21 minute read
I intend to carry on the good work on all previous Flag Officers, General and sub-committees and will give every effort to ensure the Club continues to thrive and prosper, despite the pandemic and ongoing economic conditions.
I congratulate and welcome all ongoing and newly elected Flag Officers and other members of General and sub-committees. They have all committed at a time when good governance and sound decision making are critical to the Club’s sustainability.
Our Flag Officers and General Committee (GC) members, for 2020-21 are as follows: FLAG OFFICERS (IN ADDITION TO MYSELF) & HONORARY TREASURER • Vice Commodore Peter Chalmer • Rear Commodore – Sail Ian Burvill • Rear Commodore – Power Elise Manners • Rear Commodore – Juniors Scott Monro • Honorary Treasurer Mark Caddy IT GIVES ME GREAT PLEASURE to pen this Tidings article, my first as Commodore. I thank members for their support in electing me at the Annual General Meeting on 28 July 2020.
GENERAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS • Tim Cummins • Nick Gray • Kim Laurence • David Lynn • Tony Packer • Luke Paterson • John Standley
We are in great shape in all key yardsticks, including financial, membership, participation and socially. Nonetheless, we must be vigilant and proactive in all these areas. I am confident that the relevant sub-committees are aware of their mandates and will provide GC with good guidance.
We have several major capital projects underway at present, or are imminent, and I provide a brief update as follows:
At time of writing the deck panels have been placed and the Start Box is due for placement by late September. Despite several delays, and approved cost increases, this project has achieved its aim. The quality of construction will ensure a long life for one of the most exposed areas of the marina. By the time you are reading this, I hope the Race Management Team has settled in and pens have been re-occupied.
A Master Plan was drawn up in 2018, partially to assist planning for the Junior & Dinghy Facility redevelopment (see later), and one element of this provided for the existing fuel storage and delivery system to be relocated to an area within the tender storage adjacent to the shipwrights sheds. At time of writing, works had commenced with trenching alongside the shipwrights through to the northern lower rigging lawn area. This section of the work is intended to be complete (ie the trenching and laying of pipework) prior to Sailing Opening Day on 17 October.
The work will then be in abeyance until the longlead time delivery of the fuel tank itself in late November 2020. The existing system will continue to be in use throughout. Disruption to fuel availability should be minimal with only hookup and commissioning required at that time.
This project will leave the Club with a compliant, modern and safe system with member card access and greater efficiency and accuracy of fuel sales and usage recording.
Deterioration of the western end of the main wharf has been noted and monitored for several years. Planning was underway in late June 2020 to proceed with remediation works but these have since been deferred until late April 2021 (end of summer sailing season). Further technical surveys have shown the wharf to be functional, albeit with practical and modest changes to jinker movements and crane usage. At time of writing, a tender package had been provided to prospective parties and initial assessment of responses completed by Capital Works and Maintenance Committee. Costs, processes and timing were within expectations of CWC and we are confident a suitable contractor will be appointed prior to the end of this calendar year.
This project is in 2 parts, a) Fundraising and b) Development
Fundraising – back in 2018 a small group of members and supporters of this project formed the
view that funding of this project could be substantially achieved by member donations. A fundraising group was established consisting of: • Rear Commodore Juniors (then), Barbara-Dene Jones • Tony Packer – General Committee & Capital Works and Maintenance Committee • Fiona Webster • Fiona Meiklejohn • Myself – as Vice Commodore
We engaged the services of a professional fundraising consultant and, as a team, commenced a targeted, structured, professional program of approaching members seeking donations. Our target at the time was $2.5M, although full costings had yet to be known.
At time of writing gross funds raised amount to $2.45M! As detailed below, recent costings indicate a total project cost in excess of $3M. I have continued as Chair of the fundraising group and we are confident of closing the gap on that higher figure.
I wish to personally thank all of the fundraising group members who have done an amazing job, in difficult times, and have shown great respect to all members approached for support.
Of course, I also thank all those members who have donated to date. Further, and appropriate recognition will of course be forthcoming upon completion of the build aspect of this project.
Development – through several member workshops, GC and sub-committee deliberations, a final design and location was identified and adopted by General Committee. Members have had comprehensive exposure to this design and location, and strong support continues to be shown.
At time of writing a full tender package has been distributed to several identified contractors with responses pending early October 2020. Subject to a suitable tenderer being identified, works are planned to commence early 2021. It is likely that completion will not be until early 2022. It is important to note that the existing facility will be largely functional throughout. Some shed storage access will be lost but planning and management of this is well underway.
Whilst every effort is being made to minimize inconvenience to members, it is inevitable with such a program of works, that some issues will arise. I ask all members to be flexible, respectful to contractors, staff and other members throughout this extended period.
