Ahoy! March 2023

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www.rhkyc.org.hk ROYAL HONG KONG YACHT CLUB March 2023 One Global HKRNVR Memorial Vase with a Prizegiving! Sharks 29er Team at Sail Sydney | Admiral’s Cup | Spotlight on the Junior Dragon Boat Paddling Programme


please refer to the Club

Advertising or Editorial Enquiries contact RHKYC PR Department at prdept@rhkyc.org.hk Ahoy! Design Carmen Wong, MYND Design. Articles for Ahoy! can be emailed to prdept@rhkyc.org.hk The Club reserves the right to edit articles. All opinions expressed in this publication are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect the views of the General Committee of the RHKYC. The e-version of the magazine (and back copies) are on the RHKYC website. The Ahoy! magazine is saddle-stitched and printed on Forest Stewardship Council® rated mixed pulp paper (meaning that the paper is made of responsibly sourced wood fiber) and all printing and

including the cover, use varnish oil which

water soluble and non-VOC.

8 Contents CLUB LINES 28 Club Directory 29 Members, Staff and Other News and Announcements 30 New Members Cocktail Party KIDS ONLY 32 CNY Craft Workshop MARINE 18 Ship Shop 20 Classified Page OTHER SPORTS 21 Kellett Golf Society 21 Snooker EVENTS | PROMOTIONS 22 Wine Page 23 F&B Food Promotions FEATURES 8 One Global HKRNVR Memorial Vase with a Prizegiving! SAILING 12 Sharks 29er Team at Sail Sydney 14 Admiral’s Cup ROWING 16 Spotlight on the Junior Dragon Boat Paddling Programme 17 Women in Outrigger Canoeing THE BRIDGE 2 Calendar 4 Commodore’s Message 5 General Manager’s Message 6 Impala Charity Race 12 14 16 IMAGE: VIVIAN NGAN One Global HKRNVR Memorial Vase
Patrons Jimmy Farquhar and Lowell Chang; Commodore Lucy Sutro; Vice Commodore Adrian Pang; Rear Commodore Sailing David Norton; Rear Commodore Club Mark Parker; Honorary Secretary Bo Lee; Honorary Treasurer Joseph Chu; Rowing Captain Judy Chan. For other Club contact details Directory on page 28.
with a

Set Sail to Italy Wine Dinner

Middle Island Cardboard Boat Race

St. Patrick’s Day Party at Middle Island

Compass Room and Steakhouse | Thursday 2 March
Middle Island | Friday 17 March
Middle Island | Sunday 19 March Kellett Island Wine Fair 1 Set Sail to Italy Wine Dinner in the Compass Room and Steakhouse 2 Shelter Cove Wine Fair 3 4 Dragon Boat Steering Clinic 5 6 Adult Beginners Level 1 – Start Sailing 7 Ladies at the Helm in the Regatta Room Adult Beginners Level 1 – Start Sailing 8 Adult Beginners Level 1 – Start Sailing PVOCC Grade 2 9 ‘Clueless’ Under the Stars on the Rooftop Adult Beginners Level 1 – Start Sailing PVOCC Grade 2 10 Wellness Retreat at Kellett Island Supervised Sailing RYA Safety Boat Youth Sailing Club Optimist Intermediate 11 Adult Further Sailing RYA Safety Boat Opti Beginner Optimist Silver Squad Youth Sailing Squad Dragon Boat Steering Clinic 12 13 RYA Powerboat Level 2 14 RYA Powerboat Level 2 15 South African Wine Dinner in the Compass Room and Regatta Room RYA Safety Boat PVOCC Grade 2 16 St. Patrick’s Day Party at Middle Island RYA Safety Boat PVOCC Grade 2 17 Adult Beginners Level 1 – Start Sailing RYA Powerboat Level 2 Youth Sailing Club Optimist Intermediate 18 Middle Island Cardboard Boat Race Adult Beginners Level 1 – Start Sailing RYA Powerboat Level 2 Opti Beginner Optimist Silver Squad Youth Sailing Squad St. James’s Place 7th Harbour Regatta19 20 Adult Beginners Level – Start Sailing NSC First Aid 21 Adult Beginners Level – Start Sailing 22 Throwback Movie Night – Some like it Hot on the Rooftop Adult Beginners Level 1 – Start Sailing 23 Adult Beginners Level 1 – Start Sailing 24 International Waffle Day in the Bistro Adult Beginners Level 1 – Start Sailing Adult Further Sailing RYA Powerboat Level 2 Youth Sailing Club Optimist Intermediate Level 1 Adult Rowing Introduction course 25 Kid’s Movie Night – E.T. on the Rooftop Adult Beginners Level 1 – Start Sailing Adult Further Sailing RYA Powerboat Level 2 Opti Beginner Optimist Silver Squad Youth Sailing Squad Level 1 Adult Rowing Introduction course 26 International Whisky Day Whisky Tasting in the Ward Room NSC First Aid 27 28 29 Domaine de la Janasse Wine Dinner in the Compass Room and Steakhouse 30 Global Wine Fair on the Rooftop 31 DINGHY RACING CLASS RACING CLASS RACING CLASS RACING CLASS RACING LADIES AT THE HELM YMC PO TOI CHALLENGE INTER-SCHOOL SAILING FESTIVAL COASTAL RACE International Whisky Day Whisky Tasting Ward Room | Monday 27 March Global Wine Fair Rooftop | Friday 31 March
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Commodore’s Message

I would like to thank everyone that attended the General Committee Town Hall last month. It was heartening to see so many members taking an interest in the running of the Club.

March is an exciting and busy month for sailing with the month starting off with the Boase Cohen & Collins Inter School Sailing Festival taking place at Middle Island on 4 and 5 March after 3 years absence.

The Ladies Helm will take place in the Harbour on Sunday 5 March afternoon followed by the last Coastal Race before the start of the Rolex China Sea Race on Saturday 11 March. We also have the Young Members Committee Po Toi Challenge taking place on Sunday 19.

Best of luck to the Etchells, Pandora and Ruffian fleet who have their Class Championships taking place this month. And all of the regular class racing in between!

The events season is up and running for the Rowing and Paddle Sports section. The Head of Shing Mun River last month was a great success with RHKYC crews taking five Golds including a record time for the Men’s Eight. This month we host the 7th Harbour Regatta, which is

衷心感謝所有上月出席由理事會主持的公聽會。看見那麼多會員那麼熱 心會務,實在鼓舞人心。

三月可是一個充實的月份,由3月4日及5日假中途島舉行的「布高江律師 行校際帆船節」打響頭炮。闊別三年,這個賽事終於強勢回歸了。

女子舵手賽將於3月5日在維港上演,隨後在「勞力士中國海岸帆船賽」 開賽前,3月11日將舉行最後一場海岸賽事。本會的青年會員委員會將於 3月19日舉行。

另外祝願Etchells、Pandora及Ruffian級別的帆船運動員在本月其 級別帆船錦標賽一切順利,同樣的祝福亦將轉贈於恆常的級別帆船賽 選手。

賽艇及划槳運動部亦相繼舉行不少活動。上月舉行的「The Head of Shing Mun River」圓滿結束,本會派出的隊伍取得五面金牌,在八人 男子雙槳艇項目更破紀錄,創下佳績。下月,我們將舉辦「第七屆維港 賽艇賽」,在本會吉列島會所對出海域舉行的密集式短途賽。龍舟隊伍

always an action-packed event being a sprint race right in front of our KI clubhouse. Dragon boat team recruitment and training is also underway with a start of season focus on health, strength and fitness as well as introducing a ‘new stroke’. In outrigger canoe, the teams are working on ‘skills development’ and ‘technical improvements’ in the build up to the start of race season.

The news from Marine is that the power pedestals on the pontoon are now in use and at Middle Island the new sampan been renamed Ingrid L. Thanks to Johan Leven for the winning bid at the Charity Auction held in celebration of the 10 th Anniversary of the RHKYC Charity Foundation.

Looking a little further ahead, the Rolex China Sea Race will start on Wednesday 5 April with a warning signal 1110hrs, it’s a public holiday so please do come down to Kellett Island to watch the start!

