Fake Pay Stubs Available for $8.99! By: Patricia A. Harris
By simply searching the Internet, one can find a variety of websites selling fake pay stub templates. All the purchaser has to do is download the template and simply “fill in the blanks” entering in any information they desire. Some sites even offer a choice of different template styles and colors along with options to generate W2s as well. Other sites have a 24-hour support team to walk one through the process and answer any questions. A fake pay stub can be generated in only a few minutes and they can look very authentic. Say, for instance, that your rental is listed at $1,500 per month and you require a 3-1 income to rent ratio. The applicant can simply generate a pay stub showing their actual employer with a listed income of $4,500 per month or more regardless of what they make. It’s All Legal! It’s not illegal to create fake pay stubs. It is, however, illegal to provide them to anyone as proof of income. As soon as one is provided to obtain housing, apply for a loan, to evade taxes or to avoid paying child support, then that is fraud, which IS against the law. How to Spot Fake Pay Stubs These sites actually inform the person creating one several ways that others can spot a fake pay stub, offering even more suggestions to overcome being detected. Below are some examples: •Spelling errors •Forgetting to replace a “generic” entry such as date of birth or occupation •Digits and decimal points not lined up properly •No clear difference between the letter o and the number 0 •Too many numbers rounded up to zero that look unrealistic •Illegible and hard to understand •Miscalculations of federal and other withholdings •Poor printing quality or formatting Use Proper and Thorough Screening During your screening process, be certain to verify income in ways other than the pay stub. Let the applicant know that you will be checking employment references- if they object, there’s your first red flag. •Always check employment references by speaking directly with their employer and/or the personnel department of the company. www.rhaoregon.org
•Verify dates of employment and actual income. •If the employer is unable to verify income via telephone, ask the applicant to sign an authorization and verification of employment form. An applicant who has submitted a fake or falsified pay stub will most likely not be willing to do this. Big red flag! •Credit reports will sometimes show a place of employment, so be sure to look for that on all of your ordered reports. Fake Pay Stub Consequences Using fake pay stubs to defraud can lead to serious legal issues. There are fines that could total more than $1 million and they could even face jail time. If you suspect an applicant has submitted a fraudulent pay stub, contact an attorney or the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP. 1-877-ID-THEFT, or online at www.ftc. gov. Patricia Harris is the Senior Editor or the Apartment Owners Association News and Buyers Guide. Permission to reprint: Reprinted with permission of the Apartment Owners Association of California, Inc. http://www.aoausa.com How to Handle Maintenance Issues in a Pandemic CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6
unless you know all of the risks. Try to find a solution to the problem without exposing yourself to legal issues. Furthermore, make sure that the tenant’s AC is set up properly and not creating mold or water damage from the condensation exit. Do not allow window AC units to hang off second story windows.
What has changed since the pandemic? The procedure to change a garbage disposal has not changed. The tools and parts are the same. The appointments, personal protective equipment and attitudes have changed. With the rental market turning on its head, tenants are now in charge. Landlords should do reasonable upgrades to the apartments while the units are occupied. If a landlord can get a tenant to renew for one year by installing new appliances in the unit (at a cost less than one month without rent), that is a good decision. Disclaimer: I hold a Real Estate Broker and CA General Contractor’s license. However, I am not a lawyer, or CPA. Each owner’s situation is individual and unique. I recommend you consult with your legal or tax professional for advice that fits your situation. The information given in this article comes from a practical perspective. We love all our clients, tenants and fellow landlords. If apartments are operated properly, owners, tenants and landlords are all on one team. This article is written from the viewpoint of the landlord. For more information, contact Robb Chiang, CEO or RC Real Estate at www. AptsManager.com 408-646-4218 or chiangtrust@gmail.com RENTAL ALLIANCE UPDATE May 2021