The culmination of these various projects will set the Club up for decades in the relevant areas. We are fortunate to be able to fund and provide this infrastructure to current and future members.
I was delighted to attend the Power Section Closing event recently and I congratulate them on the running of a very successful season.
At time of writing, Summer Season Opening Day is imminent. Our Grounds Staff, under Bosun Nathan Stronach have, again, prepared the Clubhouse and grounds to an immaculate condition (despite ongoing capital works and the tragic demise and pending removal of our entry pinetree). With our fortunate COVID-19 situation in WA, we are blessed to be able to hold a full day of events, and hopefully that will continue through the season. I am confident that spring weather and pent up demand for social opportunities will have given us a wonderful day.
On a personal note, I have dropped a bit of cycling time and converted that to St Ayles rowing. This wonderful group continues to have consistent turnups on Tuesday, Thursdays, Sundays and in between – often with both Dotsie and Ripple fully crewed. A large contingent, including myself and my wife Tracey will be in Augusta on the September long weekend to support the local group with the launch of their two brand new St Ayles Skiffs. This is a great example of the community outreach and engagement that our Club can provide.
Finally, to the myriad of volunteers in the Club, I thank you for your amazing ongoing support. Be it manning a BBQ, umpiring a sailing event or doing some gardening, it all culminates in a Club of connected, committed and engaged members. This truly makes the fabric of our Club.
Best wishes to all for a full and rewarding summer season.
Note – future articles will not be this long!
Any combination of nominees would have created a team that is dedicated to the Club and is capable of continuing the great work and success created by those preceding us. My thanks also to the previous Commodore and Vice Commodore for their wisdom and hard work which has left the Club in an enviable place.
I look forward to working with new members of Membership and House Committees and thank previous committee members for their involvement and contribution to the Club. I also look forward to working alongside Suzzi Ghent and Debbie Hanrahan as the respective committee coordinators. • Membership Committee now consists of Jenny Spearman, Elise Manners, John Walsh, Grant Alderson and Mark Tremain. • Members of the new House Committee are Fiona Webster, Lynn Schlichthaerle, Barbara-Dene Jones, Kim Laurence and Tom Lovelady.
Whilst we may be operating under largely reduced COVID-19 restrictions, these members are an important asset in assuring a positive path forward.
WISH TO START THIS ARTICLE by thanking the AGM for their support and the election of the new Officers of the Club.
This part of the Club is where members and staff interact more closely than other areas. I would draw members’ attention to our Code of Conduct which is available on the website. It relates to the respectful interaction and behaviour between all persons at the Club, including staff, members’ guests and visitors. Under Club rules, members are responsible not only for their own behaviour but also that of their guests. If you find yourself, or a guest, in a situation requiring resolution, address your concern to a Manager and seek an amicable resolution at the time. If not achievable, the next recourse is to address your comments to the CEO.
It is important and very rewarding to note that we are seeing ongoing increases in restaurant and bar usage as well as events. Larger function bookings over the winter have been relatively slow on the uptake and is most likely reflective of current COVID-19 uncertainties.
The Commodore’s Cocktail party this year was at maximum capacity and was a great night celebrating the change of guardianship for the Club. Recent Theme Dinners, Quarterdeck lunches and New Members nights are very successful and are booked to our allowable COVID-19 capacities. Bowline dining is performing strongly and is reflective of members enjoyment of their Club.
Upcoming events such as Mess Night and the Melbourne Cup are currently progressing in compliance with Government COVID19 restrictions and may not be the same as last year but will, no doubt, be ones to be remembered.
Opening Day on Saturday, 17 October is a fantastic opportunity to relax after a tough time since March and kick back and enjoy the vibrancy and spectacle of the Club. I’m sure our bosun, Nathan, and his Maintenance Team will be flat out delivering the Club and grounds at their finest on that day.
Much has been discussed recently about the importance of increased membership. The previous Committee has worked hard on strategic planning for Membership and I will continue within their framework. There are many suggestions to examine and it will be a busy time for this Committee. At the moment we are evaluating baseline data before putting forward resolutions to General Committee.
Membership numbers in the last months have reflected reductions that are in line with expectations but are duly noted and continually monitored. Flexible payment options put in place earlier have been well received and we are in the favourable position this month of having our largest number of new member interviews for the last few years.
At our recent New Youth Transition Night 23 members transitioned to Ordinary membership and our last New Member Night saw 15 members introduced. A great night was had by all at these nights with and the Bowline at capacity after the presentations.
I encourage all members to come down for these nights to welcome our new members to the Club.
I look forward to seeing you around our Club.
AFTER THE AGM ON 28 JULY, I took over from Peter Chalmer as Rear Commodore Sail. Peter has held this position for four out of the past six years and has displayed outstanding leadership. I wish him well in his new role as Vice Commodore.
