2 minute read
RFD’s Legacy Now Online

Well we’ve finally been able to complete most of the scanning of the back issues of RFD dating back to our founding in 1974. Thanks to everyone who donated back issues which we were either lacking or had a poor condition copy of, so you’ll all be seeing the best scans possible of issues which are extremely rare and only a few copies are in our collection.
We used a book scanning company in New Jersey to scan the back issues and our beloved production/art editor delivered them and picked them. All of this took place in 2018! But we had a few snafus and delays—hello summer, other projects, personal events.
Well over the last few weeks we’ve dusted off the scans and uploaded them to our website! You can find the issues at www.issuu.com/rfdmag or from our website at www.rfmag.org/back-issues.php. We’ve uploaded 148 out of 181 issues. That’s 8,400 pages of RFD that were scanned. Many of these issues are still available for sale so please feel free to explore an issue online and help us out by buying your favorites.
Now that we’ve scanned the bulk of the back issues except for thirty-three stragglers which had a page missing or other issues which require us to rescan them, we’re committed to making these issues available for free but we’re hoping you’ll consider making a donation to help cover our fixed costs of making these available. Give what you can and do help spread the news about this vital document of our history with friends.
We’re undertaking a project to reach out to various libraries and archives which have RFD in their collections to attempt to make as many complete sets as possible. If you have early issues of RFD which you’d like to gift to us for this project we’d appreciate it. We’re especially looking for issues 1 through 25.
We’re working on an indexing project for the back issues as well and hope to be able to get your help in crowd tasking this work. Stay tuned for details about this but in the meanwhile, we have an paper index which covers issues 1 through 40 and you can find it here—www.rfdmag.org/issue-index.
Again, here is the URL to the back issues—www. rfdmag.org/back-issues.php. Enjoy!