U.S. employee workplace statistics
not in their dream job
do not think their job is fun
satisfied with their job
feel they can do a better job than their boss
call in sick when they were not
84% 80% 50% 24% 32%
U.S. employee statistics
This volume logs the first semester of a collaboration between the Master of Industrial Design (MID) department at the University of The Arts (UArts) and Amuneal Manufacturing, a metal fabrication company in North Philadelphia. The UArts MID curriculum is founded on the principle that industrial design has potential beyond the typical scope of objects, aesthetics and function. We see design as a collaborative discipline with the potential to address policies, social initiatives and entire systems. Design thinking allows us to approach complex challenges that engage in the social, spatial, technological and environmental issues of our time. By using the tools of design: observation and analysis, prototyping and presenting, dialogue and feedback, MID@UArts hopes to go beyond linear approaches to problem solving.
In order to survive the current economic crisis, many companies and organizations are pressed to rethink their business models. Design can play a critical role in organizing and facilitating such changes. In order to secure longevity and sustainable growth, Amuneal entered into a partnership with MID@UArts to help the company become more transparent and productive. This project was initiated in the Fall of 2008 and is being led by a team of five students with previous training in design, engineering, sociology, marketing and science. Using design thinking methods and practices as a new management tool, the MID@UArts team uses a multi-disciplinary, collaborative model of design which is explored through application on business organization.
MID methods for redesigning industry
Facilitating Collaboration Understanding People Ethnographing Action Research Prototyping Designing Information Mapping Story Telling Scenario Building
Fig.5.5: Increasing American Imports 1982-2006 Total Imports over 12months ($bn)
2000 1750 1500 1250 1000
750 500 China
250 0 1985
Fig.5.4: Increasing Chinese Exports 1982-2006 Total Exports over 12months ($bn)
1500 1250 1000 USA
750 500 250
0 1985
State Unemployment Rates September 2008 4.1%
6.3% 4.8%
6% 5.3%
3.3% 3.3%
Fig.9.1: China’s GDP 1961-2003
0.6 0.4 7%
0.2 1960
6% 5.4% 5
1.0 7%
5.8% 1.4
Per Capita GDP (thousands US$)
Great Depression
Embargo Act of 1807
0.0 -0.2
-4.0 -0.8
0.0 0.4
-1.4 -0.2
-1.0 -1.3 -1.9
Financial Activities
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities
Other Services
Leisure and Hospitality
Professional and Business Services
Educational and Health Services
Percentage Change
Employment by selected industry supersector, August 2008
4.0 United States
Philadelphia Metro Area
Philadelphia, Pa
Philadelphia, Pa
Philadelphia, Pa
UArts MID Department designers with the skills and knowledge to help direct new business strategies for the modern global econo m y.
Amuneal Manufactoring Corp. an expanding small business experiencing the uncertainties of succeeding in the global market.
Diverse Backgrounds Collaboration by our group, which is composed of 5 people from diverse backgrounds and experiences, allows for a rich investigation of a problem. We each approach working through an issue from a different perspective, providing the bennefit of a more holistic understanding of the issues and opportunities at hand. We see design as a mindset, rather than just a type of formal training.
Anne-Marie Sociology
The University of The Arts
amuneal A
D 2N
H 5T
H 8T
T 11 JU
ck ion Ro tat rn or ter Fe nsp en a C Tr
H 13 ER IP N
Project Timeline
Visits to Amuneal Amuneal Employee Visits to MID Studio Action Research
Presentations Thoughts Ideas
UArts MID & Amuneal Building a Foundation
Unloading Thoughts
Framing Observations
UArts MID No Idea
Early Formation of Ideas
First Impressions
Active Observation
Brain Dump
Venn Diagram
Spark the Dialogue Interviews
Identifying Areas of 9 Opportunity
Empathic Research
Interview Formation
Analysis of Interview Data
Documenting Process
Analyzing Data
Forum for Conversation
Concept Communication
Framing of Interview Data
Intervention Development
Intervention Planning
Intervention Presentation
Intervention Refin
Visits to Amuneal Amuneal Employee Visits to MID Studio Presentations Thoughts Ideas Staff Presentation & Changing the Dynamic
Intervention Implementation
Observing Meetings
Amuneal Workshop
Analysis of Recordings
Present Recordings Back
Table of Contents Research
Building a Foundation
Action Research
Brain Dump
Unloading Thoughts Framing Observations
Spark the Dialogue Empathic Research Interviews Indentifying Areas of Opportunity
Intervention Planning
Ideation Concept Communication
Intervention Presentation
Forum for Conversation
Presentation Refinement
Staff Presentation Alternative Settings
Intervention Implementation
Changing the Dynamic Intervention Refinement
Future Directions
Work in Progress
4 20 28 29 38 40 41 57 66 67 87 100 103 107 109 113
Research is an important activity within the context of design, but it’s important to understand that the value is in application, in answering “so what?” Jane Fulton Suri, Chief Creative Officer IDEO
Building a Foundation When a new project begins, the initial research stage is critical to gaining an understanding of the client. Thorough research prior to the initial interaction with the company improves the dialogue with
the staff. With proper research, future ideas and interactions will be fully developed and well informed.
Since none of our team had prior knowledge of the metal fabrication industry, we approached our case study investigation with Amuneal from a privileged “outsider� perspective. We had questions regarding Amuneal products, customers and market niche. In order to begin a working relationship with Amuneal, we needed
to answer these questions accurately. Using business publications,
design spreads, magazine articles and Amuneal marketing pieces,
we researched history, technology, competitors, people and the brand. This initial research generated much confusion about the identity of Amuneal. We therefore needed to initiate deeper investigation into who Amuneal is by researching in the field.
