Rustenburg Times Rustenburg High School for Girls, Camp Ground Road, Rondebosch 7700 Tel: (021) 686-4066 / (021) 686-3683 / (021) 685-4710 Fax: (021) 686-7114; E-mail: Website: Download the School Communicator to get daily news and calendar updates on your PC or phone:
Absolutely awesome African Sanctus
23 August 2013 Volume Three Issue Three
The Magnificence of Miss Jean Brodie
Debating Update
50th Reunion for the class of 1964
Yusrah Modack
A tribute to Mr Gyn Hewson
Western Province Representatives President's Award International Exchanges
Photograph taken by Sion Stanton. More African Sanctus photos can be viewed and ordered through Sion Stanton Photography
Music Dept
12— 13
Sports News
Vegetables with a difference
Rustenburg: a school of excellence where girls are leading courageously, exploring their unique potential confidently and serving the world compassionately.
2 Rustenburg Times
The Magnificence of Miss Jean Brodie RAVE REVIEWS for “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie” production “I was lucky enough to study English Literature and Drama at the University of London and I was exposed to some of the best theatre in the world, every week of the year, for three years. Unfortunately, it didn’t make me love performance – quite the opposite in fact. I cringe, and snort, and roll my eyes like an alarmed racehorse at the thought of live theatre, I get really embarrassed by the wobbly sets, and stilted dialogue and people trying too hard. But I have to tell you, I was happy and secretly very proud of the experience your cast and crew at Rustenburg served up last night. Although Miss Brodie (Robyn Paterson) was indeed jaw-droppingly magnificent, I loved Mary McGregor (Catherine Sonnenberg) and I loved the reporter (Siphokazi Mbatani) and and and . . . BUT the thing that impressed me most was the fluency and coherence of your team of Brodie’s schoolgirls. I guess it can be a bit thankless to be cast in the chorus, but your performers were so slick, so natural and their timing and interaction was so sparkling, it really made the whole show for me.” Mr Martin Cuff, South African Film Commissioner “So, so, so impressed. Well done! We loved the leading lady (Robyn Paterson). We loved the colours. We loved the outfits. We smiled every time she appeared on stage wearing something new. We love your work. Thank you so much for the invitation.” Malcolm Klûk and Christiaan Gabriel du Toit, fashion designers “Dearest Adrian. I am so happy and grateful that you have had such great success. You deserve it. Enjoy every moment of it.” Ms Ina Bruce, Dramatic Arts Curriculum Advisor of the Western Cape “Give Adrian Skelly an impressive script and he will give you an extraordinary play. "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie" at Rustenburg last night was fantastic. I loved it. To the point where I'm
flirting with seeing it again. Congratulations to you and your 'crème de la crème' girls. Super.” Mr Michael Chandler, interior designer “Dear Mr Skelly. You are incredibly clever and hardworking and talented and fun. You must be to produce and direct a play like “Miss Brodie”. Man, there was SO MUCH WORK in that!! I was phenomenally impressed - particularly with you - not just with your wonderful cast. I loved the humour. That's what kept the pace up. I also loved the girls. What wonderfully professional cast members they were. And so talented. I was specifically impressed with the headmistress (Lauren Smithie) and ‘Oprah’ (Siphokazi Mbatani). And of course Miss Brodie (Robyn Paterson). The set and props were amazing. Clever and functional and added to the telling of the story. Most of all I loved the costumes. So, so much. I loved the use of yellow, which is of course a trend colour for Spring-Summer 2013. I thought the attention to detail was extraordinary. And I think that the “Brodie” dresses are going to become stuff of legend.” Ms Robyn Cooke, fashion editor and stylist “Huge congratulations to the entire “Brodie” cast, director and crew on a brilliant opening performance. What sheer class! Convincing and believable performances from all, especially the leading lady, in this perfectly cast production. You can be very proud of your production; it was simply brilliant! All the elements of a successful production were there; perfectly cast, clever nuances throughout, the girls had a fabulous energy and gave very believable performances. All stayed in character, especially the four Brodie favourites (Catherine Sonnenberg, Chloe Venter, Morgan Shelly, Julia Holzberg)! Miss Brodie (Robyn Paterson) was absolutely sublime. What an incredibly talented young woman.” Ms Laura Holzberg
3 Rustenburg Times
