1 minute read
from The Annual
From the Head of Scholarship
"Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible.” R. Feynmann
The works of scholarship contained herein have nothing to do with examined curricula or taught materials, and everything to with the individual and singular academic passions of their gifted authors, and the considerable independent research required to produce them. Works in this publication are current in their topic, contrary in their stance and complex in their nature; they range from race relations in modern America to local environmental activism, from poignant poetry to complex mathematics and illustrate just what it means to exhibit our core value of scholarship.
Education is so much more than a series of examinations – and this publication shows that to us, at this school, a sense of learning for its own sake, and for sheer enjoyment is very much alive and well. I hope you find these works thought provoking, sometimes challenging and above all most interesting to read.