Abstract Frameworks
Design Methods Imperatives
a description of our process
Frameworks Imperatives The design process is grounded in concrete analytical research done in observation. Such research must be guided by the Problem Solving with customers understanding developed through direct interaction and users.Developing empathy for those you research is crucial. Problem With the data generated from observation and research, the Synthesis Problem Analysis Solving Solvingsense of the data that was design process begins to make collected, framing and reframing that data to extract nuggets, identify patterns, and ultimately develop a focus on what is most important to the user. Solution Selection
Observations Solutions The design process moves to synthesizing a set of imperatives. These are defined as a description of the tangible benefits users will derive from design concepts/interventions. Concepts The design process then moves into generation of concepts which are tested with users. The design team can come up with alternative solutions and a variety of mechanisms for soliciting feedback from potential users. adapted from Innovation as a Learning Process: Embedding Design Thinking by Sara L. Beckman Michael Barry California Management Review
An Insight into Amuneal Amuneal Manufacturing Corp., a second generation familyowned business, was established in North Philadelphia in 1965
by Seymour Kamens. Although it was founded to provide magnetic shielding products to the military, an encounter with Barneys New
York at a trade show in 2000 presented Amuneal with the opportunity
to explore high-end custom fabrication. Under current CEO Adam Kamens, Amuneal now produces a wide range of unique fabrications
in metal, wood, plastic and glass. These can be found in retail stores, hospitality businesses and private residences. A team of 80+ employees at Amuneal has experience designing and fabricating multi-store fixtures, merchandise displays, architectural elements, railings and signage
for customers including Anthropologie, Martin + Osa, Nintendo World Store, Soho House New York and Trump Entertainment.
Amuneal History 1965 - Now
1965 Amuneal is founded in North Philadelphia to provide magnetic shielding products to industrial and Military Sector
1966-1980 Amuneal continues with magnetic shielding, expanding to a 3 facility, 100 employee corporation
1999-2008 Amuneal continues to develop the Architectural and Design department in conjunction with the Magnetic Shielding department. Although the Metalforms Furniture line ultimately fails, the introduction of a laser cutter increases the capacity for A&D consultancy, which steadily increases over the decade
1999 Amuneal extends their A&D department and begins partnership with Barneys in New York
1998 Amuneal launch their own line of furniture under the Metalforms Furniture line. The Architectural and Design department is also formed
40 1995-1998 With the magnetic shielding industry changing, Amuneal explores new shielding markets, including numerous international installations
2005 2009
workforce (people)
The Boss
Amuneal case study #12474 - A refrigerated perfume bar for Barneys New York
Amuneal collaborated with their long term client Barney’s to create this impressive feature for their Dallas, TX flagship store. The unique metal clad, blackened steel perfume bar is also refrigerated so that fragrance is stored at its optimal temperature.
Amuneal case study #1587 - Glass art boxes for the Park Hyatt in Washington DC.
Amuneal partnered with Beletz Glass to engineer, fabricate and install these dynamic 12’ tall glass installations for the renovation of Washington DC’s Park Hyatt Hotel. This project was also a joint collaboration with Tonychi and Associates Design and Amanda Weil Glass studio.
Amuneal case study #12477 - Community Table
Collaborating with Rockwell Group designers, Amuneal fabricated this 20’ long cherry wood table featuring an map of Toronto for Starwood Hotels
Amuneal case study #12468 - Martin + Osa
Amuneal collaborated with the client and their design team to develop a unique branded look for this new retail concept.
Today our team logged our impressions, questions and ideas of Amuneal. Once we go on the tour in a few days, we will never again have the same point of view as we do right now, that of a complete outsider. We think it will be interesting to compare our impressions of Amuneal before and after the visit. Since our team has very little knowledge of fabrication companies, our team’s collective expectations are probably what one thinks of a traditional fabrication company.
09.11.08 When I first think of a metal fabrication factory, images of steel workers, oil, grease, sparks, noise, shouting, metal shards, welding, hammers, heat and fires all come to mind. Will Amuneal be like this? I’m excited for the tour of Amuneal to finally be able to put images of the place to the name. I’m also interested to meet some of the people and see them at work. Since all of our knowledge of Amuneal up until this point has been based on books, internet sources, business journals and Amuneal marketing materials, the tour will be our first design research practice. One item our group has discussed is that while we are touring, we should note our observations of the sights, noises and even smells. Our observations may provide helpful insight later on.
Action Research After traditional research comes the action research phase. In contrast
with traditional literature review, much of action research takes place
in the field. Where else can you gain real knowledge, real perspectives and real empathy? By immersing ourselves in the environment under investigation, we gather data from the primary source.
In order to observe Amuneal in action, we asked for a tour of the company. The office, floor, engineers, designers, shippers and the fabricators were all working on their everyday tasks. While on a tour, narrated by our guide, we were conscious to not ask too
many questions so that we could understand how the company presents itself.
No book or internet source can provide the designer with information
more rich than a tour. Experiencing the sights, sounds and smells is crucial to getting into the proper frame of mind and understanding the minutiae of the company. We now had a substantial amount of data that we needed to process.
design/engineer Connell Carruthers showing us a hydraulic table Amuneal was constructing
People should think things out fresh and not just accept conventional terms and the conventional way of doing things. 足R. Buckminster Fuller
scenes from Amuneal that caused us to rethink our initial impressions of a metal fabrication company
The trip to Amuneal today was a real eye opener. The company is located in a very poor area of North Philadelphia which I had long tried to avoid, and the barbed-wire cyclone fence surrounding the premises didn’t enhance my opinion of the area. However, the inside of the company strongly contrasted with the neighborhood. Amuneal was nothing like I had imagined. The production floor wasn’t busy or dirty and the offices didn’t consist of bland walls filled with cubicles.
09.16.08 It’s funny how pre-conceptions can be so wrong. The office was bright, open and relaxed. On the floor, there weren’t any sparks or shards of metal flying around. Our official tour was led by Connell Carruthers, who first took us around the office area. It was immediately apparent that the open office design contributed to a significant noise level. As we walked through the space, we were introduced to a few members of the staff. It was interesting to see how they worked. For the most part, their desks were covered with papers and drawings. After visiting the loft, an area where some of the engineers and planners work, the tour concluded with a brief run-down of the company by the marketing specialist, Lisa Kranynk. We left with lots of data to discuss!
Brain Dump
If we can design our way into difficulty, we can design our way out. John Thackara, Author In the Bubble
Unloading Thoughts Recording data once it’s collected is just as important as collecting
it in the first place. This is a unique stage in the process of beginning
to explore common observations, themes and patterns. Thorough recording of data leads to more effective framing of observations for eventual imperatives.