Lastly, the Club’s 2023 Electoral General Meeting will take place on Thursday, 8 June at 1830hrs in the Compass Room. There are nine posts on General Committee for which elections are necessary – including Rear Commodore (Club), Rear Commodore (Sailing), Honorary Treasurer and Rowing Captain. I would like to invite our Life and Full Members to put forward for consideration by the Nominating Committee (of which I am the Chairman) the names of members who they think could be suitable for these positions and who are either Life Members or who have been Full Members for at least two years, and I would be more than happy to receive your nominations before Wednesday, 13 April by email to commodore@rhkyc.org.hk.

已展開一系了的招募及訓練工作,他們以「健康、力量及體適能」為主 題,更向大眾介紹新的划槳。在懸浮獨木舟隊伍方面,他們以「技術發 展」及「技術改進」作為本季開操主題。

海事部告知浮橋上的充電設置已正式啟用,而往來中途島會所的新舢舨 亦已被重新命名為「Ingrid L.號」。感謝Johan



目光放遠一點,勞力士中國海帆船賽將於4月5日開賽,屆時上午11時 10分將發出訊號,當日是公眾假期,大家不妨到訪吉列島觀賽。最後, 本會於2023年的「周年會員大會」將於6月8日(星期四)下午6時30分在 Compass Room舉辦。在「周年會員大會」中,一共有九個職位需要在 選舉下產生,包括副會長(會務科)、副會長(帆船科)、榮譽司庫及賽艇首 長。我在此邀請各永久及正式會員,向由我帶領的「提名委員會」提名你 們認為適合以上職位的會員;被提名者須為本會已有兩年資歷的永久會 員或正式會員。提名名單最遲須於4月13日前以電郵方式遞交,請把提名 電郵至commodore@rhkyc.org.hk。

4 | MARCH 2023 AHOY! The Bridge
Commodore Lucy Sutro

General Manager’s Message

We start the month off with the Set Sail to Italy Wine dinner on 2 March and our host for the evening, Michele Volpato will share his expertise on wines from Sardinia and Sicily, areas that are of course also steeped in sailing history. Embark upon a culinary voyage; exploring and indulging in the delicious food and wine that Sicily and Sardinia have to offer. The next wine dinner is a South Africa Wine Dinner on 16 March where hosts Messrs Carneiro and Shaw will raise the profile of the incredible wines that South Africa has to offer.

Michele Volpato returns for our last wine dinner of the month, the Domaine de la Janasse Wine Dinner where he will tell you all about the wines from Domaine de la Janasse; a winery established in 1973 producing some of the best wines that Châteauneuf-du-Pape and the Côtes du Rhône have to offer.

Intermingled with this selection of wine dinners, you will find a whisky tasting to mark International Whisky Day on 27 March and a Global Wine Fair on 31 March. The Global Wine Fair in particular is making a welcome return to the Club after a hiatus of a few years due to Covid. Meet vendors from all over the world as they take you on a journey to

taste all the various wines in their portfolios. There will be barbeque and canapé stations set up for you to eat some delicious food while trying all the wines on offer. Each person will enter a lucky draw to win the biggest prize of the evening – a mixed case of wines from each of the vendors!

By popular demand we have organised a St. Patrick’s Day Party at Middle Island on Friday 17 March featuring live music from the Naggin Eejits Band, followed a couple of days later at Middle Island by the Cardboard Boat Race! This event organised jointly by the Family and the Middle Island Sub-Committees does exactly what it says in the name, it is a race for teams in boats made entirely of cardboard! Even if you don't build your own race boat and get out on the water, it should be fabulous to watch from ashore! Full details of these events are available on page 24.

Several movie nights are also being put on this month – Clueless on 10 March, the all-time classic Some Like it Hot on 23 March and a Kids Movie Night (E.T.) on 26 March.

Closer on the horizon however is an event in honour of International Women’s Day. Please do come along on Wednesday 8 March for our Ladies at the Helm evening hosted by Commodore Lucy Sutro.

And of course, by the time you are reading this we all hope that mask wearing will be a thing of the past, or at least we can see a date when this last remaining restriction will be abolished, at which point we can finally say that we are completely back to business as normal.

I look forward to seeing you at the Club.

當晚的主持人,Michele Volpato會為大家分享其於Sardinia及Sicily, 兩個意大利島嶼的美酒知識。這個地方的帆船運動歷史亦源遠流長。 大家不妨一起踏上美食之旅,探索在Sardinia及Sicily的美酒佳餚。

下一場葡萄酒晚宴將會是3月16日舉行的「南非葡萄酒晚宴」。主持人 Messrs Carneiro及Shaw將會為大家推介南非美酒。

Michele Volpato繼上月舉行的葡萄酒晚宴後,將再度歸來;在 「Domaine de la Janasse葡萄酒晚宴」中為大家推介來自Domaine de la Janasse的美酒。該酒莊自1973年成立,釀造 Châteauneuf-duPape及 Côtes du Rhône 上乘的美酒。

在上述兩場葡萄酒晚宴中,我們將舉辦一場威士忌品酒晚宴,以慶祝 3月27日舉行的國際威士忌日及3月31日舉行的「Global Wine Fair」。

「Global Wine Fair」是自這數年新冠肺炎疫情以來,終於強勢回歸的活 動。認識來自世界各地的美酒供應商,相信他們定當帶你來一趟品酒旅 程,嚐盡他們的美酒。活動當日更有燒烤及小吃提供,邊品酒,邊吃美食。 每位參與者都可以參加幸福大抽獎,獎品是每個供應商的混合葡萄酒。

為回應大家的要求,3月17日星期五我們將在中途島舉行St. Patrick’s Day派對。屆時,將有Naggin Eejits Band的現場音樂,數日後更會在 中途島舉辦「Cardboard Boat Race」。此活動為Family 及Middle Island Sub-Committee聯合舉辦,正如賽事名稱所言,這場賽事的船 隻均由紙板造成。即使你不參賽,你亦可以在岸上觀賽呢!有關賽事詳 細資料可見於第24頁。

本月亦有數場電影放映夜,包括在3月10日舉行的經典電影「熱情如火」 ,另一場兒童電影則為3月26日舉辦的E.T.。

國際婦女日亦將至,大家不妨於3月8日(星期三)到訪本會,出席當晚由本 會會長Lucy Sutro舉行的「Our Ladies at the Helm」活動。當然,當 大家閱讀此序言時,相信大家都希望配戴口罩這個動作將成為歷史。又 或我們可見到曙光,知道該大日子將至,亦同時可向世界宣告,我們終於 復常了。


MARCH 2023 AHOY! | 5 The Bridge
General Manager Mark Bovaird 總經理布馬克
我們以3月2日舉辦的「Set Sail to Italy 葡萄酒晚宴」為3月揭開序幕。

Impala Charity Race

Ranging from 9C in the morning with a gusty northerly wind to 16C of beautiful sunshine and much lighter wind, such were the weather conditions of the 7th day of the Lunar New Year, also known as ‘Everyone’s Birthday’.

This was the Impala fleet’s first race in the harbour to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit and the first charity event right after the RHKYC Charity Foundation celebrated its 10 th Anniversary last November. What a happy coincidence!

Half of the Impala fleet participated this meaningful event on 28 January.

Congratulations to Gnu, Boss Hogg and Caviar for making it onto the winners’ podium, but with so many generous sponsors, prizes weren’t limited to the podium finishers –all boats who participated came away with a prize.

After that, a hardstand get-together party continued, with lots of Champagne, wine, drinks and food.

It was definitely a remarkable day for the class,

spearheaded by Manson Ma, together with the Impala Class Captain Mike Burrell and Class Secretary Patrick Kwan. Without them, nothing exists.

The RHKYC Charity Foundation wishes all sailing, rowing, paddling classes/sections and

our non-core sports can do similar charity activities at least once a year so that we can do more for our beneficiaries. The list of beneficiary organisations can be found in our website.

Happy New Year of the Rabbit!

6 | MARCH 2023 AHOY! The Bridge
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One Global HKRNVR Memorial Vase with a Prizegiving!

8 | MARCH 2023 AHOY! Feature | One Global HKRNVR Memorial Vase with a Prizegiving!

