1 minute read
by RGS
If you do well at school you may receive a merit which are awarded for a number of reasons: a good piece of work, putting in extra effort, being polite. You will receive certificates when you gain 15 or more merits. There is a prize for the person who receives the most merits at the end of the year.
If you make a mistake, teachers will talk to you about this and sometimes they might give you a Behaviour Point to record that something has gone wrong and you have been spoken to about it e.g. repeated lateness to lessons, not handing in your homework, stopping someone from learning etc. If you amass three or more behaviour points you may be asked to stay in at lunchtime or after school to speak with your Head of Year. They will help you to reflect on why you may have made the mistake and how you can avoid it happening again.
If you commit a more serious offence you might be placed on a school detention for an hour after school. This detention is called a Head of Year detention. There is also a Headmaster’s detention on a Saturday morning for the most serious offences.
Will my parents be told how I’m getting on?
They will if you tell them! Let them know each day what you’ve been doing – what you’ve found easy or hard, what you’ve enjoyed or disliked. The school will get in touch with your parents to let them know about your progress. You will also get regular reports.