With Amuneal, we started the collection of observations by using the brain dump strategy. This involved all members of the group recording
their personal observations, questions and ideas within a fifteen minute period. The process allowed us to reflect on all the information we
had soaked in without any self or group editing. Although note-
taking and conversations are useful communication tools, they tend to build on previous thoughts. In contrast, our brain dump
was dynamic. After our thoughts were down on paper, they could then be organized.
We now needed to make sense of our
observations, which sparked the idea to frame our observations into important categories within the business.
Framing Observations Sorting observations into categories allows identification of common themes and closer analysis of areas of interest. Design tools, such as concept maps and Venn diagrams, are helpful when defining categories. If an existing tool can not be applied to the collected data, we design our own to best filter and organize the information.
When filtering our thoughts from the tour of Amuneal, we explored
the IDEO Venn diagram because the three larger categories (people, business and technology) parallel the three larger components
of Amuneal as a business. We found that the interlocking
areas of the IDEO Venn diagram were designed for product development, not business development; therefore, a redesign of the tool was necessary. The resulting Venn diagram is shown
on the opposite page. We transferred our observations and questions from the “brain dump� onto post-it notes, so they could be placed in zones of our Venn diagram relating to the client’s needs. We found
our observations to be mostly concentrated in two zones, emotional innovation and process innovation. Organizing our ideas helped us form our questions for future interviewing.
DO STAFF GET TRAINED? the UArts MID Process Venn diagram v.1
“The viability of design depends on its stakeholders’ conceptions, commitments and resources, which can be studied in order to inform design decisions.” Klaus Krippendorf, Professor of Communication University of Pennsylvania
UArts MID Process Venn Diagram
(Ability / Skills)
Functional Innovation
Emotional Innovation Process Innovation
Technology (Feasibility)
33 UArts MID Design Tool #1
Experience Innovation
Business (Viability)
UArts MID Process Venn Diagram People
Issues and Observations relating to employees or people in general
Issues and Observations relating to Equipment, Machinery, Software and Hardware
Issues and Observations relating to the Business as an entity, the boss or Financial concerns
Emotional Innovation
Issues and Observations encompassing both people and business concerns
Experience Innovation
Issues and Observations encompassing both Business and Technology concerns
Functional Innovation
Issues and Observations encompassing both People and Technology concerns
Process Innovation
Focal Points
Issues and Observations encompassing all three zones of the Venn Diagram
Emotional Innovation is the area of opportunity linking people with business. By targeting this area we intend to vastly improve employee satisfaction, enhance inter-office communication, build trust between management and staff and empower employees with greater role responsibility.
Process Innovation is the zone of opportunity encompassing all major areas of investigation; People, Business and Technology. By targeting this area we intend to develop and enhance the processes by which Amuneal conduct their work.
Spark the Dialogue In business, employees possess a wealth of knowledge. Therefore,
it is imperative to form a trusting relationship with the staff. We are mindful of the impression we leave our client with, so we take the
time to introduce ourselves and are conscious about the tone we set through all interactions.
We were about to embark on interviews and possibly ask some sensitive questions. Therefore, we felt it was important to introduce
ourselves to the Amuneal team. The introduction was an opportune time to begin to build trust with the employees.
The tone of our presentation to Amuneal was critical. They had had previous failures with business consultants, so we had to highlight our difference: we do not solve a problem with a solution, but rather, with
a variety of concepts which are informed and adjusted by feedback. We decided being informal, yet professional, was the best way
to make the staff feel comfortable. To translate this in our presentation, we made the decision to show Amuneal photographs of our work space while introducing ourselves in a conversational manner.
There are many organizations which have no idea what a “designer� offers, and have never used one; but for whom design thinking is looming as a coming dawn. Tony Golsby-Smith, CEO 2nd Road
Empathic Research Interviews are a fantastic opportunity to engage staff members and
get primary-source data. In order to get the most valuable insight, we are considerate of our audience when formulating and conducting interviews. We consider the tone of questions, the location of the
interview and the level of formality, all of which may have an effect on
the responses we receive. It is important to develop empathy while remaining objective throughout the research phase.
When planning the interviews, we decided a more casual approach would be appropriate to encourage the staff to be candid in
their responses. Therefore, our interview strategy consisted of asking mostly passive questions by investigating their workdays
and interactions with other staff. We hoped that a conversation
would develop and the staff would feel comfortable to divulge more personal issues. We divided the questions into three tiers: personal
and project-based.
Interviewing Interviews are one of the most important tools when investigating
a business; no amount of knowledge acquired through book research can substitute for the valuable information that can be gained during
a simple interview. Engaging the employees allows an internal
perspective into the workings of the company; they are a rich source of knowledge about the daily processes within the business.
In an effort to gain further insight into Amuneal, we visited for two days to interview the Customer Delivery Teams and the Shared Resources
staff. The customer delivery teams included the primary design staff, while specialized engineering and support staff made up the shared
resources. We conducted the interviews in pairs. One person led the
conversation while the other documented the interview and offered
support. The following pages show the staff we interviewed, the interview process and staff roles/responsibilities.
Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design. Charles Eames, Industrial Designer
Amuneal Break-Room
Heather F Lisa K
Connell C Alex F Greg G
Marc C Chris G Adam C
Dave B Owen McC
Jory F
Courtney H
Jenn B
Amuneal Front Office
Adam C
Chris G
Heather F
Marc C
Connell C
Dave B
Carl H-P
Jenn B
Courtney H
Lisa K
Justin and Anne-Marie
Alex F
Greg G
Fraser and Anne-Marie
Justin and Gareth
Rob A
Day 1 Inter views
Jory F
Day 2 Inter views
Fraser and Rachael
Interview Locations and Participants
photographs of CD team staff and their workplaces taken during the interviews
Amuneal Customer Delivery Team Staff and Responsibilities Adam K
Adam C
Lead CDT1 Lead CDT2 Marketing Support Sales
Project Managing Engineering Customer Visits
Sales Project Managing Design Customer Visits
Sample Organization
Estimating Project Managing Engineering Rendering Customer Visits
Estimating Project Managing Design Rendering Customer Visits
Estimating Project Managing Engineering Design Customer Visits
Estimating Project Managing Engineering
Shared Resources
Estimating Project Managing Design Customer Visits
Estimating Project Managing Design Rendering Customer Visits
Estimating Project Managing Engineering Customer Visits
Estimating Engineering Design
Estimating Project Managing
Estimating Project Managing Design
The Floor
a completed interview document from day 1 of the interview process
These were the first interviews I had ever performed. I was astonished by the total exhaustion I felt after performing three 45-minute interviews. The concentration required to maintain a two-way planned conservation really tired me out. I wanted to collapse on Monday night, and I did, until I woke up on Tuesday morning to do more interviews.