The Magnificence of Miss Jean Brodie “I thought the whole cast showed much perception and understanding of the issues of the play. The schoolgirls were delightful; as a group they reacted sensitively to Miss Brodie and to each other. I was sitting too far back to see their faces clearly so as to differentiate them properly, but of course Sandy (Morgan Shelly), Jenny (Julia Holzberg) and Mary (Catherine Sonnenberg) each made an individual impression. Sandy (Morgan Shelly) came over very strongly and increasingly as the one who held things together. She really developed the character as the scenes unfolded. Miss Brodie (Robyn Paterson) was amazing! What a powerful actress – she was a delight to watch, as she never put a gesture wrong and she performed with such assurance. She showed remarkable maturity. I hope we shall see her name in lights one day – Sandy’s too. I also thought Miss MacKay (Lauren Smithie) acted splendidly and she too exerted strength as her character developed. The final scene between Miss Brodie and Sandy is, of course, the sequence that stands out in terms of the development of the themes and the balancing of the characterisation and they handled it superbly. I also loved quite a few moments with the schoolgirls, where there was humour and the sparkle of the young! The way they all had those little plaits tied so similarly was clever – that is how they remembered themselves years later. Your notes in the programme about this being a Memory Play were very important so I hope everyone read them carefully! They explained the reason why Miss Brodie wore such a variety of beautiful clothes and why some characters were so bizarre – e.g. Miss MacKay, the music teacher and Mary McGregor – this echoes what I have picked up countless times when adults are talking about their school -days and clearly have a grossly exaggerated picture of the past! And so many times I have
seen Old Girls revert when they return for reunions, especially when they might have been in a repressive environment in a particular class. As you so rightly say, teachers exert a huge influence – and have a scary responsibility.” Ms Mary van Blerk, former Rustenburg principal: 1991 – 1999 “I was in the audience on Friday evening and must congratulate you and all concerned on a fine production! Every aspect of the very entertaining and brilliantly performed "Prime" was immensely enjoyable and confirmed that you and your team are indeed the crème de la crème. Everything about the production was professional from the clever and unusual set to the acting itself. Robyn's costumes were absolutely stunning and provided a marvelleous contrast between her drab pupils (and head teacher) and the enormous personality which she portrayed so well. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute as did my companion. Thank you so much for a wonderful evening's entertainment. I hope that you all felt that the long hours of rehearsals had paid off and made it all worthwhile. Well done to all!” Dr Elizabeth Fullard, former Rustenburg principal: 1999 – 2006 “Congratulations on a very successful production – very polished indeed, with some very talented young actresses. The attention to detail was particularly noteworthy. Well done, too, on attracting such excellent crowds, who were most enthusiastic and listened intently – not an easy task. You can feel so proud of this excellent achievement after the long months of hard work. I hope that you will have a chance to relax a bit next week and wallow in your fine achievement. Well done to your excellent cast, AVT team and backstage crew and assistant director, Carey Hickson-Mahony!” Ms Elizabeth Sole, Head of the RGHS Music Department
4 Rustenburg Times
The Magnificence of Miss Jean Brodie “Sitting in the hall on Wednesday evening as the performance unrolled, I began to identify with your choice of script for this huge venture which has become a positive part of each performer’s and support person’s life over the many months. The lead character’s unconventional methods of teaching and mentoring, wreaked positive and negative results depending on the strength of character of each pupil (and teacher). I would like to thank you most sincerely for exposing Lauren (as well as your other pupils) to the greatest adventure within the school walls over the past few years, which has inspired her and which will remain with her for the rest of her life. You have captured the attention of the pupils and this gift is key, stimulating them and engendering wit. One can draw many positive parallels here. Each performer was magnificent in their own respect and each of them lived out their roles with conviction. What delightful acting which is the greatest compliment that can be paid to the directors.” Mrs Sue Smithie “This morning I hope that the reviews and inspiring comments are serving justice to your commitment and foresight for the production of “The Prime of Brodie”. I can only whole-heartedly agree, a wonderful and most rewarding production that one can enjoy. I was even taken back to the period of the war and was able to reflect in part to some of what I had heard from my parents and extended family about their experiences. South Africa was a more diverse European culture back then with many conflicting emotions around Germany, Japan and Italy. Your production showed that life continued and education was still very important, the sad reality was the loss of life. Another great point is the influences teachers and educational institutions have on the learners, culture and the greater community.
