2021 MArch Architecture RIBA Part II application Student Application ID : 20147078
DONGHEE KO 2016 - 2020 Selected Works
Academic / Personal Work 01 Island Sculpture Museum 02 Bon Voyage 03 DNA 04 Underground Passage
Professional Work 05 Osaka Umbrealla House 06 City in the Forest 07 Compass Project 08 Willsden Art School
01 Island Sculpture Museum 2017 _Academic Work _Instructor Stefan Lengen _University of Brighton _Isle of Dogs, East London, England
Island Sculpture Museum serves a home for a collection of sculptures both physically and digitally. It explores the concept of how the traditional art gallery and digital art gallery could co-exist and how two programmes are interconnected by locating in a particular site that plays a historical role as it passes through the prime meridian. The museum consists of two resembling structures intertwining each other. With an experience of contemporay elements in building materiality, visitors can explore optical experiences in multiple perspectives that is studied from traditional methods. From the main entrance it provides a variety of views of multiple platforms with a core linear lobby. Through interconnected circulation, digital archiving area provides digitized recuration of existing renaissance cast works suggesting a new way of seeing.
◀ The site, the Island Gardens in Isle of Dogs, were the first public green space on the Island. The Island Gardens claimed a special place in the hearts of Islanders offering one of the finest views in the country, a view acrross the Thames to Greenwich, to the former Royal Naval College and up to the Royal Observatory - that it played a major role in the history of astronomy and navigation as the prime meridian passes through it.
Thames Barrier
London River Crossing with different typologies
Transformation Diagram The above diagram shows the transformation logic of the spatial organisation. Two resembling masses balance the geometry intertwining each other.
’N 51 °
’1 1
two intertwining structures
51 °
digital gallery
4 1
traditional gallery
14 ’N
W W 0’
0° 2
29 51°
W 1’
9 1°2
Looking at the renaissance architecture as case study, the found elements are used as archetypes that can be applied over contemporary building.
(2) grid & elements (1) symmetry & asymmetry
(5) underground space
(3) mutiple views
(4) illusion in scale
b a
c d
a. Main entrance b. Renaissance sculpture room I c. Renaissance sculpture room II d. Ramp from room b. into digital gallery e. Large-scale sculpture room f. Interactive sculpture room I g. Interactive sculpture room II h. Sculpture garden
02 Bon Voyage 2016 _Academic Work _Instructor Stefan Lengen _University of Brighton _Isle of Dogs, East London, England
This project suggests a collective platform for furniture production promoting local handcraftmanship culture and specialty wood products industries to accelerate the industrical development and rehabilitate losing local heritage in Isle of dogs. The proposal is situated on the site for SS Great Eastern Launch which is a histrocial place for victorian ship industry. A sequence of programs will be exprerienced within tower typology by shifting the vocabulary of horizontal elements of ship construction.The following programs are organised into three parts : office area on top level floors , furniture production on mid-level floors , public exhibition and market place occupies on public ground level.
Island Industry change From the middle of the 19th century, the Isle of Dogs was the home of innovative and world-class companies, a status which changed by the end of the century when cheaper resources and labour became available elsewhere. Three diagrams illustrate several transitions and of industry forms over time.
others education recreational
commercial living site
unfolding mass evolution based on vertically reformed structures with main core , I experimented how the outer skins could be sealed and shaped their own unique integration creating structural diversity on each sides of elevations.
vertical reprogramming This conceptual drawing illustrates a vertical transformation from ship construction which was inspired by earlier site industry analysis considering a contemporary use of serving spaces and part-whole ship manufacture process.
multiple experience
interlocking masses
light well
design process began with developing the vocabulary of vertical elements starting from column as the structural component, expanding to circulation, environmental components to actual inhabitable space.
public / private
furniture production
office spaces on the top levels
shop and exhibition area
public market place
02 01 03
Perspectival Section
Perspectival Section
01. Sound-proof reinforced glass capsule cover 06. Bed with integrated automated massage system 02. Capsule exterior structure 07. Sleeping pod cover with automated LED lights 03. Sleeping pod casing + overhead reading lights 08. Air temperature conditioning outlet 04. Purifi ed oxygen outlet 09. Connection to rail for vertical circulation 05. Overhead LED screen + control pannel 10. Rail for the capsule
01. Sound-proof reinforced glass capsule cover 06. Bed with integrated automated massage system 02. Capsule exterior structure 07. Sleeping pod cover with automated LED lights 03. Sleeping pod casing + overhead reading lights 08. Air temperature conditioning outlet 04. Purifi ed oxygen outlet 09. Connection to rail for vertical circulation 05. Overhead LED screen + control pannel 10. Rail for the capsule
2 1 1
5 4
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
existing SS great eastern launch ramp ramp to main front platform main stairs into building public staircase for exhibition floors lift lobby
public market place ramp down to main front platform main stairs into building lift furniture production area I stairs from furniture production area II into furniture storage
03 UNDERGROUND PASSAGE 2016 _Academic Work _Instructor Stefan Lengen _University of Brighton _London, England
This project challenges the concept and the scale of underground, inspired by typological features of the existing building in Camden Passage which is famous for antique market place in London. Proposing a concept called ‘underground passage’, the project attemps to offer new spatial experiences in underground space and a new relationship between users and market place.
