1871 Volume 1 Issue 8

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Church events

2020 21




Note from the Editor As our team began working on this issue, we were inspired by the people that make White’s Chapel the church and community that it is. WC Connect, the team of communications professionals, writers, graphic designers, videographers and photographers of the church, began working on this issue by presenting content that had a genuine and authentic lens. It is our job, as your communicators, to encourage you with the stories that have impacted the church and its people. While this is the first digital magazine I have overseen at the church, I have walked through each issue with you as a writer for 1871. I have explored encouraging personal stories, studied specific ministries, presented seasonal recaps and thought through many different topics concerning our faith. My goal with each article was to present encouraging information to our readers. In a world of so many distractions and negativity, our hope is that 1871 can be a place of comfort. I pray that God speaks through our words like only He can - in ways that are personal to you. I pray that God’s presence continues stirring among those within this church, and I am thankful for the opportunity to get to share some of those moments with you. Mirroring the intention of Lent, this issue will focus on finding God’s presence through intentional actions. We will follow along with the thoughts of a leader from a recent mission trip; we will see the impact of service; we will reflect on the 150 years that White’s Chapel will soon be celebrating, and we will learn to be better ‘in tune’ with God’s presence. At the end of the magazine, you will find a list of upcoming events so that you, too, can seek God’s presence in new ways. As you read through this issue, I hope something inspires you - whether it is the images that you see or the stories that you read. We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to share these thoughts with you. Before you start flipping through these pages, I just want to take a moment to say a special thank you to Emily Keller, for encouraging me as I took on the digital magazine, as well as Joy Roberson, for writing an excellent reflection of her experience on the Women’s Mission Trip. In addition to those two ladies, please know that this magazine wouldn’t be possible without the help of everyone on our team.

We hope you enjoy issue eight of 1871! Sincerely,

Cassidy Williams Editor




Rev. Joy Roberson, Pastor of Women’s Ministry



his was my fifth Women’s Mission trip with White’s Chapel and probably my 20th mission trip to attend or lead. Each trip experience, I am constantly in awe of the way that God works and moves. Through each person’s step of faith, in signing up for a trip, God never fails to make His presence known. In the last 5 years, we’ve had more than 40 different individuals join the WC Women on this mission trip. Over the years, so many of them shared that it was their first mission trip or first “adult” mission trip. It is an honor and privilege to have shared that experience with them. Mission trips have formed my life and shaped the person that I have become today. Spending time away from home, from family, and putting yourself in a new place with new people, takes a lot of bravery and faith. Each time I lead a trip, I need to call on that faith and bravery, because it’s hard to leave your comfort zone. It’s hard to do something new, to give up your weekend to do WORK.

However, God always comes through – lives are changed, hard work is done, and new friends are made. On this year’s Women’s Mission trip to San Antonio, we took 17 women and over half of them were new to either the church or to mission trips in general. They didn’t know any other women attending or what to expect. One woman had never even been to San Antonio before! Before you ask, yes, we did take her by the Alamo. We couldn’t let her get that close and not stop and see it! As the team leader, part of the preparation is dividing up work teams. This is a scary and thoughtful job. Your work team can make a big impact on your experience during a trip. In my undergraduate degree, I did a lot of work on group dynamics - how to prepare groups and create groups that can work together. This is a great skill for a team leader to have, however, it always makes me overthink each placement and put way too many scenarios together. It’s at this point that I need to stop and pray over the groups and get out of my head - let God take over. Even though I am often concerned about the groups and how they will work together, every time, God works it out. The teams this year worked together beautifully, and the stories of connection and bonding were divine. Our guiding scripture for the weekend was 2 Timothy 1:7: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind.” We used this scripture to break down our experiences, acknowledging that we all may have experienced fear before attending the trip, but that God was walking with us. He was exchanging that fear for power, love and a sound mind.

After the first work day, we were in our devotional time, and I asked how they felt powerful that day. Many of the women shared that they used a power tool for the first time and had been empowered to not just follow someone else’s lead, but to also do the repairs using their own sound mind and new skills.


outre & n o i s a s ch i p er op


h k c ere i l C for

Just like the women that I worked with this year, you can discover new things about your faith and abilities as well. If you have never stepped out in faith to serve others, I would encourage you to do so! Every mission experience, domestic, local or international, brings a leap of faith that can truly be life changing! You can get connected through our FaithWorks ministry here at WC.

