Scottish Military Ball Ticket Order Form Name of Person Ordering: Contact Address: Postcode: Telephone: Organisation or Unit:
Ticket Prices: Lt RN or RNR, Capt (Army), Flt Lt (RAF) or NATO OF-2 and above and Civilians: £55 S/Lt RN or RNR, Lt (Army), Fg Off (RAF) or NATO OF-1, Officer Cadets and below: £40
Number of Tickets at £55: Number of Tickets at £40:
Cheques should be made payable to “The Scottish Military Ball Trust” Send this order form, together with your cheque and a stamped addressed envelope to: Elaine Robson 50 Columbia Ave Livingston EH54 6PR Any queries regarding the event and tickets should be directed to Elaine Robson email: Tel: 01506 466 014. Tickets will be sent out 1 month before the event. NOTE: A First Class Stamped, Addressed A4 envelope MUST be enclosed with all ticket orders.
The 2011 Scottish Military Ball is being held in support of Poppy Scotland (Scottish Charity SC014096)