil them rotten and send them away to their forever homes.” Their adoption process is unique. “I don’t do applications,” she explains. “We do meet and greets.” Their available dogs are posted on Petfinder and Emma’s Facebook page. Interested parties can contact her and schedule a time to visit her 13-acre homestead and meet the dog in a fenced-in area. “We can always tell,” she laughs. Body language is key--those who crouch down and play with the dog will be a good match. In addition to the meeting, they require personal references, a vet check, and a home visit. She likes to stay in touch with adopters. And she tells them all that if they’re going on vacation


and she has room, she’ll care for their dog. “I hate to see [one-time] shelter dogs boarded.” The pet may have the misconception that they are returning to that awful place. “I do what I can do to help families out.” In addition to helping animals and families, Emma’s Angels’ volunteers strive to be good citizens for the older folks in their area. This rescue group supplies them with pet food and vet care as needed. They also join others on the second Monday of the month at the North Berwick Community Center to cook and serve lunch for seniors. Cheryl said it’s a lot of fun, and the guests are just asked to also bring a pot luck dish to share or pay $5 for the meal. Watch their Facebook page for info on June’s Motorcycle Run to benefit the rescue. Fosters are needed and donations are always welcome-especially for dog food. Message Cheryl on their Facebook page for brand details and where it can be dropped (facebook.com/Crossposters/).


Chester is sweet and shy and ready for the next exci ng chapter in his life. He is a beau ful fawn color and is fully ve ed. He’d love a home where his new mom or dad could take him for walks.

He prefers to be the only pet. He was adopted out and now is back due to a new baby. He is a good boy, calm and sweet.

If you would like to meet Chester or Max call Emma's Angels Rescue (207)676-5599.

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Downeast Dog News

Dogs for Adoption View more available dogs on our website, downeastdognews.com. See a dog you like, but don't have a computer? Call Jenn to help you reach the rescue: (207) 706-6765




7 mos., Pointer Mix

4 yrs., Brindle Mix

9 yrs., Black Lab Mix

Seems to love everyone she meets! A li le nervous around men at ďŹ rst. She's been around kids, and all kinds of dogs. Haven't observed her around cats. May get jealous when the a en on isn't on her. A dog savvy family who can help her to overcome this would be ideal! FMI: h p://almosthomerescue.net

Nice temperament, good with dogs, cats, no indica on of problems with kids. Very neat, and well-behaved, a li le shy when mee ng strangers. A shelter favorite.

FMI: h p://almosthomerescue.net

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Her people passed away. A bit chunky and looking forward to using her fetching skills to shed a few pounds. Looking for a quiet home as the only pet, a comfortable bed, lots of belly rubs, some short walks and spurts of play, sprinkled with lots of treats. FMI: h p://www.olddogsnewdigs.com/pe inder.html

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10 yrs., Hound Mix

2 3 yrs., Beagle

Moses has the best ears! He would love to ďŹ nd a fenced yard or someone able to take him for walks. An easy-going guy who is happy to hang out all day, smell the fresh air, and listen to all the sounds. Moses is good with other dogs and with kids.

Flash came to us from NC. He is a friendly boy who loves other dogs and has good house manners. Please give Flash a loving home!

6 yrs., Beagle/ Hound Mix

Hello Doggie Daycare

He was abused at a young age, so he can be shy around new people. He is a sweet boy who loves to play with other dogs and sit in your lap once he gets to know you. Looking for a quiet family with no children and another dog for him to play with.

1311 Roosevelt Trail, Raymond • (207) 655-6521 hellodoggiedaycare.com

Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, Freeport (207) 797-5392

Tall Tails Beagle Rescue, (207) 797-5392

Sponsored by

FMI: h p://www.olddogsnewdigs.com/pe inder.html



3 yrs., Tree Walking Coonhound

1 yr.,


She has a love of naps and snuggles. Loves to be with her people and would love a family who shares that mindset. At this me, we recommend good judgement with other dogs pending a dog-to-dog visit and no cats. She came to us due to not being 100% housebroken. Bangor Humane Society, (207) 942-8902

3 yrs., Mixed Breeds These two sweethearts came to us full of porcupine quills and are ďŹ nally ready to ďŹ nd their very own home, together! We feel they'd do best as the only dogs. We recommend good judgement introducing to cats. We are recommending children 12+ at this point; all children are required to come meet these two ďŹ rst. A vet rela onship is required to adopt this pair. Bangor Humane Society, (207) 942-8902




3 yrs., Australian Ca le Dog

2 yrs., Ca le Dog Mix

Adult, Lab Mix

Interested in dog sports such as yball, agility, or nose work? Waylon could be the dog for you! This li le nugget of love is not for a ďŹ rst me dog owner or a home with children under 12. He needs to be an only dog and absolutely needs a job.