10.30.08 The exhaustion I felt after the interviews was well worth it. A few questions in particular provided our team with an extensive amount of data. I was expecting it to be more difficult to get the workers to open up. The interview process went more smoothly than expected. Our estimation of the time required to complete the interview was right on target. Everyone at Amuneal was receptive to us being there, and the workers provided us with candid accounts of their experiences at Amuneal. As we progressed through the interviews, we noticed that some of our questions became redundant, so we edited them out. Some interviewees actually commented on the cathartic experience of the interview process. I feel positive that the workers are excited to see us there, and the more I interact with them, the more I feel a responsible for making a difference.
Analysis of Data
Identifying Areas of Opportunity Interviewing staff members creates a wealth of information that must be thoroughly analyzed. As previously described, a design methodology
for analyzing data involves extracting common themes, patterns and
opportunities. Once we identified these, we began framing them in the
correct context to be reported back to the staff. Frequently, themes identified are common within similar businesses, so referencing published studies helps alleviate a clients potential anxiety.
Our interviews with Amuneal showed that certain themes were almost unanimous amongst Amuneal employees. To allow for time
efficiency, we split investigating these themes into sections. The areas we investigated were: Research on Growing Businesses,
Analysis of Income from the two CDT’s (because the project distributions were very uneven), and Flows of Communication. Our
reflections had to be based on the facts, so we needed to carefully
and thoroughly analyze this new data. We used this information to frame our next steps with Amuneal.
Analyzing Data 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
chat organize brain dump individually brain dump as a group talk over each others’ ideas find common issues highlight patterns circle themes argue listen argue get more opinions organize prioritize issues and themes map common issues map flows of information talk about ideas reorganize present
Visual map of common issues expressed by CD teams and shared resources from interviews at Amuneal Quoting Process 3 Communication Gaps 3 Pin-up Space 3
Bottlenecks 4
Communication Gaps 1
Quoting Process 2
Guidelines 2
Specialization 2
Responsibility 3
Creative Outlets 2
Training 2
Constant Interruptions 2
Constant Interruptions 2 Company Direction 2
Branding 3
Bottlenecks 3
Bottlenecks 3
Constant Organization Interruptions 3 3
Company Direction 4
Communication Gaps 1
Quoting Process 1
Branding 1
Branding 2
Specialization 1
Specialization 1
Responsibility 3
Upward Mobility 2
Organization 2
Creative Outlets 1
Responsibility 3
Training 2 Upward Mobility 2
Training 1
Shared Resources
This map depicts some of the main issues that arose from our interviews. It was clear that CD team 1
voiced more concern about problems with communication and company direction than did CD team 2.
Mapping communication through Amuneal The interview process provided us with insight into how projects progress through
the company. The staff often spoke of issues concerning breakdown of communication through the floor as projects moved from quoting to designing to producing.
Map of quoting: Many answers from our interviews led to an appreciation that problems arising during the quoting process often could be contributed to breakdowns in communication. Staff complained that fellow colleagues would not pass on relevant information and held information close to their chest. This resulted in bottle-necking and interruptions of work tasks.
Map of designing: In the design development process there was a common theme that members of both CD teams did not know their role and expectations from the rest of the team in the process. Staff commented that this often contributed to projects failing to meet customer specifications, which resulted in delays in production.
Map of production: At this stage in our project we have not begun to interview staff members working on the floor. However, from interviewing members of the CD teams it was clear that certain staff members did not take enough responsibility and initiative to follow a project as it passed through the floor to production. This resulted in frequent misunderstandings between designers and fabricators.
Intervention Planning
Design Intervention
An interaction, based on highlighting core needs through observation of actions, behavior and emotional experience, aimed at inspiring a new dynamic and better solutions.
Ideation After analyzing data and identifying areas of opportunity, our
team moves into synthesizing design intervention concepts.
Sometimes the wildest ideas result in the most innovative
solutions, so we believe all ideas are worth consideration. Brainstorming promotes even extreme concepts, so a thought is not discarded before its potential can be realized.
Our interviews and observations prompted many conversations
about possible interventions. Five categories of potential emerged
through group discussion of the previously identified themes:
communication, spatial, organization, business structure, and skills and training. We brainstormed each category for 10 minutes
by exploring observations and possible interventions. Within the 5 categories, 58 initial concepts were created. We discussed the possibilities of each idea and agreed on 15 refined interventions to present to Amuneal.
Concept Communication Effective communication of ideas to our clients is crucial. When ideas are presented in a clear and intuitive manner, understanding
and dialogue will logically follow. After grouping and collating central themes, visual cues, such as a color coded bar, help to organize the
information. Ultimately, we want to spark a dialogue. A well structured format helps us achieve this.
The presentation to the CEO of Amuneal had to clearly convey our reasoning for targeting certain areas. While brainstorming, we
realized that some categories, such as communication, required more attention, and therefore more interventions, than others. Also,
many interventions applied to more than one category. We used a color coding system to help communicate emphasis on categories and applications of interventions. It quickly became apparent which areas
of the business had the most potential for improvement. We then framed each intervention with its instigating observations and potential
benefits. Finally, we visualized these proposals through imagery and mapping.
