RHS Knight Writers Vol. 62 Issue 2 | Dec. 2021

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you guys see the fog that we get in the morning lately its pretty wild stuff man drive safe

Issue 2

Volume 62

Anish Amin ('22)

Knight Writers

Hailey Green ('23)

Robbie Rice ('22)

E W L U B V E N T P O R T L A S S E & Much More!


By JADYN GRAYES, STAFF WRITER The labor shortage in 2021 while help- known a couple of people who have had to quit ing most students looking for employment, is because they needed a higher paying job,” destroying companies struggling to fill spots. - Gia Fogg (‘23) said about her experiThe U.S. Chamber of Commerce has ence with people in her workplace quitting. declared this shortage a workforce crisis. The Fogg currently works at Marco’s Pizza. job openings in America reached an all-time Another reason for the abundance of job high of 11.1 million in July, and the most reopenings is workers being treated poorly. cent count in August put us at 10.44 million. “From personal experience, I think part of This can affect workers in many ways, especially employees still in school. A lot of the issue could be workers being treated badly. workplaces recently looking to hire people At my last job, I did not have a very pleasant that reach certain criteria are lowering these experience...As a result of her [the owner] aggresrequirements because of the lack of workers sive treatment, they lost many staff members and had to shut their doors down,” available to take most of the jobs offered. - Hailey Green (‘23) said, addressing her One of the common blames for people previous bad work experiences and sharing quitting at a higher rate this year is low pay. how they could add to the current crisis. “I personally think the labor crisis might While this shortage of employees is havbe mainly due to low pay. I’ve heard a couple of ing a greater negative effect on companies my older coworkers talk about how they’re not making enough to sustain themselves, and I’ve struggling to fill spots, it has proved as an advantage for some students looking for employment.

employees out of desperation to fill empty spots. “It was pretty easy to find the job that I have right now. I only spent about 2 or 3 weeks applying for different jobs, and then found this one,” - Alessandra Hollyfield (‘23) said, who currently works at Trattoria Pasquale, an Italian Restaurant. As can be seen, restaurants seem to be struggling more with people quitting and filling empty spots. Meanwhile, some other companies are less affected by America’s current crisis. “Barnes and Noble is definitely not short on staff we are in fact overflowing...almost everyone on our staff except for me and two others are all out of high school and college,” - Lexington Burgees (‘23) said.

The 2021 labor shortage in the US has been negatively affecting companies small Many student workers have found it eas- and large all year. It has also been an advanier to get jobs in 2021. This could be due to tage to unemployed teens, and will hopefully companies lowering their requirements for encourage more students to apply for jobs.

An interview with Robbie Rice (pictured above) By SAMUEL ELLIOTT, PRINT MANAGING EDITOR There's a labour shortWould you recommend age going on in the country YMCA lifeguarding as a poat the moment, have you felt tential option for students on any impacts from that in the the job hunt? YMCA? "Yes! I feel like lifeguardRHS: So how has it "I think we have kinda ing is like the stereotypical been working at the Y lately? felt the effects of the labour first job for a kid to have, and shortage. Our manager has to rightly so. I've enjoyed my time Rice: "Working at the Y work a lot of the opening shifts lifeguarding at the Y and I'd has been pretty good recently. during the week because the recommend it to anyone lookIt's nice to have a break from majority of lifeguards at the ing for a fun part-time job." applying to colleges and schol- Y are in high school. Howevarshipsand get to hang out er we are actively hiring more with the other lifeguards." Photo credit (right): Robbie Rice lifeguards!"


Alessandra Hollyfield ('22)

How RHS students are responding to a shift in the labour market

We talked to YMCA Lifeguard Robbie Rice for his firsthand opinions on school employment, and the reaches of the labour crisis.


December 6th, 2021

How is the 2021 labor crisis affecting student workers?


Get In The Know On...

Avery Perkins ('22)

in this

holiday issue...


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NEWS RHSToday in Fashion: Green and Groovy Hannah Carlson has everyone green with envy for this look.

2021 Wrapped Ten events to sum up 2021. By: BRIANA GARCIA, STAFF WRITER As 2021 comes to a close and everyone starts sharing their Spotify Wrapped, let’s take a moment to reflect on everything that has happened this year. While there’s no clear “aura” for the year, we can break it down to multiple events. Since there’ve been so many events, Knight Writers have narrowed it down to ten important dates from the past 12 months.