Brushing, head/ ear rubs, body massages are his favorite thing. He would do well as an only dog or with a conďŹ dent female. Due to his size, not recommended for small children. He will need a strong proac ve and conďŹ dent leader who u lizes posi ve reinforcement training.

FMI: catahoularescuene@gmail.com

FMI: catahoularescuene@gmail.com

She is a sweetheart. She had a severe skin allergy when she arrived at the shelter. We gave her the medical a en on and care that she needed and now she is thriving. She is healthy and absolutely lovely.

Responsible Pet Care, (207) 743-8679

Help us find a forever home! B

M .


May 2019


May C lendar To submit or get more informa on on the events below, go online to downeastdognews.com MICROCHIPPING CLINIC


Saturday, May 4 Rockland, 10AM – 1PM Join us for a microchipping clinic to benefit the Pope Memorial Humane Society! The cost is only $25* per pet - no appointment necessary, just stop by our Rockland Loyal Biscuit loca on! Dogs must be on a 6' (or shorter) leash and cats in a carrier. Other pets besides cats and dogs are welcome at the Rockland clinic. Please make sure that all animals are secured safely either on leash or in a carrier.* loyalbiscuit.com; (207)660-9200 x7

Saturday, May 18 Brunswick, 8AM – 2PM Join Midcoast Humane for our 17th Annual Plant Sale at 190 Pleasant St., Brunswick. Get everything you need for your garden this spring: annuals, perennials, hanging baskets, vegetables, herbs, shrubs, trees, and more! The event also includes a cra fair, bake sale, and raffles. All proceeds to benefit our animal guests. midcoasthumane.org; (207)449-1366



Saturday, May 4 Brewer, 10AM – 12PM Danielle from the SPCA of Hancock County will be at our Loyal Biscuit Brewer loca on at 421 Wilson St. from 10am – 12pm for our next nail clipping clinic. The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to SPCA of Hancock County. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit.com; (207)660-9200 x7

NAIL TRIMMING CLINIC Saturday, May 4 Rockland, 12PM – 3PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them down to Pet Quarters located at 235 Camden St, Rockland and Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! We trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are $10.00 each or a combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to the rescue.

GREATER BANGOR BARK FOR LIFE Friday, May 10 Bangor, 4PM – 8PM The 8th annual event will be held at the Hollywood Casino Raceway in Bangor. Bark for Life is an American Cancer Society event that honors the caregiving quali es of canines. The event will have a carnival theme including carnival games, a cra beer tent, as well as fried dough and co on candy. Pompeii Pizza, Spencer's Ice Cream, and Buffalo

DO YOU HAVE AN UPCOMING EVENT? Let us know about it! Send info to jenn@downeastdognews. com or add to our online calendar at downeastdognews.com/calendar

CALL AHEAD! Event schedules are subject to change. Contact individual event organizers to confirm times and locations. Downeast Dog News is not responsible for changes or errors.

Add your events TODAY on downeastdognews.com/calendar. It's FREE, fast & easy!


Wild Wings will be serving food at the event. Registra on is $10 for individuals and $15 for and individual and a dog. Sign up online at www. relayforlife.org/barkbangor or in person on the day of the event.

MICROCHIPPING CLINIC Saturday, May 11 Waterville, 10AM – 1PM Join us for a microchipping clinic to benefit the Humane Society Waterville Area! The cost is only $25 per pet - no appointment necessary, just stop by our Waterville Loyal Biscuit loca on! Dogs must be on a 6' (or shorter) leash and cats in a carrier. There is an annual registra on fee of $21.95 or a life me registra on fee of $84.95. The $25 clinic fee includes ac va on of the microchip and one year of registra on. Any cats or dogs are welcome at the Waterville clinic. Please make sure that all pets are secured safely either on leash or in a carrier. loyalbiscuit.com; (207)660-9200 x7

ANIMAL WELFARE SOCIETY YARD SALE Saturday, May 11 Kennebunk, 8AM – 2PM Held at 6 Hearthstone Dr., Kennebunk. Please no early birds. All items will be free between 1PM – 2PM.