With the ushering in of the new year, the 2023 One Global HKRNVR Memorial Vase was held on Saturday 7 January – this year finally offering up sailors the long-awaited opportunity to celebrate not only this historic race with great competition on the water, but also the resumption of prizegiving presentations returning after the long protracted Covid days. Sailors gathered at the Main Lawn in celebration, lifting the trophy right after the race.

boats turned out on Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour to compete in the event which is held in honour of the Hong Kong Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve (HKRNVR); a defense force originally formed by members of the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club. The trophy was gifted in memory of all HKRNVR amateur sailors who engaged in regular patrol duties around the waters of Hong Kong to help ensure its security. The Deed of Gift contains the proviso that the race should take competitors into those waters once patrolled by the HKRNVR.

MARCH 2023 AHOY! | 9
Feature | One
Global HKRNVR Memorial
with a Prizegiving!

The day began with 8kts of easterly breeze at the start line area of Hung Hom. Race Officer Gareth Williams opted for a course of 8.1nm, sending the fleet upwind through Li Yue Mun gap, rounding TCS4 before returning into the eastern end of Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour, to satisfy the requirement of the HKRNVR Deed of Gift.

The objective of a pursuit race is to start the fastest boats last and then watch them catch the slower fleets. By the time the last two yachts – both TP52s had started, the first boat Pandora Solstice was making her way around the top mark at TCS4. The wind softened to 2kts in the Junk Bay area, consolidating the gap between the fleet, however after 20

minutes the breeze picked up again sending the fleet downwind into the harbour. Given the light conditions, Williams elected to shorten the course at Kowloon Bay.

Congratulations go to Mike Burrell and his crew aboard Impala 1 who chased down the leading group of Pandoras and Ruffians on the return leg to finish first. Ruffian Victory 9 finished only

10 | MARCH 2023 AHOY! Feature | One Global HKRNVR Memorial Vase with a Prizegiving!

17 seconds behind to take second place and Flying Fifteen French Fries took third.

The race was followed by the long-awaited return to prizegiving after a long hiatus dating back to late February 2020. Supported by title sponsor One Global and partner Peroni, Gareth Williams presented the top three prizes to Impala 1 (Mike Burrell), Victory 9 (Wan Kit Kot) and French Fries (Jun Komatsu) and the prizes for first Big Boat, first Inshore Keelboat and first Day Boat to Capitano (Andrew Taylor/ Denis Martinet), Taxi (Dennis Chien) and Kerfuffle (Carlyon Knight-Evans) respectively.

The One Global HKRNVR Memorial Vase is the third constituent event of the Top Dog Trophy Series which is designed to identify the most successful boat competing across various courses and conditions. Mike Burrell‘s Impala 1 is leading with a massive 18 points ahead of Henry Wong’s J80 Footloose. The final winner will be determined after the final event of the series, the One Global Tomes Cup will be run on 29 April.

The Club would like to thank the fabulous volunteers who ran the racing on the day, Race Officer Gareth Williams, ARO Sean Taylor,

Victor Tsien and his team of ever skillful assistants Carter Wong, Dawn Allen, Jacky Lam, Jennifer Kozel, Victor Yung, Victoria Elegant and safety team of Niclas Rydin and Peter Duigan.

After nearly 3 long years, we were thrilled to be able to host a prizegiving post-race. We must say a huge thank you to our Title Sponsor One Global Property Services and Partner Peroni, who through it all, maintained their support to the Club and our event. We truly appreciate their ongoing partnership with us and look forward to many more spectacular events together.

MARCH 2023 AHOY! | 11 Feature | One Global HKRNVR Memorial Vase with a Prizegiving! One Global HKRNVR Memorial Vase 2023 Saturday 7 January 2023 NAME OF BOAT SAIL NUMBER CLASS SKIPPER POSITION Impala 1 9546 Impala Mike Burrell 1 Victory 9 515 Ruffian Wan Kit Kot 2 French Fries 3828 Flying Fifteen Jun Komatsu 3 Kerfuffle 3979 Flying Fifteen Carlyon Knight-Evans 4 Taxi 1047 Impala Dennis Chien 5 Serendipity 346 Sportsboat Pender / Houghton 6 Noddy 1393 Etchells Jamie McWilliam 7 Dynamite 1339 Etchells Richard Allen 8 Footloose 2252 J/80 Henry Wong 9 Puff'N Stuff 3701 Flying Fifteen David Chow 10
1st Overall – Impala 1 – Mike Burrell 2nd Overall – Victory 9 – Wan Kit Kot 3rd Overall – French Fries – Jun Komatsu 1st Big Boat – Capitano – Andrew Taylor/Denis Martinet 1st Inshore Keelboat – Taxi – Dennis Chien 1st Day Boat – Kerfuffle – Carlyon Knight-Evans

Sharks 29er Team at Sail Sydney

Jayden and I arrived in Sydney on 11 December, which meant that we did not have a lot of time to get the boat set up and for training with only three training days allocated before racing started on the 15th. Unfortunately, this turned into only two training days as the first day was cancelled due to bad weather.

ail Sydney 2022 was an unforgettable experience. It was Jayden and my first international regatta, so we definitely learnt a lot and gained a lot of experience. There was a total of 21 entries for the 29er Class; almost all of them Australian bar us and one other Hong Kong team from HKSI (RHKYC sailor Emily Polson), with the racing being held in the famed Sydney Harbour.

Preparations began months in advance. Prior to the event, which was held in mid-December, we had no experience in international racing, especially the logistics behind it. Hence, we had to learn it all; from how we were going to ship sails over, to the tools and equipment we needed. After a few lists and plans, we had all our equipment over and a solid plan on our goals in Sydney.

As for the racing, conditions throughout the event were not in our favour. Winds were averaging 15–25kts with gusts up to 28kts, making even keeping the boat upright a challenge. Given the race course was right in the middle of Sydney Harbour, the sea state was also extremely choppy, greatly increasing the risk of pitchpoling into the back of a wave. This caused us to be over most of the time in the freezing waters of the Harbour, which was definitely not the most pleasant experience. Even so, it helped us learn how to start in a big fleet, as well as coping with crowded mark roundings and more which we could never get in Hong Kong.

There were four days of racing, three races a day, all counting to an overall result at the end of the regatta. The course was a windward leeward, contested over two laps, which meant the races lasted around 20 to 30 minutes depending on how fast you completed it. A 20+ boat fleet with a relatively short start line meant extremely crowded starts and intense competition for a good starting spot on the first lane.

The regatta ended with us finishing 19 th. While we didn’t achieve the results that we were hoping for, our end goal for this competition was to just gain experience for upcoming international regattas later in the season, which we achieved. Lastly, we’d both like to express our gratitude towards the Club for supporting us throughout the event and providing us with invaluable experience going forward.

12 | MARCH 2023 AHOY!

Admiral’s Cup

Louis Polson:

This was the first overseas trip for the Sharks Squad since the Australian Nationals in January 2020 thanks to Covid restrictions.

The Optimist team consisting of Kai Storey, Penelope Wilde, Felix Worthington, Caleb Pang, Louis Polson, Marcus Li, Zihan (Helen) Liu and Xinran (Audrey) Liu and Petra Plenkovic our coach were so excited to be finally allowed to go on a team trip.

We skipped a few hours of school on Friday 13 January to catch a flight to Bangkok, where we arrived and took vans down to Pattaya and our hotel that was directly across the road from the Royal Varuna Yacht Club. We arrived at the hotel around 1000hrs and went straight to bed as we had a 0700hrs start the next day.

Saturday was the first day of racing and we had to pick up our charter boats and set them up, the wind was light, and we were under AP with the first race finally getting under way around 1430hrs. We managed three races in 5 to 8kts of wind in very hot conditions coming off the

water around 1800hrs. We all managed mixed results and a few of us were ill. The parents took us out to a weird place called Mermaids 3 for dinner; we ended up dancing with some people doing Karaoke!

Sunday was again a 0700hrs start as the first warning was at 1000hrs, again we were on AP until around 1300hrs with the first race getting away around 1400hrs, we again managed three races, but the wind was very light it started out around 5kts and built to 8kts but at times it dropped to 0kts which again provided us all with mixed results. The parents took us to a “normal” restaurant across the road from our hotel and we had lots of fun bottle flipping as a team over dinner.