Concept Model design process began with analysing existing typlogical features of buildings in camden passage which have rather unusual and compact compositions with different levels of ground level or semi-underground level. I explored a conceptual idea of underground market place by mirroring or reforming existing site condition .
Above Underground
Conceptual Narrative Drawing Camden Passage has a fascinating story of how a group of Islington residents and shopkeepers, inspired and transformed, rundown part of London into one of the world’s leading antiques centres and preserved its unique character against planners and developers. Preserving the assets of Camden Passage, I started to investigate how to accelerate the market vitalization by extending market places of underground defining horizontal and vertical structures with dynamic circulation.
Entrance I to underground market
Entrance II to underground market
main passage horoizonal structure vertical structure
Lightwell operation
A long horizontal glass lightwell along on-ground path for the room of underground corridor
Sectional drawing highlights light operations affecting to each underground spaces as key lightwells. Diagrams below (1)-(6) illustrate how the design process was developed considering light system to underground within given site conditon.
B Main entrance I panels with holes on the ground
that produces delicate lights to underground
C another glass lightwell for middle corridor to let light
in sheering off irregularly extruded underground blocks of existing building
D Main entrance II trasparent lift box vertically operating dynamic lights
▲ Site Plan with four main light wells operation
(1) connecting throughout multiple ground levels
(2) providing lights through light wells
(4) flipping the existing building typologies
(3) new building typology that connects to underground
(5) light condition within the site
G0 G1
Site location and accessible route to the site
Typlogies study was taken for understanding complexity and diversity in section exploring sectional model of existing building through the site
a b
g d
e f
f e
04 DNA 2020 _Personal work
K-pop idol BTS features to create a series of music albums with their own set stroyline. This fictional storyline is centered on songs, music videos, short films, cartoon and written story based on characters inspired by the members of BTS. BTS embarked on their “Love Yourself” thematic series which formed the first chapter of the extended three-part series -The title song ’DNA’ from the album explores the theme of science and religion depicting solar systems and celestial symbolism through detailed music production, complex choreography and visual metaphors. This project cultivates the architectural possibilities through the spatial languages analysing melody, rhythm, performance and metaphors of the ’DNA’ as embodiment of collective subtle components based on rigorous sets of frames.
Forces of various different directions and sizes form a new direction and size, inside of the intangible bowl, the nature.
CREATION AND EXTINCTION Oil painting and rice straw on iron plate / 23x36 in / 2011
Music Analysis In terms of musical notation, the song is composed in the key of C#minor, with a tempo of 130 beats per minute, and runs for 3:43. The modern electronic production consists of whistles, added bells, and acoustic guitar. It is driven by dynamic strings and a pulsating drum-line. Instrumentation for the song is provided by guitar, bass, keyboards, synthesizer, and drums. Notably, second sample of the chorus of EDM and pop song is featuring an instrumental breakdown composed of rising-falling synth-line over acoustic guitar and Auto-Tuned vocals.
verse 1
pre chorus 1
verse 2
whistle melody
background vocal
first acoustic guitar
second guitar
chorus 1 rising synth line
intense fx effect sound
instrumental breakdown
third guitar pre chorus 2
RM rap part
suga rap part
chorus 2
bridge rising synth line falling synth line
strong beat instrumental breakdown
chorus 3
Performance Analysis Analysis on performace and dancing began with a priciple that performs dance steps for nine directions. Based on this priciple, i created a gemetrical plate for all found elements out of dance to interact within. Four unique data drawings above are listed in chronological sequence and following spatially extended drawings illustrate all possible data such as rhythm, dance sequence, angle, circulation, speed, density, assembling, metaphoric movement that I observed from performace of the song.
Hybrid Interpretation Based on earlier investigation on music and performance I started to evolve architectural languages through set of Integration drawings of four individual structures in three dimention
top view
Interactive Model with projected drawing on
Physical model as concretised representation of combined analysis
05 Osaka Umbrella House 2019 _Professional _Crab Studio _Osaka, Japan
This project proposes a comfortable and beautiful space that allows people to come and stay in an area fulfilling the concept of a garden by the use of a lightweight bamboo structure with a small platform within the bamboo garden. The installation work will be displayed on the rooftop of the existing hostel which is located in Osaka, Japan. The intention of the proposal is to provide a place that people can meet, enjoy the views, and functions as a landmark in Osaka. I worked independently on the early stages of the project assisting with design developement, modeling and render as well as physical model making along with studies upon density, layout and structural exploration.
concept sketch
Test on density, form, materiality and colours
site condition
further optional studies on materiality, volume, density, and colour.
