1 minute read
Tied to one of the table legs in the Bridge – the commanding station, two-gun barrel ends compressed into my temples Every now and then sweat caused the metal openings to slide across my brow and cheek bones – every movement provoking a flinch of the shoulder, twitch of the eye, and punch of acidity washing up from the stomach to the tongue like the fragments of a broken wave careering up a beach front; burning the walls of my throat throughout its course -all side-effects of vomit brewingfromwithin.Wesetsail.
The sea was my home My first job was assisting my dad (Third Officer of a general cargo vessel). I would organise life-saving appliances and keep the lookout. Occasionally they’d allow me to steer the ship all by myself only for two minutes though Duringthosetwominutes,Iwasthecontrollerofa220,000-tonnefreighter;the waves behaved under my dominance, every movement, sound and cut through the watersmyhandswereresponsiblefor.ItwasthatsummerIknewthisjobwouldbemy future–howeverboringorantisocialfriendsthoughtofit,thisstupendous,mammoth-