1 minute read
What is the overarching aim of your committee?
To expand awareness of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and the Combined Cadet Force and therefore to expand the membership of both, whilst also promoting the ability to enter into both courses simultaneously and the brilliant opportunities therein Moreover, we seek to ensure that the CCF and DofE, through a sustainable and tied membership, can take advantage of brilliant activities that both courses offer, such as DofE residentials, CCF expeditions, rifle firing trips and flying trips, and Navy experiences such as the Damage Repair Instruction Unit (A safe room with the added threat of rising water) and brilliant sailing trips
What have been your priorities this year and how have you gone about them?
Our priorities this year have been to lay the groundwork for the future of the CCF and DofE as two distinct activities that can still interact and work brilliantly in combination To this end, through a poster and video advertising campaign, one of our main priorities has been to increase awareness of the CCF and DofE and to encourage more students to join both courses. Through this increased membership, we ' re seeking to ensure that over the next few years, both programmes can continue to blossom and develop.