variation of scaffolding density on grid
- scaffolding forms, layout, optional slabs design options
- Studies on materiality and colour
differed layout forming netting shape
playing with length and direction of scaffolding
extended variation of density and direction
leveled slab option 1
leveled slab option 2
Summary of the Characteristics of Yanchep City masterplan
06 City in the Forest
Forest -The City in a Forest -Multiple layers of vegetation and habitat -Local produce -Sustainable and green
2018-2019 _Professional work _Crab Studio _Yanchep, West Austrailia
Time and Density -Staged development over time -Temporary structures, temporary usages -Strategic density at city centre
Linking -Linking the city and its precincts -transport -communication -viewing corridors -marker-buildings -parks and planting
Features -Research and Education emphasis -Health and Commercial precincts -Local produce and use of vegetation -Building upon current activities and ventures on-site -Cultural and social buildings -A unique environment
The City in the Forest is an urban planning of grand 25-year project for Yanchep that I have worked on through my practice in CRAB Studio. Yanchep, situated on West Australia, the project aims at establishing a city with creative urban planning, that provides citizens a living environment where the urban and suburban can co-exist. Design development of the project was intended to protect and preserve the existing natural habitat. Besides researching and designing different building typology, I have also done studies upon the existing habitats, assisted with two-dimentionising vegetations and constributed the most to physical model making.
1. Tree and artificial canopies shade active spaces along mall
2. Raised green spaces - break out spaces, cafes, terraces, balconies
Green passages
Street and lifted garden
3. Distinct green spaces become key features and markers within the scheme
4. Higher density towards city centre
Existing Habitat Studies 10m x 10m block
Distribution of different types of forests 1 Semi-active : playground 2 Semi-active : sports 3 Low density forest ( Pink) 4 Low density forest (Yellow) 5 High density forest 6 Allotments 7 Nurseries 8 City centre : ground
park typology 60m x 60m block
Building and Green Space Design 60m x 60m block
07 COMPASS PROJECT Spring 2020 2018-2019 _Professional Work _Crab Studio _huangshan, China
The Compass Project is a landscape project in Huangshan in China adopting the concept of Luopan Compass which is precise chinese conventional compass with green spaces next to hotel and residential building handling multiple events that could happen on site.Based on researches on Luopan Compass Mechanism the most viable material and construction method was selected for the landscapes including hard landscape and soft landscape with illuminatig grids across the site. I assisted with 3d modeling structure and details and independently worked on all physical models with different scales.
1:25 sectional model
Day and Night operations in sectional model
1 : 100 proposal model
Misting Nozzle Layout Sketch
Initial Sketch : Within 50mm Gaps of 2M by 2M Panels are the flexible distrubution lines Grid Line Intersecting Area are the location for nozzle. SKETCH: Grating placedINITIAL slightly above misting system but not used with hardscape
-Grid Line Intersecting Area are the location for nozzle
SECTION OF CONCEPT FOR DEVELOPED DESIGN Chages:-Compass Dimension Increased to 33.3m -Water onDesign East and West Side to be Retained Section of Concept for Feature Developed -Compass Glass to Slope 2 ° to hardscape to ensure drainage -Additional Services: Heating and Misting to be added to Hardscape Area
New Compass Diameter
Detail Sketch for Concept
-Working compass needle (refer to compass mechanism sketch) -Water Inlet and Outlet to maintain water height Luopan Compass -working compass needle -water andand outlet to maintain water height passinlet Pool Needle -black granite/ black artifical stone seating surrounds comepass pool and needle
Compass Water Feature Research section scale 1:20
08 Willsden Art School 2018 _Professional Work _Crab Studio _Willsden, London, England
Situated in North London, the Art Academy project is a project that aims at creating a collective space for education and exhibition of different art crafts and creative skills. Locating next to the Capital City Acdaemy, the building includes an open courtyard at its ground level, which serves as a welcoming open space for students. Centering around the courtyard, the building consists of studio spaces that provide public art craft lessons, workshop space, exhibition space as well as residential spaces.
The proposed building will be built next to exisiting school centering around the countyard
Sections through the site
Exploded Axo drawing
I have involved in providing 2d and 3d drawings and also contributing to making physicial models with experiements of diverse methods of modelling production and matarials dealing with 3d print and airbrush paint. As the project has involved with a group of artists as its clients there was careful treatment in model making for special green ceramic tiles as facade matarials using 3d print, after care and delicate paint to capture the texture of the material of its facade.
DONGHEE KO Part I Architect Born in Seoul, South Korea
Software Skills
2014 - 2017 Architecture BA (Hons) at University of Brighton Brighton, UK 2013 - 2014 Kaplan International College Brighton, ,Arts, Design and Media, dddddddddBrighton, UK 2012 - 2013 Painting and Sculpture at Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea 2007 - 2012 Sunhwa art school, Seoul, South Korea
Rhinoceros AutoCad Adobe Ps, Id, Ai, Premiere pro, After Effect
Working experience
Korean : mother tongue English : Advanced Japanese : A1 level
2019 - 2020 Internship at Tezuka Architects in Tokyo, Japan. 2018 - 2019 Working at Crab Studio in London, UK 2016 Summer internship at Jan Barker Architect in Hamburg, Germany contact
Competition and achievements
rhehdgml7@gmail.com +82 10 3221 3039 B#1304, 64, Guigangbyeon-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, South Korea
2017 Gained bachelor degree with second-honour upper class 2017 Nominated for the prestigious Japan/ Korea prize. 2017 Nomiated for the Chaplaincy award