2 minute read
Commodore’s Message
from Ahoy! April 2022
by Koko Mueller
Commodore Denis Martinet
Well to be perfectly honest I do! You see as I write these lines, we are well and truly buried under yet another wave, one which is rolling through our community with alacrity sadly. So, in the face of such a storm, we all look for more clement waters and what better place than the Club, made even more enjoyable by the return of warm and sunny weather. Who needs then any further encouragement?
Safely ensconced in our microcosm, it is easy to be lulled into a false sense of security and forget social distancing rules and mask wearing, possibly in a subconscious move to toss away those shackles reminiscent of our troubled daily lives.
And that’s where I come in. Like you, I seek some solace and frequent our Club even more. I amble around Kellett Island, looking for a good spot to have a drink and possibly indulge in a little cigar, well not that little if I’m honest!
Or sometimes I go to Middle Island for some open water swimming, once I managed to slither into that new wetsuit of mine! Anyway, I digress! I try to enjoy the Club as you would and do but invariably, I find myself obligated to remind too often members to wear masks, stay socially distant et all. And don’t get me started on phones!
It should be simple really; a friendly reminder and we all move on but sadly it is not!
The stares and lippy if not flippant comments, the aggressivity I get make it really an unpleasant experience. And if I as Commodore think twice about intervening, imagine how our own Club employees must feel contemplating the misplaced wrath of the selfish person.
So, martinet may mean a strict disciplinarian, I assure you I have no desire to roam the Club weaving a Cat’o nine tails (which interestingly is called a martinet in French).
So, help me keep that genie (or are these genes?) in the bottle. I am a member first!
I need you. The Club needs you to be mindful and respectful of your fellow members and exercise restraint and adhere to rules which are in place to ensure a maximum enjoyment for all. Assist us in ensuring the Club remains that welcoming haven in these turbulent times.
After all things are difficult enough as it is. Yet, they too will pass and sailing and rowing will return, frustrations will ease – so let’s make that transition as smooth and painless as possible, with civility one of its cornerstones.