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Sharks do RHKYC proud at HKODA National Championships
from Ahoy! December 2022
by Koko Mueller
The Hong Kong Optimist Dinghy Association held their annual National Championships over the weekend of October 1 and 2 out of Clear Water Bay Marina. Whilst there were doubts whether the event would go ahead due to a typhoon predicted during the lead up week, the weather gods smiled on the kids providing blue skies and fair winds. With

the wind, came the big swell that provided and extra element of fun for the sailors (and the extra element of discomfort for the race management team).
Race Officer Sean Taylor got the fleets off racing with gusto early on Saturday recognizing sailors and race officials did not enjoy sitting around bobbing in large waves. Amidst VHF calls from race official boats asking for seasickness tablets to be shared, the fleet charged up the beat often losing sight of the top mark as the waves were higher than the sailors horizon view. A massive effort from the race