By: JUNO LE, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Lots of fun and colorful looks are springing up on campus as the weather grows less unbearably hot. Hannah Carlson (‘21) came to school in a fun green look, fitting for her groovy style. While comfy sweaters and chunky rings are trending, Carlson’s looks are more for her comfort and less for trends. The sweater is from ASOS by the brand Bershka and the light wash blue jeans are from Urban Outfitters. Carlson also sports a pair of white Adidas Forum Bold shoes. The jewelry in her outfit consists of a chunky green ring by the brand Argento Vivo that she bought at TJ-MAXX and a necklace of Mother Mary from Carlson’s mother. Q: What is your favorite part of your outfit? HC: “My sweater and probably the ring too.” Q: How would you describe your style? HC: “I like being comfortable, definitely. I really care about comfort. I usually like to have statement pieces and subtle pieces that complement the statement piece.” Q: What do you think is the most important part of any outfit? HC: “Definitely just one part of the piece that makes the outfit unique and your own. I don’t like too much mix-match but I also don’t like outfits that are too boring.” Q: Do you have any fashion advice for people? HC: “Just wear whatever you feel comfortable in. Don’t wear something that you don’t really want to wear even if trends are pressuring you. Be comfortable.” Carlson’s green swirl sweater, which can be found on ASOS’s website. The solid blocks of color in a swirl bring out her grooviness. (Photo J. Le)

The white Adidas Forum Bold shoes are one of the most essential pieces of the outfit, adding some simplicity in the colorful outfit. (Photo J. Le)

Give Back This Holiday Season The winter holiday season is the perfect time to give back. Many children and families are in need during what still is the confusing time of COVID-19. It’s time to start helping in the community. Mary Lee’s House is an organization that aims to assist abused and neglected children in the community. With help from the government, private organizations such as the USF Child Protection Team, Voices for Children of Tampa Bay, and the Corbett Trauma Center. Mary Lee’s House also uses the public’s help with volunteers and donations for the children they help out of traumatic situations. “Mary Lee’s House is a community

collaboration committed to protecting, reHow to give back to your community this holiday season. specting, and healing the children of abuse By: KEIRRA MCGOLDRICK, STAFF WRITER and neglect who pass through our doors,” a Mary Lee’s House team member said on their website. for foster children. They decided that they Doublemint at Westshore Plaza, Monday Donations can be made year-round but wanted to start a special toy drive for chil- through Friday from 8:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. are especially needed during the holiday dren and teenagers. They ensure that 350 before Dec. 15. season. If you’re looking to donate, they can foster children in our community’s wish Take these organizations not only as a be dropped off during business hours at the lists get answered. It’s not only toys, but it’s guide but as an inspiration for things to do also hygiene products and clothes for both Tampa office at 2806 N. Armenia Ave. this winter break. Donating to the commumales and females. nity and people in need is the perfect way to Doublemint Sitting is a babysitting “We reached out to all the families in give back this year. service that is hosting its third annual toy the Hillsborough county area and we asked drive for foster children this year. The owners Gabriella Rosello and Synthia Fairman, them if we could sponsor their families for Fairman being a foster child herself, have Christmas,” Rosello said to a reporter from always had a special place in their hearts Bay 9 News. To help, email them the age, gender and how many children you would like to help. Donations can be dropped off in Camp

Knight Mic: EP 5 | What are you listening to? By: PIM KRUTHUN, MULTIMEDIA EDITOR

Join Pim Kruthun, Ingalls Witte and Grace Hilton in episode three as they ask Robinson Knights what they’re listening to throughout the school day. From rap to country, Robinson has diverse taste in music. Many students enjoy taking any opportunity they have throughout the school day to listen to music. For some, music can be an outlet to help them escape from the stress. For others, it’s a source of focus and alert for when they’re studying right before a test. According to a survey by Common Sense Mediain 2019, 82% of teens said they listen to music every day. And for that 82%, they listened to about an average of 2.5 hours of music. Find out what your peers are listening to by scanning the QR code to the right. 2