Monday was finals day. Only Helen had managed to make it into Gold Fleet and the rest of us were in Silver. It was another 0700hrs start with a scheduled 1000hrs first warning, but again we were on AP. Some of the sailors had an earlier flight so they made the decision to pack up and head back to the hotel, leaving

14 | MARCH 2023 AHOY! Sailing

only Helen, Audrey, Felix and Louis left to race. The AP remained in place even once the wind came in as the Race Committee were having computer issues with the Gold and Silver fleet assignments/results! We finally managed to get on the water but with a 1500hrs cut off time for sailing and lots of General recalls on Black Flags only Helen in Gold Fleet managed to complete a race. The silver fleet sailors finally got a start but there was no time left to finish the race and make their flight so they only sailed to the top mark and headed in.

We all learnt lots especially how to sail in strong tide, so strong sometimes we were going backwards as the wind was not strong enough to make us go forward. We had loads of fun as a team and we would like to thank the RHKYC for allowing and helping us join the event and very big thank you to Petra our coach for all her enthusiasm.

Helen Liu:

The Admiral’s Cup was a memorable experience. The weather was hot and humid in Pattaya, and the sea was choppy. There was light wind on all three days and the race committee usually

had to postpone the warning signal. The regatta made me realize sailing isn’t just about racing, but the experience and the things you learn from it.

The current in Thailand was really strong, pushing boats down and into the pin. The starts were difficult, but I eventually found a recipe. The first day, everyone was getting used to the different waters, and I got lucky many times. I improved every race, starting from fifteenth to top five. The first few races already taught me a lot, more than what I could learn in Hong Kong.

On the second day, everyone started to get used to the course and it was harder to sail and get good results. I tried staying in the middle and tacking with the fleets but lost places. In the next race, I learnt from my mistakes and had a good race finishing in the top ten. My strategy for the two days worked really well, especially my tactics on the first upwind. I also improved my starts. In the last race, because of a good start I was leading the whole fleet. I was really nervous and often looked around my boat. At the last leg, I forgot the golden rule of sailing against the current

which made me lose three places. I learnt to check the current in relation to the committee boat’s bow every mark rounding so I would always know where the current is coming from.

On the last day, we had to launch late at 1200hrs. I was really nervous because this was my only chance of getting top ten. My first leg was good as usual and I was in the top five. I lost many places on the downwind and gate, also by tacking too far onto the left side which was the worst side that day. However, even though I came eleventh and wasn’t in the top ten at the end, I made friends with the Singapore and Thai sailors. At the end of the day, I went back to the hotel happy and content.

The trip to Thailand was enjoyable and eventful, and it made me realize that there is still a lot out there to learn.

MARCH 2023 AHOY! | 15 Sailing

Spotlight on the Junior Dragon Boat Paddling Programme


I’m sure you are familiar with the Club’s dragon boat team, Royal X, but did you know the Club also runs courses for younger paddlers? In fact, it has been almost 10 years since the Club started offering dragon boat courses to junior athletes. When it first started, our juniors would train for eight weeks and compete in the VRC Deep Water Bay regatta, and the Lamma 500 in the Under 18 category. This year our Head Paddle Sports Coach Melissa Davis has developed junior dragon boat paddling into a full programme for youth paddling including two junior dragon boat ‘eight weeks terms’ and a record four races! The first term from March to April will see our young paddlers compete in the MI Cup and the Lamma 500 while the second term from May to June will have the juniors compete in the VRC DWB regatta and the KI Cup.

The training sessions are on Saturdays from 1330 to 1500hrs at Middle Island (and Kellett Island) to learn the fundamentals of the dragon boat stroke, team and seat dynamics, race strategy, training drills, water and safety awareness, plus a whole lot of fun activities. Paddling together is one of the key aspects of the dragon boat: only when paddlers hit the water together can the boat reach maximum speed. While gaining more confidence, our young paddlers will also build the strength and stamina to compete on the standard 500m distance.

The feedback from both the parents and the paddlers has been very positive. While the course aims to put together a competitive team, dragon boat is at its core a very social sport. As Club member Clarissa Becker, whose daughter has entered the programme twice, points out “It’s such a great way to get teens outdoors and on the water on a Saturday afternoon. My daughter has made many new friends and really enjoys both the camaraderie and competitiveness of the sport.”

While all the training helps build the confidence of our young paddlers, making friends in the process, racing really is the highlight of the

programme. Club member Cissa McVey quotes her daughter who joined the programme for the first-time last season: “It’s great fun because you get to learn how to dragon boat and then you get to race! On race day it’s exciting to see all the other teams.”

The team is always looking for new junior paddlers and welcome paddlers aged between 12 and 17 years old of all fitness levels. If your child would like to take on this challenge and make fun memories on the water, the course is now open for registration please visit the Club website for more details.

16 | MARCH 2023 AHOY!
DRAGON BOAT CONTACTS dragonboat@rhkyc.org.hk

Women in Outrigger Canoeing

Outrigger canoeing has traditionally been a male dominated sport with, up until the late 1970’s, women still being excluded from certain large international races. However, the last decade has seen a positive shift in focus towards women in paddling with an increasing number of sponsored female athletes. The Yacht Club is leading the way on this front with women currently making up 35% of its outrigger member base. Here we talk to two women from the Outrigger Canoe Steering Sub Committee about their plans for the section and what makes them (paddle)-tick!

Melissa Davis, Head Coach for both the Outrigger and Dragon Boat sections

How did you get into the sport of Outrigger Canoeing and coaching?

I had always been involved in water sports growing up in Brisbane. Namely, women’s water polo teams and swimming. My father was also a keen ‘boatie’ so we were always out on the water in some shape or form. I was a member of the club back in 2009 and I’d always wanted to try dragon boat. However, I ended up ‘falling into’ outrigger canoe at the same time! Coaching was a knock-on effect from being passionate about both water sports and paddle sports and I found myself obtaining certifications and experience to allow me to coach at the club.

observe great competitiveness in ‘fighting for a seat’ at the top level and intense commitment and determination by paddlers to reach their own goals but who, at the same time, celebrate their peers’ achievements as if they were their own.

Martina Redaelli, Women’s Captain

What is your philosophy as Captain?

I think it’s important that everybody, whether novice or experienced paddlers, be given the opportunity and support to fulfill their goals and potential. For many of us, paddling is not just a sport but also a lifestyle, so being happy with your club, training plan and teammates is extremely important. I hope that all our members consider us family in the same way that I do!


It was very rewarding to have crews win one of gold, silver or bronze across all categories in all 2022 local races including the Around Lamma Race, the Around Po Toi Race and of course the Yacht Club’s very own Around The Island Race. We were also very lucky to be able to compete in the Singapore Ocean Cup last year, our first overseas race in 3 years, from which the section brought back multiple gold and silver medals from both team and individual races.

What are your goals for the team this year?

My goal is to increase the general standard of paddling throughout the section with the aim of targeting some of the bigger international races. I would also like to help newer paddlers, especially women, become more comfortable on the small canoes and encourage them to participate in local races in the one-person boats. We will have a busy year ahead with Hong Kong opening up and the racing calendar resuming back to its normal jampacked schedule. I am very excited about what we can achieve as a team and a section and am very much looking forward to getting back on the water when the weather warms up!

What is your coaching style and philosophy?

Be both honest and encouraging.

What are your coaching goals for 2023?

Aside from podium success in outrigger canoe at all racing events, I would love to see more skills development in all paddlers. Over the years, I have witnessed incredible comebacks from people, and fast progression in rookies who a year or two ago had never seen a paddle before! I have also been lucky enough to

What were some of your highlights as Captain in 2022?

Because of the social distancing restrictions at the beginning of the year, our training calendar was cut short. But this didn’t stop everyone from putting in the extra effort required to make up for lost time as soon as training resumed. It made me so proud to have both new and experienced paddlers committing so much time and energy to the sport.

MARCH 2023 AHOY! | 17

Ship Shop

Musto Men’s BR2 Offshore Jacket 2.0

Featuring Musto’s new hardcore ‘BR2 Performance’ fabric which not only offers 30k/15k waterproof protection, it also features our brand new durable DWR, ‘LDWR’ – a long lasting DWR developed using PFCfree chemistry, with a much higher wet abrasion resistance so the fabric stays drier for longer. With design nods to the iconic HPX such as the new spume guard, and an innovated collar and hood construction, the BR2 Offshore Jacket 2.0 is more waterproof and breathable and provides exceptional offshore protection without adding weight and bulk or compromising on comfort.