You truly did capture the school, class and education environment of the time and how it may have impacted the lives of learners. Mr Francis Vogts, RGHS ICT Manager “I sat in the middle, right in the front row, and was totally captivated from the moment the first lighting beams hit the monochromatic backdrop. As the characters emerged, merged and reappeared; occupying a distinct place and purpose on stage; none a prop; each staying fully in character and interacting quietly despite ongoing dialogue in the faraway corner of the stage – I found myself spoilt for choice ! Not wanting to take my eyes off the “girls,” but simultaneously wanting to catch each of the main characters delivery in its ampleness. The ability to keep us absorbed; hanging on each well delivered verse; enthralled as to the outcome of poor Miss Jean Brodie’s fate, left me wanting more! Well done to a superb opening night. As Miss Brodie says: ‘Deep in most of us is the potential for greatness or the potential to inspire greatness.’ Mr Skelly, you inspired the team to greatness! Well done!” Ms Gina Berg “I attended the opening night of “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie” at Rustenburg and, unfortunately, left with three complaints, all of them about the lead character of Miss Brodie (Robyn Paterson): (1). She is tall, beautiful and has mesmerising stage presence (2). She is enormously talented (3). She gets to wear the most exquisite wardrobe of costumes. Thanks to Miss Brodie, I left the Kemp Hall proud of the production, but feeling a little insecure about myself.” anonymous theatre critic “Adrian Skelly, the production is flawless! Gorgeous costume design! And I love the graffiti artist’s work (set design by Mak1-one). The girls’ performances are impressive! Congratulations on all your hard work.” Kristina Stojiljkovic, professional fashion photographer
5 Rustenburg Times
The Magnificence of Miss Jean Brodie “I told you it would go wonderfully well! Congratulations, you should be very proud. I also think the choice of play was very fitting and appropriate. It’s evocative, rather than shocking, and tastefully touches on important issues pertaining to women and education.” Gabriella Pinto, Rustenburg Old Girl and accomplished playwright “As an old drama student, walking into the Kemp Hall brought about feelings of nostalgia. As expected, the stage design was superb. The cast, set and overall ambiance was exactly what I had expected a production by Adrian Skelly to be; that is meticulous. I waited in anticipation for the play to start, and when it did, boy was I moved! The detached clinical performance on one side against the raw human emotion on the other from Miss Brodie (Robyn Paterson) was consistent and delivered so eloquently, while somehow making dry humour and wrenching pathos travel hand-inhand. Morgan Shelly's Sandy was one of brittle intensity and cool intelligence. She was the ideal uncompromising Sandy. Well done cast, Adrian Skelly, and to Rustenburg for the overall production. I am extremely impressed but, then again, I expect no less from ‘Sir’.” Anelisa Mangcu, Rustenburg Old Girl “It was my absolute pleasure to have attended "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie."Upon arrival I was immediately impressed at the professionalism with which the production had been handled. The poster displayed upon the wall did not in any way resemble a high school production, but rather a play that one would see at the Artscape. As I walked into the Kemp Hall I was immediately blown away by the set design. The artwork was bold, but had an eeriness to it that I couldn't seem to shake, nor.could I pull my eyes away from staring at it. I found the use of the colour yellow for Miss Brodie's wardrobe, as well as for certain props, a great contrast to the
dark set design and, as a fashion student, it was pleasing to note that you took account of the upcoming yellow trend for spring/summer. Now let’s get to the main course: the acting! All I can say is brava, brava! The girls really outdid themselves! Such poise! I was very impressed by the level of acting. Each girl carried herself well and their stage presences were palpable. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the production. Seeing the girls on stage made me reminisce about my acting days and realise how much I miss our drama lessons.” Lauren Goncalves, Rustenburg Old Girl “I thoroughly enjoyed the show last night. The old lady (Lauren Smithie) had me laughing throughout; don’t think I would recognise her in Rustenburg uniform! Well done to the make-up artists! The girls and boys were excellent. Mr Lowther (Nathan Rens) was well cast; he looked the part.” Ms Nomonde Mbatani “That was the crème de la crème. Mr Skelly, your girls were amazing. In fact, everything on stage was amazing. Congratulations.” Mieke Loubser, Rustenburg Old Girl “To everyone who was involved in the production of “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie” - congratulations! It was outstanding! I constantly had goose bumps and I couldn't take my eyes off the performers. I could watch the show over and over again. It was so inspiring to watch people who share the same passion as I do.” Jordan Hartland, pupil “Congratulations, Mr Skelly. “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie” was FAB in every way. And so very, very mature.” Ms Zélia Simpson