A Successful Season Opener for Boys Basketball At their 1-1 record for the season, the Knights have a chance to turn their season around. By JUNO LE, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Teamwork makes the dream work, on but we’re pleased with how we’ve but not quite yet for this team. started,” Head Coach Steven Smith said. The game continued in a tug-of-war-like On Tuesday, Nov. 30, the Robin- manner in which the Knights and Blake son boys basketball team played their kept each other on their feet. The Yellow season opener game against the Blake Jackets drew closer to Knights, gaining High School Yellow Jackets right in another 13 points to compete with their the Robinson gymnasium. There was 12, earning the most that quarter. Still, the never an easy quarter for the Knights Knights’ total score thus far was 43 points, as each play had to count for them five more than the Yellow Jackets. to win. Most notable was Myron Thomas While the end was a victory, the (‘22), who- scored 29 points by the end of Knights didn’t have an easy start. [insert the game. stuff] Quarter 1 ended in the Yellow Jackets’ favor with an end score of 13-10. “[Our biggest challenge] was trying to play as a team and come together,” Thomas This didn’t stop the Knights from said. pushing forward though. In the second quarter of the game, the Knights gained Results of the final quarter of the game nearly double the points Blake had and were just as close as the last. In the final ended the quarter 21-12 in the Knights’ moments of the game, the Knights took favor. their victory, ending the quarter 18-17.

Despite this, their following game against Alonso High School the very next day had the Knights scoring just as much as Blake in the first game. However, Alonso’s Ravens snagged 20 more points against the Knights, though it may have been a lot of trouble due to playing an away game. “The biggest challenge on the basketball court would definitely be the opposing fans...they’re pretty ruthless,” Matt Turman (‘22) said. “We’ve got three big games this week so we’re hoping we can move forward and increase our record to a positive win-loss record. We’re a very inexperienced team so we’ll learn a lot as we move forward and get better,” Smith said.

Donovan Kelly (‘23) moving around a Blake player and rushing to the rim to make a shot.

With four games until Winter Break, the team has time to point the season in a better direction.


“I think the guys have shown a lot In their home court, the Knights won of improvement... we have a lot to work their season opener 61-55.

Myron Thomas (‘23) attempting to score while an opponent tries to block. Varsity basketball welcomed a lot of rookies this year. “We just [have to] jive together. The team needs to jive and we’re good,” Thomas said.

Welcoming the Winterguard The RHS starlets were held auditions on Nov. 15th, 16th, and 17th for this year’s competition season and 16 girls game out.

Addison Kim (‘25) attempting to steal the ball from a Sickles player to stop them from scoring and gain the lead.”We were doing good at halftime but we kind of hit a wall in the second half” Kim said.

Unfortunate Loss for Girls Soccer One of their roughest games yet this season. By JUNO LE, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & NICOLAS DIAZ, STAFF WRITER As of thus far, there is no clear view of what the girls soccer season looks like for the Knights Robinson’s girls soccer team played a home game against the Sickles High School Gryphons on Friday, Nov. 19 and faced their first loss of the season. The Knights eventually scored their first goal from Evelyn Pham (‘24) before the end of the first half. The Sickles game saw the third goal Pham scored so far this season. Regardless, the Gryphons still held the game’s favour, finishing halftime 2-1 with the Knights falling behind. The Knights didn’t have it any easier in the second half, gaining zero points for their side and trailing behind Sickles, who earned another five points. The Gryphons ended the game against the Robinson Knights 7-1, leaving Jack Peters Stadium with their fifth win of the season. Following this game, the Knights would play against the Steinbrenner High School Warriors on Dec. 3 and be hit with another loss of 8-1. This puts the Knights at two overall wins for the season and three losses. They have four more games following the Steinbrenner game to turn the season around before break.

Sarina Leihy (‘24) grins at the stands during the Robinson Marching Band’s Halftime performance at the Plant vs Robinson football game in September.

By JC THAXTON, STAFF WRITER Aspiring stars and actresses embrace team up and alleviates nerves. The Starlets their passion by auditioning to be a start- have many unique traditons, as well. They let. all get a gummy worm and speak their fears into it. Then, they eat it to get rid of “Performing arts twist on color all their fears. guard,” Starlets Coach Siara Espejo said. “The day of competitions, I’m always Just like a sport, starlets has “plays nervous but once I get to the competition and components.” Competitions require it’s really exciting because we get to hang a theme and a unique dance in order to out and have fun before we perform,” De win. Starlets work to win this every year. Jenzano said, “The performance is pretty Espejo chose the theme for this year. nerve-wracking but afterward I always She put the song as a cover of “Landslide” feel a sense of accomplishment and I feel by Robyn Sherwell. The theme is white really happy.” and snowy with some sadness and isolation. One of the senior captains, Joleyne “I have thought of and wanted to Rodriguez (‘22), who has been a part of do this theme for a long time now and the starlets for four years, says it’s a fun I think this can really showcase the skills experience and is a great way to meet new the kids have been working on as a team,” people. Espejo said. “I am looking forward to bonding Most girls that join are very unfamil- with the team and traveling to different iar with the sport. Captains help the girls schools to compete. I’m excited for comand improve the enviroment; Petra De petitions this year, but sadly [they’re] my Jenzano (‘23), the spirit leader, hypes the last,” Rodriguez said.

