1 minute read
by RGS
The RGS electives programme enriches a student’s school experience, providing an opportunity to try something new or develop skills in an area in which they are already interested or are curious. Activities in the programme range from crafting and creation to wellbeing and outreach, the latter of which sees students assist organisations in the local community, offering a helping hand and gaining valuable life skills. Enrichment activities such as those on offer under the programme have been proven by the Department of Education to enhance students’ cognition and approach to academic study, thereby raising levels of attainment. Third and Fourth Form sessions run weekly with each elective consisting of five double lessons per half term. Students are able to choose from a wide range of options. The RGS Electives booklet provides an idea of the range of options on offer. Once finalised, your son or daughter will be invited to access an updated programme for the coming academic year. Courses will be allocated once online registration is complete. As some courses have a limit on the numbers of students that can participate, we will do out upmost to ensure that we can fulfil requests as the year progresses. Students also have the opportunity update their choices via their school email address throughout the year. Please contact Miss Morris, RGS’s Head of PSHEE and Electives via jam@reigategrammar.org for further information.