3 minute read
Marine | Boatyard
from Ahoy! February 2022
by Koko Mueller
Shelter Cove Yacht Club Hardstanding, Moorings and Marina
Shelter Cove Yacht Club was one of the first yacht Clubs in the Pak Sha Wan area. Originally it was a separate entity but in 1975 the Shelter Cove Yacht Club was merged with the RHKYC. Shelter Cove is primarily a cruising base for the Clubs members although there at two types of Class Boats based at Shelter Cove, Dragons and Sports Boats.

The hard standing area of Shelter Cove was extended in the mid 1990’s and the Pillar crane for launching boats was installed in 1996/97.
The area outlined between the letters is our lease area after the reclamation was conducted to form the present hard standing. The dotted line from the hatched area below X shows the original area of the hard standing. Note the dotted lines to the left which are labelled Floating Jetties. These were the original wooden pontoons used for casual mooring alongside.
Before permission was given for the extension of the hard standing the Club had to agree to install extra passing places in Che Keng Tek Road due to the extra traffic that would be using the road. We also have to allocate 75 car

parking spaces and 25 boat parking spaces on the hard stand to comply with the lease conditions. This makes the boat parking very tight as we have more than 25 boats on the hard standing.

The Club built the Marina in 2006 and there is berthing for 46 boats alongside. Depths at the marina range from 2.5 metres to 3.5 metres at low water. All the berths are leased to members but there are times when a berth is available for casual use. Members should contact the marine office if they wish to enquire if a berth is available. There is also a pontoon system for casual berthing. Depths around the pontoons are 2 metres at low water. The bottom is sand with some mud. The berths are colour coded to indicate the use of each section. This is shown on the Clubs website, under Use of pontoons, in the Marine section. Members should note that Class boats have priority of usage of the pontoon when there is class racing taking place. Please see more information under Use of pontoons. There are 123 moorings at Shelter Cove for members boats. The moorings are granted to the Club by the HKSAR Marine Department, MarDep. The pontoons are also licensed by MarDep however the Marina is located on seabed that the Club leases from the Lands Department under our Private Recreational Lease. Because of this the marina does not need to be licensed by MarDep. The reason for this is that the marina finger pontoons and main walkway are piled to the sea bed. As piles in HK are considered to be buildings by the Buildings Department, we have to lease the seabed so as to be allowed to drive the piles into it. The moorings and casual pontoons are held in position by mooring chains and concrete sinkers, that sit on the sea bed, these are handled by MarDep and not by Lands Department. This is the reason that there are no piles on the casual pontoons.
Happy Cruising.