The Acorn 1974

Page 1

The Major General, accompanied by the Commanding Officer, inspects the Guard


Regular readers of The Acorn will notice this year that the format of the magazine has slightly altered. It has been decided that rather than have dreary and repetitive Squadron notes, that the year's activities will be summarised in the Editorial, and that only items of particular Squadron interest will appear under Squadron headings. So if the reader wishes to find out what the Reg;ment, as a whole, has been doing this year, he should read on

1973 has been the first year, since the start of the present troubles in Northern Ireland, that the Regiment has not been involved in some capacity or other in the Province. This has, however, enabled the Regiment to partake in a full BAOR training season.

The year started with Trade training, followed by Troop training at Soltau. This was a chilly experience for all but the hardiest-Soltau in February is not the friendliest of places. In April the Regiment moved to Hohne for annual firing, during which time the weather managed to display its entire ambit of changes. It was by no means unusual to wake up in the morning to find the ranges shrouded in fog, have a snow storm at NAAFI break and bright sunshine and green grass by lunchtime. By the time the Regiment had recovered from the rigours of the ranges it was time for Battle Group Training at Soltau, with the 1st Battalion The Light Infantry, in May. Soltau, unfortunately, is not large enough to permit a Battle Group, as such,

to exercise and so most of the work was done at Combat Team level. This training was the last the Regiment was to do, as a Regiment, before the FTX in October.

As the reader will see in the Squadron notes which follow, at the beginning of June 'A' Squadron became heavily involved in training for Canada, which occupied it up until the end of August; 'B' Squadron went on a series of different adventurous training projects and 'C' Squadron prepared for the Presentation of Standards Parade and the Recruiting Tour which followed it.

By the middle of September the whole Regiment was back in Barracks and 'B' and 'C' Squadrons, with RHO, prepared for Exercise Big Ben. This was a NATO exercise laid on as a farewell to General Beneker, who was retiring from his job as CINCENT. This was closely followed by the Brigade FTX, which lasted for ten days during which time the weather was nearly perfect, consequently making the whole exercise considerably more enjoyable. With the end of the FTX, the tanks were parked up and will not move again until Regimental Firing, 1974.

During 1973 the Regiment had numerous visitors, including the Colonel who came for a short visit in March, the Lieutenant Colonel Commanding Household Cavalry who visited 'A' Squadron and RHO in Canada, and the new Major General Commanding Household Division, Major General P. J. N. Ward, who visited the Regiment in October. Also in October the Regiment was visited by the new Commander 4th Division, Major General

J. M. Gow, late of the Scots Guards. The band came out to Germany on two occasions, in March and again in December. Their visits were as ever much appreciated by all.

It was with much pleasure that the Regiment read the announcement that the Commanding Officer had been awarded the OBE and Lieutenant D. Stratford the MBE for their services in Northern Ireland in 1972.

In December, 1973, Lieutenant Colonel S. E. M. Bradish-ElJames, OBE handed over command of the Regiment to Lieutenant Colonel S. C. Cooper. The Regiment wishes Colonel Simon all good fortune in his next appointment. Other departures in 1973 included Captain C. J. Gill who has left for civilian life, we wish him the best of luck and hope that he will find time to visit the Regiment in the future; details of other officer movements will be found later in the magazine. So to the future; in October 1973 the Commanding Officer announced to the Regiment that the forecast of duties for Northern Ireland had changed. The Regiment, on current planning, is now to go to Ulster as a two squadron Armoured Recce Regiment at the end of May 1974, for a four month tour. Conversion training starts in February, but first the Regiment has to undergo another Regimental firing at Hohne and Troop Training at Soltau in January. By the time the Regiment is back in Germany it will be under a year before the first Squadron is forecast to return to Combermere Barracks, Windsor.

Battle Group Training at Sollau with 1st Battalion The Light Infantry



Colonel-in-Chief: Her Majesty the Queen.

Colonel and Gold Stick: Admiral of the Fleet the Earl Mountbatten of Burma, K.G., P.C., G.C.B., a.M., G.C.S.I.,G.C.I.E., G.C.V.O., D.S.O., F.R.S.

Lieutenant Colonel Commanding Household Cavalry: Colonel H. D. A. Langley, M.B.E., The Life Guards.

Commanding Officer: Lieutenant Colonel S. C. Cooper.



Valete-Lieutenant Colonel S. E. M. Bradish-Ellames, OB.E.

Officers Postings In and Out

'A' Squadron

WO's and NCO's Mess Notes

Weser Vale Hunt Sport

1973 RAC. Kiel Regatta

The Stables

From our Brunei Correspondent, Captain H. L. Schatter

The Presentation of Standards

The Household Cavalry Museum

Surgeon Major 1. H. Parke

The Life Guards Association Annual Report


Thirty-Ninth Annual General Meeting Report Notices

Forthcoming Events

The Life Guards Band 1974 Engagements The

HE ACORN is printed and published by Service Publications Limited, Caxton House, Shoreham-bY-Sea, Sussex, for The Life Guards

-J' The Life Guards' Association

!litor: Captain C. A. Joll

- e Depicts: The Presentation of The Sovereign's Standard by H.M. the Queen to The Life Guards.

The Commanding Officer: Lieutenant Colonel S. C. Cooper


Lieutenant Colonel Simon BradishEllames joined the army as a trooper in The Life Guards in 1948. He was subsequently commissioned into The Royal. Dragoons, and spent twenty-three years with that Regiment, or The Blues and Royals, after amalgamation. He saw service in many parts of the world, including two tours in France, before returning to The Life Guards as Commanding Officer in September, 1971.

He assumed command when the Regiment started a tour in Chieftain tanks for the first time in Germany. It is probably fair to say that during the ensuing two and a quarter years The Life Guards passed through as varied a period as any in its history. Colonel Simon was intimately involved in all these activities. Immediately after our first armoured exercise in 1971, he had to assemble the Regiment to announce that we were to go to Northern Ireland in the infantry role the following JUly. He led us through the training for this and the tour in Belfast with great flair and enthusiasm. We were delighted that he received the OBE for his efforts.

In 1973, we returned to armoured soldiering in BAOR, but Colonel Simon was equally concerned with the agonizing ritual of learning to ride in Mounted Review Order. This was in preparation for the Presentation of New Standards to the Household Cavalry, a parade in which he had to play an important part. Once again, he came through the parade with conspicuous success.

The accent changed again immediately after this when Colonel Simon had to change his helmet for a COWboy hat to lead The Life Guards Battle Group in Canada. This was followed by successful autumn exercises in Germany.

It has, therefore, been an extremely busy and exacting period for Colonel Simon. But this outline sketch of his activities gives no clue of the great pride he had in his Regiment, which was obvious to those who worked close to him. He showed great interest in all our activities, and was a source of inspiration to many people. We are very sorry to say goodbye to him, but feel sure that a warm welcome awaits any Life Guardsman visiting Lulworth.

Lieutenant Colonel S.E.M. Bradish·Ellames. O.B.E. and Dagftsr

Officers Postings In and Out


Surgeon Lieutenant Colonel J. M. Stewart: Blues and Royals, Windsor, June 1973.

Major H. A. M. Pyman: Joint Warfare Establishment, Salisbury, March 1973.

Major W. T. V. Loyd, Retirement, August 1973.

Major A. B. S. H. Gooch: CAAT, Iran, May 1973.

Major M D. Pocock: Retirement December, 1973.

Captain J. R. Bedells: HQ 4 Guards Armoured Brigade, February 1973.

Captain V. A. L. Goodhew: Adjutant. Household Cavalry Regiment, January 1973.

Captain P. T. Fletcher: Household Cavalry Regiment, December 1973.

Captain J. C. Gill: Retirement, March 1973.

Lieutenant H. P Read, Household Cavalry Regiment, August 1973.

Second Lieutenant P. S. W. Faulkner: RMA SandhurstiGuards Independant Parachute Company, March 1973.

Second Lieutenant N. P. Hearson: RMA Sandhurst, November 1973.

Second Lieutenant N. J. D'Ambrumenil: Guards Depot, January 1973.

Second Lieutenant P. R. L. Hunter: Household Cavalry Regiment, October 1973.

Major J. B. Emson: HQ 4 Guards Armoured Brigade, March 1973.

Major S. V. Gilbart-Denham: Guards Depot, December 1973.

Major H. D. E. Boy!: 16/5 Lancers, January 1974.

Captain R. J. Morrisey-Paine: HQ London District, December 1973.

Captain C. S. Harcourt-Smith: Guards Depot, March 1973.

Captain H. L. Schotter: Royal Brunei Malay Regiment, January 1974.

'ieutenant A P. de Ritter: Household Cavalry Regiment, January 1974.

Second Lieutenant N. J. D'Ambrumenil: Guards Depot, December 1973.


Second Lieutenant H. K. Hamilton.

Second Lieutenant P. V. Naylor-Leyland.

Second Lieutenant J. A. Black.

Second Lieutenant A. C. Bossom.

Second Lieutenant The Hon. H. R Cayzer.

Second Lieutenant I. S. Forbes-Cockell

Second Lieutenant J.J. Harbord.


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A Squadron

In addition to the normal Regimental and Brig.ade exercises performed by the Regiment in 1973, 'A' Squadron was selected by the Commanding Officer to be the Squadron that was to go to Canada. As 1st Battalion The Light Infantry were in Northern Ireland, the Squadron had to undergo warm up training with 'C' Company 1st Battalion The Royal Irish Rangers. This pre-Canada training took place on the Belgian Army exercise area at Vogelsang.

Vogelsang is a very small area; really only suitable for infantry training, but the old Nazi camp complete with sports arena and indoor swimming pool provided the Squadron with plenty of recreational training. At the end of the fortnight spent at Vogelsang the Squadron returned to Detmold prior to moving to Suffield.


Suffield, Alberta, is thirty miles from Medicine Hat, the nearest town, and one hundred and sixty miles from Calgary, the nearest city. Four miles from the village itself is the British Army Training Unit Suffield, with a vast training area stretching away thirty miles North and East into the Prairie.

Here it was that The Life Guards Battle Group assembled during the second week of July for some of the best training, particularly for Armour, that the Army has to offer. The Battle Group consisted of 'A' Squadron The Life Guards, The Chestnut Troop 1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery, 3 Troop 29 Field Squadron Royal Engineers, 'C' Company 1st Battalion The Royal Irish Rangers and a Troop from 11 Squadron Royal Corps of Transport. The whole, about six hundred men, came under the command of the Commanding Officer, and elements of RHQ and Command and HQ Squadrons went out with him to form Battle Group HQ. After everyone had arrived and the takeover was completed, the Battle Group disappeared into various parts of the Prairie for a week's Special-to-Arm Training, ending in a joint exercise.

We then had three days leave to coincide with the Medicine Hat Stampede. Four Mounted Dutymen, two RHA trumpeters, and one piper from the Royal Irish Rangers paraded through Medicine Hat with the milk-floats adding tone to the proceedings, and the Mounted Dutymen, who had accomplished the remarkable feat of training their horses in a single week under the expert supervision of the Regimental Corporal Major, made an appearance in the Stampede Ring every

afternoon. In return the Stampede organisers kindly gave the Battle Group a large number of free seats.

Apart from the Stampede, Medicine Hat had little to offer. The one bright spot, if only by comparison with its rivals, was 'The Ming Tree', where the most

expensive beer in town, chilled red "Chateau Gay" and genuine Canadian Champagnecatered for all tastes; and 'live entertainment' in the form of a small rock group was available downstairs. But the principal attraction of the Ming Tree, for some, was that Gladys ("Glad" to her

Captain Joll and LCoH Belza with a map reading problem

friends) could usually be found there. This generf"us middle-aged lady became a regular drinking companion of some of the Life Guard Officers in their off-duty hours, even becoming intoxicated enough to lend them her car on occasions.

The three days were soon over, and the Battle Group returned from variou::; quarters with their trophies; cowboy and shirts, jeans, chaps, even a two foot high gilt and marble ashtray (such a:; might be found in a hotel foyer). Once again we left Camp Crowfoot with its long squat concrete huts, and began the live Firing Exercises. The first Exercise was Battlerun Alma, a lengthy three day advance, chiefly notable for 2 Troop's Amphibious Trials; through hills and minefields and including a night march and a dawn attack. This was followed by a night defensive battle which was to have ended with a demolition until callsign IB ran over the wires leading to the charge.

The Training closed with a rapid one· day advance, Battlerun Maiwand, in which some of the targets were filled with Avgas, which exploded satisfyingly when hit. Having had temperatures up to 112'F, so that at A2 Echelon they had been in Bathing Pants Order, it suddenly became very cold and the heavens opened, and the Irish put in a request to the Medical Officer to supply Rum in the field-a request that was not met!

During training the Prairie had lost a lot of popularity, even with the "old desert hands". It resembles nothing so much as a huge golf course. The extremes of temperature, the Winds, the dust, the lack of trees and water make it uncomfortable to live in. Where there is any moisture in the ground the forty two species of mosquitos to be found in Alberta were much in evidence. They were having a vintage year throughout the Province, and they certainly ate anyone who went out on the Prairie in the evening with a shovel

Other wildlife encountered included rattlesnakes (we were fortunate in having Padre John Harris with us as he knew how to skin them), gophers, hawks, horses, chipmunks, deer, and Goldenand Black tailed eagles.

After the vehicles had been prepared for handover, the Battle Group took another three or four days leave. Trooper Hall (HQ Sqn) extended his leave in order to hitch-hike to Mexico and back, and rather to everyone's surprise he succeeded, thereby winning two bottles of Champagne off Captain Joli. Of the rest, many crossed the border into Montana, USA, a few went to Vancouver and various

out of the way places, and a number, headed up into the Rockies to Banff or Lake Louise.

Many officers had "gone native" in their modes of dress during their time in Canada, and some were even seen driving large American motor cars. Incidentally, anyone wearing a dinner jacket in Canada is assumed to be a waiter, even at the Banff Springs Hotel, as one person found to his cost. OnG or two others wh::J !;ept up appearances

were seen at Lake Louise riding large black horses, Western style, in Regimental Polo Jackets.

All too soon we had to leave. Gladys, and the tanks, were handed over to the next Battle Group, our farewells were made, and we flew back to Germany taking with us memories of some excellent training with the rest of the Battle Group and our helpful Safety Staff, under some of the most realistic conditions attainable in peacetime.

3 Troop smoke break on the prairie

B Squadron

After the rigours of Battle Group training at Soltau, and whilst 'A' Squadron was getting ready to go to Canada, and 'C' Squadron was getting ready for the Presentation of Standard's Parade, 'B' Squadron went Adventure Training. Several expeditions were organised; Second Lieutenant Bell took a party to Spain and Portugal, LCpl Dutton led an expedition to Sardinia, Second Lieutenant Mileham went to the South of France on a canoeing trip and Second Lieutenant Metcalfe went outward bounding in Norway. Reports on the expeditions to France and Norway follow.


As with all foreign Adventurous Training Expeditions nothing can ever be done until Political Clearance in the appropriate country has been achieved. It was therefore with great relief, and some amusement at its brevity, that we received a letter from the British Embassey in Paris stating "This Expedition is approved."

The original plan was to canoe on the River Rhone from Lyons down to the sea miles, and it was decided beforehand that

it might not be a bad idea to do a thorough 'recce' of the area so as to at St. Louis, a distance of about 180 know what to expect. This proved to be a very wise precaution. In late May, Second Lieutenant Mileham and Lance Corporal of Horse Brammer, who was to be the 'canoe instructor', set off for France. On arrival at Lyons they visited a man who was the canoeing expert of the "Touring Club de France." He spoke no English, but with schoolboy French and the help of his beautiful daughter, who among other things spoke a very small amount of English, it was discovered that the River Rhone was not a canoeing river but a large International Waterway not unlike the River Mersey! All however was not lost; the River Ardeche was the place to canoe. On arriving at Vallon Pont d'Arc they discovered the reason for his enthusiasm. In the centre of the most beautiful scenery in France was a splendid fast flowing river, teeming with fish and wild life of all kinds. The area was largely limestone and, as a result, spectacular caves and pot holes were in evidence everywhere. Perhaps the most magnificent sight was Le Pont d'Arc itself,

a huge natural arch, one hundred feet across at river level and one hundred and twenty feet high, through a wall of rock. For the best part of twenty-five miles the river cascaded down a gorge to the Rhone. This gorge made access by vehicle to the river impossible and so canoeists had to be totally self sufficient. Although this river is graded throughout only as Class Two, (i.e. of moderate difficulty) some parts of it proved to be more treacherous and exciting than expected.

Canoes were a problem; the regiment had only four, so some more had to be borrowed from the Brigade Signal Squadron. Two four-ton lorries and a land rover painted yellow, were thought sufficient to transport the party and all the equipment, including the Regimental motor boat, tents, 'compo', cookers, petrol and all the other things required. Two trailers were also obtained for the four tonners, to give the passengers more room. Courses were arranged to include First Aid, Swimming, French Language, Watermanship and Canoe Instructors in Norway.

By half past six in the morning of the 27th June, Detmold was a thing of the past. On the trip down, the sun was particularly hot, a clear foretaste of what was to come.

We arrived at Vallon Pont d'Arc on the second evening (the 29th June) and settled down to a well deserved sleep, having snatched only a few hours sleep 'en route'.

During the next four days, under a very powerful sun, the members of the expedition were taught to canoe by Lance Corporal of Horse Brammer. The instruction went on to bring the party to a very high level of proficiency which included rolls and white water canoeing. On the fifth day an expedition was organised down to SI. Martin de !'Ardeche, a distance of thirty-five kilometeres. This proved to be an extremely exciting experience. Setting off at seven o'clock in the morning and arriving late in the evening, it provided some most strenuous exercise. Part of the Gorge turned out to be a nudist colony which provided some excellent views (and some not so excellent views) but no one seemed any the worse for the experience!

It was decided at this point, as only half of the party had done the trip, that this should be attempted again. This time it was made to cover the period of two days, rather than one, as the less experienced half of the soliders

went. No difficulty was experienced in persuading anyone and the following day the second party set off. They spent the night on the river bank, whether they were in the nudist colony or not, no one would tell!

It was time now to move on to sample the River RhOne itself. The motor boat broke down and Craftsman McCormack tried to mend it without success. This hitch was particularly maddening, as the motor had never given trouble in Detmold where it had been checked before leaving. Another trip down from Vallon d'Arc was organised on the Ardeche and on this occasion five soldiers attempted to canoe up parts of the river as well. This upstream work proved very hard and some of the French on-lookers gazed in amazement at what they obviously regarded as utter stupidity.