Robinson cheer season brought to an abrupt halt Both the head and assistant coach of the cheer team step down, ending their season. By INGALLS WITTE, STAFF WRITER Known for cheering on the footbal team, the cheerleaders were anticipating a successful season. Just a month ago, both the head and assistant coach of the RHS cheer team stepped down- leaving the team with no hope of continuing the season.

The loss was completely unexpected, especially given the team ranked Gameday top 4 at the National High School Cheer Competition just this year.

all of us want to cheer,” varsity do cheer with my closest cheerleader Anabelle Swann friends… it’s so unfortunate (‘23) said. it came to an end, ”Amani Haskins (‘22) said. All the cheerleaders were hurt, but he seniors were hit “I’m looking forward to the worst. next year... Once we know “Finding out about the what’s happening it will be “It was my senior year loss of my season was definiteexciting!” Swann said. ly not a good feeling...because and I was so excited to


RHS Instagram Pages Have Gone Too Far.

Comic by Pim Kruthun

The trends push private and personal boundaries of students without consent. By BRIANA GARCIA, STAFF WRITER

I think everyone who attends RHS has seen the Instagram pages, making fun of outfits, body types and even feet... It all started when sleeping pages for highschool’s started to become the new trend on TikTok. Although everyone had a good laugh at first, students got carried away making other pages to join the “fun”. There’s a point and time

where we need to stop and I think that time is now. The trend has grown old and RHS students have gotten too carried away.

have displayed acts of bullying and harassment even capturing teachers on the accounts as well. Students can send in photos of friends or people around the school without The culprits behind the ac- permission to publicly humiliate counts are still unclear, harassing them across social media. students with pages like Robinson ugliest outfits, look-a-likes (but not I wouldn’t be surprised if adthe nice kind), couples, feet and ministration begins to get involved the start of all this madness, “Rob- with the lack of maturity of the inson caught lackin’.” These pages RHS students and eliminate the

inappropriate accounts. Innocent students are being attacked and rudely compared to insulting animated characters. Photographs of people’s feet are being spread with no consent! It’s upsetting how the environment of Robinson High School is negatively transforming to the point where you have to be cautious of who is secretly taking photos of you. We are here to learn and enjoy time with

friends, not be frightened about whether or not you’re going to be posted on one of these insulting and humiliating pages next. I do realize that this trend will eventually fade out but as usual, students take these funny light-hearted jokes way too far. These RHS pages threaten the privacy of others, which should be protected in an environment like school. They need to come to a stop.

Gatekeeping isn’t Girlboss, it’s galling Stop telling people to name all of Taylor Swift’s songs when you see them listening to “Red.” By: JUNO LE, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss. The three G’s.

please, when someone wears a Beatles shirt to school, don’t ask them to name fifty songs to prove they know who the The term “gatekeeping” first originated from 2011 Tum- Beatles are. Try being happy that now you have someone to blr but was popularized by Drag Queen Katya Zamolodchi- talk to the Beatles about. kova on Instagram in a way of making “live, laugh, love” into toxic white feminism. It’s all funny now and then to girl-boss The same goes for those trying to gatekeep Harry Styles. your way into things, but the gaslighting needs to stop. “Oh but I’ve been a fan of him since the X-Factor.” So what? He’s one of the biggest male pop stars nowadays, you can’t For those out of the loop, gatekeeping is defined as the stop people from being his fan. He also auditioned when act of deciding whether or not someone has access or rights to most of us were under the age of ten. If anything, this large a community, interest or identity. One example of gatekeep- attention on Styles now is doing numbers for him, and if ing is when someone makes fun of your coffee order because you’re such a true fan, maybe you should be happy about how dare you drink your coffee with creamer and syrups and that. how dare you not get your coffee beans roasted fresh by a Insults can often discourage people from doing or having things they skilled artisan daily. You obviously have no right to call yourExperience doesn’t define someone’s love of something. enjoy. What may be intended as defending can easily end up being self a coffee lover when you don’t drink your coffee black So what if they’re new to it? That’s one more person you get gatekeeping. Photo by: J. Le with beans imported from Guatemala. And god forbid you’ve to geek out about Star Wars with. Being new to a fandom or decided to drink your coffee with ice. That’s gatekeeping, and a hobby doesn’t belittle your love for it at all and it shouldn’t extremely cheugy, and we should leave that behind with the it’s not real hipster of you if you do it. be affected by how long someone else has been into it. millennials who thinks me not being able to name every chair Everyone has their own interests, but there’s a good Getting shut down for liking something just because Cedric Diggory sat in makes me a muggle. chance you’re not the only person with that interest. Sure, you’re not “a true fan” or experienced enough sucks. As long Now please let me drink my iced coffee with two pumps you may have listened to the Beatles since middle school, but as no one gets hurt, people should be able to like or do whatof french vanilla creamer and two pumps of hazelnut syrup in those old dudes have been popular since the ‘60s. I hate to ever they want. You shouldn’t have to prove your loyalty or peace. And no, I will not name every song by My Chemical break it to you, but you didn’t discover Paul McCartney. So devotion to something just for you to enjoy it. Gatekeeping is Romance.