6 Rustenburg Times
The Magnificence of Miss Jean Brodie “I so enjoyed the simply wonderful performances by all the girls – and of course, especially your lead actresses last night – Miss Brodie (Robyn Paterson), Mother Superior (Jordannah Leach), and the delightful journalist (Siphokazi Mbatani)! It was a most polished performance and the girls clearly enjoyed being on stage – I didn’t notice any nerves! I found it particularly clever to have managed to keep everyone on stage busy in exactly the way school girls often are – each one doing something that supported their character, without detracting from the main action on stage or upstaging someone else. Lovely choice of skills apparent – singing, Lady of Shalott, and “showing off” of beauty by two different actresses! You can be most proud of all of them – and VERY WELL done to you! I can appreciate the time and effort you have to spend on placing them, developing them, giving them confidence and finally allowing them to fly!” Ms Sabine Koch, St Cyprians School “I loved every minute of “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie.” Several years ago you did a production (I can’t recall the name) during which the audience was seated on choir stands on the stage. The theme song then was Julie London’s “Cry Me a River” and Gabriella Pinto (Rustenburg Old Girl) was one of the leads. For Miss Brodie, again, your choice of soundtrack was so well suited it seemed almost as if it was composed just for the play. And the way it was incorporated into the script (especially at the part where the girls take off their yellow ties after being informed of their teacher’s dismissal) was thrilling. I’m glad to see that the graffiti artist paid off. It was lovely to be able to recognise each character in the shadowy background of the nun’s conjured memories as the story unfolded and new players were introduced. And then there was the fashion! Every yellow ensemble worn by Miss Brodie herself was
more dazzling than the one before. Her first 1940s frock and even more stylish two-piece with the peplum top were my favourites. I loved seeing her outfits match each aspect of her gradual transformation from femme fatale to disillusioned failure; how her exit ensemble was still in keeping with her character – subtly pepped up by a detailed frill on her pale blouse beneath the melancholy browns and greys of her suit and stockings. The yellow school ties worn by the ‘Brodie girls’; Mr. Lloyd placing the black/yellow gown onto Sandy as she posed for him; the faded yellow suitcase Miss Brodie carries in her last scene; the absence of any yellow in costumes worn by Mackay, the head of the school board, the journalist . . . every piece was superbly suited to every scene and character and it was so delightful to see hidden messages within each one. Through their excellent performances I was reminded again of how magnificent you are as a teacher, both in Drama and, my favourite, English. I feel so proud and grateful to have been a past pupil of yours. Thank you for the work you do; for your own Brodie-like enthusiasm imparted to the young girl I was, at an impressionable age, fortunate to have a wiser educator who (unlike Jean Brodie) possessed humour within intelligence and passion.” Shalagh-Ann Fredericks, Rustenburg Old Girl “We had the privilege of seeing the opening night of "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie" last night as a family and we thoroughly enjoyed the production. It was of a world class standard! The cast was amazing and did a fantastic job. Well done girls and boys. I would highly recommend seeing the show to everyone. A night of brilliant entertainment.” Mr Charles Flanagan
7 Rustenburg Times
General news and information Debating Update
A 50th Reunion is being organised for the Matric Class of 1964. Dates: Friday 14th March – Monday 17th March 2014 Please contact Pamela Field, nee Praetorius Email
Congratulations to Tamsin Metelerkamp on her selection to represent the five member Western Cape Senior Debating team. It is rare for a grade 10 to be selected at Senior level but Tamsin has shown commitment and exceptional talent. This is also the result of the high standard training provided by our coaches Cara Mazetti-Claassen and Daniel Corder. SAFETY FIRST AT RGHS The team will participate in the National School Championships to be held in Johannesburg at the The safety of our girls is our primary conend of the year. cern, and so it is worrying when this safety is compromised. Inclement weather conditions do cause traffic jams and affect punctuality, but should never be reason to Congratulations to speed unnecessarily through the grounds. Yusra Modack On Wednesday 21 August, which was a for winning second prize particularly difficult morning weather-wise, in the Royal Society a Lexus with the number plate CA 2505 competition for her essay drove recklessly and at full speed past the entitled “ The Doping tennis courts, and then verbally abused a Debate: Can Science staff member when asked to slow down. Parents are requested to drive at a Stamp Out Doping in responsible speed at all times. South African Sport?”
