Power Transmission and Distribution Cables - Global Market Size, Equipment Market Share, Competitive Landscape Analysis to 2020 The report covers global transmission and distribution cables market, focusing on low, medium and high voltage cables. The global transmission and distribution cables market is in the transition stage. Many factors over the past couple of years are affecting the market. The economic development of the Asian countries and the maturing markets of the developed world have made the cable manufacturing companies to explore the Asian market. For Sample Pages, please click or add the below link to your browser: http://www.globaldata.com/reportstore/RequestSamplePages.aspx?ID=PowerTransmission-and-Distribution-Cables-Global-Market-Size-Equipment-Market-ShareCompetitive-Landscape-Analysis-to2020&Title=Power_Generation&ReportType=Industry_Report The economic recession had its affect on the transmission and distribution sector. Due to the ongoing financial crisis in many countries, the pricing of the cable has become a competitive parameter. Moreover, the electric utilities are expecting the cable manufacturers to reduce the prices. Furthermore, due to the cancellation of transmission expansion plans and delays in the orders, the competition between the existing players has increased. Companies are adopting various strategies to counter the competition and survive in the market. Some of them include merger and acquisitions, focus on custom and high end products, increased emphasis on Research and development, plant closures, exploring new markets and so on. High emphasis on the commercialization of the renewable energy throughout the world is expected to drive the growth of the transmission and distribution cables. The renewable energy resources are often at far off places where the transmission network is not there. In future, lot of expansion in the transmission network is expected to transfer the electricity from the far off power plants to the load centers. Many countries are integrating their regional grids together to form a nationwide grid. The idea is to have seamless flow of electricity across the nation. The development of the renewable energy is further supporting the grid interconnection. In European countries, the work is going on to form a single European grid among all EU nations. Moreover, as the Asian countries develop, energy trade between them is expected to rise. Furthermore, in many countries the transmission networks are not reliable enough to transfer the electricity from growing number of power plants. The increased focus on the renewable energy, grid interconnections, economic development are expected to drive the demand for the transmission and distribution lines. For further details, please click or add the below link to your browser: http://www.globaldata.com/reportstore/Report.aspx?ID=Power-Transmission-andDistribution-Cables-Global-Market-Size-Equipment-Market-Share-Competitive-
Landscape-Analysis-to2020&ReportType=Industry_Report&coreindustry=Industry_Report&Title=Power_Gene ration Visit our report store: http://www.globaldata.com For more details contact: pressreleases@globaldata.com North America: +1 646 395 5477 Europe: +44 207 753 4299 +44 1204 543 533 Asia Pacific: +91 40 6616 6782