3 minute read
Teenage Dirtbag
“May not necessarily be trouble at school, but I let my friend I was on a double date and I let my friend drive my car and he drove it in the ditch. So I got in big trouble from my parents for that. I let them drive or I let him drive when I wasn’t supposed to. And I actually lied about it until the next day. Then I had to tell my parents that I was driving when we were pulling it out because my dad had to go and get the neighbor’s Jeep to pull it out of the ditch.”
“I made a comic book about my chemistry teacher because he was so boring. He was so boring and it was so hard to be in his class. We made a comic book about us dying from boredom, just like listening to him.And he found it. And it was me and this other guy that made the comic book. And he called my parents because he was really pissed off and they were all teachers there. He was like, your son is disrespecting me in class. And that was a really awkward conversation. And he showed them the comic book and it was not great. It was us beating him with baseball bats and stuff.”
“Yeah I got my eyebrows pierced”‘We weren’t allowed to have piercings so I had to spend an entire year there. It would either take the piercing out or have detention every day. So I just had detention every day for a year. It was cool”. “So I would just have to clean the tables every day after lunch.” 7 “Our rival high school and I would do a lot of pranks with each other. So the pranks started to escalate, and probably the best one was what they did to us as they had a helicopter fly over our school during lunch and open up the side door and dump out a bunch of ping pong balls that all said beat on our school name. So it said Beanston Valley. So we just came up with something not as good, but we decided in the middle of the night. Toilet paper the school. The cops showed, and so we all had to run”
“I swore in class once like, loudly, like the teacher heard, yes I got in trouble for it.”
8 “One lunchtime, we were driving over this arched bridge, thinking that our friends were coming in the opposite direction. And sure enough, they were. So I was driving the car. My brother leaned out the passenger side and shocked this water balloon at our friend’s Jeep. Anyway, it shattered his front window, which that in itself was bad enough, but the car behind him, driving behind our friend, who we shattered his window and made him kind of crash. Was the principal of the high school. He saw this happen this was the week before graduation my brother was the valedictorian and was all set to give the valedictorian speech at graduation. They strongly considered not allowing him to do that we both got into some pretty big trouble.”
“We took yellow streamers and kind of teepee’d the whole school and took yellow butcher paper. We used to have, like, these big benches and we just cut covered everything in yellow. But the funny thing is, the seniors that year were brown and they had the same idea. And so it was like pee and poop yellow and brown, like, everywhere. That’s funny.”
“Yeah, I remember getting two illegal parking, So I parked illegally, and then my campus was open campus. So then I left and went to lunch, and then I came back, and I put the parking ticket back on my car, and there was another one that said you moved your car and then you parked illegally a second time.”
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Story & Original Design by Daniela Stuhlert, Staff Reporter
It’s the first year of the new schedule, how has it affected Rocklin High?