And then



By Debbie McKellar


very year, as we commemorate the opening of our current Sanctuary and I hear Brenda Owens begin to sing the words “Here I Stand,” I am reminded of the very first time it was sung in this room. As a community and as a country, we were stunned in the early fall when the Twin Towers fell at the hands of terrorists. The fog of disbelief that had settled in many of our minds on 9/11 had morphed into fear. Within a few short weeks, we wondered if going forward with the building of the sanctuary was wise; uncertainty of the economy and of our nation’s future overwhelmed our thoughts. Prices of building materials and construction soared. The budget was already out of control. Before we would tiptoe into 2002, the winter would be long and cold. But the foundation had been poured, construction had begun and, through sheer faith, we were determined to finish the project. With that resolve, on a special October evening, we set up folding chairs to worship inside the new walls for the first time. It was already freezing as we gathered in the mostly concrete room. Temporary lights provided a stark contrast to the darkness collected in the corners and balconies of the vast space. The shell of what we see now was completely unadorned, with only a crane in the middle of the room as a furnishing. And then, the familiar words were sung:


Before we, as a congregation, held round-the clock prayer vigils and read the entire Bible into the Sanctuary, anticipating our first Sunday of official worship. Before anything else came into the sanctuary, God entered.

I don’t think there is anyone who was there that night who has forgotten just how warm the room became, and how present God was. There was no doubt that He was there—accompanied by angelic saints of the church-- to assure us, to hold us, to comfort us, to warm us. He was there to take possession, to take ownership of His temple. HE WAS THERE.. BEFORE WE WROTE THE SCRIPTURES ON THE RAFTERS. BEFORE WE WROTE THE SCRIPTURES ON THE FLOOR. BEFORE THE LIGHT FIXTURES. BEFORE THE CARPET. BEFORE THE PEWS. BEFORE THE PULPIT AND THE ALTAR.

In December, we would watch as the gold cross was lifted 130 feet into the air to adorn the new steeple, giving White’s Chapel three chapels, three steeples, and three crosses as a silhouette against the dark gray skies of Texas. And as 2001 became 2002, a very cold winter would eventually give way to a beautiful spring. Now every March, when Brenda shares the amazing talent God gave her for such a time as this, I am reminded of that night. And, that we truly are standing in His presence. On holy ground.

In Tune With

God Be still. In the midst of the sounds of the world, can you hear that still, small voice?

I amwith you. When we quiet our minds and humble our hearts, can we hear God’s voice? The White’s Chapel keyboardist and worship team member, Bill Womack, lives his life by continuously seeking the voice of God, striving to be at the center of His will. With more than 25 years in ministry, Womack has learned to seek God’s will for direction. Womack’s life was placed in God’s hands long ago and he hasn’t looked back since.

By Cassidy Williams

Because his parents were ministers, Womack grew up in the church and was encouraged by faith. He first began his musical career by learning to play the guitar for his father’s church. He even played professionally as a session guitarist, vocalist and musical director touring as part of the Philly Sound. It wasn’t until he was a little older, however, that he started really ‘tuning in’ to what God was speaking over his life. Little did he know that one day he would be called to a church in Southlake, Texas. Long before he was called to Texas, though, God led him to his wife, Valerie. Even before the two were married, Womack can remember the Lord’s call on both of their lives. “When I first met my wife, I went to a Bible study where I really didn’t know anybody,” he said. “I had started practicing listening to God’s voice and allowing him to guide me. So, I am sitting at the Bible study and she’s sitting across from me. The Lord told me to open the Word and He took me to Matthew 19:5 and 6. It’s a scripture that is often used in wedding ceremonies. ‘A man shall leave his father and mother and he shall cleave to his wife’ … He said that’s your wife right there. And I said, ‘wait. What’s going on?’” “I can’t walk up to someone I don’t know and say, “The Lord told me you are my wife.” Womack remembered that moment so clearly. He knew God was speaking to him but he didn’t know what to do about it. He asked God to show her the same thing He had shown Womack. Soon, God spoke to Valerie as well. The two were engaged a week later and married just three months after meeting. They recently celebrated another significant anniversary.

