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Wise Boat Hoist
from Ahoy! December 2022
by Koko Mueller
The Boatyard purchased a Wise Boat Hoist back in 2015 from the UK manufacturer and it is one of only four boat hoists in Hong Kong. This hoist is a complex piece of machinery that is driven by remote control, it has four digital load cells to measure the weight exerted on each lifting wire, giving a total boat weight. The winches used for lifting the boats are a combination of four failsafe hydraulic drums that work independently giving the hoist its 50-tonne capacity.
Like all heavy lift equipment, the hoist must be kept to very high standards and pass annual inspections in order to remain certified for operation.
Our hoist has recently undergone its fouryear service and certification. This involved replacing all the lifting wires which needed to be imported from overseas, testing the winch drum systems, inspecting, and replacing wire sheeves and carrying out a maximum load test. In order to carry out the test it required two truckloads of weight certified concrete blocks which were then lifted by our hoist to test its capacity and ensure that the load cells were reading correctly. Due to continual maintenance by our lifting team the Hoist passed its certification without any problems.
The Boatyard is fortunate to have a very experienced boat lifting team headed by Ah Yam who has been with the club for over 20 years. Ah Yam has a wealth of knowledge covering many aspects of the marine industry which he has gained through his years working in the yard and his prior experience as a Fitter and Turner. He leads his team by example who include Wan Yiu Fai, Yan Ming Fai, and Kwok Wan Ho. Ah Yam is always happy to share his knowledge with the team or anyone else seeking advice about their boat.