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Kellett Golf Society Update
from Ahoy! October 2021
by Koko Mueller

irstly, I would like to welcome all our new members. There has been a significant increase in our membership which has been heartening to see. I have had the pleasure of meeting a number of you during the course of our games and events.
Despite the Covid restrictions, we have been able to have a monthly game at Kau Sai Chau (KSC). These games have generally been social in format but occasionally, our Captain, Chris Li, organises a Club competition. We had the Easter Cup and recently, the Texas Scramble. In April we had an interclub competition with the Football Club. Sadly, they are our nemesis. A gallantly fought competition which sadly, we lost by a small margin. Earlier in August, Chris organised an indoor event at a golf simulator venue in Admiralty. As with all our events, it was oversubscribed. A really fun evening involving coaching and a competition between four flights followed by a closest to the pin/hole competition. Food and drinks were provided. A very enjoyable evening. By The time you see this article in a Ahoy! we will have had our September game. Here is hoping for good weather for the event. As I write this article in the middle of August, we have had no typhoons! As alluded to above, we are restricted by KSC to 16 players per match. To allow as many KGS members to play as possible, people on the waiting list for one match are automatically included in the playing list for the following match.
To join KGS see https://www.rhkyc.org.hk/Golf.aspx