As they first began to create a life for themselves, they enjoyed their time in Philadelphia with their kids. Womack worked as a disc jockey and had a successful radio show that featured popular classic rock icons such as: Bruce Springsteen, Elton John, Stevie Wonder, Journey and the Rolling Stones. Womack was also the emcee for a number of major concert events including James Taylor, Foreigner, Styx, Billy Joel and other well-known artists. The radio station he worked at was one of the pioneering stations of the popular Classic Rock format and was one of the top three radio stations in Philadelphia at the time. In addition to his radio work, he was also a worship pastor at a large church in the area. In his spare time, Womack also created custom music for Fortune 500 companies. His wife also had a successful career as a teacher at a nearby school; she was recognized as Teacher of the Year. While life in Philadelphia was exciting, Womack never let his career in radio come before his relationship with God. He never hid his faith from anyone. “I had this revelation,” Womack said. “It occurred to me that folks were coming back to work on Mondays excitedly talking about how drunk they had gotten or how much partying they had done over the weekend... I just thought if they are going to be bold about that, I can be bold about the Lord. I don’t have to hide this. I am not ashamed. On the contrary; I am excited about all that God is doing in my life and how He is moving in the lives of others. So, I never, ever hid my faith from anyone. In fact, I’ve had the opportunity to lead people to the Lord because I was so open and bold about it – not forcing it or twisting anyone’s arm but just sharing my faith with folks.”

Even though they were both successful in their individual fields, the Holy Spirit began stirring in their hearts, speaking to the couple that it was time for a change. “The lord began speaking to me and my wife about moving to Texas but we didn’t know Texas - we literally knew nothing about Texas,” Womack laughed. “But we were used to hearing His voice and we knew He wanted us in Texas but we didn’t know why.” Faithfully, the couple began making preparations to leave. Even though it took a few months to find their replacements at work, the couple was obedient in following the Lord’s direction. “We took just our car and some clothes, and we started driving to Texas,” Womack shared. “Like Abraham and Sarah, we didn’t know what was about to happen. We just got on the road and we sang worship songs all the way here. By the time we got here, we decided to stay at a hotel that just happened to be down the street from the church. Again, we had no idea why we were here or what’s going on. We just knew God wanted us in Texas. People back home thought we were crazy.” Once they were in Texas, Womack started seeking jobs in the Dallas/ Fort Worth area because he knew God was leading them there. Things weren’t moving as quickly as he would have liked though; he was concerned that he led his wife “into the wilderness, so to speak.” However, Womack’s wife kept his spirits up by telling him “God’s going to come through.” Her encouragement helped them stay united in God’s will. “I praise God for blessing me with a woman of faith,” he said. After some time, Womack decided to attend the Southlake Focus Group, a group for job-seeking professionals that meets weekly at White’s Chapel. “When I went to the Southlake Focus group, there were 300 or so people there that day,” he recalled. “We broke off into groups of about five or six and we told our stories. Everyone told their stories… then they got to me and I said, ‘I’m a radio announcer and worship pastor and the Lord told me to come to Texas.’ I didn’t know what else to say. My story made almost no sense. The guy sitting right next to me had tears in his eyes. He said ‘you have really blessed me more than anyone else here and I need you to meet my son-in-law. You guys would really hit it off.’ I said ‘ok, great.’ Long story short – we had coffee across the street at Starbucks and his son-in-law prayed for

me. When he prayed for me, I felt like I was definitely in the right place. I definitely knew I was supposed to be in Texas… He prayed this beautiful prayer about God’s love and grace over me and my wife. Then, as I was driving home, he called me. He said, ‘I feel like the Lord wants you to play in our church this weekend’ and he had never even heard me play!” The Music and Worship Deputy Director, Clint Blalock, was the man that prayed over Womack that day in Starbucks. That next weekend, Womack played the Steinway in the sanctuary with Grace Hughes for a special music feature, and he received a standing ovation from the audience members. He has continued to play at White’s Chapel ever since. “So, God plucked me out of Philadelphia and stuck me right here, in the middle of this amazing church,” Womack said with a beaming smile. “Since we have been here, we have had miracle after miracle, blessing after blessing.” After that initial WC worship experience, Womack continued attending the Southlake Focus Group, searching for a job. While speaking to other members in the group about his experience in radio and music production, someone told Womack he should look into internet radio. Womack was unsure of the idea

at first because he had never heard of internet radio before.

although he recognizes that it takes practice to be still long enough to listen.