8 Rustenburg Times
A tribute to Mr Glyn Hewson
"We live that we may learn to love, We love that we may learn to live, No other lesson is required of us"
For many years, Glyn Hewson was the guru of creative writing in the Western Cape and served the WCED first as the Examiner, and then later the Internal Moderator, of English Home Language Paper 3. His experience in this field was very reassuring to the many teachers who worked with him over the decades. However, what impressed me most about this man in the over thirty years that I knew and worked with him was the genuine excitement he would display about a piece of writing that displayed talent and writing potential and the fact that he often saw this talent in the writing of very young learners. With a bit of nifty editing, he would help them to transform their humble efforts into outstanding pieces of work and he would be just as excited about the end results as the young writers! The Rustenburg girls who were in Glyn Hewson’s English classes over the nine months that he taught here were blessed to be in the hands of a hugely experienced teacher who understood what was really important in this subject – the love of a good story, the ability to read with understanding, to write from the heart and to be able to laugh. His wife and children have expressed their gratitude that Glyn was able to teach at Rustenburg up to the day when he went from school straight into hospital. But the Rustenburg community was even more privileged to have had at the school this quiet but imposing man, who was always busy conversing or reading, who never stopped learning, a man who was interested in every facet of life and in every person who crossed his path. He will be missed. Gail Wallace (Staff)
9 Rustenburg Times
A tribute to Mr Glyn Hewson Rustenburg mourns the death of a colleague, teacher and friend. Here are some tributes from staff and pupils. There was never any question of not recognising Glyn as one of those once-in-a –lifetime encounters: a person of such fine and rare distinction that times shared were indelibly etched in so many ways in the mind…. “The Palest ink will endure beyond the memories of men” – his exquisite calligraphy… His insouciant grin and gentle but side-splitting mimicry –and very wry wit…. His love and use of the music of language. His insatiable curiosity and generosity in sharing all his finds.. His indomitable spirit, faith and optimism that we hoped would overcome this last challenge. But most precious of all: his abundant spirit of kindness, ever devoid of any hint of judgement. My heart weeps for his family’s loss, and for all of us who were blessed to know him. But I rejoice in our good fortune that we did. Marilyn Peters (Staff) I was lucky to get to know Glyn when he taught English in the class room opposite mine. His love of Art and Design and film and gardens brought us together in each other’s doorways and classrooms for lengthy and interesting conversations about these topics and life. He was a generous and kind man always keen to fuel the interests of others by sharing his knowledge, resources and words. May you rest in peace, Glyn, in a place filled with these rich and interesting things. Jackie Chambers (Staff) All I can say was HE WAS A TRUE GENTLEMEN AND A WONDERFUL COLLEAGUE. AU REVOIR Glyn! Madame Williams (Staff) He was charming and engaging. He had a wonderful general knowledge. He loved to read- He thought and felt deeply about life. He was profound and spiritual. Oh and that beautiful mop of white hair- there was nothing grey about him and that wonderful voice. Zelia Simpson (Staff)