I look forward to working with the many people who make sailing happen at RFBYC: staff, volunteers, boat owners and sailors.
Following easement of lockdown restrictions, midweek and frostbite sailing has resumed in earnest. The delayed keelboat champions’ presentations for the Club’s summer season were held on 26 July and were well attended. Our spacious Roland Smith Room and balconies enabled us to hold this function within mandated density limits. Coutta boat Madeleine undergoing a once-in-20- years’ overhaul, mostly done by partners in the boat and their sons whose employment was impacted by COVID-19. Jim Wiltshire
On 31 July, RFBYC hosted the Farrawa Cup Series presentations. Congratulations to RFBYC member, Ian Clyne, and his crew on Joss, who won the series in IRC Division 1. This capped off an outstanding offshore season for the Joss team, which also won the prestigious Siska trophy as WA offshore champions for 2019–2020.
RFBYC has pooled resources with Fremantle Sailing Club, Hillarys Yacht Club and Royal Perth Yacht Club to form Ocean Racing WA (ORWA) to coordinate and standardise their offshore events. This should make it easier for yacht owners. It will also bring about efficiencies for clubs, which will still retain their organising authority status and responsibilities.
Travel restrictions have caused the Club, class associations and partner clubs to delay World Championships for the Etchells and Flying Fifteens by one year. Along with the Contender World Championships, we will be hosting three
Worlds over the 2021–2022 summer. Volunteer recruitment and training has been ramped up in anticipation of these events.
Yacht owners, please remember to nominate for the summer season and ensure that your safety audits are completed prior to Sailing Opening Day on 17 October. Safe sailing for
IAM DELIGHTED WITH MY recent election to Rear Commodore Juniors and look forward to the opportunity to work with staff, coaches, members, parents and volunteers to ensure all our junior sailors have a wonderful experience both on and off the water.
It is certainly a very exciting time for the Dinghy Club which will experience significant change with the Club House Redevelopment scheduled to proceed early next year. It is one of my goals as Rear Commodore to capitalise on this redevelopment by continuing to promote junior sailing at the Club, strengthen current participation rates and foster a popular junior sailing hub that will retain youth and produce many world class sailors in the years to come.
A huge thank-you to immediate past Rear Commodore Barbara-Dene Jones for her leadership and commitment to the Dinghy Club over the last 2 years. Amongst many other achievements, Barbara-Dene has been a driving force on the fund raising for the Dinghy Club House Redevelopment, introduced the Back to School Party and always encouraged junior members, parents and volunteers to participate and be part of the greater RFBYC sailing community.
The Dinghy winter series was ‘bookended’ by two wonderful days of competition. The easing of COVID-19 restrictions in June witnessed a huge turnout of sailors competing in the first race day in Freshwater Bay with dinghy numbers exceeding 70. Almost similar numbers turned up for the final race day in August. Unfortunately, as is often the case in winter, racing was abandoned for many of the other race days due to poor weather conditions. A total of 7 races were completed over the course of the series. A special mention to our most improved sailors for the winter series – Sophia Charly (Optimist), Thomas Cooper (Optimist) and Elise Moore (Laser 4.7).
It is now apparent that the National Championships for all dinghy fleets scheduled for this summer have been cancelled or suspended until the following year. It is a big disappointment for our junior sailors who were preparing and looking forward to National competition here in our own State. But rest assured the Dinghy Club will roll out training programmes and competition to ensure our junior sailors remain competitive over the summer, despite the absence of National competition. The Dinghy Club is expecting significant participation and sailing activity this summer as a consequence of the travel restrictions and the likelihood that most sailors will remain in Perth.
Our training centre continues to be recognised by Australian Sailing for the very high levels of participation in the sailing programmes offered by this Club. When compared to other yacht clubs in Australia, our training centre ranked 2nd in Discover Sailing, 2nd in Tackers, 1st in OutThere Sailing, 5th In Dinghy and 8th in the Keelboat training programs for the 12 month period ending June 2020. These impressive participation rates are testimony to the hard work and commitment of our Training Centre Principal, Shelley White and Dinghy Administrator, Chelsea Hall, and the numerous instructors who have worked tirelessly over this period to train and coach our enthusiastic sailors.
Lastly and very importantly, I wish to acknowledge on behalf of the junior members the special membership awarded to Geoff Brown. It is a very deserving award in recognition of the outstanding service and support that Geoff has given to the Club over the many years in his capacity as volunteer and Race Officer.
IT IS WITH GREAT PRIDE THAT I have been bestowed the honour of becoming your next Rear Commodore Power. I am very much looking forward to this role and representing the interests of the power yacht fraternity over the next two years.
Firstly, thank you to outgoing Rear Commodore Mark Tremain for his tireless leadership over the last two years and for serving on the Power Committee for the last six years. He leaves me with very large shoes to fill.