At this point the petrol situation gave concern as did the condition of one of the lorries so a three day home journey was planned.

the leader of the expedition decided that Trooper Mathews should win the prize for the soldier who had tried the hardest at all pursuits on the trip; that is, canoeing, drinking and the girls, how successful he was at all of these must remain untold, but he was duly presented with a child's rubber blow-up turtle by a pretty English girl at the camping site to mark his pre-eminence.

It would be true to say that not one person on the expedition failed to enjoy every minute of the sixteen days in the South of France and several have vowed to spend some of their leave in the Ardeche Valley. Full credit must go to all of them for the responsible way in which they amused themselves and for the enthusiasm they put into the canoeing.


2nd-4th July, 1973

On 1st July, 1973, sixteen Life Guards boarded a four tonner on the first stage of their Special Expedition. The Commanding Officer wished them good luck as they left-little did they realise how much they would need it.

Their first hurdle-indeed the most arduous and unpleasant part of the trip was a 14 hour coach journey from Hanover to Hirtshals in the north of Denmark. From there the party boarded a ferry to Kristiansand, and then continued in a cunningly disguised 'Army' vehicle to Isefaer.

At Isefaer the party immediately dived into the fiord to prove that they could swim. All were pleased to discover how warm it was-and surprised that it was salt. It was later discovered that it was thoroughly untypical on both counts! The party was then issued with mountains of equipment and set off to find the canoes.

merely managed 'Ch Ch Ch its cold'. LCpl Dawson distinguished himself by falling out of his canoe before capsizing it.

The party loaded up and were off. Canoeing was apparently not as easy as Sgt Price, the instructor, made it look. Progress for the first hour was more circular than straight, but soon all succeeded in finding some acceptable technique and four hours canoeing saw the party into the first camp site at Evje.

For the next four days the party paddled -or carried-the canoes up the Setesdal Valley, stopping each night at a camp site. Arrivals and departures always gathered fascinated but bewildered crowds -one morning the party was even applanded on leaving! About 70 kilometres later the Ose was reached where the canoes were handed over and the trek into the wilds began.

Saturday morning was spent packing rucksacks-then unpacking, them, throwing out some kit, and re-packing them, as they were found to be far too heavy to lift, let alone carry. Finally· on Saturday afternoon the party set off, up its first real Norwegian hill-vertical-and down its first Norwegian track-also vertical and non-existent! Both were entirely typical.

Infantry - Armour co-operation: Major Firbank (1 L1) sharing his cocoa with Maior Emson ('B' Squadron Leader)

One rest day was spent at SI. Mauriceen-Trieves. Trooper Darbey and others found a holiday home for spastics and sang some songs accompanied by a guitar to the delight of the inmates. Lance Corporal of Horse Brownlee and Second Lieutenant Mileham went hacking on some uncomfortable French ponies, Corporal of Horse Williams tried some snails for the first time and said he liked them. He and

The canoes were all doubles-the experienced canoeists immediately volunteered for the rear seat where no-one could see whether they were paddling or not. The night was spent, as were so many more, under a sheet of transparent green plastic held up by string, battling with the midges.

The following morning saw the party forced up early by the blazing 8.00 sun, and ready for capsize drill. This essentially simple procedure involved, as the victim surfaced, the shouting of the word 'CAPSIZE'. However, the water proved rather colder than expected and most

From then on the party averaged about 20-25 kilometres a day; across rocks, bogs and rivers and up and down ferocious hills. Battling with huge hoards of midges as well as pouring rain. The code of Norwegian maps was brokenwith a 30 metre contour interval that meant that one day the party came across a 100ft. waterfall completely unmarked on the map. Crossing this same waterfall Tpr Goodbody, who had removed his boots, dropped them in mid-stream and only by a fortunate eddy and a headlong rush down the bank succeeded in recapturing them. Tpr Murphy was elected as 'the man on the Toblerone packet'. Despite all this, and to the considerable surprise of Sgt Price, the party staggered into Treungen, the final destination, a day early, and spent a blissful day resting in the sun.

What did the party bring back from Norway? Most of them several hundred midge bites, ten compo tin openers, a sun tan and a piece of string to hold up trousers, as all had lost weight. Those who weren't forever bent beneath the weight of their pack will remember miles of totally unspoilt country-those who were will remember being assured, at the top of yet another hill, that it was all worth it for the view!

C Squadron

The main tasks for 'C' Squadron in 1973 were the Presentation of Standards Parade in London and the recruiting tour which followed it, reports on both of which followed it.


Having been told that the Squadron was on the Standard's Parade, sometime in May, no further information was forthcoming until a few days prior to leaving for Windsor. However, being used to working with so few details, the Squadron went ahead and practised nevertheless. Being a tank Regiment for such a short while, it seemed strange

The Squadron started to look like a squad of recruits, with all their new combat kit, new berets, new badgesreleased according to the RQMC from special war stock-and of course black sweaters. Kit inspections became an almost daily routine, and the second in command's every other sentence seemed to be 'more on the uppers, and get a new beret'. Tpr Hallum overdid it one day and on being inspected was found to have one boot with a hole the size of a sixpence bored neatly through the toe cap. However, a quick NMD by the REME and a bit of grovelling to the RQMC soon fitted Hallum out with a new pair.

say the occasional German farmer was quite pleased to get a 'present arms' as he chugged by on his tractor.

The "day" arrived and the first party left for UK by air and road. The party arriving at Birmingham airport was surprised to find two luxury 40 seater coaches waiting for them, their total being 5-whilst the party arriving later managed to get a4 tonner. On arrival at Windsor they were all given a good welcome at the Mess, met by RCM Lane who immediately thrust a file of instructions for the parade at the SCM-at least 6 inches thick. Next they were shown what amounted to a 'sea of Ferret Scout cars' and a monumental mound of boxes all of which they proceeded to take over. The strangest sight to see was the subalterns in denims and red and blue hats all busy fitting C13 wireless sets into the cars.

Then, with the Squadron complete, came the first rehearsals. The drill squares at both Windsor and Pirbright resembled a circus ring, with RCM Lane looking for all the world like the ringmaster, and with Ferrets, four abreast, going around and around. The air was full of exhaust fumes, voices became hoarse from yelling instructions, and when all else failed DMS boots were employed as a means of communication between commander and driver.

'C' Squadron drive past the Saluting base

that so few Ferret Scout Car driver's were about, and the first thing that had to be done was to start a programme whereby some twenty odd tank driver's did short courses on the FSC. Some could not forget that they were tank drivers and Tpr Wild had to be permanently 'grounded', having had two accidents in as many weeks in the same street in Detmold.

Sterling Drill sent the various instructors rushing for their drill manuals, and each came up with a different version. They agreed to pool their combined knowledge, and luckily the result was almost the same as that being taught by the Blues and Royals. On Soltau we amazed the Light Infantry by doing 30 minutes arms drill every morning on the road leading between the two X-Rays, and needless to

Of course it was not "all work and no play", and members of the Squadron were able to renew old ties with Windsor, and in particular those places of social relaxation dotted up and around Peascod Street. These made a very pleasant change from Henry's or the Burger, the only complaint being that they closed too early or that they did not sell bratwurst. Mr. Miller's was quite a popular rendezvous, and of course the nautical tavern situated near the Castle appeared to have changed very little.

The great day drew nearer and the first rehearsal on Horse Guards took place in the very early hours. The Squadron roared up the M4 past the Palace and finally onto Horse Guards. The only spectators were the Metropolitan Police, a few tramps, and the odd lady returning from a late night's work. It all appeared to go well, with the exception of the armoured squadron having to strain their ears to get in their bit in between

all the 'slope swords' and 'carry swords'. Then back to Knightsbridge for a debrief by Colonel Langley where one NCO had the temerity to actually fall asleep. Justice was swift.

The Squadron then moved into Wellington Barracks, and a great cry was heard about sub standard accommodation, and the SCM duly recorded this fact upon the rations rolls Our moving-in coincided with a thunderstorm, after which the Squadron spent a long time baling out the rooms. However, it did afford the opportunity for the Squadron to visit the usual fleshpots of London, and the tales told and retold later would fill a book. The first dress rehearsal took place watched by a huge audience of tourists, and at times it became hard for those veterans of the Irish scene to control their urge to pick up shields and baton guns and do a spot of crowd control.

The great day finally came, and the extra bit of spit and polish was applied, Troop Leaders had another hair cut, cars were checked and rechecked, and last minute instructions given. The noise of the bands were heard in the distance, the tourists seemed to get more numerous, and finally the Squadron was off. The pomp, the pageantry and also the solemnity of the occasion was felt by all.

H.M. The Queen inspected the Squadron, followed by a drive past, and finally down the Mall and back into Wellington Barracks. At long last cigarettes could be lit, the first puff inhaled deeply, and let go with a sigh of satisfaction that it had all happened as planned.


For those of you wondering how authority was given for 70 officers and men from' 'C' Squadron to tour the Midlands rest assured that even now it is baffling the BAOR movements office. To go recruiting in tanks might have proved unpopular, and so armed with twenty-five assorted armoured cars used on the Standards Parade the Squadron sallied forth from Combermere Barracks.

The Squadron was destined to stay for the first week at Donnington Ordnance Camp near Shrewsbury-it should be mentioned in passing that only one troop

'C' Squadron preceded by the band of The Blues and Royals, marching through the streets of Nottingham

set off for Castle Donnington near Nottingham!

The pattern for the wholetwo week period was for each of the five troops to go to a different town or village and set up a stand in the hope that boys between the ages of 13 and 16 would decide that our way of life was for them.

An enormousamount was owed to all the recruiting officers throughout the Midlands who looked after us so well. The Shrewsbury Recruiting Officer even managed to get the 'C' Squadron Officers billeted in the only 'Egon Ronay' recommended hotel in Shropshire. The remainder of the Squadron was quite well looked after, having taken over a barrack block adjacent to the WRAC.

Any old Life Guard worried that the knack for armoured cars has been lost in the last two years can rest assured that each car covered an average of 1500 mileswith only one serious breakdown.

Lieutenant The Hon N. J. Adderley had a confrontation with a coal lorry but this was soon smoothed over when he declared that he lived in Warwickshire.

We were visited by Lieute J. A. C. G. Eyre, Major J. H. o:-.a; and Major J. W. J. Lewis, MBE of --e Blues and Royals who must take a acr;e part of the credit for the success :.:oe tour.

During the second week e Jadron moved complete to Leices •.S" :>"---e and joined up with the Q.E.fld of The Blues and Royals.

The band programme did -:.': :>incide much with that of the Squa..--- tut with them the Squadron succe_' arched through the cities of Nc:- -: m and Lincoln. On the latter rna" past the Squadron was worried t ::-e pUblicity had not been very good'" :n'ain Ellery was sent of into the de- s • Lincoln in a Labour Party van. This proved most satisfactory b 1 for the fact that the thronging crowd ca sed a traffic jam causing Captain EJ = to miss the parade.

Whether or not the :"_ J was a success can only be ill the years to come but for the S '" ron it lasted just the right length of i e and was much enjoyed by all.

COlDlDand Squadron

Command Squadron was formed, for the first time, after the Regiment's return from Northern Ireland. The idea of its formation was to split up Headquarters Squadron, which was becoming very heavy in manpower. The command and fighting elements were transferred to Command Squadron, leaving the administrators in Headquarters Squadron.

The fighting part of the Squadron consists of the Recce Troop and Guided Weapons Troop. The Recce Troop has ten Ferret Scout Cars, and is the "eyes and ears" of the Regiment. The Guided Weapons Troop, formed for the first time this year, has four FV438's.

The command element of the Squadron comprises Regimental Headquarters, Squadron Headquarters, the Orderly Room, and the Provost Staff. Thus, in manpower, the Squadron is stronger than the sabre squadrons, which is useful for sports competitions! However, the Squadron does not yet have its own SOMC, sharing the stores with Headquarters Squadron. Ccmmand Squadron has quickly knitted

together as an independent entity, playing an important part in the life of the Regiment.


It will come as a surprise to many to learn that Regimental Headquarters (the real Regimental Headquarters, not the 'indoor' one) has spent 69 days in the field this year. The Signals Officer claims to have been there on all 69, confident that no-one is in a position to challenge that claim.

The nameless horrors of Soltau are too well known to require description, but what of that great RHO mystery, the 'CPX'? During a CPX (which, it is thought, stands for 'Command Post Exercise') Regimental Headquarters, out of pure kindness and at great inconvenience, takes to the field in order to give Brigade Headquarters someone to talk to. Then for four days or so the Signals Officer and CoH Maxwell indulge in strange rituals with the Brigade SignalSquadron; while Major Fuller, or Captain JolI, gallantly keep

the Brigade Staff at bay, armed only with 'Notes on the Soviet Ground Forces' and 'The Pink'. With a few deft and decisive strokes of the chinagraph whole squadrons and companies execute faultlessly, in minutes, complex and difficult operations, carefully avoiding, of course, the funny faces that mysteriously seem to appear all over the map whenever Major Fuller comes on exercise.

This year, however, these delightful games were only the prelude. 11 soon became clear that RHO would have to take real troops under command, and something of an assortment at that.

Before going to Canada RHO spent a week at Vogelsang getting to know the rather heterogeneous battle group and overcoming the slight language problem with the infantry.

In Canada itself RHO was at first rather worried to find an actual tank in Regimental Headquarters, until it was discovered that the Commanding Officer rather liked using it. This meant that the rest of RHO were able to concentrate on getting a good view of the action (or trying to work out where they were). CoH Saunders and his tank crew earned many heartfelt than ks.

The most vital task, however, was to man the range safety radio at the base camp. CoH Booth and his crew did this so efficiently that even the range staff were afraid of them.

The weather, hitherto perfect, let the Battle Group down on the last day. Unfortunately no photographs exist of the Commanding Officer, the Second in Command and Major Simpson Gee trying (unsuccessfully) to save their tent.

For Regimental Headquarters the real moment of glory came with the autumn FTX. Here at last was the 'real thing'. RHO have commanded; RHO have been commanded; now it had to combine the

two. This year there was an extra feature: the Regiment started the FTX season under command of Panzergrenadierbrigade 19 on Exercise Big Ben. The problems can be imagined (German voice procedure?) but in spite of them all, and thanks to the enthusiasm of the respective liaison officers, a very good relationship was created and maintained.

The Adjutant and the Signals Officer slowly began to realize that 'Forefront' was not just another exercise when they heard that the Commanding Officer and the Second in Command were both being taken from them for 'other tasks'. So did Captain Jones ('I don't go on exercises') who sUddenly one day stopped making fun of the Signals Officer and started asking him what he wore in the field. RHO survived, of course. Captain Holmes thinks he really earned that daily thirty-five pence; Captain Ellery found he had to clean his boots several times a day (Editor: Situation normal-if you know the Adjutant); Captain Jones finally graduated to the Command Net, and

all acquired that sixth sense which enables one to ask for a Sit rep at the psychologically perfect moment when the squadron second in command's map has fallen off the turret, and his operator has just sat on the 'Griddle' and rubbed it out. The RCM managed to find some really nasty woods and everyone discovered how to find him in the dark.

And so to the end of another season and a thought for tile 'few' w;thout whom none of it would be possible: LCoH Riches, LCoH Lawrence, Tprs Balls, Tuck and Ayres and Tprs Brunning and Rose, who think the Commanding Officers's driver should get danger money; and Tpr Griffiths. who knows the RCM's driver should.





Exercise Tivoli Trot was a memorable and worthwhile exercise, enjoyed by the Danes as much as by the Recce troop. The weather was showery for the first ten days, however, the sun excelled itself in the last week with temperatures in the high 700s.

On the journey north we had our only accident when a car in wet conditions failed to take a corner just north of Neustadt on Route 207, hit a bank and turned over. Thankfully both Tpr Grant the driver, and P. O. Huntley were alright -in fact it was difficult to tell who was more shaken, they or the Troop Leader. Within two hours the car had been backloaded by the Germans and by 2230 hours we were all enjoying a warm welcome by the Hussars.

After a well earned sleep maintenance took precedence. It is worth recounting that although each car did well over 1000 miles we had only one breakdown.

Everyone was very active in the first week; we did many things ranging from Flag marches, through signal exercises, to exercising the Regimental speed-boat. The lalter accounting for many amusing hours. The Troop won a bottle of Champagne off the Signals officer by setting up a sky wave from Neastved to Detmord.

LCoH Riches, Captain Holmes, Major Simpson Gee, RCM Young and Tpr Tuck in Canada

Tpr Thorne found the pace all too much and contrived to put his arm through a window and ended up in hospital at 0220 hours one morning. On visiting him the next morning, a worried Troop Leader looked through a glass partition, only to see Tpr Thorne being given a bed bath by no less than three nurses! Suffice it to sayhe had no shortage of visitors throughout his three day spell in hospital.

The beginning of the second week found us on a two day exercise. CoH Hutchings as always, had an overpowering presence and so great was the surprise of two Danish Jeeps when they saw him, that they promptly drove into one another-a few red faces but no casualties. The whole exercise culminated in a beach party 30 miles south of Naestved.

The final week-end we spent touring by coach the North of Zeeland, visiting on route Helsinjor Castle of "Hamlet" fame, followed by a night in Copenhagen ...

Monday and Tuesday of the last week ':las spent in exchanging vehicles and ',',eapons with our Danish hosts. The jeeps were great fun to drive and the exercise area looked somewhat like the dodgem car ground at Tivoli.

The M41 tanks proved more than a handfull even for the "ex tankees" amongst us. The weapons ranged from Lee Enfield rifles to heavy Spandau machine guns.

Sports day followed and a series of games were played against the 4th Squadron. We lost the football 4-1 (The 4th are in the final of the Regimental Competition). We won the volleyball and ;inally drew in the swimming. The stiffness the following day was, however, not in

vain for Major Nielsen presented each captain with a GHR ashtray. These have subsequently been donated to the was and NCOs mess, the LCpls mess and the "Piggery" respectively.

The final Friday arrived and it was time to leave. Farewells were said and we left for Rodby.

We left a few hours earlier than necessary in order to call at a school for handicapped children just outside

Rodby. Everyone agreed that this was the most worthwhile part of the visit. It was enjoyed immensely by both children and soldiers alike. Before we had lunch, a collection was made of everyone's odd Kroner, this went as pocket money for three Northern Irish children staying in the camp.

Thus Tivoli Trot came to a close and by 0200 hours on the 4th August everyone was safely back in Detmold.

SQMC Hutchins, LCpl Hawke, Tpr Rogan and CoH Oliver on Exercise

Headquarters Squadron


Headquarters Squadron reformed at Detmold on the 3rd January, 1973. The Squadron was quick to settle down and the normal efficient service that it provides to the Regiment was soon established.