I was the teacher-librarian at Westerford from 1983-1988 and taught English there together with Glyn. I found him to be a most knowledgeable person with his enquiring mind, and he was incredibly well-read. He was an excellent raconteur and I remember all his visits to my office for the stimulating discussions that we had. Besides that he was a warm and kind colleague, always interested in the welfare of his students, and I remember him with fond affection. Rosemary Davis (Staff) Humble, kind, clever and endearing, Glyn always made a lasting impression on those he met. Full of lively, funny stories told in his beautiful voice, he radiated genuine compassion and interest . He loved education and in particular loved being at Rustenburg. Glyn will be very missed and always remembered fondly. Perdita Norval (Staff) We are reminded how fragile our lives are every time someone we know passes away. How sudden deaths make us stop in our tracks and re-examine our lives. For a short while, the E2 Matric class had the privilege of being taught by Mr Glyn Hewson. His sudden passing brought emotion and sadness into our class as it was a sudden shock not only for E2 but to the school as well. We will miss his words of wisdom and the jokes too. His wide and fruitful knowledge of all things English and general will be deeply mourned. May his soul rest in peace and may his wife and family find solace from the love and support of relatives, friends, past students and the students and teachers of Rustenburg High School for Girls. Robyn Blench (E2) We enjoyed listening to his wonderfully descriptive life stories. He made English tangible and opened our eyes to a world we never knew existed. He moved us with his great heart. Ashlynn Wessels (E2)
10 Rustenburg Times
Busy Bugs Congratulations to Emma McCrindle, Adrienne Clynick and Semonn Steyn, who have been included in the Western Province Rhythmic Gymnastics team to participate at the South African National Championships. These take place in Durban in September.
PRESIDENT’S AWARD This was written by Emily O’Ryan who is a member of the Western Cape Youth Committee for the Presidents Award. The girls were apprehensive about missing a whole week of school but seemed to have the time of their lives. I, together with Jaime Newdigate, Monique Hollis and Tamsin Metelerkamp, was fortunate enough to be part of a team of 10 individuals from all over Cape Town who took part in the Films Without Borders project. The project was brought to South Africa by two award-winning British directors who also direct for BBC - Jill Samuels and Richard Blanchard. They have also taken the project to Isreal, Palestine and Rwanda. Richard is a director and photographer who has worked on the sets of Mission Impossible, James Bond and Braveheart and has photographed celebrities such as Johnny Depp and Arnold Schwarzeneger.
Our task was to come up with a concept for a short-drama or documentary and film it. We came up with the documentary theme of uBuntu and had an incredible time researching and filming township hero's. The experience was unforgettable. It was also an eye-opener as we learnt how to use the (huge) camera, boom, clapper board and reflectors - we also learnt how to conduct a good interview. Desmond Tutu has said the he would like to watch our film and possibly endorse it. Our short documentary will be screened at the Cannes Film Festival and at the Gold Recipients' President's Award Ceremony to be held at Parliament on the 10 October 2013, which President Jacob Zuma will be attending. We are so thrilled and grateful to have gone on the Films Without Borders project. We had an enriching, interesting and extremely fun time.
11 Rustenburg Times
International Exchanges
12 Rustenburg Times
MUSIC DEPARTMENT NEWS EARLY ABRSM THEORY EXAMINATION JUNE 2013 – Results Distinction (90% +) Shifah Abrahams – Grade 5 Hannah Clayton – Grade 5 (100%!) Merit (80-90%) Nicola Cilliers – Grade 6 Lauren Denny – Grade 6 Woohyun Lee – Grade 6 Well done and thanks to Ms Dernier for preparing these candidates
CAPE TOWN EISTEDDFOD PRIZEWINNERS 2013 Well done to Mrs Raynham and the RGHS String Ensemble who were awarded the WALTER SWANSON PRIZE and GOLD MEDAL at this year’s Cape Town Eisteddfod for the Best Senior School Orchestra. Congratulations!