“Through a series of crazy circumstances, I got an email by a mistake from someone in internet radio that just came to wrong address,” Womack said. “But of course, we know that God made sure I got that email… I uploaded some songs to this platform, recorded some station ID’s, jingles and promos, using the same approach I used when programming my radio show in Philly; I just did online what I would have done in terrestrial radio - so my internet station sounded just like a regular radio station, which is much different than most other internet radio stations - which are often just song after song streaming like a jukebox. Within three weeks, I had one of the top five radio stations in the world. With no marketing to speak of, we ended up in over 150 countries. By Thanksgiving of that year, we were number one in the world. Now, I can’t take credit for that because I didn’t really know what I was doing. That’s something God did.”

“God is always talking but we’re not always listening,” Womack said. “In John 10:27, Jesus says, ‘My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.’ You do have to practice being in His presence - practice hearing from Him. He loves us and He is communicating with us.”

In Womack’s faithful response to the Lord’s call, God provided everything that Womack had left behind in Philadelphia. “Instead of just working in radio, I own my own stations,” he said.” Instead of just working at recording studios, I now have my own state-of the art recording studio. In fact, there is nothing I don’t have... I don’t say that to be boastful but I’m boasting in the Lord because everything we gave up, He replaced it with better. It is just fascinating to follow Him and to allow Him guide you into the center of His will and purpose for your life.” Womack believes that everyone can hear God’s voice,

God can use many different methods to communicate with us. Womack has experienced hearing God’s voice the most through reading the Bible, engaging in worship, looking at what God is saying through experiences and specific situations, and listening to Godly people. “I think everyone can hear from God,” Womack said. “However, if you have a lot of noise going on, it’s going to be hard to hear God. We need to set aside time regularly to simply be still and let God speak to you. We don’t always have to be speaking, even in prayer. Prayer can and should be a conversation rather than just a monologue. Allow for some quiet time to hear what God has to say. You will be amazed at how he will clearly guide you in all areas of your life” Womack practices this as he plays for the church and he often makes up new sounds as the Holy Spirit leads. On Saturday nights, Womack works with Grace Hughes and Jackson Christenberry to develop a God-centered worship experience. At the 9:30 and 11 a.m. services, Womack works with Clint Blalock and Shaunna Fuller to create a blended worship experience of new and traditional sounds. Womack typically plays piano, harp, banjo, clavinet, brass, B-3 gospel organ, many orchestral instruments and worship pads - which are

beautiful background elements for singers, other instrumentalists and prayer underscores - all from the keyboard. “I always say, if you hear an instrument and you don’t see it, it is probably me,” Womack said. “I purposefully try to tap into the atmosphere in each service. How is the Holy Spirit guiding us? What does God want to do at this moment in this sacred space? The Lord has blessed us with an amazing keyboard... I am able to create brand new sounds for our services, and quite often we are hearing things that are not only unique to our church but to each service. I enjoy having the opportunity to minister with music, not just play music.” In addition to the weekend worship services, Womack is also often involved in the Old-Fashioned Hymn Sing with Classic Adult Fellowship and memorial services at White’s Chapel. He also plays piano at a number of special events throughout the year, including the finale of Dr. John McKellar’s Tuesday Morning Bible Study and special events with Ken Nelson, like Christmas with Ken & Bill. Womack and his wife are currently writing songs and working on recording new Christian music that will incorporate authentic instruments from all over the world. Womack’s hope is to relate to people of all cultures and backgrounds to share God’s love.