One of the unique aspects of design behavior is the constant generation of new task goals and redefinition of task constraints. Omer Akin, Professer of Architecture Carnegie Mellon 68
skills & training
Public Calender Ban Inter-office E-Mail Standardize Document Headers Flags On-Off Communication Timer Encouragement Posters Central Server Overhaul Boss takes an employee to every meeting Establish a Middle Management Communication Log Book Increase frequency of Meetings Group Dynamics Workshop Report Cards Set times for meetings with the boss Communication Cut-Off Hours Info Booth
Job Log System Scavanger Hunt in Office Play Book Rotation of Leadership Water Cooler in Team Space Map of Office Equipment / Materials Vantage Workshop (Software system) Re-Structure Meetings Remove Boss from Design Team Quoting Workshop Eliminate Cross-Training Implement Code of Responsibilities Communication Station Project Tracking Board Location Signage Implement Formal Project Meetings Designated Area for Samples Vendor Call Sing-Up Sheet
Employees Bid on Jobs Signs above desks highlighting skills Employees define their own roles Buddy System Job Description Cards Go-To Person Implemented Switch Job Titles Job Fair
business organization
Partitions Pin-Up Space Background Noise (Bird Chirps) Standing Height Desks Hot Desks Private Work Rooms Ear-Plugs / Headphones Mirrors throughout Office Client Delivery Teams Isolated in private area Flags / Signs
Make Amuneal a Solutions Service Organization Amuneal as a Product of Service System Amuneal establishes their own line of Products On-Line Questionaire for Customers / Clients Promote Sustainability
Complexity and Overlap A complex map of overlapping connections became clear when we examined the linkages between interview observations, interventions and targets. However, since the interviews were specifically aimed at the “people” and the “business” all of the intervention targets would effect the emotional innovation component of Amuneal. work station Pin-up Space
tickets Upward Mobility
leadership skills & training
Constant Interruptions
pin-up space signage playbook
signaling Communication Gaps
role playing
Emotional Innovation
mentor Guidelines
teamwork organization Company Direction
Creative Outlets
Quoting Process
business organization
collaboration process
Major Observations
Ideas about possible new offerings are informed and inspired by in-depth understanding of people’s attitudes, behaviors, emotions, perceptions and motivations within evolving social, cultural, and technology context. Jane Fulton Suri, Chief Creative Officer IDEO
Intervention concept: Overview and explanations The following pages describe the final intervention concepts we proposed to Amuneal staff. Although 15 invention concepts were initially presented to the CEO, these were refined to 9 concepts which were thought to have the most potential and feasibility. These concepts are described in terms of implicated observations, the business categories the intervention can potentially effect and the overall intent of each intervention. Importantly, as previously described, the emotional innovation intent of these interventions is the area which we believe will help Amuneal develop in the most effective direction to guarantee future success.
interview observations
intervention concept
business categories
emotional innovation intent
intent: people
These effects positively influence personal growth, confidence, motivation and investment in company success.
intent: business
These effects are directly down stream of staff empowerment. By empowering the staff, company development, success, and future innovation will be guaranteed.
Intervention concept: Roleplaying
intent: people n communication gaps
By encouraging participation during meetings and group events, these cards will promote staff involvement and investment in decision making and problem solving
skills and training
roleplaying guidelines
intent: business
This will help in knowledge sharing and problem solving. Promotes greater staff involvement in company issues, which increases the innovative potential of the business.
• Staff raised issues with the structure of meetings • Some staff members did not participate in meetings
Devil advo ’s cate
• No general meeting structure was observed
• roleplaying cards such as Devil’s Advocate, Timekeeper and “5 Why’s” can be distributed to encourage staff participation in meetings and group events.
• Teach role responsibility • Increase meeting participation • Structure meetings more efficiently • Encourage communication and collaboration • Promote leadershipp and allow workers the opportunity to voice their opinions
5 ’s y wh
Intervention concept: Leadership upward mobility
intent: people
communication bottlenecks
By empowering the staff as “leaders”, the hope is that they will feel a greater level of personal growth and drive to help themselves and the company succeed.
intent: business communication gaps
This will help spread the knowledge base and capability throughout the company. Staff will feel more invested in the company’s future and will strive to continue that success.
business organization
CDT Leader
• Interviews highlighted a bottleneck of information from upper management
CDT Captain
• Staff indicated a longing for responsibility • A leadership discontinuity was evident between upper management and staff
• Staff are given a leadership role indicated by an item, such as a captain’s arm-band. This role comes with certain responsibilites. The role can be rotated.
• Alleviate internal pressure off upper management • Promote proactive work practices • Encourage staff investment in their work and overall company successs • Full utilization of staff skills and talents
Team Members
Intervention concept: Mapping
intent: people
Visualizing workflows and processes allows a dialogue to be initiated, whereby staff can be involved in restructuring company processes in the most effective way.
n constant interruptions
intent: business
Staff knowledge will be key to determining the most effective work process for success. Visualization of this will allow company processes to be understood by everyone.
quoting process
• An overall confusion on how projects are run from start to finish was evident
Project Start
• Staff did not know the milestones for completing projects, nor where important project-related information and documents were located
• Breakdown of workflows into work fragments
customer check
quality control
• Mapping of processes in the office will be created and fed back to the staff to start a dialogue for restructuring. • Maps of information such as project processes, communication flows and work schedule can be created
• Encourages a conversation of who knows what and allows this information to be fed back to the staff • Allows all staff to view the reality of daily workflow compared to scheduled workflow, permitting circumvention of issues and roadblocks
quality control
job completed
Project Finish
Intervention concept: Signage
spatial bottlenecks
constant interruptions
Knowing processes and the location of revelant information will foster selfsufficiency and will encourage staff to use their own intitiative. This will aid personal growth within the company.
intent: people
intent: business communication gaps
• General level of disorganization • Interviews revealed a lack of shared knowledge of location of materials and documents
• Physical location of documents and/or objects are highlighted around the office • Public display of processes around the office to create a percepion of “how things are done”
• Offers clarity and organization • Reduces interruptions due to sharing of process-related information • Brings a new feeling into the office, breaking the monotony
Encouraging staff to responsibly take their own initiative creates pride and positive examples in the workplace. Staff will feel empowered and more invested in the company’s success.
Intervention concept: Signalling
intent: people n bottlenecks
Prevents daily frustration and annoyance of being constantly interrupted and pulled off task. Allows workers to focus and control their working enviroment more effectively.
signalling constant interruptions
intent: business
When all staff are aware of office working environments, work flows will be created that result in effcient completion of tasks, collaboration and effective intra-office relations.
• An open floor plan seemed to encourage a noisy working environment with many distractions • Staff voiced concerns that these distractions prevented them from getting their work done • There were too social distractions in the office
Scenarios: •
An open work space can be used as a communication environment when proper visual tools are used. Colored shapes (or flags, balloons, badges, hats etc) can be used to signal work, talk or client modes. This establishes a visual language of tasks and prevents interruptions when modes are observed.