Naturally the Departments were being led by the same "Chiefs", but the "Indians" had changed almost to man. This, all would agree, has not had the slightest effect on the supply and demand to the recipients and the machine is as 'well oiled' as ever.

Apart from the normal Military training, i.e. Exercises, FTX, Hohne, Soltau and Canada which the editor has covered elsewhere in this edition, some members of the Squadron were able to take part in Adventure Training.

Tprs Welton and Gaddas went to Spain, W02 Croft also went, but just to sample the wine. Tpr Brown went sailing in the Baltic and came back with thoughts of making the OM(E) walk the plank. The OM (E) Capt Greaves, is said to have replied that as he had been on a tight rope for a number of years, a plank would be a welcome change.

LCsoH Buckingham and Siddle, and Pte Hatch, all went on a free-fall course. Pte Hatch completed 15 descents including delays.

In the world of sport the Squadron has been successful. In March they were runners up in the Inter Squadron Boxing Competition losing on a technicality, but finishing with the same points as the winners. In May they were the winners of the Inter Squadron Challenge Trophy, withfirst place in Equitation, .22 Shooting, Tug-o-War, Football, Hockey and Basketball; but were later beaten into second place in the Rugby competition. In October the Squadron said farewell to two of its members. Major Fuller left for civilian life-the end of an era, and SOMC Tonkins has gone to Dorset for two years.

The departments complain that they did not get enough coverage in the last edition and so their notes follow:


What has happened to MT since the last issue?

Apart from the MTO getting a little greyer and the MT CoH finding a few more problems, MT has somehow managed to keep on top of everyone wanting details yesterday and asking the day after.

The normal families details appeared to be on the increase which kept Tprs

Hutsby and Turton out of Barracks most of the time. The blame has been firmly placed on the Regiment's returnfrom Ireland which has slightly increased the size of a few families, but as yet no driver has had to play the part of a midwife!

The troop virtually had a complete changeover after Ireland and a lot of new blood appeared on the Vehicle Park. The following have joined the troop in the past year:

CoH Charlett, LCsoH Mangham, Thornton, Staniforth.

LCpls Holt, Gunning, Dillon.

Tprs Mears, Rogan, Bell, Bagnall, Spencer, Moseley, Welton, Softley, Gilks.

The other half of the set-up, Stalwart Troop, has also been increased to the grand total of 16. They are still ably supervised by CoH Mciver and CoH Monaghan.

Everyone has seen Hohne andSoltau again this year, and some are going to see Hohne yet again in December, when they supply the administrative backup for recruit firing. All in all a very interesting year with members of both troops visiting Canada, France, Spain and Sardinia. The total mileage covered this year exceeds 300,000 miles.


The OM's department have had a busy and interesting year, as apart from the routine visits to Hohne, Soltau and the FTX, the majority of the staff were involved in administering the Battle Group in Canada for six weeks, it was a very enjoyable trip, the weather was kind and the local Blue Label excellent. The year must also be remembered as the year of the "Great Wastage Rate Folly" with an end product of an even greyer ROMC, but precious little else.

We have had quite a few staff changes, ROMC Bentley left on promotion, CoH Williams decided to try his hand at Track Bashing, SOMC King, CoH Jordan and LCoH Morris are now civilians, we wish them all good luck,


Since the last notes the Cooks have seen a number of changes; W02 Howard has left for the "cushy" life at BMH Hannover, and LSgt Hollingsworth has left for 4 Fd Wksps, just up the road.

A few promotions have also taken place in the catering team; first SSgt McDonald is the new Master Cook, Sgt Jay who has come from 4 Fd Wksps as the new 2 i/c. Sgt Rickis also received his full

Sgt, but has left The Life Guards and is on detachment to 1 LI who are at the moment in Northern Ireland, Eight Cooks went to Canada this summer as part of The Life Guards Battle Group: all that can be said is that it was a worthwhile trip which they all enjoyed thoroughly. The kitchen was the most modern that any have ever worked in, which was just as well for when the Battle Group was "in", the feeding strength was 650. The troops have never drunk so much ice-cold milk (free) in their lives.


On the returnfrom Ireland the Dept re-formed in January, since then TOMC Howells has left to go on leave prior to leaving the Army, having completed his 22 years. LCoH Brandon has left for civilian life having served 26 years, and Tpr Timson has moved on to Pirbright. We wish them all the best for the future,

During all this year's exercises the cry of NFC was only heard once from the Tech. Office trailer. The Commanding Officer was heard to say, "I know what that means". (Editor: I don't). The FAMTO SOMC, who shall be nameless,was censored for using this abbreviation without the OM (E) 's knowledge. His reply to this was to put a bottle of Dark Rum on the OM(E)'s Mess Bill.

Very little was seen of Capt Greaves during the early part of the year, owing to his frequent trips to England for his uniform fittings!

The Dept has been visited by the Major General and Major General J. M. Gow. Everyone enjoyed these visits, as it provided the Tech Dept with percolated coffee and digestive biscuits!


This year the LAD has seen many changes with SSgts Hathaway, Knight, Buckingham, Sgts Hall,Rawcliffe, LSgts Penny, Washer, Moore, Mole, Jones and O'Mahoney being amongst the departures. Their replacements being AOMS Arthur, AOMS Durston, SSgt Dollimore, Sgts Carr, Jessup, Ward, Gardner, LSgts Dear, Halliday, LCpls Howells, Abson and Rochester.

The year began in February with recruit firing, when LCpl Rogers gallantly but unintentionally supplied the drive to the Hohne Range moving target gear, with his ARV.

March, April and May saw the LAD in full swing at Soltau. The EME, Captain P. G. Welsh, found it easier to buy beers park vehicles. Noise at night is a

The MTO explaining the intricasies of a Stalwart to the Colonel

moot point with most of our drivers. Who would have thought that a vehicle door closing would make more noise than the SCM whispering!

In June we went to Vogelsang and in the absence of LCpl Twist, LCpl Smith did a very capable job in keeping the Messes lit up and the workers well lit.

Canada being a mere stones throw (from America) it was decided to exercise there. This, though, was to the misfortune of the Canadian Car Hire Company who thought it would be profitable to rent a

car to AQMS Durston, SSgt Hathaway and Sgts Newton, Gager and Carr. These five managed a negative mileage as their car had a broken speedo.

On the 25th September the new "Baby" EME, Second Lieutenant N. A. Leadbetter arrived and was made welcome, with the information that in five days time he would be leading the LAD packet on the "Crash-Out" for Exercise "Forefront".

During the exercise a Stalwart turned enemy, back fired and caused us all to be stood to. All, that is, except Cfn Foley

Mounted Squadron Notes

The squadron has had a particularly eventful and interesting year. Our ceremonial commitments began on 3rd April with the State Visit of the President of Mexico at Windsor.

On 30th May, The Queen presented the Household Cavalry with New Standards.

It was an honour to be on parade with a contingent from the Armoured regiment who must have found it interesting to have had an insight to Mounted Duty.

The Standards Parade was closely followed by The Queen's Birthday Parade on 2nd June. On 11th June we provided

who arrived on the scene ten minutes later gaily flashing his torch and shouting "Stand To"!

It is thought that all the passwords for the exercise were taken from "The Dictionary of Misprounounceable Words" as everyone had problems remembering them, except that is for LCpl Howells who made up his own.

With PRE approaching our scribe has decided that this edition is at an end and therefore is putting down his pen in exchange for a screwdriver.

two divisions for a Sovereign's Escort for the State Visit of the President of Nigeria. The Escort was commanded by Lt Col W. R. Edgedale in the absence of Major C. N. Haworth-Booth who broke his neck point-to-pointing several weeks earlier.

Captain Greaves (OM (E)) indicating the location of the Logistics Battalion to a Foot Guard umpire on the FTX

18th June saw us back at Windsor on a very hot day. This time we were on our feet for the Garter Service, lining the route to St. George's Chapel for the procession of the Garter Knights.

A regimental camp was held for the first time this year from 4th-26th September. All the horses and men attended and except for one wet night the weather was kind and as a result the experiment was most enjoyable. The organisation required was phenomenal. An advance party, initially 50 men strong, put up 74 marquees and 66x160 pounders -all properly lit by the DOE, and all in impeccably straight lines. 250 tables, 600 chairs, 400 beds, etc., all had to be collected, checked, allocated, issued and then cleaned and returned. Permanent lines had been constructed throughout the summer for 200 horses and these proved satisfactory.

Each troop had a member of the Remount Staff attached to it and as a result some useful instruction was carried out. This was proved by the good performances achieved in the handy hunter competition. Tent pegging, football and certain other sports were indulged in by all those who wished. The camp followers, two in all, set up their own acommodation in an untactical tent some 200 yards from the camp bl t each day it was moved closer-presuma, !y to achieve a higher rate of "turnover" .• :inally it was thought that the SQMC took them on the ration roll.

On our return from camp we changed from straw to wood chippings in the stables. A deep litter system is used and preliminary results seem encouraging.

In our absence from Londun The Kings Troop, Royal Horse Artille(y furnished The Queen's Life Guard at Horse Guards.

The Musical Ride have had a very successful year. Part of its great attraction must undoubtedly be attributed to the Quadrille; a dressage demonstration by four members of the Riding Staff wearing uniforms of the 1880 period.

The squadron was visited throughout the summer by many visitors including Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and the Secretary of State for Dafence, Lord Carrington.

The Opening of Parliamer,t was held on a very foggy morning at the end of October. This was soon followed by the wedding of H.R.H. Princess Anne to Captain Mark Phillips. The Squadron not only provided two divisions for the Sovereign's Escort which was commanded by Major C. N. Haworth-Booth, but also provided a Captain's Escort for H.R.H. Princess Anne, and also a Travelling Escort commanded by Capt V. A. L. Goodhew in the afternoon to take the newly weds to the Royal Hospital, Chelsea. The standard of remount coming to the

Presentation of Standards-the Mounted Squadron

squadron has improved recently. This, coupled with more instruction for the BII Mounted Dutyman, has improved the standard of horsemanship, and horsemastership. It is to be hoped that progress will continue and that we will enter more into the competitive side of riding in 1974. Certainly the Hunter Trial results this autumn were encouraging since we took a large number of the prizes, many of them with young horses.


In January the Band took part in the Cilia Black Show, at Shepherd's Bush Studio. We provided the background for one of her songs, "The Magnificent Sanctuary Band". It was interesting to see how these things are done: Firstly, they recorded the backing group (drums, guitars, etc.), then they recorded us, then we mimed in front of the camera while Cilia actually sang the song. Yet when one sees these things on television it seems that everything happens simultaneously.

In February came the dreaded Kneller Hall Inspection. This is a phenomenen that occurs approximately every ten years and gives everybody a fit of the willies! It is carried out to make sure that the Band's drill and musical standard (sight reading, scales, etc.) are up to scratch. We passed with flying colours being given an "Outstanding" grading by the Senior Director of Music Lt Col R. Bashford.

We departed in March for our annual

visit to the Regiment in Detmold, flying from Brize Norton in an RAF Brittania to Gutersloh where we boarded a bus for the remainder of the journey. By the time we reached Detmold everything seemed to be taking ona rosy glow, mainly due to the crates of Amstel very kindly deposited in the bus by the WO's Mess. We did a concert for the NCO's which involved the Band standing up and singing. Later on we did the same thing in the Mess Bar. The Regiment very kindly let us have their Minibus for a trip to Hamburg. Once again the Band were crippled after their annual Football Match outside the NAAFI, when the Oldies beat the Youngies 1-0.

On our return from BAOR we came down to earth with a bump, or at least it felt like it after the first Trooping Rehearsal. The Standards Parade was the outstanding highlight of the year. A lot of work was put into this by everybody, but it was an unforgettable experience, especially for those of us who weren't around at the time of the last one. By the time the day was over, we realised that the rehearsals were worth all the trouble we took over them, the day being a resounding success.

We then started the season proper with Bournemouth and Eastbourne, interspersed with Musical Rides in various parts of the country. Trumpet Major Dodson was seen in October on duty in the arena at the International Horse Show and the Horse of the Year Show brandishing a lengthy coach horn.

Throughout the year the Band have been taking part in Spectaculars with other Guards Bands allover the North Country. The audiences were very impressed by the splendour of the Massed Bands' uniforms and the very high standard of playing. During the concerts there were displays by the Fifes and Drums and also by the Scots Guards Pipers.

As a matter of interest, the Band has travelled over 10,000 miles during the last year.

We have made two records lately. The first, which was released on January 6th, was the first single ever recorded by the Band. It is a record of the March "Champions All" which is the theme adopted by the British Amateur Gymnastics Association. The other is an LP called "England Made Me", which includes the theme from the film of the same name, plus some modern arrangements of traditional English songs. The Band is joined on this record by soprano Miss Joanne Brown and the Reading Male Voice Choir under the direction of Mr. Gwynne Arch. It was released on January 20th.

We welcome Musns Halpin, Hamer, Tibbles, Campbell, Harris and Harrison to the Band this year and wish Cpl Hearne much success in civilian life.


The Squadron has continued to train recruits in spite of the nationwide fall in recruiting. Events during the summer included the Major General's Inspection on the 19th July; the parade finally took place in the drill sheds due to the wet weather.

In August there was a large intake from the Junior Guardsmens' Wing. This intake passed out on the 31 st August. The parade was commanded by Lieutenant H. P. D. Massey, RHG/D and the salute was taken by the Lieutenant Colonel Commanding Household Cavalry.

The latter half of the year has been fraught with change. On July 19th the Squadron said goodbye to SCM Peck, RHG/D who went to the Blues and Royals Squadron at Knightsbridge and welcomed SCM Reynolds, LG in his place.

The Squadron was very sad to lose Major S. V. Gilbart-Denham, LG who returned to The Life Guards in Germany. The Warrant Officers and Corporals of Horse gave a dinner party in his honour in the Sergeant's Mess on 29th August. It was interesting to see the two Drill Sergeants at the Depot traditionally mounted for the dinner. As the evening developed they lost the nervousness they displayed at the outset! The Squadron wish him the best of luck and at the same time welcome Major C. M. Barne, RHG/D in his place.

Household Cavalry Training Staff-July 1973

Top-TS Harris, Grant, Trench, Bridger, LCpls Pratt, Jennings, TS Summerfield, LCpls Gilbert. Scully, TS Lewis, Budden Middle-TS Tanner, Goggins, LCoH Harkness, CoH Broderick, LCoH Hunt, Phillips, Cummings, LCpl Percy, LCoH Potts, TS Davies, Bonarius Front-CoH Mead, Norman, Aucutt, SQMC Hoare, Major S. V. Gilbart·Denham, Colonel H. D. A. Langley, M.B.E., SCM Peck, Major T. C. Horris, Lt. H. P. D. Massey, CoH Dugdale, Donnelly.

On October 23rd !t'le Squadron

Alamein Day by giving a Household Cavalry luncheon in the cookhouse. The Band of the Blues and Royals provided excellent entertainment during the meal. Afterwards Colonel Langley "kicked off" in a game of football between the Juniors and their Staff and the HCTS recruits and Staff.

The ball was 6ft. in diameter and Colonel Langley was almost run over in the stampede!

The Squadron is now preparing for the reshuffle of the Guards Depot in the New Year when the Junior Household Cavalrymen will come to the Squadron and all adult recruits will be trained centrally by Caterham Company.

The Alamein Day Football Match

The Year • In Photographs

Top Left-The Colonel presents the Long Service and Gold Conduct Medal to WOII (SCM) Wardell
Top Right-The Commanding Officer dressed for Battle Group Training, with members of 'A' Squadron
Bottom-The Life Guards tanks at Suffield
Top-The Colonel and the Captain of The Queen's Life Guards, LI. C. D. HorsfalI, awaiting tho a;rival of the Colonel-in-Chief at Horse Guards Centre Left-The Colonel-in-Chief and the Colonel at the Presentation of Standards Parade Centre Right-LCoH Ruane, Tprs and McGlade-winners of the Team Jumping at the Rhine Army Horse Show
Bottom Left-Trooper Holbrook being presented with the InniskilIing Cup bV Lieutenant General Sir AlIan Taylor, K.B.E., M.C., Deputy Commander-in-Chief UKLF at the Junior Leaders Regiment Summer Passing Out Parade. The Inniskilling Cup is awarded to the best Junior Leader passing out Bottom Right-The Officers Golf Tournament: Mrs. Emson presents the first prize to Captain Fletcher


Regintental Miscellany


During the recent handover of ORSQMC's a list was found headed "List of Corporals and below trained at Knightsbridge". Some of the names on that list are to be found below. It is thought to be vintage BAOR 1959


Jan 52-Oct 52


Oct 52-Oct 53

Oct 53-Nov 55


Aug 54-Aug 56


Sep 54-Jan 57


Apr 56-Sep 59


Mar 53-Jan 54

Mar 54-Jun 55


Nov 56-Sep 59


In March 1973 the Colonel of the Regiment was on board H.M.S. Ark Royal in Malta where he met Able Seaman Dawson, previously Tpr Dawson of The

Life Guards. It is heartening to see that the Regiment has at last infiltrated the Navy.


Still on the subject of the subsequent careers of ex-Life Guards, members of the Regimental Battle Group who went to Canada this year met ex-Tpr Gavin, now Mr. David Gavin, who left the Regiment in 1967. Since then he has settled in Canada and has become one of the success stories of Calgary. Having started out as an Oil Company employee he now has his own oil exploration company and many and varied interests in property. His generosity to members of the Battle Group was limitless, from taking the Commanding Officer on a free tour of the night spots of Calgary to lending his penthouse apartment to the Regimental COI'poral Major, SCM Wardell and SQMC Mitcheson for the week-end.


The following notice should be of interest to those looking for new careers: HOUSEHOLD DIVISION EMPLOYMENT AGENCY (formerly the Guards Employment Society)

The Employment Agency advises and helps guardsmen of all ranks, both past and present, from the seven Regiments of the Household Division, in matters concerning resettlement and civilian employment.

Whilst the operation is centred mainly on London and the Home Counties, the Secretary is now widening the scope of the Agency to embrace all areas of the country,and he would be pleased to receive information on vacancies wherever these exist. On the other hand if any past member of the Household Division is looking for a change of job, his enquiry -which is entirely without obligationwould be welcomed.

Serving members of the Household Division, who are within twelve months of leaving the service, are urged to seek early advice on their individual cases so that the best possible help can be given. The office is situated in Wellington Barracks. If you feel the services of the Agency can help you, write, telephone or call:-

Captain P. W. E. Parry, M.B.E., The Secretary, Household Division Employment Agency, 4 Bloomsbury Court, London, WC1A 2BW. Telephone: 01-405 6977 Ext. 0260 or 0033.


