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Water to create Power Jesse Constable. Physics Environmental Project Science Fair Project

CapĂ­tulo 1

Background Research Breef information about our topic. Here we include all the basic informatin you need to know in order to understand our investigation.

Background research

Water to create Power How can we use water for power ? Hydropower comes from the word hydro meaning water. It is energy that is created using the energy of flowing water. It is both an efficient and reliable source of energy. Hydropower is a renewable source of energy because of the water cycle. I mean, the heat of the sun evaporates water in the Earth and draws it upward as vapor, then this vapor condenses and forms clouds. The moisture then falls to the Earth as rain or snow. Replenishing water in oceans and rivers. So basically as long as the water cycle continues we will not run out of this energy source. This type of energy has been utilized to its maximum potential for centuries. For example, farmers in ancient greece used water wheels to grind wheat into flour. The wheel was placed in a river and the kinetic energy of the flowing river made the wheel turn. This is known as mechanical energy. Hydropower is the cheapest way to produce energy today, and it provides almost onefifth of the world's electricity. Although hydropower is an incredible source of energy it is important to understand its pros and cons. 2

Some pros include: • It is an efficient energy source:


• it only takes a small amount of water to create electricity • It is a reliable energy source • The water that passes through the generator goes

• Hydropower may cause several environmental problems. • Although they burn no fuel damming rivers may

back into the stream with little impact on the

permanently alter water habitats. For example, fish


may no longer swim upstreams

• Once it is installed it has little or no cost


What we are trying to create... We are trying to create a

magnets are spun fast a

hydroelectric power

magnetic field is created

generator. The generator will

which then translates into

be made from a cardboard


box with shaft or stick -with four strong magnets- through the center. Around the box are many turns of thin copper wire. When the shaft and 4

CapĂ­tulo 2


This comes from the specific question we asked ourselves during our investigation. It is the final purpose of our experiment.

Sección 1

Our Objective To create a turbine that will effectively generate hydropower by harnessing the energy from water moving downhill under gravity.


CapĂ­tulo 3


The hypothesis is an educated guess of what will happen as a result of your experiment

Secci贸n 1

Our hypothesis We believe it will be possible to generate electricity by harnessing or channeling the energy from water moving downhill under gravity. I think that we can create the turbine from materials ourselves. We believe that this experiment will help other people while making this same process.


CapĂ­tulo 4

Materials & Procedure Here we list all of the equipment we used during our experimen. Next we list each of the steps we followed to complete our experiment

Sección 1


‧A long rotating rod or shaft ‧2 strong magnets ‧Cardboard ‧Copper wire ‧A knife ‧A low voltage light bulb


Materials and Procedure

Procedure 1. Collect the materials 2. using the cardboard create a hollow ended box 3. Draw an X on the box with a ruler in order to find its center 4. use the rod to poke a hole perfectly straight through the center of the box going through both sides. 5. Take the rod out and then use it to widen the hole so that it will then be able to spin 6. Fasten your magnets around the rod and insert it in the box 7. Give your rod a spin making sure that the magnets do not hit the sides of the box. 8. Take out the rod from the box 9. Grab your coil wire and tape one end on one side of the box


10. Wrap your wire around the box 11. Un tape the end of the wire that was attached to the box 12. Using your knife scrape the thin plastic that coats the wire ends 13. Spread the coil away from the rod hole 14. Insert the rod in the box and make sure it can spin 15. Attach the two generator wires to the light bulb -by twisting the scraped end of each wire securely around the tip of the small light bulb-. Note: If necessary take your knife and scrape more plastic from the ends of the wire. 16. Attach a turbine to the long rod


Test it...

Pour water on your turbine making the rod spin in a fast motion This should make the small bulb light dimly.


CapĂ­tulo 5

Charts and graphs Here you can see our experiment´s results despayed in a graph form

Charts and Graphs


CapĂ­tulo 6


Sección 1

Analisys and Conclusion We created our version of a hydroelectric power generator, made from a cardboard tube with shaft -with four strong magnets- through the middle. Around the tube are around 100 turns of thin copper wire. When the shaft and magnets were spun fast, a magnetic field was created which then translated into energy.

- We can see below the information displayed in graph form.... - From the graphs we can see that as the water increases.... - We had some variation in our results,.....


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