4 minute read
541 Ruffian
from Ahoy! November 2022
by Koko Mueller
This year, the Ruffians racing sailing calendar incorporated two new races, the Uncle Li’s Trophy and the Rogue Chairman. Credit to such thoughtfulness goes to our previous committee members, including Chris Collin, Jarl Borthwick and Joan Sezto.
The Uncle Li’s Trophy was created to pay tribute to Mr. Li Fook Hing, O.B.E., whom many may remember as the original Ruffian owner of Victory 9 who raced regularly among us in the Victoria Harbour. Uncle Li was also the Vice Patron of our beloved Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club between 2010 and 2020. His core team members, Kot Wan Kit and Eddie Lai, have now inherited Victory 9 on behalf of the Ruffian Association of Hong Kong and have been racing her frequently on weekends. less-experienced crew to take up the challenge of racing out the harbour towards a TCS buoy, but without the pressure of a ladder race.
On 3 September, the Ruffians had their first race of the 2022–2023 season – the Autumn Series, with 10 boats lining up at the start. Just moments before the warning signal, Larry MacAdam managed to get on his bosun’s chair to go up the mast top to complete some eleventh-hour tasks on his Shannuleke. As at the time of writing, Olaf Torne and his Team Picaro have the lead in the Series.
Despite the mild westerly and an AP flag hoisted ashore, racing eventually got underway on 18 September for the Club’s season opening landmark race the Autumn Regatta, seeing 11 Ruffians on the start line to compete. Helios won the regatta in the Ruffian Class, taking two bullets with Bandolero and Victory 9 also on the podium.
Over the last weekend of September, the Ruffian sailors had their first rest week since the racing season started, nevertheless, the Ruffian Committee joined forces with Team Brigand, to serve their first race management duties at both the Harbour and Lamma racetracks led by Race Officers Gareth Williams and Brooks Tao. The team was split into three vessels including two in the harbour and one in Lamma.
The finish boat team in the harbour included Ruffian Vice Chairlady Vivian Cheung, Class Secretary Paul Oen, and Gabby Lynch, a regular on Brigand, who fittingly had the great privilege to be first on board Uncle Li, the newly arrived vessel which has recently been acquired by the Club for race management. It was indeed the first race management duty

the boat was serving. Together on board, were Yuen Hei Chit Abraham our new Coxswain, and Cheung Wai Tak Ares as the experienced crew. The new Uncle Li is equipped with a state-of-the-art stabiliser designed to provide its passengers a comfortable ride by reducing the rolling motions of the boat in waves and strong tides. Such stability is just what they need while serving on water.
On this year’s National Day, the new Ruffian Committee presented their first Chairman race plus Open Day, featuring the Young Members Committee. The event’s objectives were to promote sailing, the heritage and to facilitate both the Class and the RHKYC in performing their public services.
The programme was coordinated by Ruffian Treasurer and YMC representative, Bosco So. The event was a smashing success. A mix of high-quality newbies and inexperienced enthusiastic sailors took part. The Open Day was well supported by nine Ruffians whose skippers were in town, namely Brigand, Bandolero, Diablo, Schannuleke, Helios, Larrikin, Victory 9, Skellum and Scallywag. 20 new sailors attended and benefited from the day. The programme started with an opening speech by the Chairlady Kat Chan, followed by an orientation by Vice Chairlady Vivian Cheung, presenting the history and how the fleet has remained competitive while sociable over the last 49 years. Bosco So then shared subjects on seamanship and the safety aspects of the day. During their boat rigging session at the pontoon, the participants experienced the traditional firing of the Noon Day Gun and were baptised by a refreshing shower, followed by an early autumn breeze.
All participants had a taste of an exciting harbour race in over 15kts of wind (gusting 21kts!) under the rain. This is the kind of perfect weather condition that the Ruffians were designed for, typical conditions of their place of origin, Northern Ireland. The new sailors raced side by side with some experienced Ruffian members to compete in the Class’s first Chairman Series Race. A majority of the fleet even hoisting their spinnakers in the fresh conditions upon rounding of the windward mark! The fleet had a quick run to Tai Koo Shing mark and completed the race in a little more than an hour. The spirit of competitiveness was well witnessed by all of the newbies. Many were well inspired and have already shown their interest in taking part in the upcoming Ruffian Interport Regatta to be hosted in Hong Kong by the Association on their 50th Anniversary in 2023.
In March 2023, the fleet will set sail to Port Shelter for a full weekend of thrilling Class Champs programme.
The fleet takes great pride in its legacy as being competitive while being embracive.