• Permits staff to metaphorically close the door • Controls the communication throught the office • Staff can control their workspace environment and focus on the task at hand
do not disturb open for discussion
client call
Intervention concept: Collaboration
skills and training n communication gaps
intent: business
• Staff were frustrated by loss of information as it passed from one person to the next • Staff expressed aggravation when inefficient tools and documents prevented them from fulfilling their responsibilities on a project • Gaps in information resulted in more interruptions • While the staff felt projects were modern, the underlying office and business processes were outdated
Scenarios: •
Designers will facilitate a collaborative workshop where they will initiate a dialogue to determine present issues and a collective strategy for problem solving and restructuring.
• Bringing staff members together to create new tools and documents will generate an effective end result • Encourages intra-office communication and collaboration
If staff feel their suggestions are taken seriously when restructuring company processes and tools, they will feel more empowered and encouraged to voice future concerns.
quoting process
intent: people
Empowering staff to solve their own problems encourages a quicker and more effective response to company issues. Thus, Amuneal will be able to address and to respond to market changes more successfully.
Intervention concept: Teamwork
intent: people n bottlenecks
teamwork communication gaps
• Staff highlighted, general confusion about their and their work-mates roles and responsibilities • Interviews revealed a need for more visible leadership as some staff required more direction than others
A psychologist with experience in coaching groups and equipping leaders will run a group dynamics workshop. Staff will learn about the underlying dynamics that govern team behavior, relationships, and performance.
• Staff empowerment • Staff will have a better grasp on team roles and responsibilities • Staff will gain a better sense of their own contributions to their team • Staff will be more aware of thieir impact on group tasks • Improvement of group dynamics
Staff will gain the confidence to play a full participatory role in collaborative team work. Staff will value personal and team-member roles, which will facilitate effective communication.
intent: business
More effective team behaviour and collaboration will encourage sharing of knowledge and ideas. Effective teamwork will help companies secure their future market sucess.
Intervention concept: Backcasting
intent: people specialization
Staff will feel empowered if they feel that the company will provide them with the necessary training, motivation, tools and support to personally succeed in the future.
company direction
business organization
intent: business
Fostering staff investment will help promote company success. Tightening brand identity will help Amuneal concentrate on fostering long term business relationships and secure their niche in the market.
• Research into Amuneal demonstrated that exponential growth of the company seems to have diluted and fractured the brand message • During interviews, staff were confused about the future for Amuneal • Staff voiced concerns about the speed of Amuneal’s growth over the last few years
Scenarios: •
Designers will run a workshop bringing staff and senior management together to brainstorm where they envision Amuneal being in 10 years time. They then backcast the steps necessary to achieve the end goal in 3-6 month increments.
• Makes Amuneal more unified from the inside and outisde viewpoints • Provides solidarity and clarity on mission objectives • Allows staff to verbalize their views, hopes and dreams for themselves and Amuneal
Examples of potential branding ideas for Amuneal
Intervention concept: Playbook bottlenecks
skills and training communication gaps
creative outlets
organization training
• Staff complained of poor transmission of information • Staff highlighted that significant gaps in project information were holding back project progress • Issues with bottle necking of information were raised • Staff indicated that a lack of role responsibility and guidelines prevented project success
Scenario: •
Using mapping and data from charettes a document containing information such as staff roster with skill sets, project plays and guidelines and communication flows can be created.
• Takes the uncertainty and guess work out of project management • Empowers staff to make their own decisions based on agreed and proven strategies • Implementation of company policies • Reference guide for new employees.
intent: people
Staff will be encouraged to make their own decisions, thus preventing aggrevation from communication gaps. Staff will develop the confidence and initiative to manage projects successfully
intent: business
When all staff know their roles, responsibilities and project options, projects will run successfully. Staff confidence will encourage more innovative processes allowing Amuneal to evolve successfully.
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5pm workday finishes
Saving money by investing in people An example of how design research into the working habits and motivations of employees can save money for businesses. At Amuneal, employees’ days were often broken into work fragments
by interruptions stemming from communication breakdown, process confusion and bottle-necking. Design interventions
have the potential to increase worker motivation, training, skills
and communication and thus change work fragments into work flows. These interventions will have a high return of investment for companies and help secure their future.
Intervention Presentation
Forum for Conversation At its most fundamental level, the presentation creates a forum for determining the potential of concepts and ideas. However
the true value of the presentation comes from generating conversation and discussion, which actively invites the client into the design process.
Due to the sensitivity of some of the concepts, we felt it was prudent
to preview the interventions to the CEO prior to a staff presentation. Following a lengthy discussion, we agreed on a selection of
interventions that we mutually felt had the most potental. We then prepared a revised presentation for the Amuneal staff.
Intervention Presentation
There is an emphasis on the role of the conjectured solution as a way of gaining understanding of the design problem, and the need to generate a variety of solutions as a means of problem-analysis. Nigel Cross, Editor Design Studies Journal
Solutions Vs. Concepts
Interventions are concepts, not solutions. This diagram shows one problem we identified at Amuneal, communication gaps, and the difference between how a solution and a network of concepts work. Concepts are not final and offer alternatives, whereas a solution is a singular, final answer to a problem.
communication gaps
increased meetings
map the process
map communication
map time
group dynamic specialist
slide board
additional responsibilities
elect rotating leader
communication gaps
travel companion
assign leader roleplaying
meeting based
process signs
daily based
location of resources
weekly based playbook
welcome package
As mentioned previously, we first presented our interventions to the CEO of Amuneal before the rest of the staff. We presented 15 interventions, which we later refined to 9. One of the most important pieces of both presentations was to describe that these
were concepts, not solutions. They are not precious or infinite. They are meant to change the group dynamic, either for the better or the worse, so we can learn why. Concepts guide better solutions.
common issue diagram and categories
introduction summarizing our research and process
the interventions
the interventions
the interventions
Issues can be grouped into 2 areas: the DNA of the business and new employees Role Play: To use at every meeting Mapping & Signage: Identifies key processes, signage based on mapping Pin-Up Space, Partitions & Work Stations: Would like an area away from workspace to privately review and discuss work Signaling: Shows employees what to do at a designated time Leadership, Tickets & Process: Like “dressing the part,” let everyone know who is responsible Teamwork & Mentor: Let training we just finished settle in before we try something else Backcasting: Senior management should do this & present to CDT’s Collaboration: An offshoot of playbook Playbook Summarizes all of the other interventions
In a society of flows, the need is above all for road maps and these are not discovered but created Ole Bouman, Netherland Architecture Institute
Presentation Refinement
There has been a change of plans since our presentation with Adam. Originally, we were going to refine our presentation to present to the leadership team, but we just found out that the Amuneal team has been reduced significantly. Adam has asked that we now present to the remaining CDT members to help give the staff a boost after the turmoil of last week. Talk about pressure!