On entering the ante room of the Officers' Mess, Detmold, visitors are confronted with a large water colour by Orlando Norrie. This water colour was presented by the Earl of Caledon who served with the Regiment from 1908 to 1924.

The picture depicts some 140 mounted Household Cavalrymen drawn up in line abreast facing a forward slope of sand and, we suspect, keeping a sharp eye on the crest. The picture contains nothing else-not a blade of grass, bush, tree or desert rose. Apart from the horsemen the area is as deserted as Combermere Barracks at 1530 hrs on a Friday. It might happen that a visitor, by this time armed with a large gin and tonic, either because he is genuinely interested or perhaps for the want of something better to do, reads the inscription on our "Masterpiece" THE FIRST GUN AT TEL EL KEBIR, it states. His eyes quickly scans the painting in search of this piece of weaponry. No gun. He then looks

Colonel, Able Seaman Da'Nson, Captain D. Cassidi

closer hoping to find a trace of a wheel or even a muzzle. Still no gun. At this stage, bewildered, and viewing his drink with some suspicion, he asks the nearest Mess member to point out the location of the gun.

"Behind the hill", is the usual reply.

"How do you know that?" asks our guest.

"Because it had just gone off", he is told.

Our guest, now armed with a new clue and a further gin and tonic, again studies the painting. He searches scrupulously for any sign, however small, which would qualify the picture's title. But the scene is as undisturbed and tranquil as a mounted church parade.

"But if you can't see the gun, how do you know it is there?" asks our guest.

"Because of a puff of smoke on the horizon", comes the reply.

"But there is no smoke on the horizon", says our guest, studing the picture even more closely.

"I know", says the Mess member. "It was cleaned off accidentally. When the picture went for renovation, it was removed from its frame and thereby temporarily parted from its title. The cleaner, thinking the puff of smoke was a foreign body, removed it!"

NOTE: The serving members of the Officers' Mess would be more than grateful if any retired Officers could help locate the actual position of the lost puff of smoke


The Daresbury Album is always on display in the ante room of the Officers' Mess. It was presented to the Officers of the 1st and 2nd Regiments by Lord and Lady Daresbury in memory of their son, It The Hon. Gilbert Greenall, of the 2nd Life Guards who died on the 27th July, 1928 whilst serving with his Regiment.

The album contained portraits of all officers who were serving at the time of the amalgamation of the 1st and 2nd Regiments in July, 1922. Since that time, and for over half a century now, all regular officers have presented their portraits to be mounted in this unique register so that it has become a pictorial record of monarchs, gentlemen, and even the odd rogue or two.

On occasions after dinner, and when the port has been passed and well sampled, the more senior members-with the younger members in attendance-will, with the reverence of a Mohammedan reading the Koran, turn the pages of the album and recall the past with remarks such as, "He was ab when he was Adjutant!" or "He was my squadron leader when I joined", or even "Do you remember when he blew up the forage barn? He got 20 extras for that".

Other feats, dispositions. liquid capacities, conquests, moments of madness and vandalism are attributed to the Officers whose photographs adorn the pages and are discussed, exaggerated, admired and, at times envied by all assembled.


Recently on one of the Sabre Squadron's Orders the following charge wasread out:-

"COMMITTING A CIVIL OFFENCE CONTRARY TO SECTION 70 OF THE ARMY ACT 1955 THAT IS TO SAY AN ACT OUTRAGING PUBLIC DECENCY in that he at Detmold, on 31 st October, 1973, committed an act of lewd, obscene and disgusting nature and outraged public decency by not having his boots up to the required standard on the Orderly Corporal's Parade, to the great disgust and annoyance of divers members of Her Majesty's subjects within whose purview such act was committed".

(No Comment: Editor)


The Commanding Officer is invited to "eat his hat"

Earlier in the year the Commanding Officer attended a conference at Brigade Headquarters which was held to discuss arrangements for the 'drive past' on Exercise BIG BEN. The Commanding Officer had a disagreement with the 1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery on the subject of precedence on parade. During the discussion, the Commanding Officer made a remark to the effect that if he was proved wrong that he would eat his hat; he was and he did.


On the 18th and 19th of October the Major General with the Brigade Major, Lieutenant Colonel B. C. Gordon-Lennox visited the Regiment in Detmold. They attended a dinner party in the Officers House and on the following morning having inspected the Barrack Guard made a tour of the Camp. The Major General somehow managed to speak to almost every soldier and made the day a very happy one for us.

WO's Mess and NCO's Notes

The New Year started quietly with troop training at Soltau; we ran the Mess from a marquee with a large aircraft space heater to keep it warm. This worked so well that a lot of visits were made from the squadrons just, we suspected, to get warm. Hahne followed this and once again the Mess went and set up in a basement where it proved a good jumping off point for various excursions. Then once more to Soltau with our friends from the 1st Bn The Light Infantry. A great many old friendships were renewed and new ones made over a glass of beer and a gripe about the days training.

In March the Band paid us a visit, they landed at lunchtime at RAF Gutersloh and that evening were playing at our Spring Ball. This was a tremendous success. A wonderful buffet was laid on by the Master Cook, W02 Howard, and his cooks. The Regimental Band played until 4 o'clock in the morning by which time they had, quote, "lost their lip", and everybody danced on until breakfast to the disco. The Band entertained the garrison and the local civilian population to Concerts and rounded it all off with a first-class performance in the Mess.

We were delighted to welcome the Colonel of the Regiment for a short visit in March. He was accompanied by the Lieutenant Colonel Commanding Household Cavalry, the Regimental Adjutant and his ADC. The Colonel visited the Mess and spent quite some time chatting to the members.

In May, Lieutenant Stratford came out from Lulworth and the Mess dined him out. We congratulate him on his commission and wish him every success

in his job at Kirkcudbright. During May, 'C' Squadron went to England for the Presentation of Standards. It was an enjoyable time for all, culminating in the Standard's Ball in the WO's and NCO's Mess at the Household Cavalry Regiment.

The Mess had said a sad farewell to the TO, WOII Howells. He was dined out on the 20th July with much hilarity and drink, we wish him well in civilian life.

For a change most of the Regiment managed to get block leave during the summer with the exception of RHO and 'A' Squadron who went to Canada on exercise. During this time the Mess was converted at various times to a camp site on Soltau for a 'Scheme' Night, a Western Bar complete with batwing doors for a 'Western' Night, and a restaurant for 'Cafe Continental' night. A lot of hard work by the entertainment committee was appreciated by all.

In the space of a fortnight we had a visit from Major General P. J. N. Ward, O.B.E., Major General Commanding Household Division, and from Major General J. M. Gow the new GOC 4 Division. We were delighted to entertain them for lunchtime drinks in the Mess.

We are now looking forward to the visit of the Band and Brick Hanging. Unfortunately we will not be getting any visitors from England this year.

The Senior members of the Mess are: W01 (RCM M. Young, W02 (SCM) L. A. Lumb, W02 (ROMC) A. B. Cottee, W02 (SCM) W. M. K. Juleff, W02 (SCM) J. M. Wardell, W02 (SCM) J. S. Deaville, W02 (ROMC (E)) R. G. Cornish and W02 (SCM) J. H. Miles.

The Major General presenting Long Service and .Good Conduct Medals to, from left to nght, WOlf (TOMC) Cornish and SOMC Batey

Weser Vale Hunt

Major Hickman with some 01 the bloodhounds-Lucinda

After the Regiment's returnfrom Belfast, Major Haworth-Booth handed the horn over to Major Loyd, who hunted hounds for the remainder of last season. In spite of a remarkably mild winter some meets planned for February and March had to be cancelled due to an outbreak of equine influenza. Hounds were hunted twice in January over the Sennelager Training area, both times with largish fields. Invariably the sand on the Senne offers the best going during periods of frost, but it can also be argued that it does offer the least testing country for horses and riders. As in previous seasons, Major Dickie Randell has been a great help to the hunt and we are all grateful for his support and hard work and never failing to provide the hunt with suitable country.

March gave us three excellent meets at Schlosses Merlsheim, Holzhausen and Hainhausen. By those who made it-who were few-the Holzhausen hunt on 24th March was considered as perhaps the best day of the season. The country there, which can be considered similar to parts of Leicestershire, provides some sturdy timber, but is mainly notable for

its big hedges, a courageous horse is needed to keep up with the hounds. Members of the Regiment can consider themselves extremely lucky in their choice of blacks; these are always immaculately turned out thanks to Cpl Major Batey and his stable staff. The Corps Commander proved to be a keen supporter of the hunt, his big grey has never been known to refuse a jump. Major and Mrs. Barrington, our German friends Herr Moog and Dr. Schenk were amongst our most consistant followers.

On the day of the Hunt Ball we met at Hainhausen. Although hounds ran extremely fast and fences were numerous, no grief at all was encountered by the field. This may have been due to the great number of supporters, to whom the field did not wish to give the added entertainment of muddied coats or simply the desire to attend the Ball unblemished. The Ball brought, to our great pleasure, a large number of visitors from England, many of them still serving members of the Regiment. We hope that they all enjoyed the Ball as much as we did. The Masters held their customary dinner in the Detmolder Hof and this was attended


by the Commanding Officer, several German friends from Dusseldorf, Major and Mrs. Brian Watts and the Masters and their wives.

The 72/73 season was officially closed by a meet on 5th April at Pombsen, large hedges and deep snowdrifts made progress slow and the quarry, Tpr Warner, had to await the arrival of hounds for some forty minutes.

On May Day the Dusseldorf Schleppjagdvercin invited us for a joint meet at Haus Schwarzenstein. They entertained us magnificently the night before and we followed their young hounds through woodlands, to a breast high scent of faxes urine, before being allowed to hunt our own hounds across their meadows. Loose horses were in abundance, their lack of ability was definitely compensated for by their great enthusiasm.

The summer saw changes in the Hunt establishment. Major Loyd's retirement put Major Mickman in sole charge for a few months until joined as Joint Master by Captain Joli. LCoH Ruane has been the pivot around whom hounds and kennels revolve and he does a most

Hickman looks on Captain Jail and LCoH Ruane with this year's

excellent job as kennel huntsman and 1st Whipper in.

The Hunter Trials went off well and our own horses acquitted themselves with honour. They took place on Saturday 1st September at Sandebeck. The Master was unable to be present, having been laid low by a mysterious illness a few days beforehand. The 1973/1974 Season opened officially at Neuhaus-in-Solling, a medium sized field appeared and good sport was had, hounds running well and the stone walls produced no great difficulties. The following week we returned

the hospitality of the Dusseldorf Hunt and they joined us for a meet at Hausterbeck Tower, a large field between 60 and 70 were out, and the line was hunted an hour cold. The first line over some 11 kms was hunted well and enjoyed by all. The secondline soon grew cold and hounds were unable to own the scent. It later transpired that the RAF police had arrested the quarry and carted him off in a land-rover, as they had arrived to set up an exercise for the following day and took the quarry to be a suspicious character in spite of his production of

an ID Card. We have held excellent meets at Vinsebeck, Vornholz, Losphorn where another large field turned out, the 'B' Mess Sennelager, Wolfenbuttel where 17 /21 Lancers entertained us royally and the Hildenbrandts produced us mile after mile of beautiful old turf; we have re-visited Neuhaus-in·Solling and have just been entertained by the von Reden's at Wendlinghausen. All in all the 73174 season has got off to a good start and we plan to produce great sport for the rest of the season or as long as the weather permits.



The sporting activities of the Regiment have, through a mixture of circumstances, been on the decline over the past two years. This year, however,freefrom the problems of Northern Ireland and with Hohne and Soltau a mere date on the calendar, fixtures have been arranged and serious training is taking place in all three major sports.

At the time of writing the Rugby, Hockey and Football teams have all played two matches. The former and latter remain unbeaten, whereas the hockey team has won and lost one match.

The rugby is certainly creating interest within the Regiment. At the last match, on a Saturday, there were at least fifty supporters. The RAC cup is the most important event in the future; having beaten the 14th/20th Hussars, one of the foremost contenders, 12-0 the team feel that they have a good chance. Due to the ever cllanging dates of the next "Op Banner" tour the team was unable to enter for the Army Cup. However, a successful season would lay a good foundation for this competition next year. The team have three players going forward for a Brigade trial, CoH Whyte and Tprs Davey and Knight.

The Hockey always manages to maintain an interest within the Regiment. They now have the basis of a good side ably led and coached by AOMS Durston, a former Corps player. Fixtures within the Brigade have been arranged and the main competition is the Army Cup. Two players have been sent on coaching courses and one player, Tpr Cullen, was selected for a 4th Division Trial.

The football team is trying hard to succeed. They are training three mornings and two evenings a week. They have so

far played two League matches. The first against the RHA which they won 2-0 and the second against 22 Signal Regiment which they won 2-1. In the future they have two main competitions, the Army Cup and the Cavalry Cup.


Towards the end of the Soccer season the Inter Squadron Boxing Competition was held. After two afternoons of preliminaries the finals took place on March 30th to coincide with the visit of the Band.

After some spirited fights in the preliminaries, the stage was set for the finals which proved better than anything they could produce atWembley, because each pair of Finalists entered the Gym to a fanfare from 16 State Trumpeters.

The evening started with the points as follows:

This set the scene for another battle between 'HO' and 'C' Squadrons, with 'C' Squadron having four finalists and 'HO' having three. At the end of the evening both teams had 30 points but the trophy went to 'C' Squadron for having the greater number of finalists. This was the second year running they had won the trophy.

At the beginning of March the Seven Team Sports Competition started which proved to be very successful and more blood thirsty as it went on.

The competition took place one afternoon per week and the idea was to get as many people playing sport as possible, All sports started at the same time so that an individual couldn't play in more than one game.Each sport was run as a league and at the end of the competition points were given for places in the league in order to find the overall winners.

The sports chosen were Soccer, Hockey, Basketball, Seven a Side Rugger, Tug-oWar, .22 Shooting and Riding, the last two having six to a team. With these numbers it meant a squadron had to produce 54 men each afternoon.

After the first two weeks 'B' Squadron were top in three leagues and Comd top in another three. The following week 'HO' began to steam roller their way upwards and finished the competition by winning six out of the seven leagues, to take the overall title. The only competition 'HO' didn't win was the rugger. which went to 'B' Squadron who came second overall.

During the Summer it was decided to have a Swimming Competition in the outdoor pool when 'A' Squadron returned from Canada; everything was set and two of the Squadrons were even training. Unfortunately when 'A' Squadron did finally arrive back the weather was deteriorating. Despite this it was decided to hold the first round of the Water Polo match, which was 'C' Squadron v 'A' Squadron. They actually got through the game, but everyone had blue bodies and high voices when they came out of the water.

It was decided to postpone the competition and hold it at a later date in the indoor pool. The only match to be played was won by 'C' Squadron but no one knows wheather it was because they were the better players or because they had more blubber on them.


Once again this year The Life Guards elected to do battle with the elemental forces of the Baltic and the nautical wiles of their fellow cavalry officers and take part in the 1973 RAC Regatta at Kiel. Accordingly a tough team of Major John Fuller, 2Lt Philip Metcalfe and 2Lt Andrew Bell was selected and went into vigorous training. They could often be seen in a huddle in the ante-room poring over small peices of paper, talking earnestly in low tones. Fellow members of the mess impressed by this intense discussion of tactics,kept clear. Finally on 11th June, the day before they were due to leave the result of these conferences manifested itself in the hall in the shape of a huge and endlessly growing pile of alcoholic refreshment suitable for sustaining the three officers through the rigours of naval adventure.

All these essentials were joined in Major Fuller's car by such odds and ends as compasses, charts, and parallel rules, bought by the skipper to impress the crew and baffle the competition, and on 12th June the Jaguar, laden like a Greek ferry, set sail for Kiel.

Once arrived, the Life Guards team took over their Cutlass class boat 'Javelin'. Their home for the next five days, it appeared rather smaller and less comfortable than Major Fuller's car, and the problem of stowing the kit from the latter in the former seemed insuperable. However, with the aid of Major Fuller's technical advice and experience-'the coldest place for the beer is in the bilges' or 'it's for scrubbing the deck withget on with il'-such problems were quickly solved and the crew sat back with the first Pimms to relish the splendid sights of those competitors who, wishing to display their nautical superiority by flashing round Kiel harbour, now found their return to their moorings made chaotic by the piles which the BKYC thoughtfully provided as an added obstacle to yachtsmen.

On the next day the first race took place-a long reach to the Danish port of Faaborg; the fleet of 13 boats were helped along by a strong westerly wind and allmade good time. The Life Guards regrettably made an undistinguished start, due to a miscalculation of the time to use, but despite this overhauled half the fleet and finished sixth after some inspired chart-work from Major Fuller had taken us across a sandbank where no-one else had dared venture. Mr. Bell, who had not sailed before, learnt a lot,

2Lt Metcalfe and 2Lt Bell afloat

notably about the mystique of providing drinks at sea and how high the boom was on going about. His head soon recovered.

After a delicious meal, cooked by 2Lt Metcalfe, who, it should be said, maintained a high standard of culinary achievement throughout the regatta, matched only by Major Fuller's helmsmanship and 2Lt Bell's washing up, the crew set forth to enjoy their first night on Danish soil. Like all sailors in a foreign port, they sought wine and womenhaving found plenty of the former, if less of the latter, they discovered a large and impressive statue in the centre of the town. The statue, no doubt a work of some local eminence, depicted an unclad young lady entwined with a large cow. Major Fuller, the well known art critic, made a number of penetrating and enlightening remarks about this remarkable object, unfortunately unrepeatable here.

The first race on the next day did not, fortunately, require much work of the chart as the navigator was having problems concentrating. It was a short beatfrom Faaborg to the island of Avernaks. Slight tension occurred when 13 rather hung-over skippers attempted to beat at the same time through a narrow channel between two sandbanks; however, no mishap occurred. The fleet paused for lunch in a small bay and watched the wind progressively strengthen. It was not

encugh to prevent the next race, however, and, whilst manoeuvring for the start, Javelin grounded on a lee shore a mere 25 yards from the very much larger committee boat, Kranich. Kranich's skipper looked worried.

The incident no doubt stood Major Fuller in good stead later, for at a tense moment during the race, when the Life Guards team engaged in duelling for first place, a brave but foolhardy subaltern who captained the Royal Tank Regiment 'B' team raised the white flag of protest against Major Fuller's tactics. Ignoring this futile gesture, the Life Guards sailed on and finished third, ahead of the RTR 'B' team leaving the lalter only more determined to go ahead with his protest. Alas, he had underestimated his opposition. What took place at the resulting inquiry can only be imagined, for it was witnessed only by the protest committee; nevertheless it is clear that Major Fuller soared to the height of his oratorial powers. With biting eloquence he made clear to the offending subaltern that no officer, least of all one so junior, had any right to protest against any officer, particularly a major in The Life Guards; in short, that he didn't even begin l Brigadier Sir Frederick Coates, the Commodore, agreed with Major Fuller. The protest was dismissed as frivilous, thus costing the RTR team their 10 OM deposit, for wasting the committees time.

