1 minute read
Island Line Jennifer Sloyan
by Jennifer Sloyan
堅尼地城 Kennedy Town; earth city of staunch monks; metal railings where we watched the sea and buses to homes no longer mine
香港大學 HKU; vast knowledge of fragrant harbours; yellow stones sloping to some sort of happiness, or at least memory, at least warmth
中環 Central; the middling link; poverty bridge to leagues of sterile luxury I wonder if I can enjoy, and do
金鐘 Admiralty; gold o’clock; ocean portal to funk and dance and suffering and the whole world really

銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay; copper gong gulf; paths carved into my cortex to jewels of the mouth and heart and smile
鰂魚涌 Quarry Bay; cuttlefish gushing; cyan chances to see you, untaken, that time has all at once made kinder