“Yes, listening to Him is a process but it is well worth it. He won’t let you down - I can tell you that,” Womack said. “We are so happy we can’t explain it. To live this life… it’s a beautiful adventure that never stops. So, it’s just a matter of stepping out in faith and walking – not by sight but by faith. He’ll speak to you and guide you on the path to your purpose. It might not make sense until you get there, but when you get there you’ll just think ‘whoa, God. How awesome you are!’ My entire life is an experience of Ephesians 3:20. ‘Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.’ Logically, we should have stayed in Philly. Spiritually, we had to take that leap of faith and drive to Texas. Now that we are here, I’m telling you, we wouldn’t give it up for anything. A lot of that joy is because of this wonderful church and our church family. We totally love it. Following God always works. He’s never failed me yet!” Bill and Valerie Womack have been at White’s Chapel for about six years and continue living ‘in tune’ with God. On the weekends, after Womack has played in the worship services, you can often find the couple speaking with new friends in Evans Hall. They have a son and two daughters that are also active in ministry.

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Let’s try something new. We want to bring a little light into your day – something to encourage you. We know how difficult it can be to focus on the things around you when you are so tied up in the to-dos of your week. It can really be difficult to quiet our own thoughts to enjoy the moment happening right now. So, right now, let’s try to enjoy the moment and take a break from our typical thoughts and worries.



1 Above all else, guard your

How full is your mind?

How f ull is your heart ?

This one gets me. Sometimes, I can be so focused on worrying about things going on in my own mind that I forget about what’s going on in my heart. Have you ever felt that way? Maybe take a break from thinking and consider your own heart. What are you thankful for? What makes you feel loved?

heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23

2 When you search for me, you

will find me; if you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

3 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10


Make a List! Grab a sticky note or a piece of scratch paper. Think about a few things that make you happy throughout the day and write them down.

Scripture “Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.”

Grab another sticky note or piece of scratch paper. Think about a few things that you do to make other people happy.

Philippians 2:4

Are the lists even?

“He must increase, but I must decrease.”

After thinking about this myself, I actually went out of my way to do something nice for someone else. I realized one list was a significantly shorter than the other!

John 3:30



Have you ever felt like people might focus on your worst quality? Or maybe that people don’t see you for who you really want to be? I think every person feels that way, to an extent. Sometimes, if we know what we want people to see, it can help us understand ourselves a little better.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3: 5-6

What quality do you think people most see in you? What quality do you wish people saw in you? Pray about it: What quality do you think God sees in you?


For it was you who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well. Jeremiah 29:13

Consider: g n i t t u p n o s u c o F ? x o See the b u o y f I . t i n i y r r o w t s e your bigg g n i t t u p y r t , n o g n i o g t have a lo x o b e h t t e L . t i n i s e i r r o all your w s e k a m t i w o h t u o b a k n fill up. Thi t a h w t u o b a k n i h t , w o N . l e e f u o y . x o b e h t e lies outsid ? y r r o w r u o y n a h t r e g g i What is b ? r a e f r u o y n a h t r e g g i What is b

Remember: there are things outside of the box. There is more than just stress, worry and fear. Something is bigger.




“We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28


“Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13


EAST ER A Journey Through Lent

By Cassidy Williams


aster is a time of joyful remembrance – remembrance of our Savior’s love and His triumph over death. Before we are able to fully understand this holy celebration, though, we must first understand the purposeful journey that leads us to that day. Already, ash has been used as a call to repentance and as a symbol of the beginning of Lent. Soon, the sanctuary will be filled with children waving palm branches and welcoming Jesus. Soon, we will be reminded of the night Jesus gave himself up for us. Then, after three days in the dark tomb, we will see the Light once more. We will rejoice with the world as we celebrate what our Savior did for us more than 2,000 years ago. Even though some people may focus on more material aspects of Easter, such as Easter eggs, candy, new clothes or gifts, the meaning of this holy day can mean so much more if only we are willing to see it as a personal invitation to encounter God. Easter, the day celebrated around the world as the day Jesus rose from the grave, is the resolution from darkness that God had for us. It was the way God chose for us to overcome our sin. It was not given to us because of our own abilities but by grace alone. Jesus, the perfect son of God, died for each person’s sin - but the grave could not contain Him. He rose, spoke to and lived among the disciples, and then He ascended into Heaven, promising that one day He would return for us in final victory.

BEFORE THE CELEBRATION Lent, a 40-day season of repentance and spiritual discipline, prepares us for Easter. Many different faith traditions may recognize this time of reflection and repentance. Anglicans, Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Roman Catholics, Baptists, as well as many others, honor the season in different ways. This time represents the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness, as He prepared for His ministry by fasting, praying and resisting temptation. In recognition of this, many people often give up something or take on a new positive habit to intentionally grow closer to God.