NAIL TRIMMING CLINIC Saturday, May 11 Camden, 10AM – 12PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them over to Taxes Plus located next to the Camden Dog Park in the old Camden/Rockport Animal Shelter at 146 Camden St., Camden and Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! We trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are available for $10.00 each or combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to the rescue.

DOG BEHAVIOR, BODY LANGUAGE & DOG PARKS Saturday, May 11 Camden, 10AM In his presenta on, Dog Behavior, Body Language & Dog Parks – What

You Need to Know Before You Go to the Dog Park, Don Hanson, Cer fied Dog Behavior Consultant, and Cer fied Professional Dog Trainer will address what you need to know about canine behavior and canine body language to make sure your visit is safe and fun for you and your dog. A endees will be be er equipped to decide if a dog park is the best choice for them and their dog. Held at PAWS Animal Adop on Center, 123 John St., Camden.

NAIL TRIMMING CLINIC Saturday, May 11 Union, 1PM – 3PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them over to Union Agway located on 2179 Heald Highway in Union and Shannon from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! We trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it! Nail Trimmings and Ear Cleanings are available for $10.00 each or combo price of $12.00 for both. All funds raised go directly to rescue

TOE NAIL TUESDAY Tuesday, May 14 Rockland, 11AM – 1PM Is your pet in need of a pedicure? Bring them down to Pet Quarters located at 235 Camden St, Rockland and Shannon Nachajko from Catahoula Rescue of New England will be on hand to make your fur kids look their very best! And remember we trim not only dogs, but cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, you name it!

SOUTHERN ME COASTAL CLASSIC DOG SHOW Thurs. May 16 – Sun. May 19 Cumberland, 8AM Southern Maine’s largest canine event, the Southern Maine Coastal Classic, presents its tenth annual four days of AKC All Breed Dog Shows and Obedience and Rally Trials at its new loca on, the Cumberland Fairgrounds, 174 Bruce Hill Road, Cumberland. Outdoors rain or shine. Admission each day is $5 per vehicle. A food truck will serve food throughout the day. Also, be sure to visit our vendors selling dog-related items.

Saturday, May 18 Brewer, 10AM – 1PM Join us for a microchipping clinic to benefit the Bangor Humane Society! The cost is only $25 per pet - no appointment necessary, just stop by our Brewer Loyal Biscuit loca on. Dogs must be on a 6' (or shorter) leash and cats in a carrier. There is an annual registra on fee of $21.95 or a life me registra on fee of $84.95. The $25 clinic fee includes ac va on of the microchip and one year of registra on. Any cats or dogs are welcome at the Brewer clinic. Please make sure that all pets are secured safely either on leash or in a carrier. loyalbiscuit.com; (207)660-9200 x7

MICROCHIPPING CLINIC Saturday, May 18 Belfast, 10AM – 1PM Join us for a microchipping clinic to benefit the P.A.W.S. Animal Adop on Center! The cost is only $25 per pet - no appointment necessary, just stop by our Belfast Loyal Biscuit loca on! Dogs must be on a 6' (or shorter) leash and cats in a carrier. Any cats or dogs are welcome at the Belfast clinic. Please make sure that all pets are secured safely either on leash or in a carrier. loyalbiscuit.com; (207)660-9200 x7

TRUCKS AND PUPS Sunday, May 19 Wells, 4PM – 10PM Trucks & Pups Food Truck night hosted by Congdon’s A er Dark, 1100 Post Rd., Wells. This event will kick off the 2019 food truck season in Wells to benefit AWS programming. All vendors and food trucks will be dona ng por ons of proceeds to AWS. This event is dog-friendly! Rain date will be Monday, May 20th. animalwelfaresociety.org

NAIL CLIPPING CLINIC Saturday, May 25 Waterville, 10:30AM – 12:30PM Melissa from Primp My Paws will be at our Loyal Biscuit Waterville loca on on 109 Main St. for our next nail clipping clinic. Convenient parking off of Temple Street, behind Lebanese Cuisine! The cost is $10 per pet and all proceeds will be donated to Charley's Strays, a no-kill animal refuge in Clinton, Maine. No appointment necessary. loyalbiscuit. com; (207)660-9200 x7

