3 minute read


By Ellie W

The only logical way to open this essay is to define happiness Some state it is a positive emotion, while others define it as a state of wellbeing and contentment (Happiness, 2023) Buddhists view happiness as the acceptance of suffering (History of Happiness, 2023) There are endless definitions of the word Therefore, the only thing that can be stated with confidence is that happiness cannot be defined. If this word cannot be defined universally, how is it meant to be measured universally?

So, is this the end of my essay? If happiness cannot be defined, surely it cannot be measured?

Despite the fact that there is not an established definition of happiness, there are many worldwide who believe it can be measured, including scientists, governments and psychologists Utilizing the instrument of the biological psychological perspective, happiness could perhaps be defined as the balance of physiological structures such as hormones and brain areas This can be objectively, accurately, and effectively measured through experiments such as hormone blood tests checking for the presence of dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins. Alternatively, brain scans such as an MRI can highlight whether the areas in the brain responsible for positive emotions are active and healthy.

One longitudinal study strengthened this idea when they found a 76-year-old monk’s left prefrontal cortex (responsible for happiness) was much mor his right side (responsible for negativity). I found that the participant’s brain emitted at an abnormally high level (Virgin Following the biological approach, this c how measuring happiness is possible in m way

However, one main limitation of this arg artificiality and lack of falsifiability. Ho can be exploited and changed easily, suc chocolate bar just before the blood tes brain areas can be trained and strengthe muscle in the body If happiness can b created and recorded, does it truly exist? that happiness can be falsified mea happiness is purely a societal construct im we keep striving to do well? Furth biological approach is extremely reductio not take into account cognitive fact motivation, love and contentment. Th argument to measure happiness in two ways; a biological physiological test alongside an idiographic subjective self-report method on individual happiness levels. Perhaps this could look like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, or perhaps Jahoda’s six characteristics of mental well-being Bhutan’s main measurement of its country’s productivity is gross national happiness instead of GDP Using 33 indicators, ostensibly, Bhutan has shown how the happiness of a whole country can be measured as efficiently and accurately as GDP (University of Oxford, 2023).

So yes, based on numerous arguments, happiness can be measured But can it be measured accurately?

If happiness cannot be defined, surely it cannot be measured?

Conversely, there are arguments that state happiness is impossible to measure It is too complex of an idea that does not hold a precisely delineated definition. The way one religion views happiness can be in stark opposition to how another views it. Moreover, a collectivist culture ( e g the Eastern Ideologies such as Taoism) will see happiness as more connected with the community and the idea of interconnectedness whereas individualistic cultures emphasise independence and growth of the self (Forbes, 2023). Already, these are two reasons why happiness is too broad an idea to measure; it does not encompass the different subjective paradigms of religion and culture There are further reasons, such as any measure lacking temporal validity. The difference between the question ‘Do you feel happy?’ and ‘ Are you happy?’ is significant. The emotion happiness can be perceived as fleeting, transient, and temporary whereas being happy is a constant meeting of criteria, it is feeling content and happy with one’s life at all times

Therefore, if a question is given to a participant on whether they feel happy, it depends on which type of happ constant kind If transient, the d happy at this moment of time never be put down into data science. As well as cultural soci variable of age A three-year-o from a 60-year-old’s. They will themselves One could argue th able to express their happines what confines us ‘Happiness’ is are many languages that conv English; the word to reflect the confining ourselves by reduci measure it?

Conclusively, yes, happiness ca are very much reduced due to must also be put on why ha measured, should we measure measurable, it is made managea happiness measurements to exp a value is placed on happiness meaning and ethos of what h emotional state to a label? In t sight of what it truly means?


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