2 minute read
General Manager’s Message
from Ahoy! May 2021
by Koko Mueller
General Manager Mark Bovaird
總經理布馬克 As you will see from the photograph being used this month, I am pleased to have now had my second dose of the Covid vaccine. Government has only just announced their proposed ‘vaccine bubble’ concept and we look forward to understanding more as more details are released and we gain a better understanding of how we as a Club can operate going forwards – the carrot being dangled is bigger table sizes, more than 20 people at banquet functions and an extension of the dine-in hours at restaurants, and bars opening, etc. Essentially, the more people who get vaccinated, the more restrictions will be eased and the quicker we will see a return of some form of ‘normality’. It is my hope that as a community of members and staff, we can all become fully vaccinated in the months ahead.
But in the meantime let’s look at what we have coming up in addition to all the sailing, rowing and paddling races and training that are scheduled.
May sees us hosting wine dinners in the Compass Room from two of France’s most prestigious wine regions, Burgundy and Bordeaux. On 6 May we bring you wines from Bouchard Père & Fils, one of the oldest estates in Burgundy with a pedigree stretching nearly 300 years. The next wine dinner is on 27 May and this time its wines from Bordeaux-based François Thienpont – another winery with a long and rich history stretching back nearly 200 years. Both wineries draw on generations of family expertise and Chef Paul has created amazing menus to complement the wines you will be enjoying at both wine dinners. See pages 33 and 35 for details.
In between those two wine dinners we are celebrating the start of the European White Asparagus season with a dinner on the rooftop at Kellett Island on Friday 14 May and at Middle Island on Friday 21 May. Full details are available on Page 34.
Mother’s Day is coming up on Sunday 9 May and you can enjoy a celebration either in the Compass Room with a special set lunch or in the Bistro for brunch. The day before, why not have the kids sign up for a special cupcake workshop where they can make an edible masterpiece for their mums. The Club is also offering a special on Perrier-Jouët Champagne so there are plenty of ways for mums to be spoilt, or even to spoil themselves. See within for details.
There’s also something new for the kids in the Ahoy! this month. For the first time we feature a kids-only page and going forward the Family Panel have reserved a page in every issue which we hope our younger members will enjoy. Also in this issue we ask you to help us decide the best design for the RHKYC Charity Foundation turtle mascot.
I look forward to seeing you all at the Club.
從相片中可見,我已經完成了第二針的疫苗接種而心感欣慰。香港特區政府早前已公佈「疫苗氣泡」的概念, 我們希望得到更多相關資料,以計劃香港遊艇會未來的發展方向。政府提及日後調整社交距離措施將以「疫苗 氣泡」為基礎,例如食肆堂食時間延長及放寬四人一桌的限聚令、容許出席宴會人數多於二十人以及重開酒吧 等。最重要的是,愈多人接種疫苗,更多社交距離措施得以放寬,而本會可以更快地重回正軌。我希望作香港的 一份子,大家在未來數月可以完成接種疫苗。
五月在 Compass Room 為大家帶來兩場葡萄酒晚宴。兩場葡萄酒晚宴分別來自勃根地及波爾多,兩個享負盛名 的法國葡萄酒地區。五月六日我們會為你帶來 Bouchard Père & Fils 的葡萄酒,是勃根地其中一個歷史最悠久的 酒莊,已差不多有三百年歷史。下一場葡萄酒晚宴將於五月二十七日,而為大家呈獻的美酒則來自位於波爾多的 François Thienpont 酒莊,這亦是一所擁有差不多二百年歷史的酒莊。兩個酒莊都是傳承世代家族釀酒的專業知 識。我們的總廚Paul 更預備了精美的菜單以配搭上乘的美酒。詳情見於第33及35頁。
為慶祝歐洲白露荀季節,我們將分別在五月十四日及五月二十一日兩個周五,在吉列島會所的 Rooftop 及中途島 會所舉行「歐洲白露荀晚宴」。詳細資料可見於第34頁。
今年的母親節是五月九日(星期日)。大家可以於 Compass Room 享用指定套餐或於 Bistro 享用 Brunch。大家 更可考慮於五月八日(星期六)為孩子報「杯子蛋糕製作班」,為他們的母親顯上親手製作的蛋糕。本會亦會提 供 Perrier-Jouët 香檳,所以今個母親節大家有很多方法為媽媽顯上窩心禮遇,或各位已為人母的亦可對自己好 一點,好好享受一下。
本月的 Ahoy! 將為大家帶來嶄新的東西。我們首次設立「小孩專頁」,Family Panel 將於今期起預留一頁位置,與 各位年青的會員分享逸事,希望大家喜歡。在今期的 Ahoy! 裡,希望大家可以幫忙選出由香港遊艇會慈善基金會 舉辦的「最佳海龜吉祥物設計比賽」的最佳設計。