Autism and glyphosate by rhonda varsane

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AUTISM GLYPHOSATE (Round-Up herbicide) the Pathway to Modern Diseases by Rhonda Varsane Extracted from Jeffrey Smith interview with Dr. Stephanie Seneff about Glyphosate content_item_KEY=11129

TWO KEY PROBLEMS WITH AUTISM (not in the brain) 1. Dysbiosis: bacterial imbalance in the gut. 2. Sulfur deficiencies: transport and synthesis Glyphosate blocks the Shikimate pathways, which does not exist in our genes, but, the pathway exists in all our bacteria, which number 10 to each of our cells. The beneficial gut bacteria are the most affected, allowing pathogens to overgrow. The pathogens produce toxins which cause inflammation and is the start of auto-immune diseases. This inflammation turns to leaky gut allowing these toxins into the bloodstream and into the brain causing the body to respond to a very serious crisis. Glyphosate is an initiator to this process. Dr. Stephanie Seneff has studied Autism for 30 years and is the Lead Researcher at MIT. “In twenty years one in five boys will have Autism. The rate of growth of Autism has to be environmental.” The increased use of Glyphosate is causing weeds to become more resistant causing the use of more and more Round-Up. Round-Up is used in our fields, on our food crops, on feed crops, in our yards, as a drying agent on all cereal, and as a general herbicide. Sulfur is very important to the body. The lack of Sulfur and Sulfur Sulphate is a key factor to all modern health problems. Autistic children have only 1/3 the normal level of Sulfur in the blood. In Autism the metabolism of Sulfur is “derailed”, an improper balance occurs. The problem involves the synthesis of the Sulfur Metabolites: Cistine Homocysteine Methionine Homocysteine Round-Up predisposes mother, child and fetus to problems. The gut bacteria is “being hit” with Glysophate so instead of the bacteria making needed amino acids they make toxins, such as Phenols, Ammonia, and Formaldehyde.


Toxic Phenols (The normal range of phenol in the urine of unexposed individuals is 0.5–80 milligrams of phenol per liter of urine (mg/L). disrupt DNA, fats, cell membranes, and is produced in the body as a direct result from the Shikimate pathway being blocked by glysophate.


In addition people with Alzheimer and Autism have higher levels of Ammonia in the blood. Ammonia, as a gas, moves freely throughout the body. This affects the communication of the gut with the brain and the brain with the gut. Electrical impulses and information are exchanged through gas and the chemical exchange, causing encephalopathy, causing the brain to function differently and causing disabilities as result of Shikimate pathway blockage,

Formaldehyde: Found at the rate of 200 parts per Million in a small amount of Round-Up Ready Corn. Formaldehyde is a genotoxic and neurotoxic poison. Formaldehyde wrecks DNA causing cancer and causes informational differences in how the brain functions. CYP CTP enzymes detox in the liver on a molecular level. The Shitimate pathway being blocked blocks enzymes production. CYP defined is: cytochrome P450 superfamily (officially abbreviated as CYP), a large and diverse group of enzymes that catalyze the oxidation of organic substances involved in metabolism and bioactivation, accounting for about 75% of the total number of different metabolic reactions. The enzymes do a multitude of jobs. Blocked CYP cause: Obesity, Inability to detoxify, Reproductive problems Infertility Cholesteral homeostasis Vitamin D deficiency, degradation, and inactivation Restricts drug and steroid (especially estrogen, testosterone) metabolism, these aromatic enzymes convert estrogen to testosterone Restricts arachidonic acid or fatty acid metabolism, affects bio-acids which digest fats Restricts thromboxane A2 synthase, Restricts bile acid biosynthesis 7-alpha hydroxylase, 17-alpha hydroxylase, of steroid nucleus, Restricts steroid biosynthesis, Restricts steroid biosynthesis: aromatase synthesizes estrogen Restricts retinoic acid hydroxylase,

Restricts 7-alpha hydroxylation of 24-hydroxycholesterol, Restricts cholesterol 24-hydroxylase, Restricts cholesterol biosynthesis and homeostasis In Autism there is a Aromatase deficiency. Aromatase deficiency disrupts the synthesis of estradiol, resulting in hirsutism of mothers during gestation of an affected child; pseudohermaphroditism and virilization in women; and tall stature, osteoporosis and obesity in men. In Autism there is a deficincy of Zinc. Glyphosate depletes micro-nutrients and the chelation of minerals. SUMMARY Problems in Autism include: Dysbiosis: bacterial imbalance in the gut. Sulfur deficiencies: transport and synthesis of Sulfur Metabolites: Cistine Homocysteine Methionine Homocysteine Aromatase deficiency Zinc deficiency Toxins: Phenols Ammonia Formaldehyde Glyphosate causes nutritional deficiencies and toxins due to: Glyphosate blocks the Shikimate pathways Glyphosate blocks CYP Obesity, Inability to detoxify, Reproductive problems Infertility Cholesteral homeostasis Vitamin D deficiency, degradation, and inactivation Glyphosate blocks or chelates micro nutrients, minerals Glyphosate blocks causes toxins Phenols,

Ammonia, and Formaldehyde Glyphosate causes: Dysbiosis: bacterial imbalance in the gut. Sulfur deficiencies: transport and synthesis of Sulfur Metabolites: Cistine Homocysteine Methionine Homocysteine Aromatase deficiency Zinc deficiency Toxins: Phenols Ammonia Formaldehyde Problems caused by Blocked Shikimate pathways All the above Problems caused by Glysophate All the above

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