KAAPSE AFRIKAANSE EISTEDDFOD AUGUST 2013 – Results! To follow: Piano Section, String Section and Woodwinds). Congratulations to our participants: RECORDER SECTION Adjudicator: Nicola van Zyl Smit (ROG!) Hoogste Lof (90%+) Gemma Hall (Modern, 13 years) Catherine Smith (Modern, 16 years) Lof/Lof+/Lof++ (80%+/85%+/87%+) Roxanne Christian (Modern, 16 years) – Lof+ Roxanne Christian (Baroque, 16 years) – Lof Rouzanna Coxson (Baroque, 16 years) – Lof Rouzanna Coxson (Unaccompanied & Sonata, 16 years) – Lof++ Rouzanna Coxson/Roxanne Christian/ Catherine Smith (Trio, High School) - Lof Kerryn Duff (Baroque C & Baroque F, & Modern C, 14 years) – Lof++ Kerryn Duff (Sonata & Modern F, 14 years) Lof Gemma Hall (Baroque, 13 years) - Lof Lisa Harris (Baroque, 13 years) - Lof Lisa Harris/Gemma Hall (Duet, 14 years) – Lof+ Catherine Smith (Modern, 16 years) – Lof++ Catherine Smith (Sonata, 16 years) – Lof Eervolle Vermelding/Eervolle Vermelding+/ Eervolle Vermelding++ (70%+/75%+/77%+) Recorder Ensemble (High School) – EV++ Berocca G – EV Roxanne Christian (Unaccompanied, 16 years)
Rouzanna Coxson (Modern, 16 years) – EV++ Kerryn Duff (Unaccompanied, 14 years) – EV++ Gemma Hall (Unaccompanied, 13 years) – EV+ Catherine Smith (Baroque, 16 years) – EV++ Catherine Smith (Unaccompanied, 16 years) – EV+ SENIOR VOCAL Adjudicator: Anthea Haupt (ROG!) Hoogste Lof (90%+) Aimee George (Folksong & Musical, 15-16 years) Kirsten Pienaar (Folksong, 15-16 years) Tamsin Metelerkamp/Kirsten Pienaar/Aimee George (Trio, High School) Lof/Lof+/Lof++ (80%+/85%+/87%+) Kerryn Duff (Musical & Folksong, High School) – Lof+ Anja Műhr (Own Choice & Musical, 15-16 years) – Lof+ Kirsten Pienaar (Musical, Own Choice, Afrikaanse Woorde & Aria Antica, High School) – Lof++ Catherine Smith/Kerryn Duff (Duet, High School) – Lof+ Catherine Smith (Musical & Folksong, High School) – Lof++ Tamsin Metelerkamp/Kirsten Pienaar/Anja Műhr/Aimee George (Quartet) – Lof++
13 Rustenburg Times
Congratulations to JOO-YOUNG KIM (flute) and her teacher, Ms Gordon. She has made it into the Finals of the Pieter Kooij Music Competition on Saturday 31 August, 2013.
Rhiyaan Smith - Piano Bishops College Erina Bezuidenhout 1st Movement from Sonata in C Maj, K279 - W.A. Mozart Prelude Op. 38 Nr. 10 - D .Kabalevsky Yoo-Young Kim - Flute Rustenburg Girls' High Begeleier: Tertia Visser-Downie Olivia Gordon 1st & 2nd Movements from Flute Sonata in e minor - GF Handel 1st Movement from Sonata for Flute and Piano - F Poulenc Jaydon Farao - Voice Bishops College Accompanist: Stephen Carletti Stephen Carletti Danza, danza fanciula - F. Durante Now sleeps the Crimson Petal - R. Quilter Leslie Wu - Piano Parklands College Shane Goodall 1st Movement from Piano Sonata in E-flat Major, HobXVI:49 - J. Haydn Prelude in C Minor Op. 23, No. 7 - S. Rachmaninoff
Danielle Rossouw - Klarinet D F Malan Begeleier: Jose Dias Charlene Saayman Scherzo Final - H. Tomassie Sonata No.9 - J. Lefèvre Roelof Temmingh - Klavier Paul Roos Gimnasium Zorada Temmingh Elegie Op.3, No. 1 - S. Rachmaninoff Etincelles Op. 36, No. 6 - M. Moszkowski Jeffrey Armstrong - Violin Bridge House Accompanist: Tertia Visser-Downie Prof. Jack de Wet Sonata for Violin and piano no 5 in F major Op 24 (Allegro) - Beethoven Concerto for violin in 1 in G min Op 26 (Adagio) - Bruch Olivia Clegg - Flute Herschel Girls' High Accompanist: Tertia Visser-Downie Elsabé Pretorius Syrinx / Le Petit Berger - C. Debussy 4th Movement from Sonata for Flute and Piano - C. Franck
YOHAN CHUN (piano) will also be performing as she won first prize last year. Tickets @ R60 need to be purchased in advance. Please let Ms Sole know as soon as possible if you wish to purchase a ticket.