Plano Marine Water Resistant Bin Storage Box

The Plano® Marine Water Resistant Bin Storage Box keeps all your fishing gear, emergency supplies, dry provisions, electronics, or other essentials safe and protected. This Plano water resistant gear box brings a heavy-duty design to hold up to 85 lbs. with high resistance to splash and wave thanks to an O-ring seal. 2 removable dividers let you customize the interior.

Side handles provide easy carry. The stackable form factor of the Plano Marine Water Resistant Bin Storage Box lets you add more boxes efficiently.


Maui Jim Little Bell Polarised Fashion Sunglasses

Experience clear-as-a-bell views through our latest fashion frame, Little Bell. SuperThin Glass lenses ensure that you have the sharpest optics available, while the translucent acetate frames allow for light-dancing radiance to make you shine. If you like the look and feel of Taro, but want something a bit smaller, Little Bell might be the right choice for you.


Sail Racing Spray Duffel Bag Medium 55L

Spray Duffel size Medium 55L made in polyester tarpaulin fabric. Can be worn as a backpack with its two adjustable and detachable shoulder straps. Made from waterproof material and provides protection from light moisture. It opens right up, which makes it easy to see what you have packed. It has many practical handles in webbing tape and the shoulder straps are padded for increased comfort. The main compartment has a D-zip opening with a bigger inner pocket. Two inner pockets in mesh. Sail Racing printed logo and bloc logo on the sides, 55dm3 print on the top.


Raymarine Race Master T070

Premium solar powered tactical race compass with race timer, wind shift and start line bias indicators, The ultimate tactical race compass and wind shift indicator. The Race Master's two-tier display shows your heading, how far you're above or below the mean course, and how much you're being headed or lifted. Race Master lets you quickly and easily establish the favored end of the start line, and will help you sail the shortest distance to the windward mark. When sailing downwind, Race Master will show you how far off dead downwind you are and when you should gybe for optimal VMG.


18 | MARCH 2023 AHOY! Marine
Call David in the Ship Shop on 2239 0336 or email shipshop@rhkyc.org.hk

Rescue Laser™ Light signaling device

The RLL013-01 Rescue Laser™ Light is a handheld day and nighttime laser signaling device that provides a convenient, effective way to signal a rescue party. Its waterproof, rugged design combines the safety of a laser signaling device with the convenience of a flashlight. Unlike pyrotechnic flares, the Rescue Laser™ Light is non-flammable, environmentally safe, and can operate continuously for 40 hours on a single, long-life, replaceable CR123 lithium battery (available at most department stores and wherever camera batteries are sold).


For over three decades, the much lighter Fortress Anchor has out-performed substantially heavier steel anchors in holding power tests conducted all around the world. In the US Navy tests, not only did the Fortress out-perform heavier steel anchors, they were also able to withstand pull loads that averaged over 200x their own weight. Fortress Anchors are constructed using a high-tensile, corrosionresistant, aluminum magnesium alloy. This results in a lighter, easy to handle anchor with superior holding power.

The anchors have been designed to be easily disassembled for compact storage, or as a spare and/or a storm anchor. All Fortress Anchors are precision-machined for sharpness and quick penetration into common sea bottoms, which ensures faster setting-performance, Boat Length 39-45FT. $4,800

MARCH 2023 AHOY! | 19
TIDES 0048 0.87 1657 1.94 1 WED 0132 0.74 1802 1.98 2 THU 0204 0.63 1852 2.04 3 FRI 0235 0.56 0959 1.40 1227 1.35 1935 2.09 4 SAT 0505 0.94 1144 2.05 1751 0.66 25 SAT 0239 0.38 0941 1.61 1352 1.04 2026 2.37 20 MON 0342 0.51 1026 1.81 1532 0.71 2214 2.22 22 WED 0412 0.64 1049 1.91 1619 0.63 2302 2.05 23 THU 0440 0.79 1116 2.00 1704 0.62 2348 1.85 24 FRI 1530 2.11 16 THU 0044 0.64 1657 2.18 17 FRI 0130 0.50 0859 1.50 1130 1.41 1814 2.26 18 SAT 19 SUN 0206 0.41 0918 1.55 1253 1.25 1925 2.34 0022 1.76 0549 0.95 1210 1.93 1826 0.81 12 SUN 0116 1.58 0611 1.07 1239 1.99 1922 0.83 13 MON 0236 1.39 0628 1.18 1310 2.04 2042 0.85 14 TUE 1401 2.07 2237 0.79 15 WED 0525 0.84 1142 1.86 1739 0.81 11 SAT 0331 0.52 1012 1.46 1414 1.14 2055 2.16 6 MON 0354 0.54 1022 1.52 1456 1.03 2135 2.15 7 TUE 0415 0.59 1030 1.59 1536 0.94 2214 2.11 8 WED 0437 0.65 1048 1.68 1616 0.88 2255 2.04 9 THU 0501 0.74 1114 1.78 1656 0.83 2337 1.92 10 FRI 0304 0.52 1000 1.42 1328 1.25 2015 2.13 5 SUN 0129 1.43 0538 1.18 1244 2.05 1954 0.81 27 MON 1316 2.01 2142 0.84 28 TUE 1407 1.95 2331 0.79 29 WED 1528 1.91 30 THU 0035 1.63 0528 1.08 1214 2.07 1844 0.74 26 SUN 0311 0.41 1003 1.70 1444 0.85 2122 2.33 21 TUE 0034 0.72 1647 1.90 31 FRI Marine
MARCH 2023
Fortress Marine Anchor FX-23 RHKYC Rowing Backpack
RHKYC Stamped Brass Car Badge


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20 | MARCH 2023 AHOY!
YOU INTERESTED IN REACHING THE BOATING COMMUNITY IN HONG KONG? ...then Ahoy! should be your choice. If you are interested please email prdept@rhkyc.org.hk or contact the PR Department on 2239 0307 or 2239 0312 STORM FORCE M A RIN E LT D ww w s t orm or c emarine .c o m The largest distributor of high quality marine products in Hong Kong Storm Force Marine Ltd 601 Sunbeam Centre 27 Shing Yip Street Kwun Tong, Kowloon +852 2866 0114 +852 2866 9260 sales@stormforcemarine com

Kellett Golf Society


I wish you all good health and prosperity in the new year!

First, I am pleased to introduce our new Captain of the Kellett Golf Society – René Theil. My dear friend René is an active member of the KGS, a great golf buddy and partner, and we have played competitive matches for many years. He is also a prominent sailor within the Etchells community. As the new Convener of KGS, I’ll continue to support the golf society. Rene and I will try our best to deliver an excellent golf experience for all members.

The first outing of 2023 took place on 5 January at the super scenic but challenging KSC East Course.

We were fortunate with a fantastic, bluesky day that turned out much warmer than predicted. Soon after the first hole, sweaters came off, and almost all 18 holes could be played in our nice KGS polo shirts.

For this first game of the year, 24 players participated. We split into two teams and competed with the format “four balls better ball”. This means that every flight plays their own game up to hole out. The best player score of either team A or B wins the hole. Then we counted all scores to see which team won the most holes overall to become the event winner.

Other prizes to be won were the Longest Drive

(Hole #17), Closest To Pin (Hole #3 & 13) and Closest To Pin in 2 (Hole #12).

The Team winners

The team that won our first outing of the year was TEAM A: Patrick Pender, Chris Li, Klaus Zimmer, Ricky Leung, Daniel Lau, Ruby Yim, Ricky Lau, Ambrose Lo, Niclas Rydin, Glenn Smith, Rene Theil and Niels Jensen.

The Longest Drive

Simon Wong

Closest to Pin (Hole #3)

Niclas Rydin

Closest to Pin (Hole #13)

Ruby Yim

Closest to Pin in Two (Hole #12)

Simon Wong

Congratulations to all the winners of this first outing of the year!

We also had some bonus winners because Albert Cheung was so kind to donate two bottles of champagne for this event. Much appreciated, Albert! Simon Lam and Chris Lee were the lucky draw winners of these nice donations.