On the morning of the next and final day, the wind was too strong for any useful racing, and the crews directed themselves to a tour of the charming small town of Aeroskobing. There they found a localshipyard building a fishing boat; exclusively by hand out of massive oak planks which were pressed into shape by a very aged steam oven, and put in place using no other measurements, as far as could be seen, than those of the experienced workers. It was obvious that this was a business whose secrets were passed down from father to son.

The Stables

The stables troop still maintain their position as the Regimental Show Piece, all visitors are brought and enjoy their visit to stable and kennels. But the stables are not only a show piece, they maintain the Regiments name at all horse shows and weekly, during the hunting season, turn out between six and twelve horses. We have said farewell to a few old horses and welcomed four excellent remounts from Knightsbridge inMay; these are all showingpromise and should become good novice horses next year.

In the afternoon the wind dropped and the fleet raced to the port of Joby on the same island. The Life Guards spent an interesting few minutes as Javelin (8 tons) coming in, met the local ferry (5000 tons) coming out I Both skippers were obviously strong men, as neither would give way. Fortunately all ended happily, and the crew tied up briefly before setting off on a night race, in nearly flat calm, back to Kiel. This last race developed into a drifting match for the last hour between Major Fuller and SOMS Harrison of the ODG, an excellent

sailor, who spent several happy evenings on Javelin and whose capacity for whiskey resembles more that of an SOMC in The Life Guards. Finally, in a thrilling finish, he drifted across the line some fifteen yards and two minutes ahead of Javelin, bringing the 1973 RAC Regatta to a close.

lt had proved a very successful weekthe drink lasted throughout, the wind was mostly plentiful, and the Regiment finished in 6th place overall. Ireland permitting, the RAG Regatta must retain its place in the Regiment's sporting diary.

The Rosette board in the stables is practically full, with more red shOWing than blue or yellow. The highlights have been the Prix Caprilli at the Rhine army where we were 1, 2 and 3 in the novice and 1st in the advanced, our teams were 1st and 2nd. The riders being LCoH Ruane, Tpr Costain, Tpr McGlade and CoH Sherwin. At the 15/19th Hussars Show SOMC Batey came 1st and 3rd in the Open show jumping and 3rd in the Novice, this was a really good day for il:m. stables officer Major Hickman

sustained a fall early in the day and spent the next 48 hours recuperating in BMH Hannover. At the WVH hunter trials the stables swept the board bringing home some 7 rosettes. The Rhine Army One Day Event produced a fourth for Tpr Desmond and a fifth for Major Hickman. Our blacks, although performing well knocked up a number of penalties for time, due to lack of breeding. The pairs championship was again won by the Regiment, the prize being collected this year by SOMe Batey and LCcH Ruane.

LCoH Siddle at the forge

FroID our Brunei Correspondent

-a personal eye view of life with the Royal Brunei Malay Regiment by Captain H. L. Schotter

Editor's Note: Captain Schotter has been on detachment to the Royal Brunei Malay Regiment since the beginning of 1972, and the following article is an extract from a letter written by Captain Schotter to the Commanding Officer.

Looking back on the last fourteen months it hardly seems possible that I have managed to cram so much into such a short time. Brunei, being mid-way between so many places of interest, is the perfect jumping off place and I have managed to travel all over South East Asia. We are additionally lucky as the Sultan has a private forty seater aircraft, crewed by pilots from the Royal Air Force. Once a week it goes to Singapore, and there are the occasional "training" flights to Hong Kong, Manila, Bangkok, etc of course there is no charge for travelling in this aircraft, which saves one £50 on each trip to Singapore and makes it possible to spend a week-end there.

Brunei itself is a pleasant place. I was suprised when I arrived in that it was farfrom being the tropical paradise that I had expected. In fact it is really rather drab along the coast and you have to go quite a bit inland to find the lush vegetation of the picture postcards. There are no palm trees swaying in the breeze and one rarely sees the brilliantly coloured flowering bushes and trees that are so common in Malaya and Java. The reason for this is the sandy soil of the coastal strip.

The Royal Brunei Malay Regiment Camp is situated on the coast in an area which rises steeply from the beach. It is rather like an amphitheatre looking out to sea. The Mess is on a bluff set back about two hundred yards from the sea and about one hundred feet above the beach. The view over the very pampered garden is all one could wish for. We live in a climate of perpetual summer. It is very hot and the drought we have had for the last ten months does not help. Vast areas of jungle have been burnt out and

in Brunei Town there is water rationing of one hour of water every three days! During the last week we have had some quite heavy rainfall, but the situation is still very serious. The temperature during the day is always in the nineties and at night in the high eighties. The humidity is always very high.

One of the unique things about Brunei is the social life. People are thrown entirely on their own devices here and therefore have to create their own entertainment. Unlike Western Europe where one can go to the local night club or theatre, here there is only that entertainment which we make for ourselves. As a result we tend rather to overdo it. This week, for instance, Friday is the only day that I am not going to a party. One becomes completely exhausted, but as the place is so small one cannot opt out by saying that one is otherwise engaged-because everyone knows what everyone else is doing. All this, however, goesto make the time pass very quickly.

As far as soldiering is concerned my job is fun and far from taxing. I have under my direct command:

4 Ferret Armoured Cars

4 Saracen Armoured Personnel Carriers

1 Shortland Armoured Car

5 Airportable Land Rovers

28 Men

5 Horses

5 Grooms

A Captain is really wasted in this job, but I don't object to all the spare time I get as it allows me to pursue my own interests, which at present involves learning Russian. The Regiment flexes its muscles once a year in a ten day exercise -the two that I have done so far have been identical, although they did change

the name! This exercise is becoming a Regimental tradition There are only five roads in Brunei, and therefore no matter how hard I try I have not managed to get lost yet.

No one has satisfactorily worked out what we are training for or what the threat will be, but the exercise is obviously aimed at resisting an invasion by Malasia. The one point on which most people agree is that this is the least likely threat, and that if Malasia did attack we would be wasting our time trying to resist. However, until someone writes a new exercise that is how we will continue to train.

It is my own opinion that whatever happens in North Borneo and Sarawak will happen in Brunei. Thus eventually the Communist Terrorists, who are operating in the third division of Sarawak at the moment will, in a few years, be in the fourth division and then the fifth. Brunei is surrounded on three sides by the fjfth division and the Communist Terrorists are no respecters of ill-defined frontiers. So they will spill over into Brunei and we will have to operate deep in the jungle, as we did during the Confrontation, to stop them from gelling in and root out the ones who slip through. The other threat is a Palace coup; Brunei is still in a State of Emergency and has been since the unsuccessful rebellion in 1962. This is probably a more realistic problem, although for the time being the Emergency is more of a political convenience than a reality.

In all, soldiering in Brunei is no more realistic than soldiering at Knightsbridge -although Knightsbridge is considerably more dangerous as one has to contend with the London traffic.

The Presentation of Standards

On 30th May, Her Majesty The Queen presented new Standards to the Household Cavalry on Horse Guards Parade. It was a beautiful day, with the sun shining, and the stands filled to capacity. These stands were instrumental in the choice of date, since they had been erected for The Queen's Birthday Parade, and this year had more than justified their cost by being used by those watching the Presentation of Standards. The Parade itself was made up of two Mounted squadrons and two Armoured car squadrons, and the form of the parade was entirely new, and as a result had many wise old men ot Knightsbridge scratching their heads and muttering "but it was never done like this". However, we were soon to find that it "was going to be done like this", and we were also to find the new torm of parade tully justitied the hours ot rehearsals and research that went into it.

At this stage, it is probably worth mentioning a few of the problems that upset the peace and quiet of Hyde Park in the month of May. Having decided on the form of parade, it was then necessary to find the requisite numbers of horses, and this had Squadron Corporals Major jotting endless rows of figures on their millboards and wondering if they would get away with bringing back a coach horse from Windsor and dyeing it black. Fortunately such drastic measures were never taken.

Once numbers had been decided upon, it was necessary to match the Standard horses, the Coverer's horses, the Advance points and Rear Points, and it soon became apparent that anyone who thought that every black looked alike was proved wrong. Eventually all these parties were matched, and even the tops ot the Standard Poles were level on the

day. What is more, this result had been achieved without major surgery to either horses or riders. The memories of the Corporals Major of riding around the Riding School raising and lowering ·the Standards are no doubt unpleasant and best forgotten until it all happens again in 1983.

A major obstacle in the way ot the smooth lead up to the Parade was the that The Queen's Birthday Parade was to take place within a week ot the Standards Parade. As a result the Regiment tound itself confused by briefings, recces, rehearsals and debriefings on the two parades, which somehow always seemed to come out in the wrong order-a briefing for The Queen's Birthday Parade followed by a rehearsal tor The Standards Parade and so on. Even the long suffering blacks were confused and horritied to find their riders refusing to let them form

The Mounted Squadron move off past C. Squadron
The Trot Past

up in their positions for the Birthday Parade, when they were supposed. to be rehearsing the Standard Parade. But the confusion felt by the mounted element could hardly be matched by that of the Colonel of The Blues and Royals, who after lunch one day took a stroll down to the square of Hyde Park Barracks where he was amazed to see soldiers with sheets over them rehearsing the actual presentation ceremony with RCM Lane bellowing encouragement with "Step Forward the Clergy-sharper. yet!" or similar words.

After what seemed an age, the day of the Parade finally dawned clear and fine and everything went like clockwork for the Mounted Regiment.

Once in position, the old Standards were received on parade. At three o'clock, Her Majesty The Queen accompanied' by H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh arrived by carriage with a Travelling Escort commanded by Capt R. N. O. Couper, The Blues and Royals, the Captain of The Queen's Life Guard. Upon arrival, The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh were welcomed by the two Colonels, who then invited them to inspect the parade from their carriage.

Following the inspection, the old Standards were troopedthrough the ranks before disappearing off parade for the last time to the tune of 'Auld Lang Syne'.

A marching party Household Cavalry under command of on the Silver Kettle Standards.

provided by the Training Squadron RCM Lane, brought Drums and the New

There followed a short service of consecration by the Chaplain General, assisted by the Rev F. H. W. White, Chaplain to the Household Division. After this, the Quartermasters from all three Regiments took forward each Standard one by one to H.M. The Queen who gave it to one of the Commanding Officers. The Standard was then handed over to one of the Mounted Warrant Officers. The Queen graciously addressed the parade and the Silver Stick-in-Waiting then replied on behalf of the Household Cavalry.

The Household Cavalry then rode and drove past the Colonel-in-Chief behind their New Standards.

The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh then left the parade by carriage, after which the Mounted Regiment, followed by the armoured cars, rode back to barracks past Buckingham Palace.

Surgeon Major



-compiled by the Editor wjth information provided by Mr. W. K. Parke and the Dictionary of National Biographies.

1 ne Article on Francis Buckland in Volume IV of the Acorn prompted a letter to the Editor from Mr. William Parke of Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, whose son has just joined the Regiment from Bovington. Mr. Parke is a great nephew of Surgeon Major T. H. Parke who, for a time, was surgeon to The Life Guards. Surgeon Major Parke would seem to have had an interesting and varied career.

Born in Carrick-on-Shannon, Co Leitrim, he was privately educated in Dublin and qualified as a surgeon at the City of Dublin Hospital. In February 1881 he was gazetted as a surgeon in the Army Medical Department. He saw service in the Tel-elKebir campaign of 1882 (a campaign in which the Regiment also saw action and gained a battle honour) for which he received the medal and Khedive's star. During the cholera epidemic in Egpyt in 1883, when two-fifths of the English soldiers were prostrated by the disease, he acted as senior medical officer at the Helouan cholera camp near Cairo. He served in the Nile expedition in 1884-5, and accompanied the desert column sent to rescue Gordon, marching with the convoy from Gadkul and taking part in all the engagements which occured in crossing the Bayuda Desert. He was present at Abu Klea on 17th January, in charge of the naval brigade under Lord Charles Beresford, when, out of five officers, two were killed and two wounded, he alone being unhurt. He was at the action of Gubat on 19th January and at the reconnaissance at Metammeh on 21 st January, but he did not .fjccompany the steamers to Khartoum. For, these services he received two clasps.

Towards the end of January 1887, when stationed at Alexandria, he offered to accompany, as an unpaid volunteer, the African expedition formed under the leadership of Henry Morton (later Sir Henry Morton) Stanley for the relief of Emin Pasha. In February he was selected by Stanleyto accompany the expedition, obtained the necessary leave, and was duly commissioned by the Khedive. On 4th February he set sail with his new

commander for Zanzibar, where the main body of the expedition force was collected. They went from Zanzibar by sea round the Cape of Good Hope, and thence to the mouth of the Congo. They ascended the lower river to the head of its navigation in steamers, and thence marched overland for two hundred miles toStanley Pool. From that place there was a long river voyage up the Congonearly a thousand miles in all-to the point selected by Stanley as his base. Here an entrenched camp was formed, and the famous march into the Congo forest was commenced.

Throughout the expedition, in addition to all his medical and sanitary responsibilities, Parke commanded his own company, and proved himself as effecient as any in the management of men. Mr. Stanley asserted that without Parke the expedition would have been a failure. He ministered to the wants of the natives who accompanied the expedition with all the tenderness, patience and skill possible. sucked the poi:;oned wound received by Lieutenant William Grant Stairs, attended Stanley in his severe illness, and was devoted to his chief through all perils of the Dark Continent.

On his return from the expedition he went first to Cairo, where he spent time recovering from a fever and from there to England at the beginning of May. He was very well received. The University of Durham conferred on him the honorary

degree of D.C.L., ane he was presentee at Birmingham with the gold medal of the British Medical Association 'for distinguished merit'. In addition to many other acts of recognition by medical and scientific bodies he was made an honorary associate of the order of St. John of Jerusalem, and was the recipient of the orders of Medjidie and the Brilliant Star of Zanzibar. The only consideration he received from the government was permission to count his time in Africa as full-pay service and an attachment to the 2nd Life Guards in London. He was promoted surgeon major on 5th February, 1893.

His health had been ruined in Africa and on 10th September, 1893, whilst on a visit to the Duke and Duchess of SI. Albans, to whose daughter he was engaged, he died. His remains were sent to Dublin and were received with a military escort.

A fund was opened to erect a statue of Parke in Dublin and in the garrison church at Netley his brother officers erected a memorial brass. Stanley, in a tribute, spoke of him as one 'true to the core, a very honest and punctiliously honourable gentleman; one made up of sweet simplicity, tenderness and loving affection.'

(Editor: Regimental Medical Officer please note).


Captain W. E. D. ALLEN, O.B.E.

Served 25th August, 1939, to 1942.

Died 18th September, 1973. Aged 72.

Captain W. G. CLARKE

Served 15th April, 1914, to 1919, in 2 LG.

Date of death not notified.


Served 7th February, 1912, to 7th April, 1919, in 1 LG.

Died January, 1972.

3627 Captain W. E. PEATE

Date of death not notified.

2724 T. H. ASHBY

Died 25th June, 1972.

296355 Tpr R. BERKLEY

Served 25th May, 1944, to 3rd February, 1948.

Date of death not notified.

2412 Tpr W. J. BINT

Served 26th February, 1902, to 4th May, 1920.

Died July, 1972.

294695 Tpr A. J. BUCKWELL

Served 27th February, 1928, to 26th February, 1936.

Date of death not notified.

295873 Tpr T. J. CARROLL

Served March, 1942, to August, 1946.

Died 28th January, 1972.

3652 A. J. CHINN

Served with 2 LG.

Died June, 1973. Aged 77.

14266254 W. H. CAUDLE

Died 12th March, 1972.

3596 W. J. EDWARDS

Date of death not notified.

22350204 Tpr H. J. GRAINGER

Served 31 st March, 1950, to 30th March, 1952.

Died 28th July, 1973.

299032 CoH (Trumpet Major) H. HARMAN

Served 1st November, 1897, to 30th November, 1930.

Died 13th November, 1973. Aged 90.

2254 W02 H. GRAINGER

Served April, 1900, to September, 1914 on being discharged to a commission. Died April, 1972.


Served 1919.

Died 6th Tpr W. G. JAMES February, 1911, to August, 1972. August,

23679137 Tpr P. B. KIRBY

Served 22nd June, 1960, to 21st June, 1970.

Date of death not notified.

299430 Cpl W. J. R. MARTIN

Served 9th JUly, 1919, to 8th July, 1931.

Died 12th October, 1972.

299130 G. H. MARTIN

Transferred to Royal Engineers 19th March, 1930.

Died 1st May, 1972.

405897 Tpr W. L. MORRIS

Served 7th April, 1932, to 6th April, 1938.

Date of death not notified.


Served August, 1914, to January, 1919.

Died 31 st October, 1973. Aged 90.

299153 SQMC L. REED

Served 12th February, 1912, to 11th February, 1932.

Died 9th September, 1973. Aged 81.

299289 Tpr A. C. SEARS

Served 17th November, 1914, to 6th June, 1922.

Died 15th May, 1972.

294876 Tpr C. S. STEVENS

Served 17th January, 1931 to 6th August, 1938.

Date of death not notified.

6352689 H. TAYLOR

Died 23rd June, 1973.

295080 Cpl F. W. UPTON

Served 10th September, 1935 to 31 st January, 1946.

Died 3rd September, 1972.

497823 Tpr S. VALENTINE

Served 26th April, 1937, to 16th May, 1946.

Date of death not notified.

294251 Saddler Cpl G. E. WARREN

Served 5th November, 1914, to 5th May, 1935.

Date of death not notified.

