March Tidings 2021

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S HARD TO BELIEVE Autumn is upon us and summer sailing season is drawing to a close. Despite February’s local Covid-19 setback, the Club has continued to thrive.

On water and Off water activities since December 2020 have been well patronised and the various Sail, House, Members and Juniors reports will provide more detail. Our major capital works program continues and members will be in no doubt that the Junior/Dinghy Facility is well underway. On Sunday, 14 March Junior Captain George Elms and I hosted a Slab Celebration to thank all who had donated to date. The slab pour was completed mere days before and had set enough that we had a slab-walk and many signed their names on the concrete. We have had enormous support for the fundraising behind this, but the opportunity still holds for any member wishing to be involved. With tax year end not too far off, a timely tax deduction may be attractive. Please contact me personally if required. It was sad to see the Norfolk Pine being felled then the stump being grubbed out but be assured we will work with the appropriate authorities as to reinstate-

ment of appropriate planting and reinstatement of the roadway. The new fuel system is fully operational, and with minor adjustments and tweaks, is running well. I, for one, do not miss the carbon-copy docket book! I encourage all boat owners to use the Club’s fuel facility. The modest markup helps pay for the system of course. A new, longer hose is being fitted to facilitate the larger boats in the Club. Please give the Club another run, if we lost your support previously. The western wharf remediation contract was awarded by General Committee since last Tidings, and long lead time articles are in progress. Work is scheduled to commence late April this year. I thank members for their patience and understanding with all this disruption going on around the Club. Of course, one of the key issues has been parking. Please keep a note of any bulletins re large truck movements and minimise car use where possible. I have made more use of my

own e-bike of late and can recommend it. We do have the luxury of lovely stretches of green grass around the Club. Despite reduced parking, there are many times where bitumen bays are available and yet many cars are parked on the main driveway grass. Please use that grass as a last resort. Clearly, after a Thursday/ Saturday sail, there will be cars remaining – that is understood. I have endorsed the CEO’s recent action to place suitable, polite notices on windscreens where parking is inconsistent with Club rules and preferences (eg no sticker, non-member, not marked bay, etc). The gate may be closed more often, and Keith or other attendant may not admit non-members or those unable to verify membership appropriately. Please ensure this important role is treated with respect. On similar terms, I ask all members to continue to show respect when dealing with staff and fellow members. From time to time, we do encounter issues in this regard. It is our combined

duty to provide a safe workplace for staff (mentally and physically) and to ensure no staff or member feels harassed or otherwise uncomfortable. We have various avenues for incident reporting, counselling, chaplain support etc. Please ensure you approach someone in authority that you trust if you need such support. On a personal note, I enjoyed a fantastic Bunbury & Return Ocean Race on Ross Norgard’s beautiful Salacia II. It was a return to offshore for me after some 20 years, having last competed with my father Stephen and brother Tony in dad’s S&S 34 – Cappoquin II. Suffice to say that Ross’s provisioning was pure luxury compared to the minimal fare allowed back then! Let’s finish the season with high participation in all activities. Our finances continue to be strong but who knows where economic times will take us. A good club is a vibrant club, so join me in keeping it so.


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