New KGS Members

We like to welcome our newest KGS members: Albert Cheung, Niels Jensen, Piers Illingworth, William Mairs, Joshua Foo, Wilson Lee, Sean Taylor, Jonathan Lam and Marty Kaye.

If you are interested in joining the vibrant KGS, please email our friendly and efficient Nicola Ding at golf@rhkyc.org.hk.




Gordon Robinson: snooker@rhkyc.org.hk

At the time of writing, we haven’t had any matches recently against other Clubs but by the time you read this we will have played ABC away on 30 January and played with the HK Cricket Club in February. This month however is the long-awaited three-cornered tournament (with ABC and HHYC) will be back on 13 March at the fine three-table set-up at the Hong Kong Club. Coming up in April or May, we shall also get together with KCC, and perhaps some new opponents. Watch this space!

At a glance, the Ladder appears to be popular, with a good number of participants; in reality there are few challenges, and the lower rungs remain stagnant; perhaps we need a penalty to encourage activity.

Recent weddings, where the snooker room is used as the bride’s dressing room, have left their glittering mark on the table; really difficult with brush or fingers to remove every last shred of tinsel. Better that, though, than the chewing gum that somebody smeared on the top left-hand pocket rim! Shame on you.

MARCH 2023 AHOY! | 21 Other Sports

International Whisky Day Whisky


Ward Room | Monday 27 March

Global Wine Fair

Rooftop | Friday 31 March

Join us for a very exclusive whisky tasting in the Ward Room on International Whisky Day. We have selected five whiskies for the evening, single malts and blends, including Johnny Walker Blue Label and Johnny Walker Ghost and Rare. Come taste the different expressions and variations in regions and distilleries amongst the great. Only 12 spots are available so get your seat quick!

Price $588 per person

Time 1830hrs to 1930hrs

Location Ward Room

Reservations Please book via the Club website

Join us for an evening filled with wine from different regions, vintages and backgrounds. Meet vendors from all over the world as they take you on a journey to taste all the various wines. Barbeque and canape stations will be set up for you to eat some delicious food while trying all the wines you like all night. Each person will enter a lucky draw to win the biggest prize of the evening –a mixed case of wines from each of the vendors!

Price $348 per person

Time 1800hrs to 2200hrs

Location Rooftop

Reservations Please book via the Club website

Monthly Wine Fairs

Kellett Island, Wednesday 1 March, 1830hrs to 2030hrs

Shelter Cove, Friday 3 March, 1900hrs to 2100hrs

Please book via the Club website.

22 | MARCH 2023
Events | Promotions

Set Sail to Italy Wine Dinner

Compass Room and Steakhouse | Thursday 2 March

The Moors and Romans left an indelible mark on the islands of Sardinia and Sicily, infusing the land with a rich cultural legacy. From food and wine to architecture, their presence is still palpable today. Since then, these islands have been a beacon for artists, scholars, and adventurers, drawn by the promise of unparalleled beauty, rich history, and unmatched culinary delights.

Sardinia is steeped in sailing history, made famous by HH The Aga Khan's Yacht Club Costa Smeralda and the Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup, is a haven for the wealthy and famous, drawn by its clear blue waters, white sandy beaches, and abundance of seafood. From the wind-swept mountains to the traditional towns and villages that still preserve the island's culture and traditions, the island is full of hidden gems.


Le Colture Valdobbiadene Prosecco Spumante DOCG Brut Fagher N.V.


Hamachi Ceviche with Fennel and Green Apple Salsa, Pine nut, Crispy Bacon

Marco De Bartoli, Grappoli Del Grillo Sicilia DOC 2020, Trapani, Sicily

Seafood Fregola

Tenute Dettori, Dettori Bianco ‘Badde Nigolosu’

Romangia IGT Bianco 2021, Sassari, Sardegna

Tiger Prawn with Pasta alla Norma

COS, Frappato Terre Siciliane IGT 2021, Ragusa, Sicily

COS, Cerasuolo di Vittoria Classico DOCG 2017, Ragusa, Sicily

Braised Beef Short Rib, Melanzane alla Sassarese

Tenute Dettori, Ottomarzo ‘Badde Nigolosu’

Romangia IGT Rosso 2018, Sassari, Sardegna

Giovanni Montisci, Cannonau di Sardegna ‘Barrosu’ DOC 2019, Nuoro, Sardegna

Pardulas, Vanilla Panna Cotta

Coffee or Tea

Sicily is island of volcanic soil, of small island like the Egadi breathtakingly stunning , plates of Moorish food, bright red tuna and swordfish crudo drizzled with extra virgin olive oil and sprinkled with salt flakes paired beautifully with Garppoli Del Grillo or the sweet scent of sun dried Zibibbo the Muscat of Alexandria grapes as they wait their transition into the highly prized magical golden liqueur of Marco De Bartoli aged Marsala or the wines of COS from Ragusa that seduces many a wine connoisseur because of such fragrant grapes grown in a region of hot sandy terroir with red, ochre and yellow tones they produce incredible wines from ancient grapes of Alexandria and Persia such as Nero d’Aolva and Moscato. These islands represent a life lived deeply and honestly, and in this wine dinner, we’ll embark on a culinary voyage, exploring and indulging in the delicious food and wine that Sicily and Sardinia have to offer.

Pre-dinner Tasting 1900hrs

Dinner 1930hrs

Price $798 per member and $858 per non-member

Speaker Mr. Michele Volpato


Please book via the Club website. Priority booking available to Kellett Wine Society members.

Enquiries Call the F&B Office on 2239 0386 or email events@rhkyc.org.hk


Citrus-cured Avocado with Fennel and Green Apple Salsa, Pine nut, Crispy Parsnip

Roast Asparagus with Bean curd, Apricot Dip ***

Pasta alla Norma

Pumpkin and Zucchini, Portobello Mushroom, Dark Cherries Compote

Pardulas, Vanilla Panna Cotta

Coffee or Tea

MARCH 2023 AHOY! | 23 Events | Promotions

St. Patrick’s Day Party at Middle Island

Middle Island | Friday 17 March

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at Middle Island. Come in your green outfits or shamrocks. Enjoy traditional Irish delicacies and pints of Guinness! Try your luck at winning some St. Patrick’s themed games while enjoying some Irish traditional music by a band.

Price $398 for Adult Irish Buffet

$278 for Kid Irish Buffet

$138 for Guinness Free Flow

Time 1900hrs to 2300hrs

Location Middle Island

Reservations Please book via the Club website

Middle Island Cardboard Boat Race

Middle Island | Sunday 19 March

Organised by our Family Sub-Committee with the support of the Middle Island Sub-Committee, we present to you the most creative race ever. Make your own cardboard race boat with of course only CARDBOARD! Rules are simple, no plastic and it must fit two persons on the boat to row across the channel! Fastest boat to make it across and back will win a prize! Minimum 4 persons per team.

After the boat race, join us for a nice afternoon of barbecue from 1230hrs to 1500hrs.

Wellness Retreat

Rooftop | Saturday 11 March

In collaboration with Sweaty Betty, the Club is hosting its first ever Wellness Retreat. Dive into a day of serene peacefulness and mindfulness. Kick off with rooftop yoga with Sweaty Betty’s ambassador, then enjoy a healthy lunch featuring some Kuppa Kombucha. Understand the importance of mindset, exercise and resilience with workshop instructor after lunch. Finish off the retreat with a sound bath session. Every participants will receive complimentary goodie bags from Sweaty Betty.

Price $488 per person

Schedule 1100hrs to 1200hrs (Rooftop yoga)

Price Free of charge for boat race

Barbecue on chit signing basis

Time 0900hrs to 1230hrs

Location Middle Island

Reservations Please book via the Club website

2023 AHOY!

1200hrs to 1330hrs (Lunch)

1400hrs to 1500hrs (Workshop)

1500hrs to 1600hrs (Sound bath)

Location Rooftop for registration

Reservations Please book via the Club website

24 | MARCH
Events | Promotions

South African Wine Dinner

Compass Room and Steakhouse | Thursday 16 March

This South African Wine Dinner aims to raise the profile of the incredible wines from South Africa. We will focus on boutique producers, independent winemakers and family-owned estates. Winemakers who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty, winemakers who are driven by passion and quality over commercial incentives. Their wines reflect the best of the grape, the soil and the climate its grown in.