Non Serving Members of the Association

Non Serving Officers

Abergavenney, Lieut Colonel, The Marquess aI, O.B.E. Allen, Lieut, D. M. R. C. Armes, Captain P. A. H. Ashley-Cooper, Major, The Han. A. J. H. P. M. Assheton, Lleut, The Han. N. Astor 01 Hever, Captain, Lord Astor, Major; lhe Han. J. J., M.B.E. Astor, Lieut, The Han. J. J. Athorpe, 2nd Lieut, J. C. Atkinson, 2nd Lieut, R. F. J. Bailey, Lieut, J. C. R. Baillie, Coronel, I. B. Baillie, Major, The Han. P.C. Baillie, Lieut, R. S. G. Balding, 2nd Lieut, G. B. Bartlett, Major D. Bates, Major" (OM) W. R. Beauchamp,Lleut, Sir Brograve Bart Beaumont, Captain, The Han. E. N. C. Beck, 2nd Lieut C. Beck, 2nd Lleut E. P. Bentley, Captain R. D. C. Bickmore, 2nd L1eut P. C. Boldero, Captain E. D. Barwick, Lieut, The Han. R. S. Brocklehurst, Lieut Colonel, Sir Philip Bart Brooke, Lieut Lord Bruce-Lockhart, Lieut L. Bullock, L1eut E. A. W. Bulow, Surgeon Lleut Colonel G. H. Burkitt, L1eut M. T. C. Butler, 2nd Lleut J. G. Cambridge, Major, The Marquess oJ, G.C.V.O. Cape, Major D. Chiesman, Major A. N. K. Clark, Lieut A. G. Clayton, 2nd L1eut C. S. Coats, Colonel B. M. B., O.B.E., T.D., D.L. Cochrane Dyet, Vet Lieut Colonel I. G. C. Coles, Lieut G. R. P. Colthurst, 2nd Lieut G. S. O. Cookson, Lieut Colonel J. C. B., 0.5.0. Cooper, Lieut J. R. H. Corrie, Lieut J. B. Creswell, Captain J. N. Crollon, Captain Sir Malby Croslleld, Major R. J. G. Cuddigan, L1eut M. W. CurtiS-Bennett, 2nd Lieut D. D. H. H. Dalzell, Vet L eut Colonel J. L. Davies, Lieut R.P. M. Dawson-Walker, Rev E. P. Dean, Lieut A. F. S. Dent, Captain J. A. Dlacre De Llancourt, Major K. W. Dipple, Lieut, I. A. K. Dalbey, Captain R. H. G. Domvile, Captain D. B. H. Dormer, Captain The Lord Drummond, Major P. H. Dunn, 2nd L1eut W. H. Elborne, Lleut R. E. M. Ellerington, 2nd Lieut D. A. R. Emmet, Major J. A. G. Fane, Colonel J. P., M.C. Fellowes, 2nd Lieut N. 1>. J. Ferguson, Major R. •. Foster, Colonel N. P. Franklin, Major M. Fuller, L1eut A. G. F. Fuller, Ma/or. Sir Gerard Bart Fuller, Ma or J. W. F. Gaselee, Lieut N. A. D. C. Geard, L1eut D. A. A. Gemmell, L1eut J. R. Gill, Captain' J. C. Gerrard-Leigh, Colonel W. H., M.V.O. Gooch, Colonel S.r Robert Bart, K.C.V.O., 0.5.0., D.L J.P. Gooch, Captain R. J. S. Gooch, Major T. R. 5., M.B.E. Gordon-Dean, Lieut D. G. J. Goulder, L1eut P. R. Graham, Major General Sir Miles, K.B.E., C.B., M.C. Grandy, 2nd L1eut W. Greenaway, Lleut J. M. B. Gunn, Lleut P. M. Hallord, L1eut M. J. Hall. MaJor R. W., M.V.O. Henbury, Captain T. F. J., M.C. Herding 01 Petherton, Field Marshal, The Lord, G.C.B., C.B.E 0.5.0 .• M.C. Hardwicke, Major, The Earl 01 Hardy, L1eut Colonel, Sir Rupert Bart Harland. Lieut R. M. B. Harris, L1eut .Ii. L. K. Head, Brigadier. lhe Rt. Han. Viscount, P.C., K.C.M.G., C.B.E., M.C. Head, Captain, The Han. R. A. Heald, 2nd L1eut, M. W. B. Hearson, Major N. E. Henderson, 2nd Lleut, W. S. Henley, Captain, The Lord Hillingdon, Captein, The Lord Hills, Lieut Colonel (OM) R. J. T. Hoare, L1eut H. R. Hoare, Captain V. C. S. Hobhouse, Lleut P. R. Holliday, Captain G. V.

Ingham-Clark, Captain R. A. Jackson, Major (DaM) W., M.B.E., A.R.C.M., psm Jones, Captain A. E. R. Kelly, Lieut L. C. Laughton-Scott, Lieut E. H., O.C. Leigh-Pemberton, Lieut N. Lewis, Lieut H. K. Lister, Captain G. Lithiby, Lieut J. C. Livingstone, Lieut J. W. Lowther, Captain G. H. Loyd, Major R. L., O.B.E., M.C. Loyd, Major W. T. V. Machin, captain J. Marlborough, Captain, The Duke 01 Manners,Captain, lhe Lord McAlpine, Lleut W. Meredith-Hardy, Lieut Colonel A., M.V.O. Middleton, Lieut D. Montgomerie-Charrington, Major H. E. Morgan-Jones, Captain D. G. Morley, Captain A. Morrison, Lieut The Han. C. A., M.P. Nevill, Captain, 1 he Lord Nicholls, Lieut Colonel (OM) E. 5., M.B.E.

Orde, Major R. P. G.

Palmer, Captain D. V.

Palmer, Captain K. R. Paravicini,Major N. V. S. Peach, Capta,n (OM) F. peake, Major P. L. Pearson, Lieut A. R. Pennington Ramsden, MeJor Sir William, Bart I'ercy-uavis Lleut N. Petherick, Captain G. R. Petherick, Captain C. Philipson, Major C. R. Pilkington, Lieut S. M. Poole, Colonel, The Lord, C.B.E., T.D. Portsmouth, Lieut, The Earl 01 Powle, Lleut Colonel, D. B., M.C. Pownall, Lieut Colonel G. H. Pratt, Major, The Lord Roderick Prebble, Lieut K. F. Prolumo, Msjor P. Reison, Lieut P. N. Raynslord, L1eut R. L. Reid, Lieut D. A. Riddell, 2nd Lieut J. P. S. ROberts, Major D. G. Rous, Major, The Han. G. N. Royle, Lieut A. H. F., M.P. Ruthven, Lieut S. Sainsbury, Lieut, The Han. J. D. Sainsbury, Lieut, The Han. S. D.D. Sainsbury, Lleut, lhe Han. T. A. D. Schroder, Lieut B. L.

Scott, Lieut Colonel, Sir James Bart Seel, Lieut C. A.

Seely, 2nd Lleut C. W.

Seilern-Aspang, Lieut P. A.

Sheffield, Captain R. G. Spencer, Catain, The Earl Stapleton-Cotton, Lieut, The Han. D. P. D. Stephen, 2nd Lleut B. M. L. Stevens, Lieut P. H. R. Sturge, Lieut A. C. L. Summers, Major J. D. Tate, Lieut H. S. Thacker, Lieut D. A. Thompson, Major (RM) W. L., M.B.E., D.C.M. Thompson, Captain N. L. Thompson, Lieut R. S. Thynne, Lieut, The Lord Thynne, 2nd Lieut, lhe Lord Tree, Lieut A. J. Tree, Captain M. L. TurnbUll, Brigadier, E. M., O.B.E. Tyrell, 2nd Lieut T. K. H. Vincent, 2nd L1eut P. M. Vivian, Captain R. C. G. Ward, Colonel E. J. 5., M.V.O., M.C. Waterhouse, Captain A. G. Waterhouse, Captain, The Han. C., M.C. Waterhouse, Major C. H. Watson, 2nd Lieut, Sir J. A. Bart

Watson, Captain O. M. Wettern, 2nd Lleut C. M. Willder, 2nd Lieut R. J. Williams, L1eut Colonel B. R. Wills, Lieut A.A. L. Wills, Major J. L. Wilson, Lieut E. R. P. Wilson-Fox, Lieut G. H. Woo lie am be, Lieut J. H. G. Wardsworth, Major C. W. Wordsworth, Major F. R. B. Wrighl, 2nd Lieut M. J. Wyndham, Caplain M. P. Young, Malar J. D. Young, Major M. A. L.

Officers Commissioned in other Units

Baker, Lieut Colonel H., O.B.E.

Brown, L1eut F. Clark, L1eut Colonel A. R., M.C. Curnlck, Major R. J., M.B.E. Devlin, Major H. J. Dudley, Lieut J.

Durbin, Captain B. C., M.C. Duke, Major H. T. Ealon-Hall, Major J. H. Eckel, Lleut A. G. Holmes, Major D. R. Jackson, Major G. M. Jordan, Major J., M.B.E., M.C. Mackinlay, L1eut P. R. D. Mahon. Lieul S. C. F. McGurgan, Major J. J. McCarron, Major W. Mitchell, Captain J. B. Pickworth, Major E. E. Roberts, Major H. W. S. Shortland, Lleut K. A. Sisterton, Lleut R. S. Smith, Major E. Wheeler, Captain A. E. Woods, Lieul P. R.

Non Serving Warrant Officers N.C.O.'s and Troops

23929065 Abbott, T. 24076505 Aberley, J. A. 22205102 Adams, N. D. 3679 Almsworth, R. E. 22143111 Allanson, W. 23215688 Allen, A. R. 21032448 Allen, J. L. 24096633 Allen, P. 22112098 Alvis, F. H. 294484 Anderson, D. J. 294606 Anderson, P. F. 294286 Angus, G. J. 22556032 Archer, T. W. 22556820 Argent, B. G. 23929081 Ashton. K. P. 21046678 Ashwell, R. W. 294576 Askew, E. G. 23865733 Aspinal:, D. 295354 Aspinall, J. H. 23716671 Atkinson, J. W. J. 296067 Aubrey, G. J. 23215758 Austin, M. J. 21060246 Austin, R. 2246 Avery, W. H. 3706 Back, C. A. 22556352 Bailey, A. F. 23015086 Bailey, I. G. 23244563 Baker, A. C. 296731 Baker, F. 14253799 Baker, G. A. 3125 Baker, L. A. 295512 Baker, L. J. 294260 Ball, J. 23772004 Ball, R. 19188626 Baine, A. J. D. 24021515 Bamlorth, C. 295181 Barker, E. 22556949 Barker, J. N. 24021555 Barker, S. 6085562 Barker, W. 299068 Barlow, E. H. 2927 Barlow, G. F. 299049 Barnes, W. C. 21000085 Barnfield, D. 24125857 Barr, D. H. 23969368 Barraclough, K. 23969287 Barrass, J. N. 294657 Barratt, G. H., M.B.E. 24076599 Barrett, R. J. 22763009 Barron, J. 294786 Barttett, G. 23865822 Bates, A. W. 2702809 Baughan, H. A. 299358 Baxter, S. F. 23215308 Beal, M. 294410 Beal, W. E. 296523 Beales, A. W. 24096686 Beard, D. 6012541 Bealwell, E. 3660 Beck, C. R. 295016 Beck, T. A. 3085 Beckham, W. H. 295320 Bedson, C. W. 296420 Beint, L. G. W. 5883849 Bell, E. W. 4270073 Bending, J. R. 22556862 Bennett, A. 296796 Bennett, G. K. 22042772 Benson, C. G. 295454 Benstead, R. W. 296216 Best, R. 294817 Beswick, R. J. 24125944 Bethell, W. E. 296283 Biggerstaff, A. C. F. 22044191 Biggs, P. J. 295543 Billiell, F. G. 22205929 Billinghurst, A. C. 24021522 Birch, P. A. 3292 Birtwhlstle, P. 295249 Bishop, V. T. H. 2105 Blackmore, S. 19141115 Blagrove, G. A. 2028660 Blake, C. B. 22205210 Blake, P. 23215020 Blomley, A. S. 10257 Blow, E. 296368 Bobbin, N. E.

296196 Bone, M. A. 24076449 Borrett, A. B. 22364280 Boswell, D. W. 23708765 Bottomley, A. P. 23215914 Boult, L. W. 23687537 Bourne, B. W. 23135493 Bowler, C. L. 24021474 Bradbury, S. M. 295408 Bradbury, W. 299454 Bradford, E. J. 23870848 Bradford, T. R. 22205686 Brady, K. 23604244 Bragger, K. B. E. 295798 Brain, P. 296554 Brammer, W. E. 299452 Branch, W. H. 299185 Brewer, P. F. 23969326 Bridger, J. E. 296405 Briggs, J. 329665 Briscoe, C. A. 23215020 Bromley, A. S. 295499 Brook, J. B., M 296107 Brookman, D. 23929181 Brooks, B. R. 23969252 Brooks, J. B. P. 21001383 Brooks, R. T. 22763734 Broomfleld, J. 294541 Brown, F. 299035 Brown, H. L. 296653 Brown, L. E. 296814 Brown, J. B. 295036 Brown, L. H. J. 294916 Brown, T. 294421 Brown, W. C. 294920 Bruce, H. A. E. 294001 Bryant, C. A. 23328898 Buchanan, J. W. R. 6734012 Buck, J. W. 4369 Buckles, F. 23215537 Buckley, C. B. 294979 Bullock, V. J. 4372 Bunyan, S. J. 295529 Burkhlll, T. A. 296224 Burman, E. 23772318 Burnand, K. R. 23879595 Burnard, F. W. 22205033 Burrows, L. W. 24021512 Burrows, N. 24048251 Burslll, E. N. 24076515 Bush, H. W. 24220372 Butter, A. C. 24076440 Butler, B. W. 4010 Butler, S. E. 21000017 Butterfield, J. E. 329255 Butterworth, L. 22047706 Byron, S. L. U. 24076576 Camerson-Wilson, W. A. 24076541 Camp, G. H. 22205478 Campbell, M. W. St. A. 24076491 Carruthers, T. F. D. Carter, E. 14098921 Carter, R. J. 295981 Casson, W. B. 440 Cavendish, A. 295486 Cawte, L. 295234 Cawthorne, J. 23969364 Chadburn, J. 295576 Chadwick, L. R. 295517 ChadWick, W. A. J. 24021569 Chaplin, T. C. 24048285 Chapman, A.A. 295019 Chapman, A. J. 764124 Chapman, C. L. 296664 Chappell, H. 22329097 Charles, J. G. 24076423 Charlwood, A. 295209 Charnley, E. 22073685 Charter, R. A. 320973 Chessman, W. H. 4975728 Childs, B. 3819 Chipp, A. 24020333 Christensen, J. P. 296409 Clark, H. 24076587 Clark, L. M. 23725467 Clark, T. J. 299526 Clarke, A. J. 296761 Clarke, A. R. 23879617 Clarke, D. W. 22086808 Clarke, R. J. 294568 Clarke, R. W. 24048263 Clowrey, C. F. 299567 Cluney, L. B. 295360 Coates, J. 23679031 Cobb, R. J. 294701 Cockburn, R. 22468852 Cockett, D. H. 23879502 Cole, T. 23880033 Coles, P. R. 299527 Collingham, W. 23679068 Collins, M. L. 19089240 Conder, S. W. 22143063 Connelly, B. J. 328638 Connor, A. A. 2941 Conroy, T. 295639 Conway, J. W. 295537 Cook, A. 296806 Cook, H. A. J. 4040 Cook, M. 4285 Cook, W. E. 21056675 Cook, W.W. 295483 Cooke, D. F. 294897 Cookson, J. H. 4981158 Cooper, B. 295538 Cooper, D. E. 295324 Cooper, J. 295832 Copeland, D. F.

23215465 Corbett, G. L. 24048238 Corbett, J. J. P. 23160894 Corden, A. J. 22556635 Corner, B. 24021592 Cosgrove, J. 295101 Cotting1on, A. H. 3527 Coulson, C. 22914250 Court, N. W. 24021565 Cowell, C. F. 24021486 Cox, G. T. 295341 Cragg, R. W. 295268 Craven, C. 22205717 Crawford, A. T. 23679003 Creech, R. 24076561 Creighton, P. 24048244 Crellin, D. G. 23679051 Crews, C. S. 296263 Crichton, S. J. 24076443 Critchley, J. N. 23679032 Crocker, D. 24076482 Crombie, S. H. 24076409 Crosby, S. M. 407936 Cross, W. J. 22125200 Crowther, W. H. 23865727 Crowther, R. I. 299538 Croxon, R. E. 23870878 Culley, R. J. E. 24096680 Cummings, J. 299367 Cunnell, J. 294777 Curtis, R. J. 24021413 Cusick, P. A. 14404539 Cust, J. 5833483 Cust, S. R. 24096742 Cutmore, S. 2975 Dabson, W. J., M.B.E. 23875078 Daly, A. 24076567 Daniels, B. 24021472 Daniels, C. M. 24012701 Darby, K. M. 299532 Davies, T. F. 23675175 Davis, B. 23386516 Davis, B. 295544 Davis, J. G. 24215204 Davison, D. T. 295646 Day, W. L. 24048214 Dearden, B. 2918 Dearing, W. S. 14087491 Debenham, J. A. 295292 Deering, P. F. 295912 Denny, J. L. B. 24096640 Dernie, S. J. 24048339 Deste, M. R. 23929118 Dibden, A. 23215162 Digby, D. A. 24164645 Dillon, N. R. 295009 Dive, A. T. 24096635 Dobson, J. W. 22476512 Dodd, M. W. 296008 Dodson, D. S. 24048257 Doehren, D. 21067567 Donnelly, D. P. 23929073 Doodney, G. V. 294218 Dorrian, W. C. 23865820 Dougall, P. 3446850 Dowd, R. E. 296732 Downs, L. 23969293 Doyle, M. 22770402 Dunn, J. 295941 Dunsmore, H. B. 296535 Durrant, F. 2241 Durrant, W. 22400104 Durston, J. D. 24021425 Dutton, N. J. 295767 Dyer, F. W. 23865849 Eade, N. P. 24259623 Eagle, R. 296789 Earl, N. 299158 Eason, A. W., M.B.E. 23215608 East, M. B. 294112 Easton, G. M. 294635 Eaton, W. 299248 Eden, G. 23837845 Edgar, J. 22841337 Edwards, D. A. 2494 Edwards, F. 294281 Eldridge, J. D. 24048300 E lIord, C. R. 21000125 Eling, R. T. 24021408 Ellis, R. E. 328768 Elmore, P. R. 22205384 Embley, L. 23215420 Errington, W. G. 22149941 Everton, B. 24164612 Evetts, R. D. A. 23679062 Fenna, B. 22866804 Fennlngs, R. G. 19123994 Few, D. R. 23215363 Fewlngs, R. K. 22205481 Field, W. B. 22556592 Finch, D. V. 23878179 Finch, J. A. 294562 Finch, T. C. 24086018 Fincken, G. H. 23215582 Fisher, A. P. 23969292 Fisher, J. C. 22556012 Fisher, P. A. 299555 Flemming, L. 22881998 Fletcher, J. B. 296337 Fletcher, K. H. 24076551 Flinton, M.M. 22371535 Ford, L. 22205382 Forsy1h, D. 23879651 Foster, A. J. 22205198 Foster, R. 23989388 Fowles, L. H. 24098741 Fox, A. J.