11.24.08 25 people were laid off at Amuneal due to the effects of the current economic crisis. This brought mixed feelings to our collaboration with Amuneal. While we felt some of the deflation the Amuneal team must have experienced, we also hope that after some time, the remaining workers will be able find motivation in the new direction of Amuneal. The news meant we had some important decisions to make about how to approach our presentation. We decided to tweak it to remove of references to staff members that had moved on and also to avoid mentioning the firings at this stage. Questions came to mind, such as: Will there still be two CDT’s or will they be condensed to one? Was there a new team structure? If so, what was it? Do the remaining members have a new set of responsibilities? Would the change affect the course of our interventions? Needless to say, there was a lot for our team to further investigate.
Staff Presentation The goal of design inventions is to alter the dynamics of human interaction. Thus, designing for people cannot be done in a vacuum;
client feedback is an essential step in the process. Since staff input is directly involved in concept generation, it is important to share potential ideas, test their accuracy and encourage futher development.
Due to the current economic climate the company downsized and
reshuffled its client delivery teams. In an attempt to boost staff morale, the CEO asked us to present our interventions to serve as hopeful
“shot in the arm�. To illustrate our intervention concepts we presented them within a visual context to provide the staff with tangible scenarios of implementation.
You bring a ‘user experience’ to life by designing with people, not for them. Users create knowledge, but only if we let them. – John Thackara, Author In the Bubble
Giving the presentation to the CDTs was a whole different experience from presenting to Adam. It wasn’t in our studio space so we didn’t have the advantage of setting up in advance. There were some unexpected inconsistencies between presenting in our studio and at Amuneal. We presented in Amuneal’s break room, which is adjacent to the floor, making it somewhat noisy. In addition, our projector screen is much larger than Amuneal’s so some of the text was difficult for the audience in the back to read. These are definitely considerations for next time.
11.25.08 The discussion period of our presentation was much shorter than expected. A huge weight was apparent in the room. Team members seemed like they were refraining from commenting. Was this a reaction to the firings? Since many of our intervention ideas resulted from the interviews, we were anxious to hear the team’s reactions to them. However, we found that the presentation to the team resulted in much less feedback than the initial presentation to Adam. One item that lightened the mood and received interest was the role playing cards we provided, our first implementation of an intervention. Maybe we can receive additional reactions to our intervention ideas from the team at a later point through more private discussion.
Alternative Settings By sitting in on group meetings we gain valuable insight into the esoteric nature of business group dynamics. It highlights group tendencies, personal interactions and power distribution.
After our presentation, we invited the Amuneal staff and management to participate in a group discussion at our studio, rather than their
workplace. We wanted to alter the dynamics of our interactions. Our intent was to show them where we lived and worked, where we came
up with all our ideas and concepts about Amuneal. For over 3 hours we discussed project processes , roles and responsibilities. This was a very productive meeting and helped inform our future directions.
The reason I hire designers and artists is because of their ability to problem solve. Adam Kamens, CEO Amuneal
Intervention Implementation
Changing the Dynamic To be thoroughly tested, design interventions must be experienced for an extended period of time. Consequently, changes in behavior
and dynamics should be expected. However, all reactions, both
positive and negative, provide feedback that is used refine existing interventions and inform new directions.
With thorough consideration, we decided that our first intervention
with Amuneal would be role playing cards. The intention of the cards
is to facilitate more productive, collaborative meetings. After the staff lived with these cards for a month, we questioned if the cards satisfied their intened purpose and why they did or did not work? Each set includes: White Elephant - gives voice to the unpopular, yet important issues Task Master - keeps the meeting on target 5 Why’s - asks why in response to 5 consecutive answers Secretary - states objective and facilitates the meeting Time Keeper - ensures the meeting runs to the time limit Devil’s Advocate - provides the counter argument Simplifier - rewords unclear explanations
Being a designer means being an optimist: given the problems, all the problems, even the most difficult, all we can do is to presume there is a possibility of solving them. Ezio Manzini, Industrial Design Professor Milan Polytech
Intervention Refinement An iterative design process allows for experiential learning from
both the client and designer alike. Unforeseen opportunities that arise when the concepts are introduced and interacted with are
acknowledged in early stages of the design cycle. Instead of ending the design cycle with the first implementation, more informed prototypes and better solutions help save time and money.
With the first iteration of the role-playing card intervention in place
at Amuneal, we began monitoring their use to see how they effected
the dynamics within a meeting setting. The responses to these cards were mixed, with some sections of the company fully embracing
them, and others seemingly ignoring them in favor of traditional meeting customs.
Digging deeper, we found that when used, these cards seemed
to have a very positive effect in meetings and encouraged staff
to participate in the dialog. Some cards were more powerful than others, and thus we formulated a new iteration better suited the
needs of the company. We removed less valuable roles ,such as the time keeper and task master, and introduced ‘participation cards’ that ackowledged a contribution or disengagement in the discussion. The use of these cards has recently been initiated and not yet examined.
devil’s advocate
only one side of the argument being presented
user presents the other side of the argument to spawn further dialog
concept is better articulated, and invesitgated from all vantage points
white elephant
the group is avoiding an obvious issue in need of consideration
user identifies the avoided issue without fear of consequence
all issues are considered when forming the concept
five why’s
concepts presented are seemingly superficial and lack detail
user asks the presenter to clarify the concept by asking ‘why?’ 5
concepts are fully thought through
complex concepts are presented that are somewhat ambiguous
user responds by voicing their interpretation of the concept
presenter can confirm whether the concept is understood, of correct misinterpretations
information is lost from previous meetings, and there is no reference of decisions made
user is responsible for documenting all important issues and decisions for future reference
information from previous meetings is available for review
meetings are often poorly structured, or do not run to schedule
user is charged with the responsibility of keeping the meeting on topic, and on time
meetings run to schedule, reducing time wasted.
non-participating team member is asked politely to return to the conversation
all opinions and perspectives are considered when making key decisions
team member is awarded the ‘gold star’ to commend their hard work
team members gain pride from contributing, and feel appreciated.
navigator you’re invited gold star
a team member is not participating, or is distracting the dialog
a team member is seen to be doing a very good job
why x 5
You’re invited!
