2 minute read
What happens if I have a problem at school?
by RGS
We are launching RGS Digital next year for Third Form and Lower Sixth pupils. RGS Digital is a gradual evolution in the way that we use the technology in school. It is the selective and appropriate use of technology at home and in school to support children in their learning. Over the next three years we are introducing a one-to-one computers, so that each child has their own computer, in school. as part of their normal school equipment. RGS Digital will help improve the way that we deliver the school curriculum to each child and will teach children about when technology is the right solution, how to use that technology safely and when using simple pen and paper is better.
What happens if I have a problem at school?
You are not the only new person in the Sixth Form – there are dozens of new students in the school. You will soon find your way around, get to know people and make friends. You will have a buddy who will be in your Form to help you get to know the school and help you out with any problems you may have. If you get lost, you can ask an adult or a fellow Sixth Former. If you feel worried, angry or upset by something be sure to speak to your Form Tutor, Miss Green, Mr James or your buddy, or to any teacher you feel happy to talk to. We will help you as much as we can. When you get home, talk with your parents about any problems you have. If they want to, they can contact your Form Tutor or the Heads of Sixth Form by calling or emailing the school.
You may not use mobile phones during the school day unless a teacher asks you to. You may use them at break-time and lunchtime, although we advise you to socialise with your friends and try out new clubs at this time. You will not be allowed to use your phone in designated phone free zones around the school including the library and dining hall (PMH). Please do not ring your parents during the school day unless there has been a change of arrangements to your journey home. Although devices are allowed, we would advise against bringing expensive items into school. If they get lost or broken the school is not responsible and therefore it will be at your own risk.