2 minute read
- Resolution of the Transport Regulatory Authority no. 28/2021 containing "Measures concerning the minimum content of the specific rights that users of rail and bus transport services can demand from service and related infrastructure managers with regard to claim management"; - Ministerial Decree 75 of 28 March 2022 “Identification of the minimum level of civil liability insurance coverage for accidents, in particular for passengers, luggage, freight, mail, third parties”.
Regional sources:
- Resolution no. 1332 of November 19, 2018 of the Umbrian Regional Council which approves the scheme of the deed of Concession and the Planning Agreement referred to in the agreement of December 15, 2017 - Deed of concession (Index No. 53372, Protocol No. 264675 of 12 December 2018) to RFI S.p.A. for the management of the Umbrian regional railway infrastructure.
1.3.2 General information and legal value [ex 1.4.1+1.4.2]
The Network Statement (NS) is produced by the IM, in pursuance of Article 14 of Legislative Decree 112/15, based on consultations with the parties concerned and the information provided by the Transport Regulation Authority (TRA) and is published in accordance with Article 14(5) of Legislative Decree 112/15.
The NS contains a detailed description of, (i) the rights and duties of the IM and the Applicants, in relation to the capacity/path requests/allocations, (ii) the utilisation of the Umbria Ragional Railway Infrastructure and the delivery of the relevant services, and (iii) the charges and consideration due. The Network Statement, therefore, also in pursuance of Articles 6(1)(c), 14 and 25 of Legislative Decree 112/15, stipulates the provisions and general terms of the individual Framework Agreements and rail infrastructure Access Contracts entered into by the IM and the other party(ies) thereto.
The NS is published in the website of RFI and, therefore, is made an integral and substantial part of the single infrastructure Access Contracts and Framework Agreements and, without prejudice to paragraph 1.5.2 below, the applicants, by signing the abovementioned agreements, acknowledge their full and unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions hereof.
1.3.3 Appeals Procedure [ex 1.4.3]
Pursuant to Article 37(2) of Legislative Decree 112/15 and Article 37 of DL 201/2011 (amended and converted into Law 214/2011), Applicants may refer any disputes arising in connection with the construction and/or the enforcement of the Network Statement of Umbrian regional network to the Transport Regulation Authority (TRA), by email to: pec@pec.autorita-trasporti.it
Autorità di Regolazione dei Trasporti Via Nizza 230, 10126 Torino Telephone: 011.0908500 E-mail: segreteria@autorita-trasporti.it Certified e-mail: pec@pec.autorita-trasporti.it
In order to provide a complete description of the information referred to in paragraph 1.2, the Network Statement shall comprise seven sections, as follows: Section 1 – General information;