Dialog Cards
Facilitation Cards
Participation Cards
Future Directions
Work in Progress Our work with Amuneal is ongoing. Research is continually being carried out and many initiatives are currently being investigated.
Research into Amuneal identified patterns in communication
breakdown. These were not only between staff members, but traversed all aspects of business communication, including management to staff and company to client.
We used scenario building to develop new concepts that could thrive
on and further imrprove communication at Amuneal. The 3 main
areas that being examined are: project management communication, process communication and branding communication. The hope is
that these areas will be further investigated, with new prototypes being tested in the near future.
Preliminary concepts are described in the following pages.
Project Management software concept A possible design concept to address communication is the development of project management software. This has
the potential to make communication between staff more
effective and will have a high return on investment. Project
management software have many different effects, including providing 1.) a communal information hub, 2.) easy location
of documents, 3.) information availability, anywhere, anytime
intent: people
Communication Gaps
Creates a platform where information is readily exchanged and retrievable. Communication will be more effective and efficient. Staff will feel mo re self-reliant and confident.
boss-staff communication
Project Management
intent: business Bottlenecks
Bill asks where the Jones’s drawings are, Frank doesn’t know
potential scenario
Effective project management communication will reduce communication breakdown. This will convert work fragments into work flows and increase efficiency.
Bill asks everyone in the office - no one knows where they are
If Bill had used the Project Management software
He could of used the searched all the Jone’s project discussions
And easily find and download the drawings he needed
Process Visualization Every gap in the process of a business has a dollar
amount. Every time a step in the process takes longer
than it should, it costs the company money. The larger the gaps, the more money it costs.
To help Amuneal visualize their job process and
understand the effects of adjusting job timelines,
we have begun to develop a tactile dashboard. The
dashboard is a lo-tech project management solution
that relies on the use of simple touchscreen technology, to communicate and adjust project life and deadlines.
Branding concept Branding is much more than a simple graphic design element,
it forms the core belief of Amuneal and is the message directed towards client dialogues. It begins with a core company
philosophy which must permiate all aspects of the business, encompassed in what becomes the promise to clients.
We intend to encourage transparent project management at Amuneal. Our hope is that this will be empitomized by the
Amuneal staff, which will allow transparency to filter into the larger brand message of the company. A brand message of
transparency will help potential clients feel confident that Amuneal
will meet high standards of expectations and production, worthy of a leader in custom metal fabrication.
Employee Contact with Clients
Client Gossip
Employee Gossip
The ‘Real’ Brand Message As much as you would like to control your brand image, the reality is that, for the
most part, it is out of your direct control.
No matter how influential you believe your latest branding campaign is, your public image is more than likely driven by the
gossip in your industry being forwarded
by your employees, your clients and your Vendor Opinions
Customer Blogs
Word of Mouth
‘Brand’ factors beyond your direct control
vendors. Superficial branding exercises can hide some cracks for a time, but to
improve your image in the long-term, the deeper issues need to be addressed.
Acknowledgements This project would not have been possible without the cooperation and support of: Adam Kamens and his Amuneal Staff University of the Arts Industrial Design Faculty: Jonas Milder, Program Director Brett Snyder Project Team Members: Anne-Marie Gutierrez Rachael Harr Gareth Roberts Fraser Marshall Justin Witman
A letter from the C.E.O of Amuneal Manufacturing to MID program director Jonas Milder, I think about you and your students often and thought that I owed you with an update of how we have moved forward, informed by our time together. If you remember, the interviews that you performed showed that people were overwhelmed by the lack of prioritization and the constant job changes that they were required to perform through the day. We regrouped into functional teams: Pre-sales: Design and Estimating under my direction and Post Sales: Project Management and Engineering, both under Curt’s direction. We reorganized the individuals based on their skill sets and allowed them to focus more deeply on a more narrow set of tasks. One of your team’s recommendations was to explore the use of tools to help manage the functional areas of the business. By mid-year we were actively using Basecamp as a PM tool, both for internal projects as well as to manage the projects with our Customers. Following the success and comfort using Basecamp, we began using Highrise as a tool for tracking our sales and estimating priorities and to assign time specific tasks to one another within the team. We sometimes stray from the disciplines of the system, but it has made a big impact on our process. We also redesigned the front office to bring all of our functional teams together in one space. We now have our A+D teams, Shielding Teams, Mfg + Logistics teams and Admin teams all working together in an open and really collaborative environment. This simple measure, supported by the introduction of a central (and open) meeting table has made a tremendous impact by eliminating competition between functional areas and creating an environment where everyone knows their purpose and has the ability to make real contributions each day. Your team spent time reviewing Amuneal’s brand and the apparent lack of congruency between who we said that we were and how we presented ourselves. We spent several months asking ourselves tough questions and developing an updated language to articulate Amuneal’s identity. You can see the results on our new site. As part of this exercise, we focused in on Amuneal’s competitive advantages and value-add in the markets that we serve and developed a finish program that has been hugely successful. Through this thoughtful investigation and knowing that we had scaled our costs down enough that we didn’t have to take every job in order to survive we used 2009 to carve out a better sense of who we are and the type of projects that are appropriate and strategic for us. We have probably turned down more jobs in the last 6 months than in my entire career! 2009 ended up significantly better than anticipated. We exceeded our internal goals and crafted a much healthier and better managed business than we have ever had. As 2010 unfolds, like many people we have seen a tremendous increase in opportunities and we have returned to our traditional levels of performance. As or more importantly, we are a better business, producing a higher quality product with less effort. It is important to me that you know the impact that your team and the project had on us. Please pass my sincere gratitude and respect to each of the Design Consultants that left such a meaningful imprint on Amuneal. -Adam Kamens CEO