14 Rustenburg Times
RGHS Head of Hockey excels!
Monday 19 August vs LEAP school Rustenburg won 4 - 0
Congratulations to Andrew Winter who has been selected to represent the WP Mens B hockey team. Andrew can be seen in action from 25 – 31 August.
HOCKEY RESULTS Friday 16 and Saturday 17 August Vs Westerford st 1 team drew 1 - 1 U16A won 1 -0 U16C won 2 - 0 U14B lost 0- 2
SQUASH RESULTS Friday 16 August vs Fairbairn U19A won 14 – 1 U19B won 14 - 1
RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS Congratulations to three of our Rustenburg learners who have been included in the Western Province Rhythmic Gymnastics team to participate at the South African National Championships. These take place in Durban in September. The Level 6 competition which took place on 16 and 17 August was won by Semonn Steyn, Adrienne Clynick placed 2nd with Emma McCrindle placing 3rd.
ASHLEIGH SIMONIS Congratulations to Ashleigh who has been selected to represent Western Province Schools Cross Country. She will participate at the Western Cape Schools Sport Cross Country Championships to be held at the UWC Athletic stadium on Saturday 31 August. Ashleigh has had a superb season and we wish her all the best for this important event.
SOUTH AFRICAN SHORT COURSE SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS Caroux De Lange (age 14) and Caitlin Truter (age 16) attended these SASC swimming championships which were held in Pietermaritzburg in August. Both Caroux and Caitlin swam personal best times to make the final of the 200m breastroke event. Caroux also swam a personal best time to qualify for the 50m breastroke final. Well done to both these swim-
PGSGU INTERSCHOOLS SPORTS EVENTS NETBALL@ HERSCHEL U14A Friday and Saturday 23 and 24 August U16A Friday 23 August U19A Saturday 24 August
HOCKEY @ WGHS astro U14A Friday 30 and Saturday 31 August U16A Friday 30 and Saturday 31 August 1st team Saturday 31 August
CROSS COUNTRY @ DEER PARK (hosted by St.Cyprians) Friday 6 September
SQUASH @ WPCC (hosted by Rustenburg GHS) Saturday 7 September
Please support your Rustenburg sports teams!
NEWS FLASH Caroux de Lange recently swam the SA Short Course champs and broke the 14-year-old 50m WP Short Course breaststroke record.
15 Rustenburg Times
Vegetables with a difference The Grade Twelve Consumer Studies’ pupils were treated to a different take on vegetables by Chef Paul Hartmann
16 Rustenburg Times
Calendar AUGUST 2013 Friday 23 Saturday 24 Sunday 25 Monday 26 Tuesday 27 Wednesday 28 Thursday 29 Friday 30 Saturday 31
Gr 12 Preliminary Examinations commence
Gr 11 German, French and History outing (Holocaust Centre) Lisa Hellenberg Music Bursary: Closing date for applications Boarders weekend out (Grades 8 to 11) Boarders weekend out (Grades 8 to 11) Beau Soleil Gala Concert (tbc)
SEPTEMBER 2013 Sunday 01 Monday 02 Tuesday 03 Wednesday 04 Thursday 05
Friday 06
Boarders weekend out (Grades 8 to 11)
Rosh Hashanah Gr 10 History outing (Cape Slavery Tour) Afrikaans Olympiad (Junior) Rosh Hashanah
Free karate, self defense and fitness classes for women. As part of Woman’s month (August Only) we is are offering FREE Karate classes for females of all ages! Tel: 021 696 09 02 Mobile: 082 37 81 544 E-mail: Register online: or Facebook page at
Cape Cares offers meticulously screened au pairs who are matched to families according to the family’s needs and personalities with the use of psychometric testing. Cape Cares prides itself in providing an excellent service as well as the most thoroughly screened au pairs in Cape Town. To find your perfect au pair or for more information, please contact us: Website: Email: Tell: 021 531 9468 Cell: 071 613 8960