INTENTIONALITY Easter isn’t just a staple of spring. Each year, Christians have the opportunity to approach Easter with a new perspective. Lent provides a time for us to grow closer to God and focus on our relationship with Him before we celebrate Easter. In Jeremiah 29:13, God promises “you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Through this season of reflection, celebration and our deepening relationship with the Lord, we can gain a whole new understanding of what it means to be a follower of Christ. If we allow this journey to minister to our hearts, it will reinforce our faith and, if we permit it, transform our relationship with God. White’s Chapel Chief of Staff, Dr. Judy Hunt spoke about these practices and the importance of using spiritual disciplines during this Lenten season. Prayer, fasting, silence, and solitude can be effective tools when focusing on God and His presence. “The giving up of something for Lent – say if we gave up television – in its place we would spend that time

in the spiritual disciplines, focused on God instead of being focused on ourselves,” she explained. “The spiritual disciplines draw us into God’s presence and so that can be prayer, fasting... the taking up of a spiritual discipline is a demonstration of our love for others through service. There is some intentionality in even that act of giving up or taking up… Prayer, fasting, solitude, and silence are designed so our focus moves from the world, from us, from material things to God.” In order to put this into practice, Hunt recommended for people to take a step back from social media – to focus on what God says rather than focusing on what peers may say. “I think, even for young people, it could help them to step back from social media and who their peers say they are and instead read God’s word - let God speak to them about who they are… royal priesthood,” she said. “You are precious in God’s sight. God gave Himself for you.”

MOVING FORWARD At White’s Chapel, we often present a Lenten devotional for congregants to read as they prepare their hearts for Easter. The 2020 Lenten devotional, “Rotten,” written by co-pastors Dr. McKellar and Dr. Renner, will help guide readers wanting to better understand God throughout Lent and the seasons beyond. This year, the devotional reflects on the Fruit of the Spirit and how we often let it spoil. The guide will help navigate congregants wanting to dive into reflection. Church and community members can pick up the devotional throughout the Lenten season.

“If we are celebrating that resurrection, that movement from death to life, then how do we, at the point of Easter, die to self and live for Christ?” Hunt said. “Easter is basically serving as a starting line.” This Lenten season is meant to propel people forward in their walk with the Lord. This life is a journey and we, as followers of Christ, have the opportunity to reflect and improve. I encourage you to pause and reflect. Think about the Savior. Think about what was done for you. Then, be still and listen. God is leading you forward.

Reading the Lenten devotional, “Rotten,” expressing worship, reading Scripture, and practicing the spiritual disciplines will help individuals focus on God and better understand His will.

Click to view our Easter Recap

Church events

2020 MARCH


CAF Tea and Tour

MARCH 20 WC Singles: March Madness Watch Party

Brick House Outing in Grapevine

APRIL 2 4/25

Hospita lity Tent at KellerF est




APRIL 30 Arts Academ


High School Musical Jr.

JUNE 8-12 Middle School Mission Trip



WC Women:

WC Singles: Fort Worth Main Street Festival

Vintage Market Days in Decatur

APRIL 24 : y m e d a c A s t Ar Showcase & is n o s l e N s is M Missing! The Musical

MAY 9 Bill Gaither Concert

MAY 12 Service of Healing and Wholeness

JULY 12-17


High School Mission Trip

WC Concert with Dr. William L. Jones



JUNE 1-3

Seventh Grade Mystery Trip

JULY 29 31 Arts Academy: Summer Musical Show

Also make sure to check the calendar on the website for: Ministry-Specific Events Arts Academy Opportunities Special / Upcoming Services

Family community events


BUTTERFLIES IN THE GARDEN 2 1 il r p A – 9 2 . b Fe



Scarborough Fairgrounds Waxahachie


APRIL 4 - MAY 25

March 29 – May 2


APRIL 18, 19, 25, 26


April 24 – 25





April 24, 25, 26


Thank you for reading! Keep an eye out for our next issue coming to you

SEPT. 2020




Have ideas for the next issue? click here to contact:

CASSIDY WILLIAMS cwilliams@whiteschapelumc.com

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