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Lubec & Eastport
Lubec boasts year-round attractions in a rural coastal setting, with rugged, natural beauty.
With nearly 100 miles of coastline, this is an ideal travel destination for adventures near the sea. The quaint waterfront village offers lodging accommodations ranging from charming inns to motels and private home rentals. Like many Maine villages, Lubec hosts summertime concerts, festivals, and special events in the downtown areas and nearby parks. Lubec hosts Summer Keys, an adult music camp that features weekly evening concerts, and The Easternmost Institute for the Arts, which presents a variety of summer workshops for adults and children. You can also find Jazz in Lubec, a week of jazz performances in August, and Summer Brushes, a painting workshop program. Be sure to bring your passport so that you can visit Campobello Island, a historic 2,800 acre International Park with a visitor center, gardens and tours of the 34 room summer cottage of U.S. President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Admission to the park is always free.
Local Favorites: Lubec is home to many art galleries, studios and gift shops. Monica’s Chocolates offers handmade chocolates and beautiful Peruvian gifts.
Must See: West Quoddy Head Lighthouse, in Quoddy Head State Park. This is the easternmost point of the Lower 48 states. The lighthouse has been there since 1808 to guide ships through the Quoddy Narrows.
Most Unusual: Tea with Eleanor; Expert guides tell of Eleanor Roosevelt’s life on Campobello Island, and of her years of activism and public service, all accompanied by Eleanor’s favorite blend of tea and a variety of delicious cookies. Visit fdr.net for more info.
If you have ever wondered what the term Down East truly means, a trip to the easternmost City in country will help understand that it is a feeling as much as a place.
Eastport is situated on Moose Island between Passamaquoddy and Cobscook Bays. Connected to the mainland by a causeway, this quiet historic community is an easy drive over the Bold Coast Scenic Byway along Route One. Our neighbor to the west is the Passamaquoddy Tribe at Pleasant Point and to the east is the Canadian Island of Campobello and the New Brunswick mainland. Downtown Eastport is a National Historic District with architecturally significant buildings filled with shops, galleries, restaurants and museums all within easy walking distance of each other. On the working waterfront is the new Breakwater pier with its fleet of fishing boats and often lined with people Mackerel fishing or just enjoying the spectacular view. You are very likely to see seals, porpoise, a visiting whale and hundreds of sea birds. Whale watching and lobstering cruises are available along with a passenger ferry to neighboring Lubec. Eastport is one of the deepest ports in the country with an extraordinary tidal range that averages between 18 and 20 feet.
Hidden Gems: Shackford Head State Park: Hiking Trails, Beaches and Picnic areas all near downtown. Mathews Island; a Maine Heritage Trust nature preserve accessible at low tide. Bronze Mermaid Statue: On the downtown Waterfront Park Trail. Granite Sculpture & Amphitheater: In the Historic District.
Local Favorites: Award Winning Lobster Rolls; Old Sow Tidal Whirlpool; Quoddy Dam Project Working Model.