Endometriosis Drug Pipeline Analysis and Market Forecasts to 2016

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Endometriosis - Drug Pipeline Analysis and Market Forecasts to 2016 Endometriosis Market is Forecast to Show Low Growth till 2016 GlobalData estimates that the global endometriosis market was valued at $1.7 billion in 2009 and is forecast to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 4.3% to reach $2.3 billion by 2016. This modest growth forecast is primarily attributed to a weak pipeline landscape. The existing market is weak due to the lack of diagnostic techniques, disease awareness and poor safety and efficacy profiles of the existing therapies. There is a high unmet need which is largely driven by moderately satisfied patients with attractively-priced efficacious branded off-labels and generic products. For further details, please click or add the below link to your browser: http://www.global-market-research-data.com/Report.aspx?ID=Endometriosis-DrugPipeline-Analysis-and-Market-Forecasts-to-2016 GlobalData has found that the endometriosis market has huge unmet needs and patients still show a moderate response to the currently prescribed generics and offlabel drugs. The current healthcare market is unable to cater to the need of patients suffering from endometriosis. The market is wide open for novel entrants to show progress in the current treatment paradigm. The treatments used are generics and offlabel medications from four major therapy classes which include Non-Steroidal AntiInflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS), birth control pills, gonadotropin - releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists and progestins. The drugs available for endometriosis patients are the lowest on efficacy profiles, which can either worsen the condition or cause serious adverse effects. Overall, the endometriosis market is expected to be a relatively open market until 2016 with huge opportunities for value capture. GlobalData predicts that Bayer AG, Pfizer Inc., AEterna Zentaris Inc, Neurocrine Biosciences Inc, and KV Pharmaceuticals Company will become the leading competitors in the global endometriosis market. The current competitive landscape comprises of only generics and off-label therapies, none of which have a dominant position. The current emphasis has been on treating the symptoms of the disease without providing an absolute cure. The above named five companies, with some of the most technologically advanced products in their pipeline portfolio, are expected to attract the most investor attention in the coming years. Any company that successfully targets disease modification will become a major player in the endometriosis market. For further details, please click or add the below link to your browser: http://www.global-market-research-data.com/Report.aspx?ID=Endometriosis-DrugPipeline-Analysis-and-Market-Forecasts-to-2016 GlobalData’s analysis shows that products for endometriosis in the developmental pipeline are weak with 29 molecules in various phases of clinical development, including

10 first-in-class molecules, none of which are likely to enter the market before 2016. These first-in-class molecules have a distinct advantage over the currently marketed products for endometriosis in terms of better symptomatic management but not with respect to disease cure. These molecules don’t display any improvements in safety, adverse event and efficacy profiles displaying poor pipeline activity. The pipeline includes GnRH receptor antagonists, estrogens, progesterone receptor modulators, phosphodiesterase inhibitors, nerve growth factor (NGF)-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies and aromatase inhibitors for the treatment of endometriosis. GlobalData, the industry analysis specialist’s new report, “Endometriosis - Drug Pipeline Analysis and Market Forecasts to 2016” is an essential source of information and analysis on the global endometriosis market. The report identifies the key trends shaping and driving the dynamism in the global endometriosis market. The report also provides insight on the prevalent competitive landscape and the emerging players expected to bring a significant shift in the market positioning of the existing market leaders. Most importantly, the report provides valuable insight on the pipeline products within the global endometriosis market. For further details, please click or add the below link to your browser: http://www.global-market-research-data.com/Report.aspx?ID=Endometriosis-DrugPipeline-Analysis-and-Market-Forecasts-to-2016 Or visit our report store: http://www.globaldata.com/reportstore Contact Information: Rajesh Gunnam rgunnam@globaldata.com +914066166782

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