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by rfi4
thousand and the provision for severance indemnity mainly deriving from provisions for the year and amounting to € 9 thousand.
In terms of hedging, there was a change in the net short-term financial position of € 3,085 thousand and an increase in equity resulting from the year' results.
The change in the short-term net financial position of € 3,085 thousand resulted from the increase in cash and cash equivalents at the end of the 2021 financial year.
With reference to the provisions of Article 2428, first paragraph, we report the risk factors to which the company is exposed.
Russia - Ukraine war conflict
The FS Group is characterised by a complex and varied domestic and international business, which exposes it to various risk factors related to the possible consequences of the UkraineRussia conflict. Several risk factors are significant in this context, particularly those related to:
− business development, such as reduced traffic, demand for mobility and reduced propensity to travel/tourist flows, border closures or restrictions on the transport of passengers and goods, restrictions on economic relations and cooperation;
− macroeconomic and financial factors, such as volatility of energy commodity prices, expected volatility of global financial markets, exchange rates and interest rates;
− supply chain, such as unavailability of raw materials and parts, unavailability of energy sources, interruption of the input supply chain for service continuity and/or capital expenditure;
− Cyber Crime, e.g. attacks on company assets operating locally or in neighbouring countries or the intensification of the same with potential impact on the disruption of services and critical infrastructures.
The Group has processes and procedures in place to support the identification, management and monitoring of events with potential significant impact on the company's resources and business. These processes are designed at maximising the responsiveness and effectiveness of the actions taken.
Furthermore, the company does not operate directly in the countries involved in the conflict.