Also, thank you to the outgoing committee for their service and hard work over the past couple of years. I look forward to welcoming some new faces onto the committee and hearing some fresh ideas on ways to build on Mark’s successes and increase participation.
Well, what a tumultuous start to the Time Trialling season we had, moreover, what an unprecedented year it has been! As previously mentioned by Mark in last quarters Tidings, our scheduled Power opening day of 2nd May was postponed due to COVID-19. Thankfully, we were able to start the season on June 13 and have had a packed calendar since then. We have seen good numbers competing in our weekly club time trials as well as having RFBYC well represented at the CPYC State Heats and other prestigious events held by our kindred clubs around our beautiful river.
On Saturday, 8 August the John Cowen Memorial Trophy Time Trial was held. Congratulations to Tim Cummins and Ken Stevenson on Havana on their win with just 3 points lost! Thank you to Bev Cowen and family for continuing to donate this trophy.
The 63rd JM Zeffert Memorial Time Trial, competing for the coveted Kylie Cup, was held on Sunday 30 August under near perfect skies. We had a total of 57 boats competing with 219 people enjoying the ‘pig on a spit’ lunch afterwards. Congratulations to Khaled Hejleh and Sarah Clarke on Stramash, winners of the Kylie Cup with 5 points lost. This was certainly a hard-fought win!
Power Closing day was held on Saturday, 19 September with presentations in the Athol Hobbs Room from 4:00pm. Congratulations to all place getters, most notably Tim Cummins and Ken Stevenson on Havana for taking out the Club Championship with a total score of 111 points. Close runner up was Geoff Wells and Diane Clarke on Xindi with 93 points and the most improved skipper for the season was Mike Kay on Moby. A big congratulations to all! It was definitely a close season that could have gone one of many ways!
The 124th Sailing Opening day will be held on Saturday, 17 October. I encourage all power yacht owners to participate in the raft up and sail past. Further information on this will be available in due course.
A special mention goes to our volunteers, most importantly our regular start boat attendants, Brian Cain, Arthur Wells and Mark
Donati, without whom our weekly events would not be possible. Thank you! Also, a big thank you to Sharon Skinner for taking on the power administration role under difficult circumstances and doing a fabulous job!
Finally, I encourage all members, power and sail alike, to give time trialling a go. It is a fabulous way to run your boats over the winter months as well as a fantastic opportunity to socialise with your fellow members in the Club afterwards. If you would like further information on how to get involved, please don’t hesitate to ask!
I look forward to serving this great Club over the coming two years and I very much look forward to seeing you out on the water!
Spring is here, the winter season has concluded and we are ready to start the summer sailing season.
After an uncertain start to the winter, our Power Section enjoyed a good season on the water while our off-thebeach and keelboat fleets managed some great winter series race days too.
The Club has been buzzing with many members around to enjoy the winter at home. Social events such as the themed dinners on weeknights, wine dinners and membership welcome functions have been well attended and loads of fun.
We have held three membership welcome functions since the last edition and are preparing for another at the end of October. The young adult welcome evening was very popular. It was fabulous to see twenty-three of our 18 to 25 members who’ve come through Junior membership, continuing to enjoy the Club with friends and family.
It’s been a bumper end to the winter season with a high number of membership applications. It is very exciting to be welcoming so many wonderful new people to our Club community.
See you at our 124th Opening Day celebrations!
We welcome new applications for membership
It’s an exciting time at the Club, our community is alive with activity. There are lots of things happening on Keane’s Point with upgrades in the marina and around the grounds. We have plenty of space to go around and invite new applications for membership. Visit the membership section of the Club website or get in touch with our Membership Coordinator, Suzzi, for assistance.
Thank you for introducing your friends
A huge thank you to the members who have been introducing their friends to the Club and assisting them with the process of becoming members.
On the topic of exciting projects, we would like to congratulate our team of volunteers helping to raise funds for the Junior / Dinghy Facility Redevelopment Project. Their successes mean the project is going ahead full steam. It is wonderful that there has been such generosity in donations from members and friends of the Club, every bit helps. Our off-the-beach area is going to be amazing. The new buildings and layout of the area is sure to continue the success of our Training Centre, numbers participating in fun sailing, club racing and other activities as well as excellence achieved in competitive sailing by our members.
We’re getting ready for an upgrade to our digital services for members and a modern new look for our online presence. Stay tuned for the rollout of these new services.
124th Opening Day
On Saturday, 17 October we open the summer sailing season with a big day at the club, showcasing our activities and socialising together. Off-the-beach class racing and training, St Ayles Skiff rowing, keelboat racing and a sail past with our power section. The day includes our official opening ceremony and plenty of fun ashore for all ages. A day not to be missed - please join us.
John Chapman - SailsOnSwan