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Veterinary Care
No pet owner ever wants to experience an animal medical emergency, especially while on vacation and away from the family vet.
If that should happen however, there are scores of on-call veterinarians throughout Maine available to come to the rescue.If you are relocating or are a current resident of Maine please consult this list for a veterinarian in your local area. Whether you are looking for full-time veterinary care or require an emergency visit please contact the practice for more information on what services they provide.
Androscoggin Animal Hospital 457 Foreside Rd., Topsham (207)729-4678 androscogginanimalhospital.com
Blake Veterinary Hospital 66 Atlantic Hwy., Northport (207)789-5700 blakevet.com Midcoast Animal Emergency Clinic 191 Camden Rd/Route 90, Warren (207)273-1100 midcoastaec.com
Oxford Hills Veterinary Hospital 136 Western Ave., South Paris (207)743-9271 oxfordhillsvet.com
Damariscotta Veterinary Clinic 530 Main St., Damariscotta (207)563-3934 damariscottavetclinic.com
Kennebunk Veterinary Hospital 149 Fletcher St., Kennebunk (207)985-4277 kbunkvet.com
Maine Veterinary Medical Center 1500 Technology Way, Scarborough (207)885-1290 mvmc.vet
Medomak Veterinary Services 14 Atlantic Highway, Waldoboro (207) 563-7786 medomakvet.com Portland Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Care 739 Warren Ave. & 2255 Congress St., Portland (207)878-3121 pvesc.com
Ridge Runner Veterinary Services 559 South St., Winterport (207)223-2596 ridgerunnervet.com
Veterinary & Rehabilitation Center of Cape Elizabeth 207 Ocean House Rd (Route 77), Cape Elizabeth (207)799-6952 vrcce.com