22556181 Fox, F. 295206 Francis, H.H. 23969329 Franklin, I. G. 22556626 Franklin, T. S. 23215027 Freer, T. J. 23347740 Friend, E. 22556024 Froud, F. 23286387 Frost, R. B. 294939 Gable, R. 23701511 Gadd, I. D. 23969306 Gajdus, B. 23865806 Gale, R. 5332704 Garbutt, R. L. B. 23222662 Galloway, E. G. 2'1000159 Gardner, T. R. 329681 Gardner, E. J. 4259 Garner, A. R. 4041 Garrett, G. H. 4109 Garrett, H. A. 22556926 Gascoyne, G. R. 24021498 Gaskell, J. S. 2648 Gates, F. C. 296370 Gates, R. L. 23879616 Gallatly, W. N. 296341 Gibbs, G. O. 295161 Gibbons, R. 23865831 Giles, F. H. 3229 Gillespie, A. A. W. 296718 Gilliland, J. B. 295662 Godley, M. T. 4389 Godwin, G. E. 294507 Golden, J. 23679064 Goldsmith, B. C. A. 296792 Gooch, D. A. 294441 Goodell, H. 2515 Goodall, W. A. 3785 Goodmen, S. 299544 Goody, F. G., M.B.E. 22371538 Gordon, F. 23489569 Gower, R. J. 23879606 Graham, I. C. 299429 Grey, F. G. 294958 Green, A. 294279 Green, A. L. 295315 Green, J. R. 23929114 Green, L. 329167 Green, S. A. 22205528 Greeninll, G. K. 2907 Gregory, B. 296701 Gregory, C. F. 24021439 Grey, H. W. 22205697 Griffin, H. W. 24096800 Grim n, I. 3825 Griffiths, F. G. 295140 Grimsley, H. F. 21033979 Groom, J. 296173 Groves, C. 294755 Gummer, S. W. 3188266 Gunn, I. D. 24096614 Gutteridge, J.J. 294726 Hale, G. B. 294991 Hall, J. F. 296657 Hall, R. M. H. 23843219 Hall, R. K. 23929062 Hallworth, R. 295262 Hampson, E. 22410615 Hancock, J. F. 22556429 Hannell, R. E. 295119 Hanson, C. 22205784 Hardcastle, R. 22205338 Harding, H. 23215901 Harding, M. W. 21000087 Hardman, C. E. 296574 Hardy, G. 296619 Harger, F. T. 22556994 Hargreaves, E. 22205112 Harlow, A. H. 2331033 Harman, B. A. 295044 Harnden, L. 23929158 Harnett, J. W. 23215717 Harrington, C. A. 294491 Harris, H. F. 14929127 Harris, J. W. 23215493 Harris, T. A. 296827 Harrison, A. 23215746 Harrison, J. E. 23905063 Hart, P. R. 220 Hartley, J. 24048258 Hartnell, T. 24125976 Hartwell, R. 22556486 Harwood, B. E. 22556329 Harwood, M. 23865861 Hay, B. J. 24076444 Hayter, M. D. 296215 Hayter, J. 294035 Haywood, H. G. 296361 Heal, H. 24048386 Hearne, B. W. 22378735 Hedges, D. 24076459 Heeks, W. A. 22360732 Heffer, P. F. 832259 Henderson, E. 24021418 Henderson, D. 22904543 Henderson, M. 23969323 Herbert, M. P. G. 4825 Heritage, G. H. 22205747 Hewett, P. M. 22205847 Higgins, D. G. 24031495 Hill, R. A. 23929194 Hill, W. 24021584 Hindley, P. J. 23917721 Hine, R. J. 23794873, J. C. 295980 HIIl:hman, G. H. 296747 Hobbs, L. V. 23816036 Hodson, R. W.

22556410 Hogben, R. 23969271 Holberry, B. W. 6408745 Holder, L. T. 23865761 Hollingrake, J. A. 295772 Holmes, R. A. 23936830 Holmes, A. J. 23929153 Hooper, A. 24000161 Hooper, D. 295092 Hope, W. T. 22556891 Hopton, W. 294446 Horner, A. J. 21003123 Houchen, F. 19001275 Houghton, S. 23215248 Houldsworth, D. A. 2867 House, F. 23929030 Howard, R. P. 295346 Howe, J. M. 295414 Howe, W. D. 23969362 Howell, P. A. 22205864 Howells, B. 23969350 HOWlett, D. F. 24048375 HUdson, O. S. 23875069 HUdson, H. 22055062 HUdson, D. L. 24048245 Hughes, E. 22457418 Hughes, P. 23969229 Hulbert, P. J. 23366525 Humphreys, B. 294812 Humphries, T. 3325 Humphries, W. J. 24076586 Hunt, S. J. 22205397 Hunt, S. J. 23197187 Hunt, W. 23679173 Hunter, B. W. 24048274 Hutchinson, T. W. 294803 Hutchison, J. 296674 Hutton, R. J. 23929077 Hyatt, T. J. 328872 Hyde, C. R. 294709 Hyland, A. H. 23969354 Iddon, R. A. 23215069 illingworth, J. B. 24076537 Imrie, T. A. S. 24048349 Inglis, M. C. 3285 Inseal, T. W. 295560 Irons, W. 22556613 Irvine, G. 23215590 Ivin, R. B. S. 14079633 Jaggard, D. H. 295186 James, A. 21127713 James, J. D. E. 23970253 James, M. 3648 James, O. C. 3942 Jarvis, A. H. 22691010 Jarvis, A. J. 328345 Jarvis, A. L. 329220 Jarvis, V. D. 22205087 Jeffrey, W. A. 23969316 Jefferies, M. A. 22827991 Jenkins, H. R. D. 294967 Jenkins, J. H. 23865195 Jennings, J. 23215930 Jensen, A. P. 3045 Jeslico, P. W. 299268 Jewell, E. G. 4695984 Jones, A. 23865747 Jones, B. L. 24076534 Jones, D. S. 23929061 Jones, E. 24096793 Jones, F. G. 296352 Jones, G. C. 3531 Jones, G. H. 295285 Jones, I. O. 23969393 Jones, K. G. M. 294591 Jones, S. 23969389 Jones, T. 4166 Jugglns, H. 295881 Keen, P. G. 296681 Kane, R. 24030391 Kelly, N. 22556599 Kelvie, B. D. 22017229 Kemp, A. J. 317426 Kennedy, R. 23929494 Kendrick, R. N. 24076572 Kennington, P. R. 23029836 Kent, A. 23273224 Kerwin, S. 22205117 Kidd, M. A. 24048275 Kime, A. 22205773 King, D.D. 294450 King, J. 21000055 King, J. H. 296199 King, W. S. 22859755 Kingman, R. 5391613 Kingshott, W. 22556089 Klpps, T. 24048306 Kitching, N. 295459 Kitson, H. 295699 Knight, H. J. 22556037 Knight, M. 23865782 Knowles, W. S. 22012738 Knowles-Brown, P. 23929063 Knyvett, P. S. V. 24021436 Kotarba, P. R. 24076486 Lacey, C. R. 312481 Laing, A. 24213109 Laing, S. A. 299511 Lambert, H. 299520 Lamberth, A. J. 23865743 Lancaster, N. A. 24048291 Lancaster, R. D. 23865722 Landon, M. W. 23452546 Landsberg, J. T. 22205706 Langton, L. E. 3493 Large, A. V. 2581 Laven, G.

796687 Lawn, G. A. 22205031 Layton, V. E. 21053435 Lea, N. 24076527 Leather, R. K.

295808 Leaver, J. A. 23865741 Leavill, C. J. 294846 Ledger, J. H. 22556791 Lee, C. D. 23078927 Lee, J. T. 823767 Lee, S. J. 23951496 Leivers, R. W. 296130 Lellioll, J. H.

4547 Leverton, P. R. 21000141 Levet, O. R. 4862696 Levine, H.

3480 Lewis, S. C. 294839 Lewis, V. 294443 Lewry, J. 294154 Lifford, A. 295471 Liggins, F. H. 2616319 Lloyd, E. O.

2829 Lloyd, R. A. 103524 Lloyd, R. M. 299277 Lockell, H. J. 296305 Lock, G. R. 23969280 Lockwood, W. J. H. 24048352 Long, M. 23722929 Long, M. J. 23929019 Loll, J. R. 23969379 Love, R. H. 22556817 Lovell, D. A. 24096755 Lowther, M. J. 23969333 Lowton 23929059 Lucas, M. F. 296174 Lummis, R. G. 23865793 Lund, R. 23951733 Lundie, P. 4032 Lunn, F. M. 22351126 Lynam, D. H. 295446 McCart, S. F. R. 22049363 McCorkell, F. 23215369 McCoy, D. J. 23969212 McCutcheon, M. S. 22205067 Macdonald, D. G. 295299 McDonald, R. 19145592 McGahan, P. 294341 Macintosh, W. H. 24262172 Mcilveen, F. 23770039 MacKenzie, J. W. 24021488 Mackenzie, S. W. 729768 McKie, S. 23687366 MacKnocker, R. S. 299496 McLachlan, B. 296823 McLean, T. A. 294971 McNelly, J. W., M.V.O. 24076493 Mack, A. P. E. M. 295076 Madden, E. G. 24048261 Maguire, A. P. 24076549 Maitland, I. 294790 Maker, L. R. 23215971 Malpass, T. 23969251 Manella, M. R. 22078667 Mann, R. J. 296680 Manning, G. J. 24096776 Mansell, R. J. 299548 Mansey, W. G. 23416917 Mantell, A. D. 295473 Mantle, E. T. 19102922 March, J. 2655790 Markillie, R. A. 24096722 Marsh, S. T. 294797 Marshall, E. 294691 Martin, H. 299395 Martin, W. A. 294262 Maskell, A. T. 19143558 Mason, P. J. 23929166 Mathews, P. J. M. 4247 Maudsley, R. 24048292 Mead, R. G. 295430 Meade-King, F. G. O. 24048304 Meakin, B. 294632 Mear, W. 24125886 Mears, H. 24048388 Meeks, M. R. 22205733 Meier, M. G. 24076529 Meldrum, A. J. 294789 Mellor, G. E. 6203200 Melville, F. 23879579 Messenger, T. P. 299399 Michie, K. J. 294566 Middleton, J. W. 22128146 Midgley, M. L. 19155940 Miles, V. 22205358 Millar, A. 21000143 Miller, D. C. 3451 Mills, C. O. 22556830 Mills, H. J. 24076466 Mills, W. E. 294912 Millward, R. H. 3108 Mincher, C. 23215857 Mlsselbrook, D. E. 22205694 Missenden, C. G. P. C. 19130867 Mitchell, P. 23679066 Mitchell, P.P. 22205045 Mllchell, R. G. 23879629 Mitchell, T. 23879619 Moffell, T. 3309 Monnery, W. 23679026 Moore, B. G. 294431 Moore, R. C. 295659 Morely, G. 23929092 Morris, J. 23286389 Morris, M. A. 3344 Mortimer. A. 24048262 Morton, M. J. 24048294 Mosling, D. J.

22036570 Moss, J. T. 23929040 Moss-Norbury, D. 294560 Mothersole, H. J. 24076594 Moll, C. W. 23969386 Mounllord, L. 24048269 Moyes, C. J. 23915417 Muir, T. A. 294448 Munday, G. E. 24076431 Murray, C. A. 329219 Musgrave, W. A. 23929147 Neal, I. 24048228 Nelson, D. A. 24096637 Newman, M. 294435 Newton, D. J. 296756 Nicholson-Pegg, E. 24021539 Nisbet, P. J. 10542993 Niven, J. 294892 Noakes, J. P. 296600 Noble, L. C. 299066 Nockall, A. H. 299385 Nokes, E. G. 23215613 Nolan, A. 23215249 Oakman, B. 3321 O'Connor, A. H. 22417928 0' Donovan, T. 24048351 O'Grady, R. 299505 Oleary-Billingham, H. J. 2721090 O'Neill, E. 329170 Oram, J. 14468346 Orchard, R. D. 22205601 Orme, A. C. 23929045 0' Rourke, E. 23215946 Orr, G. P. 294815 Osborne, H. S. 23865801 Osgood, R. L. 24076518 Oullerside. J. 22205570 Oxberry, C. E. 299512 Oxberry, J. A. 23522587 Page, A. W. 23969338 Pallrey, C. G. 23969383 Palmer, J. 294600 Parfoot, A. W. H. 24048312 Park, T. 22856167 Parker, G. L. 3616 Parks, E. F. 22556597 Parmiter, C. J. 294536 Parmiter, W. E. B. 329231 Parris, R. H. 22785573 Parsons, B. 299371 Parsons, E. G. 2848 Pashler, H. W. 299498 Patience, W. J. 22205480 Pallinson, D. 3812 Paxton, A. 24076462 Pearce, R. J. 23410517 Pearson, W. H. T. 14492742 Peate, M. G. 23679036 Pennick. W. 294687 Perks, F. E. 23215026 Perry, J. H. M. 24048350 Perry, M. 3587 Peters, G. 295716 Pelllll, G. W.

296471 Philip, C. A.

296140 Phillips, A. G.

296691 Phillips, D. A.

23861457 Phillips, P. E. 14898428 Philpot, J. G. 329706 Pickard, D. 4603 Pickerell, T. H. 299536 Pickell, J. A. 296165 Piggoll, A.P. 296077 PlggolI, L. C. 23215413 Pike, J. A. 22205500 Pilbeam, R. L. 23929067 Pinnell, J. T. 22205108 Plant, R. 24266429 Ploughman, G. 22556512 Pointer, P. J. 23929009 Pollill, K. 24048331 Pond, B. T. 23215231 Powell, C. W. 295014 Powell, E. C. T. 22556330 Prescoll, J. 22162488 Price, A. K. A. 24096788 Price, R. 294529 Priest, A. 296676 Prince, E. W. 3233 Pugh. J. H. 22205440 Punshon, D. A. J. 23215460 Radford, A. J. 294223 Ramage, J. 295397 Randall, J. 23489576 Rands, C. R. 23905235 Ratcliffe, A. J. 839910 Ratcliffe, J. K. 5671991 Ravenor, P. 19130688 Rawle, G. E. 22025494 Read, J. R. 14175049 Rees, C. E. 24048253 Reeve, A. R. 294613 Reeve, F. A., M.M. 2811 Reeves, W. J. 23879508 Rendall, G. R. 14950295 Rendell, P. H. 23983127 Reynard, F. K. 23865708 Rhodes, A. M. 295686 Rich, H. J. 22556002 Richards, J. D. 2396q888 Richardson, I. W. 295048 Richardson, J. F. 6026279 Riches, W. 23215488 Ridgeway, H. C. 22205406 Riffin, T. P. D. 23296950 Ritchie, G. J. 23215228 Robb, J. S. 23215479 Roberts, A.

2893 Roberts, A. O. 329235 Roberts, O. 23969397 Roberts, P. J. 296723 Robertson, D. 23126276 Robinson, R. 295462 Robinson, T. 22747250 Robson, G. J. 294793 Rockall, T. R. G. 5281675 Rodwell, C. A. 294672 Rogers, S. J. 24048233 Rose, B. A. 294530 Ross, J.J. 295151 Ross, K. 22205925 Rosser, J. H. W. 294663 Rossiter, R. T. 21000129 Rowden, K. 295291 Rowe, P. B. 23865774 ROWland, H. E. 24076565 Rowley, P. B. 294352 Rudd, E. 22051296 RUdd, J. A. 14936552 Ruddock, S. L. 24021453 Rumble, D. V. 22556374 Russell, G. S. 296332 Rutland, D. 295495 Rutland, F. J. 24021454 Ryder, C. 2677 Saller, W. J. 4258 Sands, A. H. 5436767 Sansom, E. 23215459 Sargeant, L. B. 22878531 Saunders, A. W. D. 14175676 Saunderson, J. A. W. P. 22205241 Sayers, D. 24056940 Scales, R. A. 22195371 Scamadine, D. 23879553 Scobell, G. R. 22058273 Scopes. R. J. 23879584 Scoll, T. 296433, Seage, D. R. 24076417 Sears, B. A. 2224942,3 Sebire, E. F. 295300 Seeker, F. 23923993 Sercombe, G. T. 23197191 Sewell, J. 23320041 Sewell, W. 22081483 Seymour, L. J. 24096639 Shaw, J. W. 294787 Sheard, J. H. 24021547 Sheffield, T. H. 296687 Shepherd, M. P. 295253 Shipman, R. 23811958 Shipton, M. G. 23459418 Shorey, G. T. 23215417 Short, G. S. 3103 Simon, G. P. 306774 Simonsen, E. 14971360 Simpson, G. A. 294983 Sims, L. 23865794 Skelton, R. 22205710 Skinner, G. E. 2818918 Skinner, J. G. 5496605 Slade, P. T. 5045941 Sleigh, N. 22556075 Smail, D. 296758 Smith, A. N. 296265 Smith, J., B.E.M. 24096612 Smith, J. B. 24048270 Smith, K. H. T. 295804 Smith, L. E. 6085508 Smith, M. 24048265 Smith, M. J. 3525 Smith, R. A. 295815 Smith, R. B. 294148 Smith, W. R. 14910617 Solli9s, D. A. J. 23215298 Southern, J. 296742 Spencer, H. M. 23360306 Spencer. J. W. 14409839 Spicer, S. J. L. 4979326 Spowage. E. 22556618 Spragg, W. N. 23679020 Sprigg, K. H. 4049 Squire, F. 23929051 SqUires, G. W. 19122915 Stacey, A. E. 23307743 Staddon, B. G. 6396663 Stanford, A. B. 23929089 Stangroom, H. 24048309 Stanham, J. H. 294625 Stephens, T. G. 296662 Stephenson, M. 23885548 Stevens, D. 23207101 Stevens, R. W. 295081 Stevens, W. H. 22205739 Stewart, J. 23062814 Stewart-Smith, R. E.E. 4348 Stimpson, R. H. G. 3334 Stone, T. F. 295375 Stone. T. H. 2790 Stonebridge. B. 24076525 Strickland, A. R. 295417 Strowbrldpe, V. G. 294673 Sutcliffe, V. R. 3718 Sutherland, H. 4072 Sullon, G. B. 22352452 Swain, A. J. 295110 Swain, A. R. 23816037 Swain, M. D. 23969309 Swain, M. J. 6132729 Sweetland, G. 294554 Swift, L. C. 2855 Symonds, F. A. 23865702 Tams, R. 299090 Tanner, F. 4061 Tarry, A. S. 24076478 Taylor, B.

