3 minute read

Train as a team, play as a team, win as a team


Anything new and unfamiliar is made for me. I was born curious and curiosity was the driver for me to join the summer 2019 Outrigger Introduction Course at the Club. A video of the RHKYC Open Crew racing 45km in Hawaii was enough to lead me to the first training. That first training became a full-on four months of early (too early!) alarm clocks We all know what 2020 was about: Covid-19, restrictions, travel bans, quarantines, sports on and off. That crazy thing I did happened to be the smartest choice ever and it became the tool of my paddling journey in Covid-19 times.


Exactly a year ago my paddling map had probably only been a 2km coverage. The little waves looked as huge as waterfalls and the soft breeze felt as strong as a typhoon (I still have those feelings sometimes!) I started to cover a bit more distance putting flags down on the paddling map and repeating to myself: “I didn’t come this far to only come this far”, knowing that little changes would add up over time.

Was it easy? No! Was it fun? Yes, endlessly! What made the biggest difference? The people!

One of the main reasons why I find the strength to wake up before the sun and train is because every single time I get on the water, I know I am not alone. We train together as a team and watch the entire group improve across the board. Definitely, one of the greatest benefits of team training is higher levels of energy and motivation to the point that training becomes more productive and more fun. Sports are also a wonderful way of forming friendships and there is nothing better than a friend with whom you not only share similar interests but also relates to you through a common ground.

I was told that only very few people train during the winter season. I was ready to listen to “It’s cold, it’s dark” a million times but the truth is that no matter the weather and no matter the season, when you walk down the evil steps at 0545hrs you will get to line up waiting for the sampan, because a huge bunch of people signed up for the session and smiley eyes are all around. Then the race days come and the Club has great turnovers and great results, among all the courses and all the fleets, with people ready to switch around seats and crews. Every single time it gives me goose bumps and it makes the next evil alarm clock worth it. Because in the end, no matter what, I will do it again (and again)!

I want to thank the Captains, the coaches and all my paddling friends who make, day by day, this paddling journey an amazing experience. With no surprises for anybody, a very special thank you goes to Stephanie, our ladies’ captain. She unfortunately needs to take a little break from the water, but I am sure she will be back very soon, stronger than ever. You will be missed, Steph! But we are all looking forward to seeing you back.

I also take this occasion to say goodbye one more time to the Youngs (Deanne and Jeremy) who recently left Hong Kong and who have been key members of the RHKYC paddle section for many years. 70 faces around for their last paddle are enough to give the idea of how well known and appreciated they are by the Club.

and OC6 training sessions which ended with two amazing races: the Around Lamma 2019 with a mixed crew which won the category and ATIR 2019 with the women’s B boat getting the bronze medal.

While looking forward to the start of the 2020 season, I did something a little crazy. After only one time on an OC1, I decided to purchase one. Was it crazy? Well, enough to need a friend to paddle it on a 3km distance just to get it stored as I couldn’t manage it alone.



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