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best seller


• Culturally relevant • Biblically sound interpretations • Materials encourage engaging dialogue about today’s issues while providing solutions based on traditional values • Sunday school lessons follow

Committee on Uniform Series from the National Council of Churches • Can be used for personal study, group study, and more

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Adult Christian Life contains weekly educational material for adult Sunday school students, Bible study participants, and those seeking greater knowledge through personal study. The exposition of the Scripture, with life-centered insights, is preceded by an introduction to the lesson designed to help learners gain a greater theological understanding of the biblical text under discussion relative to context, content, and meaning for life.


Adult Christian Life

• The lesson Scriptures are divided into two or three passages that pertain to the outline or thought that is being emphasized in each one. • The lesson information “KNOW IT” provides information about what the biblical text means, broken down into relevant sections. • It is followed by several sections to help engage the student: 1. REMEMBER IT 2. HEAR IT 3. LIVE IT 4. SHARE IT • There is more room for taking notes and completing activities. The book includes special articles that are intended to help the student to better understand the overall theme of the quarter. • Written in 14 pt. type for easy reading.

0040L (mg) | $6.00



Free curriculum activities and relevant discussion resources are available at www.rhboyd.com.


Curriculum e-books available for purchase through the Kindle store on Amazon.com. Curriculum changes quarterly.

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The NextGen Leaders quarterly contains many features that sustain its popular appeal among young adult learners, addressing the unique needs and experiences of a life stage that encompasses educational attainment and career development. NextGen Leaders features elements to enhance and extend the learning experience for Bible study participants and those seeking greater understanding through personal study.

The NextGen Leaders has replaced the College & Career starting first quarter 2022.

E-books available through the Kindle store at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and over 100 NextGen Leaders additional distribution channels.

• Biblical text is divided into sections for easier study and analysis. • The book includes additional imagery. • The lessons have been formatted to help young adults get the most out of their study. • The biblical text is supported by references to both historical and contemporary life lessons and leadership opportunities. • Life Point and Lesson Point questions and comments make the book an important curriculum resource to support learning by generating discussion. • Relevant discussion points derived from biblical text are included with practical examples.

0030 (mg) | $6.00

best seller


Master Teacher

• This quarterly is the instructional manual for both Adult Christian

Life and NextGen Leaders. • It includes ideas and suggestions to equip teachers to develop a plan for individual lessons within the quarter. • Teachers are given biblical and theological focal points for each lesson and additional resources to help make the lessons come to life. • It follows a five-point lesson plan sequence that is reinforced by a relevant contemporary point (God’s Word in Life) that highlights the meaning of each lesson. • Thought-provoking questions and biblical and theological details are found throughout each lesson to aid instructors as they digest the text and its exposition for teaching others. • The book also includes ample space for note-taking as each point of the lesson Scripture is broken down for a thorough explanation.

0020 (mg) | $6.50

Youth Teacher

• This quarterly is the instructional manual for youth books: Teen Scene, ages 15–17; Seekers for Jesus, ages 12–14. • It includes suggestions for effective teaching. • It also includes a lesson plan for each age group. • Activity pages can be used in conjunction with lesson plans. • Scripture passages are also broken up into related sections for easy analysis.

0035 (mg) | $6.50

Children’s Teacher

• This quarterly is the instructional manual for children’s books:

Adventurers with Jesus, ages 9–11; Young Learners, ages 6–8; Growing with

Jesus, ages 5 and younger. • It includes thoroughly researched lessons. • It also includes great illustrations to bring the lesson home. • Ample space for notes is included to help the teacher. • Extensive lesson pages include Scripture and exposition analyzed together, as well as suggested teaching aids and resources.

0055 (mg) | $6.50

We invite all instructors to join us for the Vision ConferenceTM to learn more about strategies for pedagogical and andragogical learning methods. Courses will be taught by curriculum writers and other noted educators and lecturers. See pages 18 and 19 for details.


Seekers for Jesus (Ages 12–14)

• This quarterly is a clean and clear presentation of God’s Word. • It includes a contemporary lesson story (“Consider This”) that ties in the point of the lesson. • It has a relevant summation of the lesson. • Relevant questions throughout the book challenge students and offer opportunities to engage students. • A “Last Thoughts” section is included to encourage students to think about how they can apply the biblical passage to their lives.

0060 (mg) | $5.50

Teen Scene (Ages 15–17)

• This quarterly features a word check for greater understanding and to establish and expand students’ vocabulary of biblical terms. • It is more picturesque and colorful. • It also includes a “Dissect and Digest” section that explains the meaning of Bible passages. • It includes a contemporary story that brings home the major point of the lesson story.

0090 (mg) | $5.50


Growing with Jesus (Ages 5 and Younger)

• Colorful pictures and images • Exciting games and fun-filled activities • Concise and relevant biblical stories • Coloring images • Heart-capturing biblical stories • Age-appropriate learning

0080 (mg) | $5.50

Young Learners (Ages 6–8)

• Life-like pictures • Updated graphics • Meaningful and purposeful

Bible story lessons • Exciting activities • Letters to parents

0070 (mg) | $5.50

Adventurers with Jesus (Ages 9–11)

• More colorful images • Updated graphics • Relevant biblical stories • Fun-filled activities • Easy to read and understand lessons • Fun-filled home assignments

0050 (mg) | $5.50

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