Each wine is presented along with the story behind the estate, an understanding of the varietal and what to look for in the glass. Each meal pairing is explained and presented enhancing the experience and allowing you to get the most from the pairing.


Aristea Méthode Cap Classique Blanc 2017, Stellenbosch, Coastal Region


Hokkaido Scallop Ceviche, Rock Lobster Tartare, Quince with Apple Dip Lammershoek White Mysteries 2017, Swartland, Coastal Region

Barbecued Marinated Chicken Skewer, Braised Wild Mushrooms with Chorizo De Grendel Op Die Berg Pinot Noir 2020, Ceres Plateau-Witzenberg, Western Cape

Slow-cooked Lamb Loin with Tapenade Crusted, Beetroot Purée Spioenkop ‘1900’ Pinotage 2019, Stellenbosch, Coastal Region

Wild Boar Ravioli, Red Cabbage with Black Berries Erasmus Family Rhône Reserve 2016, Swartland, Coastal Region Taaibosch Crescendo 2018, Stellenbosch, Coastal Region [RP90/WE94]

Coconut Tiramisu, Chocolate Meringue, Peach Compote

Coffee or Tea

Pre-dinner Tasting 1900hrs

Dinner 1930hrs

Price $768 per member and $868 per non-member

Speaker Mr. Abilio Carneiro and Mr. Alan Shaw

Reservations Please book via the Club website. Priority booking available to Kellett Wine Society members.

Enquiries Call the F&B Office on 2239 0386 or email events@rhkyc.org.hk


Artichoke and Vine Yellow Cherry Tomato, Quince with Apple Dip

Barbecued Marinated Pumpkin, Caramelised Baby Carrot and Parsnip

Roast Asparagus with Tapenade Crusted, Beetroot Purée

Wild Mushroom Ravioli, Red Cabbage with Black Berries

Coconut Tiramisu, Chocolate Meringue, Peach Compote

Coffee or Tea

MARCH 2023 AHOY! | 25
Events | Promotions

Kids’ Movie Night – E.T.

Rooftop | Sunday 26 March

Watch this nostalgic 1982 movie with your kids on our rooftop. An alien is left behind on Earth and is saved by young Elliot who decides to keep him hidden. While the task force hunts for it, Elliot and his siblings form an emotional bond with their new friend.

Price Free Screening with $68 for free flow popcorn and a can of soda

$88 for free flow popcorn and a glass of wine

Time 1800hrs to 2030hrs

Registration at 1800hrs, screening at 1830hrs

Location Rooftop

Reservations Please book via the Club website

Throwback Movie Night – Some like It Hot

Rooftop | Thursday 23 March

Movie Nights! ‘Clueless’

Under the Stars

Rooftop | Friday 10 March

Throwing back to the black and white film era with none but the very best Marilyn Monroe. Come watch this 1959 American crime comedy film under the stars.

Ladies at the Helm

Regatta Room | Wednesday 8 March

Throwing back to this 1995 romantic comedy stars Alicia Silverstone and Paul Rudd. Cher is a rich high-school student who is learning to cope with adolescence and its problems. She also helps a new student gain popularity and, in the process, discovers her own feelings for someone.

Hosted by the Club's Commodore Ms. Lucy Sutro, come by and network with the powerful ladies and Flag Officers on this International Women's Day!

Celebrate women on this International Women's Day!

Price Free of charge

Location Regatta Room

A glass of complimentary bubbles will be provided upon entry. A can of female crafted craft beer - Double Haven will also be available for your choosing for free.

International Waffle Day in the Bistro

Bistro | Saturday 25 March

It is International Waffle Day! Join us in the Bistro for an enhanced waffle live station buffet! Waffle it up during breakfast, lunch and dinner! It will be available all day and including in the regular buffet price!

26 | MARCH 2023 AHOY! Events | Promotions

Domaine de la Janasse Wine Dinner

Compass Room and Steakhouse | Thursday 30 March

Domaine de la Janasse was established in 1973 by Aimé Sabon. Brother and sister team of Christophe and Isabelle Sabon continue to work wonders at Janasse, and farm 80 hectares of vineyards spread over a number of wine appellations: Châteauneuf-duPâpe, which is all located in the north-east of the appellation in the commune of Courthézon to be precise, Côtes du Rhône, Côtes du Rhône Village, but also Vin de Pays de la Principauté d'Orange and Vin de table.

Concrete tanks are used for the Grenache and oak for the Syrah and Mourvèdre, in other words, everything is fairly traditional. It is the quality of the raw materials which is so impressive and for that reason alone.


Domaine de la Janasse Côtes du Rhône Blanc 2021


Citrus-cured Salmon Fillets, Scampi, Compressed Asparagus Lettuce, Clams with Passionfruit Salsa

Domaine de la Janasse Châteauneuf-du-Pape Blanc 2020 [JS92]

Coq Au Vin, Mediterranean Vegetables

Domaine de la Janasse Côtes du Rhône Rouge 2021

Char-grilled U.S. Prime Boneless Beef Short Ribs, Baby Leeks and Wild Mushrooms

Domaine de la Janasse Côtes du Rhône Villages

Rouge Terre d’Argile 2020 [RP92/WS91/JS90]

French Duck Leg Confit, Caramelised Onion, Artichoke and Baby Carrot

Domaine de la Janasse Châteauneuf-du-Pape Rouge 2019 [WE95/RP93/JS91]

Domaine de la Janasse Châteauneuf-du-Pape Rouge Vieilles Vignes 2017 [RP97/WS94/JS94]

Cheese Platter, Dried Fruit and Grapes Brillat-Savarin, Gruyère, Bleu d'Auvergne

Coffee or Tea

Due to its fragmented structure, more than 60 plots, the area of La Janasse covers a mosaic of terroirs. Thorough research on soil, exposure and microclimates helped to ideally organise the vineyard. White varieties and syrahs were preferably planted on sandy limestones, exposed eastward of the appellation in order to preserve freshness, acidity and fineness. Mourvèdres were planted on clay-limestone soils covered with river rocks so as to reach perfect maturity.

Pre-dinner Tasting 1900hrs

Dinner 1930hrs

Price $818 per member and $918 per non-member

Speaker Mr. Michele Volpato


Please book via the Club website. Priority booking available to Kellett Wine Society members. Enquiries Call the F&B Office on 2239 0386 or email events@rhkyc.org.hk