23929162 Taylor, R. 24125819 Taylor, S. C. 24021591 Taylor, R. P. 24096608 Taylor, T. 295729 Taylor, W. T. 23215029 Tedbury, J. E. 295624 Tegg, F. E.E. 3939 Tell, G. S. 23969275 Thain, T. 22771716 Theakston, M. A. L. 22205540 Theobald, D. 24041860 Theobald, J. S. 23974765 Thomas, A. M. 22556699 Thomas, L. K. 22878337 Thompson, B. 22205552 Thompson, B. P. 295355 Thompson, D. C. 22556484 Thompson, V. 295041 Thomson, A. C. F. 3529 Thomson, W. 295083 Thoroughgood, R. G. 299340 Thurston, F. J. 24076543 Tinkler, P. 23929070 Tippell, A. J. 22556507 Tither, J. G. 299313 Titman, S. 24048202 Tomlinson, J. W. 14234285 Towler, R. 299324 Townsend, E. J., D.C.M 22556021 Townsend, J. 23215908 Tozer, A. R. 294922 Trent, R. W. 295225 Trindall, C. H. 19141257 Truswell, D. 24048215 Truswell, F. T. 22205583 Tucker, A. T. A. 23969286 Tunnard, R. W. 19180373 TurnbUll, M. L. 23679217 Turner, G.G. 295589 Turner, J. E. 22472517 Turrell, D. 296829 Turtle, D. A. 299223 Twelftree, H. L. 24021598 Twine, C. E. 24021484 Upton, D. J. 23215611 Upton, M. F. 23726506 Upton, T. A. 4324 Urie, L. 24096630 Utley, D. J. 295020 Ullon, R. A. 22556005 Vallance, D. H. 23879572 Vansanten, T. 296725 Varley, P. 22205861 Varley, T. H. E. 24266499 Varty, G. 22556499 Vatcher, V. B. 295380 Veazey, L. 22205491 Veitch, G. C. 22205756 Venn, B. W. 23969399 Vincent, C. M. 23679200 Voy, R.R. 294587 Vyse, G. J. 23969378 Wade, P. J. 294768 Wager, M. 24164691 Wainwright, G. 295137 Wakefield, A. G. 296752 Wakefield, H. E. 19177213 Wakeham, B. R. J. 23663531 Wakelin, M. G. 294864 Wakeling, J. T. 22582906 Ward, D. A. 295574 Walden, A. E. 295894 Walker, A. J. 22205144 Walker, F. J. 296284 Walker, L. J. 329155 Waller, A. J. 296821 Waller, R. A. 294765 Wallington, S. F. 296308 Wallis, F. J. C. 296225 Wallis, T. 23879657 Walls, B. R. 24076536 Wareing, J. A. 22205453 Warne, W. 22205094 Warner, R. J. F. 24182028 Warren, G. 5729020 Warren, P. 22205079 Waters, E. T. 22556079 Waterworth, S. 295339 Watkins, A. E. 2640 Watkins, A. R. 24021568 Walls, C. A. 22556231 Walls, E. J. W. 295003 Watson, F. 23891440 Watson, R. 24048232 Wear, D. 23929003 Webb, E. A. 3877 Webster, G. 23215747 Wells, A. A. 2691 West, A. J. 23870399 Westcar, J. D. 294542 Wheatley, J.J. 24021519 Whellon, J. 24012781 White, R. D. A. 22556333 Whiting, R. V. 2676 Whillington, C. R. 24048345 Wicks, P. J. 296105 Wigmore, R. G. 296713 Wigmore, S. C. 22205234 Wilce, G. S. 22130888 Wilkins, J. D. 4169 Wilkinson, A. 295595 Wilkinson, H. V. 14253814 Wilkinson, K. H. 295348 Wilkinson, T. A. 296171 Willell, E. C. 23865795 Williams, A. N. F. 23507862 Williams, D. K.

232151179 Williams, V. 22093534 Williamson, G. 295086 Wills, J. W. 296569 Wilson, A. 23679206 Wilson, B. C. 294874 Wilson, C. W. 299231 Wilson, G. 22205106 Wilson, G. R. 295156 Wilson, J. H.

14394208 Wilson, S. 22205223 Winfield, P. M. 23679149 Winter, P. C. 296734 Wisdom, D. J. 299098 Wilhers, V. J. 22205353 Withington, W. H. 23215430 Wolfe, A. S. P. 23215258 Wolfe, S. A. F. J. 23679106 Wood, J. W.

296739 Woodhead, H. 21000103 Woodhouse, E. J. 24021445 Woodley, B. 19141086 Woodley, J. 296684 Woods, T. L. 294743 Woolley, G. 22481697 Woolrich, P. J. 296741 Wormington, P. 19170322 Wren, A. G.




Lieu1enant Colonel S. C. Cooper Captain W. Jones

Major J. B. Emson W01 (RCM) M. Young

Cap in J. W. M. Ellery'


Major H. D. E. Boyl

Cap in A. H. B. Imbert-Terry

CoH Mltchelt (SOS 10 DEC)

LCpl Cavin

Tpr Fitzjames

Tpr Rimmer


Tpr Blair

Tpr Lewis

Tpr Webster (SOS 10 DEC) Tpr Doyle

Caplain R. J. Holmes (Royal S;gnals) Tpr Ayres

CoH Maxwell Tpr Rose

LCoH Lawrence Tpr Balls

LCpl Whitehouse Tpr Sidebotham

LCpl Brunning Tpr Rumsey Tpr Tuck Tpr Sheperd

Tpr Griffiths 608


CoH Whyte

LCoH Branney

LCoH Trench

LCoH Lee

LeoH Siamon

LCpl Convey

LCpl Mayo

LCpl McGuire

LCpl Allcoll


SOMC Alderson

CoH Allen

CoH Oliver

LCoH Jones

LCoH Ingram

LCoH Marshell

LCpl Wright

LCpl Smilh


CoH Theakslon

LCoH Beal

LCoH Plant

LCoH Persley

LCpl Needam


ORSOMC Cherrington

CoH Sevage

LCoH Etches


LCpl Donnan




Tor Fogg


Musn Owen (SOS 10 DEC)

Musn Ball



Major S. V. Gilbart Denham

Captain H. L. Scholler

SCM Wardell

LCoH Polls

LCoH Thorpe

LCoH Lea

LCpl Whetman

ALCpl Burns

ALCpl Lowry

ALCpl Robertson


SOMC Baley

LCoH Creighton

ALCpl Beck

ALCpl Tucker

ALCpl Davies


2Lt The Hon. H. R. Cayzer

LCoH Slay

LCoH James

LCoH Belza

LCpl Curzon

Tpr Berrisford

Tpr Bishop

Tpr Dove

Tpr Dunning

22205098 Wright, J. H. 21062766 Wright, K. G. 21000149 Wright, R. G. L. 23865813 Wright, W. L. 21048913 Wrout, S. A.

LCpl Rogan Tpr McClung Tpr Grant Tpr Bingham Tpr Grallon Tpr McRitchie Tpr Harper

Tpr Griflths 426 Tpr McIntyre

Tpr Tpr Tpr Tpr 'pr Tpr Tpr

Fitzpalrick McLaughlin Gibson Gale Dangerfield Kusnierski Crossan

LCpl Bevan

Tpr Meakin

Tpr Todd Tpr Preece

LCpl Winter

LCpl Hale

LCpt Pride (50S 10 DEC)

Tpr Roper

CoH Booth

Tpr Pallison

Musn Carter

ALCpl Rogers Tpr Cullen Tpr Davies Tpr Darby Tpr Hollman Tpr McCarthy Tpr McKenzie Tpr Page Tpr Rigby

Tpr Barnes Tpr Clark

Tpr Phillips Tpr Sollley Tpr Wearing

Tpr French Tpr Fury Tor Haslie Tpr Haycock

Tpr Holbrook

Tpr Lawrence

Tpr Prior Tpr Prilchard

Tpr Wragg


Ll The Hon. N. J. Adderley

2Ll I. S. Forbes-Cockell

ACoH Kelly

LCoH Ross

ALCpl Williams

Tpr Byron

Tpr Ellery

Tpr Ford

Tpr Hansom


2Ll H. K. Hamilton

ACoH Townsend

ACoH Craig

LCoH Jones

ALCpl Balnaves

ALCpl Rhodes

ALCpl Parkinson

Tpr Barnell

Tpr Barrall


SSgt Lulman

Sgt Randall

LSgt Murray

LSgt Levill

LSgt McGivney


CoH Anderson



Major C. S. Harcourl-Smith

Captain A. P. DeRiller

SCM Miles

LCoH Brammer

LCoH Read

LCoH Jewell

LCpl Dullon

LCpl Bailey


2Lt 0 SI C. O. Brulon

SOMC Woodland

LCoH Denton

LCoH Brownlee

LCpl Carrington

LCpl Lodge

Tpr Armstrong

Tpr Arthur


2Ll P. D. Metcalfe


CoH Bishop

LCoH Steed

LCoH Granl

LCpl Wise

Tpr Brown


2Lt P. V. Naylor-Leyland

CoH Cummins

CoH Williams

LCoH Saull

LCpl Dawson

LCpl Johnston

LCpl Liddell

Tpr Dagge

Tpr Dunham


SOMC Felles

CoH Whelan

LCpl Gibson

LCpl Goodall

LCpl Wilmot

LCpl Goodbody

Tpr Brown

Tpr Fosler



Major T. M. Hickman

SCM Deavllle

LCoH Cruddace

LCoH Richardson

LCpl Byrne

LCpl Jones

LCpl Hallas

Tpr McBrIde








































Ormislon Tpr Scoll Tpr Whalley Tpr Stephenson




















Wolczynskl Tpr Ellloll Tpr Carler






2Lt G. Greenall

2L1 A. C. Bossom

SCpl Lawson

CoH Leighton

LCoH Milne


SOMC Hatto

LCoH Turner

LCoH Mills

LCoH Radlord

LCpl Coles


SSgt Robarts Sgt Archibald

LSgt Cosway

LSgt Maadows

LSgt Dyckholl LCpl ROllers




Captain c. A. Joll

SCM Lumb

SOMC Kelly

LCoH Dickson

LCoH Skelly

LCpl Cousins

LCpl Hugman


Captain J. L. Morris

CoH Charlett

CoH Mcivor

CoH Monaghan

LCoH Howell RHG/D

LCoH Mangham

LCoH Thornton

LCoH Webstar

LCoH Wisaman

LCpl Chamberlain

LCpl Dillol)

LCpl Gunl1lllg

LCpl Hollln,daia

LCpl Holt

LCpl JaJlQlngs

LCpl VUlamour

Tpr Bagnall

Tpr Ball

Tpr Clayden

Tpr Crawford

Tpr Dobson

Tpr Dukas

Tpr Faulds


Captain (OM) D. Charlas

W02 (ROMC) Cottee

SOMC Bayliss

CoH Davis

LCoH Edge

LCoH Armer


CoH Colllar

LCpl Chant


Surg Capt C. Goodson-Wlckas


LCoH Harris RHG/D

Tpr Mordecai


CaptaIn (OM) J. W. Graavas

W02 (ROMC) Cornish

SOMC Johnson

CoH Shotton

LCoH Bourna

LCoH Shortman


CoH Slater

CoH Sherwin RHG/D

LCoH Siddia

LCoH Ruana

LCpl Lalshman

Tpr Barwlok


LCoH Dlgney

LCpJ Rldlay


LCoH Annis


LAD CaptaIn P. G. Welsh

W01 (ASM) R. L. Leeder

W02 Arthur W02 Durston

SSgt Dollimore












Cadger LCpl Glusing LCpl Reeves LCpl Stenhouse

LCpl Fraser

LCpl Eagles

LCpl Abson


Captain R. W. B. Anthony

W02 (SOMS) Croll

Sgt Graham

ACC W02 (Master Cook) McDonald

Sgt Jay

LSgt Rickis

LSgt Blake

LSgt Melville

LSgt Meechan

LCpl Smllh

LCpl Turner

LCpl Cape


W02 (CSMI) Knight



Tpr Gaddas Tpr Gallergher Tpr Garbutt Tpr Gilks











LCoH York LCpl Bartlett LCpl Flounders LCpl Matthews LCpl McDonald


LCpl Borthwick Tpr Gregg Tpr Warner 280

LCpl Chatterton LCpl Howell LCpl Smilh

LCpl Clegg LCpl Brown LCpl Twist LCpl Pope



















LCpl McKeown LCpl Webster LCpl Deacon LCpl Murphy






Captain V. A. L. Goodhew


ORSOMC Henderson LCpl Kallaste


Captain A. Jackson

WOII (SCM) Varley


WOII Walley

LCpl Gries


RHO Lieutenant Colonel w. R. Edgedale WOI (RCM) D. A. York

LCoH O'Connell LCpl Macdonald - Post NCO

SOMC Humphries

LCoH Rhodes


SOMC Taylor

LCoH O'Sullivan


SOMC Fincken

LCoH Hanson


CoH Johnson

LCpl Simpson


SOMC Richards


LCoH Frape

SOMC Bowden 7

LCpl Sutherland


CoH Buckingham


F/SOMC Brown


LCpl Blackaby

Tpr Andrews


Tpr Sturgess


LCpl Wilkinson


LCpl Springall


Tpr Davies

GENERAL DUTIES Tpr Chandler COURSE LCoH Rymer - Plrbrlght


LCpl Otton LCoH Davies



Smilh 699

Turner Tpr Alexander

Whltemore LSgt Buckley

Key LCpl Kissock

Bolechala Tpr Flaherty




Major C. N. Haworth-Booth

Captain P. T. Fletcher



Lieutenant H. P. Read

CoH Savage

CoH Broderick

LCoH White (Tptr)

LCoH Bunyan

LCpl Rothwell

LCpl Davidson

Tpr McManus

Tpr West

Tpr Greill


2nd Lieutenant P. R. L. Hunter

CoH Goodyear

H/CoH Henderson

LCoH Cooper

LCpl Salisbury

LCpl Evans

Tpr Lawery

Tpr Taraskevics

Tpr Taylor 794

Tpr BradleY


Lieutenant T. J. W. Howlett

CoH Nicklin

CoH Allen

LCoH Wright

LCoH Meade

LCpl Doe

Tpr Jarvis

Tpr Meyrick

Tpr Balmain

Tpr Puszczalowskyl

Tpr Skit more

4 TROOP (Trainees)

Lieulenant c. D. Horsfal(

CoH York

LCoH Horspool

LCoH Frazer

LCpl Scales

LCpl Bevan

Tpr Keenan

Tpr Gummer

Tpr Laycock

Tpr Robinson

Tpr Freeman

Tpr Brand

Tpr Jones 139

Tpr Smith 748

Tpr Wallington

Tpr Gitbert

Tor Stlnchcomba

TDr Reece


CoH Williams

SOMC Perkins LCoH Walsh

Tpr Bear Tpr Tinaley Tpr Piggott Tpr Powell

Tpr Castellow


Cook Tpr McDonnell


Major J. W. Barnes - G.S.O.3 (A)


Major H. A. M. "'lII8n - GS02 (RAC) (OIl_in


Malor A. J. Hartigan - DM • OMG

Captain J. R. Bedells - G.S.O.3 (Int

Tpr Ayrea Tpr Boots


Major A. B. S. H. Gooch


Major N. S. Lawson SOMC McGloughlin

SOMC Hales CoH McKie


Major C. J. Simpson Gee

Tpr Bryant 524

Tpr Clevett

Tpr Crosby

Tpr O'Flaherty

Tpr Fellows

Tpr Hopkina

Tpr Smith 299 Tpr Goodchild Tpr Richards Tplr Nelson

Tpr Thomson

Yarrow Tpr Stockwell









Carrington Tpr Wallon






Simmons Tpr Williams 894

Jones 101


Tpr Burford

Musn Ely Musn Tibbela Musn Halpin Muan Harris Muan Hamer Muan Campbell

Tpr Gore-Lloyd

LCoH Swallow Tpr Jones 522

Tpr Airey Tpr Mills 208

Tor Cochrana Tpr Reed


LCoH Flory Tpr Hughes

Tpr Booth Tpr Robertson

Tpr Meredith Farr Vickers

Tor Lambert


CoH Murnan - Lulworth

LCpl Sandarson - Aldershot

Tor Frawley - Mellon Mowbray


Tpr Cooper

Tor Brecknock

Tpr Leach

TDr Pavey


LCpl Sanderson 856

Tpr Briggs

Tor Pace

TDr EdwAlrda



CoH King

CoH Slawartson


Major (OM) E. Sant - OM Camp HO


Captain C. J. D'Oyly


Captain C. J. Rodger - RLO


Lt L. D. Stratlord, MBE Klrkcudbright

W01 D. Bentley Aldershot



2Lt P. S. W. F. Falknar LCpl Bell

CoH Brammer LCpl Johnson


2Lt N. B. Holliday


W01 K. W. Iveson


W02 Payne CoH Daysmlth

CoH Marsh LCpl Lister



W02 Lerwell CoH Dunn


SOMC Skyrlng

CoH Dean

LCoH Baxter

LCpl Burns

LCpl Purves

LCpl Wlllord

LCpl Smith

Tpr Burke

Tpr Killby

Tpr Richardson


SOMC Bradwell

CoH Brown

CoH George

CoH Knowles

CoH Veal


SOMC Reynolds

CoH Keeya

CoH Fitzgerald








Finney LCoH Miller


SOMC Poynter

Tor Decosemo - Mellon Mowbray

Tpr While - Catterick

Tpr Mills 240 - Pirbright

Tpr Taylor 016 Tpr Vince Tpr Simcock

Tpr LockWOOd

Tor Bryant 248

Tpr Brennan

Tpr Redfearn

Farr Smith 797

Farr Wit IIams 217





Colonel H. D. A. Langlay, M.B.E.

W01 G. B. Charters-Rowe

CoH Dean

CoH Smith

CoH Charlett

CoH Moroan

LCoH O'Brien

LCoH Archibald

LCoH Starling

Tpr Webster

HOUSEHOLD CAVALRY REGIMENT (Mounted) (Haidee Strength)

Lt Col S. E. M. Bradish-Ellames, O.B.E. - pending posting to Tactics School as G.S.O.1.


Lt Col (Stafl OM) A. D. Meakin


SOMC Tonkings


SOMC Grimths

CoH Jones

SOMC Jolley CoH Daraz

CoH Whelan


CoH Shergold


CoH Sklngley


CoH White


CoH Newena


CoH Engllshby


CoH Harrison



CoH Johnson


CoH Pearaon


LCpl Dunn LCpl Clark


LCpl Pride


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