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On entry to the Third Form (Year 9), all students begin the three-year GCSE programme. Students usually begin with nine or ten subjects with a core group of: Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, English Language and English Literature. In addition to these, students choose four optional subjects from the box to the right. Our commitment to you is to support your child to thrive and grow through their Upper School years to find the best academic route through their GCSEs and transition smoothly to the A Level and Sixth Form courses of their choice. Here at RGS we recognise the individual, with the majority or students starting with ten GCSEs and moving to their best eight or nine by the start of the Fifth Form through ongoing pastoral support and individual reflection. This personalised and tailored approach gives children the best chance of success and allows them to balance their priorities, whether that is focussing on particular areas of strength, balancing a heavy extracurricular load or simply to build confidence in their own learning. It is important to note that the majority of schools only offer eight or nine GCSEs and universities do not expect or require a greater number than this. For those taking ten or eleven, it is often because they have an additional Maths qualification.
In addition to their examined courses, students will continue with Physical Education and Games and, as part of the Electives programme, Religious Education and PSHEE. The Electives programme offers an exciting opportunity throughout the Upper School to select topics of study beyond the examined curriculum, intended to broaden the experience of our students.
This options system is designed to enable students to study a balanced, broad-based academic curriculum. Most of our GCSE students go on to study A Levels and eventually a degree. The options available at university depend on the choice of A Level subjects and on the breadth of GCSE subjects so these subjects must therefore be chosen with care.
To that end, we recommend that students choose subjects they enjoy. If they enjoy the subject they will work hard, if they work hard they will do well.
Options Courses
Art and Design (Fine Art)
Chinese (Spoken Mandarin)
Classical Civilisation
Computer Science
Design, Technology & Engineering
Drama and Theatre Arts
Food Preparation and Nutrition
French Geography
German History
Latin Music
Physical Education
Spanish Statistics
Theology and Philosophy