Downeast Dog News

Business Directory MIDCOAST

g Goin

trip? Come home to a on a Clean House & Happy Pets

Betty McBrien 701-8491 • Loving pet caregiver in your home within a 30 mile radius of Camden • Professional housekeeper • Farm animal care also available

Wiscasset, Maine • 207-882-6128 redseatsmaine.com

The ďŹ nal act of kindness for your pet, in the comfort of home. • Affordable • All Species • Cremation thru Ashes to Ashes • In-home Consultations

Robin Elms, DVM cell (848) 333-2211 robin.elmsdvm@yahoo.com www.apeacefulpassage.net

Reach New Customers! Adver se Here



Little Dove Farm





Psychic for People & Pets

Communicate with your pets, living or deceased with Sara Moore. Long distance sessions available!

www.enlightenedhorizons.com As heard on 94.9 and Magic 104.5

More Hot Dog News SHOWS from page 2 begin at 8am each day, outdoors rain or shine. York County Kennel Club of Maine, Inc and Vacationland Dog Club, Inc invite the public to meet some of AKC’s 180+ recognized breeds and observe the various activities throughout the day. Admission each day is $5 per vehicle. There is ample parking inside the fairgrounds. A food truck will serve food throughout the day. Also, be sure to visit our vendors selling dog-related items. Each day’s activities include regular conformation, obedience and rally concluding with a Best in Show winner. All-American Mixed Breeds enrolled in AKC’s Canine Partners Program may enter Obedience and Rally Competitions. Go to www.akc.org/dog-owners/caninepartners/ for details. Camping onsite is available. All RV parking is $40 per night which includes water and electrical hookup only. Tenting without hookups is $25 per night. If interested in camping onsite, contact Pauline Goodwin at (207) 324-5400 or visit our websites

May 2019

to download a reservation form. Deadline for camping reservations is May 8, 2019. Founded in 1945, Vacationland Dog Club, Inc is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of purebred dogs through public education and responsible dog ownership. For

more information on upcoming events, becoming a member or checking the latest club news and events, go to http://www. vacationlanddogclub.org/. York County Kennel Club of Maine, Inc is a not-for-profit organization whose goals are to protect and advance the

interests of purebred dogs through AKC performance events and community education activities. For more information about this show cluster, directions to Cumberland Fairgrounds or any of the featured dog clubs go to http://www.yorkcountykennelclub. org.


ME License #F251

U Boarding & Daycare U Dog Grooming U Dog Training Classes U Behavior Counseling U Wholesome Pet Foods U Quality Pet Supplies

Your pet’s home away from home 1653 Union St., Bangor - 207-945-6841 www.greenacreskennel.com

Help Wanted Professional Pet Groomer Green Acres Kennel Shop is currently seeking a full-time, experienced, professional pet groomer to help care for our fantastic clients! In this position, your primary responsibility will be to compassionately and competently bathe, brush, clip and scissor coats of all breeds of dogs as well as performing other grooming duties such as nail and ear care. Previous experience is required, as is compassionate handling of animals of all sizes and temperaments and a willingness to commit to the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Guiding Principles.

FMI on how to apply: http://bit.ly/GAKS-EmpOpp


Hello, Doggie!


“Where Every Dog’s A Star!”

BOARDING AND DAYCARE Cage-Free Staffed 24/7 10:1 Dog to staff ratio 30 Total capacity Personalized Care for every dog

*All dogs new to the facility must pass their audition and spend at least one full day with us before their stay.

TRAINING Group & Private Classes AKC STAR Puppy Class

every Saturday at 9am open enrollment Trainer Chris Ford, ABCDT, AKC CGC and S.T.A.R. Puppy Evaluator

207-610-0802 www.hellodoggiedaycare.com


1311 Roosevelt Trail, Raymond, Maine 04071

Snowbirds! Are you planning your trip south for winter? Would you like to fly but have your vehicle and pets there too? Picklespuptransport LLC can drive your vehicle and pets for you — and come back in the Spring and bring them home while you can fly home without the driving! Please call for a quote. Picklespuptransport LLC John Pickles – 207-812-0052 Picklespuptransport.com

Open for weekends on May 18 Open for the season on June 15 - Oct 14

RailwayVillage.org 586 Wiscasset Rd | Route 27 | Boothbay, ME

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