Beef Tomatoes, Compressed Asparagus Lettuce, Clams with Passionfruit Salsa

Roast Butter Squash, Mediterranean Vegetables

Char-grilled Asparagus, Braised Baby Leeks and Wild Mushrooms

Fennel Confit and Caramelised Onion, Truffles, Artichoke and Baby Carrot

Cheese Platter, Dried Fruit and Grapes

Brillat-Savarin, Gruyère, Bleu d'Auvergne

Coffee or Tea

MARCH 2023 AHOY! | 27


Sailing Secretary

Dennis Chien sailing.secretary@rhkyc.org.hk

Big Boat Matt Curthoys cruiser@rhkyc.org.hk

Dinghies Oz Wilde dinghies@rhkyc.org.hk

Dragon Josephine Cheng dragon@rhkyc.org.hk

Etchells Elizabeth Wai etchells@rhkyc.org.hk

Flying Fifteen Tim Roberts


Impala Patrick Kwan impala@rhkyc.org.hk

J/80 Steve McGill J80@rhkyc.org.hk

Pandora Joseph Wong pandora@rhkyc.org.hk

Ruffian Paul Oen ruffian@rhkyc.org.hk

Sportsboats Rob Stanley sportsboat@rhkyc.org.hk


Bowling Convenor Frank Yam bowling@rhkyc.org.hk

Golf Convenor Chris Li golf@rhkyc.org.hk

Snooker Convenor Gordon Robinson snooker@rhkyc.org.hk

Squash Convenor Francis Longuepee squash@rhkyc.org.hk

Diving Convenor Donald Day diving@rhkyc.org.hk


General Manager Mark Bovaird 2239 0300 mark.bovaird@rhkyc.org.hk

Executive Secretary Polly Lee 2239 0301

Financial Controller Fred Wong 2239 0315

Membership Manager Tracy Leung 2239 0371

Head of PR & Communications Koko Mueller 2239 0342

PR Manager Janice Lam 2239 0340

Head of Sponsorship and Corporate Partnerships

Nadia Cuvelier 3958 3222

Marine Manager Alan Reid 2239 0308

Boatyard Manager Dean Burrell 2239 0311

Sailing Manager Ailsa Angus 2239 0395

Club Operations Manager Peter Murray 2239 0338

Sailing Coordinator Gloria Yeung 2812 7063

Assistant Manager | Sailing Iris Yang 2239 0314

MI Sailing and Marine Manager Luke van der Kamp 2812 0172

Assistant Manager | Regattas and Events

Nikki Claringbold 2239 0363

Rowing and Paddle Sports Manager

Justin Murray 2239 0322

Boatyard Office Manager Connie Chan 2239 0304

Facilities & Technical Manager Raymond Ng 2239 0303

Human Resources Manager Susanna Chung 2239 0310

Ship Shop Manager David Ho 2239 0336

Assistant Marine Manager Joanne Ho 2239 0309

House Manager Lorence Leung 2239 0352


Kellett Island, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, SAR

Kellett Island Tel: 2832 2817 Fax: 2572 5399

Middle Island Tel: 2812 7202

Shelter Cove Tel: 2792 2744







Membership Movement


Ms Au Hoi Ki

Miss Chan Ka Ki Tiffany

Mr Cheung Ho Wai

Miss Cheung Ming Lai

Miss Hui Pak Chi

Miss Hui So Shan Ceara

Mr Heath Armin Nunnemacher

Mr Peter Ritchie

Mr Pietro Scognamiglio

Mr Wong Chi Kin

Mr Yim Chong Kee

Mr & Mrs Chow Ho Fai Andy

Ms Lo Siu Lucy & Mr Lo Wing Hong Matthew

Mr & Mrs Ng Lap Kiu

Mr & Mrs Tong Clinton Michael Tsun Tak

Dr & Mrs Tsai King Chun

Mr & Mrs Ismar Tuzovic

Dr & Mrs Wong Piu Bill


Mr Wong Kai Wei Ken


Mr David Howard Foster

Mr Lo Koon Bond

Mr Wong Teen Long Charles


Mr Law Kai Yiu

Mr Ma Ka Kei Jonathan

Mr Bincker Thomas Riekus Uiterwaal

Miss Wong Hoi Tung Jana


Mr & Mrs Julien Christian Marc Renard

Richemont Asia Pacific Limited, Regional Chief Executive Officer


Oliver Winston James Aitken

Chee Natalie Nizi

Mia Scarlett Gerstman

Ho Sum Wai Aerin

Ma Hang Yu

Louis Morineaux

Zoe Layla Quigley

Ella Hannah Renard

Lucas Hugo Renard

Zachary James Chaim Silver

Tsai Kai Qing Celine


Chow Zin Hang Annika

Ma Yuk

Oey Nicole Anneke Yik Hei

Wei Shi Zhuo

Yip Hon Kit Arthur

Yip Tsz Kit Alfred


Mr Mehmet Emin Arduc – HK University of Science & Technology

Mr Chim Yan Kiu – HK University of Science & Technology



Ms Weronika Anasz

Mr Chan Yuk Mau Eddie

February 2023

Ms Lau Shuk Man Corinna

Mr Wong Yet Ping Ambrose

Mr Xu Wei

Mr Yip Yuk Chik


Mr Patrick Clark-hall Bonifant

Mr Edward George Dunnigan

Mr Fan Pius Lok Chi

Mr Daniel John Feltham-White

Ms Alison Anne Gay

Mr Joost Lodewijk Heideman

Ms Lui Man Lok Mandy

Mr David Stuart McGregor

Mr Ng Chun Yu Samuel

Mr Matthias Alexander Roehrich

Ms Clare Jane Marian Skinner

Mrs Wu Qin

Mr Yip Chi Hang


Miss Au Ching Tung

Mr Chan Hon Tak

Mr Stuart Anthony Haine

Miss Lam Choy Ping

Mr Poon Pok Hau Broderick

Ms Tang Wai Sen

Mrs Sarah Bethan Winbur

Mr & Mrs Brett Anthony Rohrsheim

Mr & Ms Cyrill Bernhard Schroeder

Miss Evelyn Wong & Mr Tian Ye

Mr & Mrs Xu Ke Tony

Mr & Mrs Jon William Zinke


Mr William Olav Livingstone Borthwick

Mrs Marion Brennan

Miss Natalie Chong

Ms Sun Jie

Mr Tin Lok Yan Alexander

Ms Shelley Ann Boland & Mr Christopher Bredbury

Mr & Mrs Matthew James Keay

Mr & Mrs Douglas Edwin Oakervee

Mr & Mrs Tse Chi Keung

Jazmine Jing Voon Bellers

Leah Giselle Brown

Thomas John Forbes Buchanan

Myron James Buist

Cheung Wing Yin Kelly

Clementine Croly-Labourdette

Damien Croly-Labourdette

Marie Sophie Isaure De Lambilly

James Stuart Goh

Ho Cheuk San

William Rupert James Lee

Leung Ho Wing Valerie

Leung Yin Yu Janice

Theo Buckup Marinelli

Mok Toby Kai Wing

Emil Erik Tullberg

Quentin Xavier Villet

Hugh Orson Cunliffe Whitfield

William Henry Charles Whitfield

Yip Chun Eloise Obituary

Mr Chui King Wai

It is with much regret we report the death of Rick Walters who passed away peacefully on 15 January aged 85 years. He’ll be hugely missed by his wife Ginny, his children Ben and Sally and as Pop Pop, Master Fixer, to his five grandchildren. Rick joined the club together with his wife in 1979. A talented team racer and match racer, helm and tactician, he had enormous enjoyment sailing his 505 and being part of the crew on the various adventures of boats Buccaneer, L’Aventura, Bandido Bandido and The Frumious Bandersnatch.

His funeral was held on 17 February at 1345hrs, New Forest Crematorium New Milton, near Lymington. All enquiries and, if wished, donations in Rick’s memory to Oakhaven Hospice via Maria Jones, Funeral Director, Brockenhurst, maria@mjfd.co.uk.

28 | MARCH 2023 AHOY!
Club Lines

Long Service Awards

10 Years' Awards

5 Years' Awards

Staff Service Awards


On 14 January, the Regatta Room played host to the wedding party of Louise Pracey-Smith and Alex Marshall, both formerly Junior members and daughter and son of active yachting families in the 1980s and 90s. Both set of parents (Roger, Peggy, Bill and Aileen) were able to attend having travelled back from the UK for the event. The wedding of Louise's parents, Roger and Peggy, was featured in the March 1979 issue of Ahoy!

MARCH 2023 AHOY! | 29
From L to R, Jenny Tong, Car Park Attendant, Andy Chan, Car Park Attendant, Ray Law, Car Park & Security Supervisor, Francis Kwok, Senior Car Park Attendant
Club Lines
Michael Meng, Assistant IT Manager To Pui Cheung, Demi Chef de Partie Li Chi Ming, Houseman Peter Huang, Chief Mechanic Chou Chun Hung, Coxswain Pracey-Smith – Marshall

New Members Cocktail Party 2023

30 | MARCH 2023 AHOY! Club Lines
MARCH 2023 AHOY! | 31 Club Lines

CNY Craft Workshop


The Club has many fun and interesting activities. This year, just before Chinese New Year, I participated in the Chinese New Year Craft Workshop. My siblings and I made paper lanterns out of recycled red pockets. I liked this activity because we could make use of leftover red envelopes and make something interesting out of them. After this activity, we went out to the Small Lawn and played Connect Four with my younger sister. We even tried to play a few rounds of ping pong!

After the craft activity, we went to the Bistro for lunch. There, I had a mouth-watering hot dog with crunchy French Fries. We also spent some time at the playground, went down the slide and said hi to the adorable turtles. The Club is an amazing place to go to. I really enjoy the Club’s events, whether it is sailing or family activities. I can’t wait for the next event!

32 MARCH 2023 AHOY! Kids Only

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