RHS Newspaper Staff


Winter Break, things will be a lot different. During your last week at Robinson, take a minute to reminisce in those hallways that you know you won’t see in January. Have that catwalk photoshoot one last time, because I sure will.

This issue’s editorial came in light of a recent school shooting. For someWe’ve finally made it to the end of one whose last experience with a school the year (insert cheers and applause). shooting threat was in first-period I’d like to begin by congratulating newspaper, it means a lot to me that the Knight Writers staff for another we’re addressing the lack of actual we’re amazing print issue. My hope is that taking to protect students and teachers. while reading Issue 2, they’ll be able to For now, I’m wishing everyone see the growth in the quality of their luck on their midterms. I’m feeling just work and the way it changes the end as stressed as you are (my psychology product. They’ve learned what it takes exam study guide’s even open on a septo not only start a project but finish it arate tab). Take a moment to breathe properly. (and continue reading the issue) beSpeaking of projects, the Robin- cause we’re almost there. son campus is preparing for the start Happy Holidays, Knights. of a new project. When we return from

The Knight Writers newspaper is published by the first period journalism I-IV class at Robinson High School.

Editor-In-Chief: Juno Le Online Managing Editor: Zoe Thaxton Print Managing Editor: Samuel Elliott A&E Editor: Cecilia Cheng Features Editor: Charlotte Stone

Multimedia Editor: Pim Kruthun News Editor: Vikram Sambasivan Opinion Editor: Lindsey Chadwick Social Media Editor: Allie Barton Sports Editor: Grace Hilton Senior Staff Writter: Sarai Cochran Senior Multimedia Staff: Ethan Adiar

Staff Writers: JC Thaxton Ingalls Witte Briana Garcia Keirra McGoldrick Julia Guillermo Anneka DeVries Jadyn Grayes Whittaley Bowden Salma Boughdiri Nicolas Diaz Jenna Falkowski Desiray Hunter Rudy Jordan Araya Stearns Publications Advisor: Nancy Oben Principal: Robert Bhoolai

Robinson High School: 6311 S. Lois Ave, Tampa, FL 33616 Phone: 813-272-3006 / Fax: 813-272-3014 / Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 3:25 p.m. 2

Mariah Carey is Superior

Michael Bublé, The King of Christmas

Mariah Carey is the best Christmas singer there is. By: LINDSEY CHADWICK, OPINION EDITOR As soon as the clock hit 12 a.m. on Nov. 1, I went into complete Christmas mode. Christmas music was blaring in my car as I drove to school that morning. And, you would never guess what my go-to Christmas song would be.

This song is better than a lot of the other Christmas tunes because it is more modern. It’s not childish, like “Frosty the Snowman” by Michael Bublé. It’s not slow and fancy-sounding like “The Christmas Song” by Nat King Cole. It is upbeat, with good lyrics and has Like many and many others, a perfectly designed mixture of my all-time favorite Christmas drums, bells and the piano. song is “All I Want For Christmas Is You” by Mariah Carey. Another reason why Carey Come on... it’s a classic. As is superior is because of the soon as I hear that piano start Christmas vibes this song gives to play its tune I immediately off. It is full of joy which is just get into a cheery mood. what Christmas is all about. It feels homey and puts me in In my opinion, Carey is the Christmas state of mind. just superior when it comes Also, She is basically a Christto singing Christmas songs. I mas singing goddess. What just don’t know how anyone else do you think of when you else could think any different. hear her name? Her voice and the lyrics are just perfect. There is no other Now I don’t want to deexplanation. They are simply grade any of the other artists perfect. who sing Christmas songs because honestly, all Christmas I could not get tired of songs are good. But, Marihearing her sing “All I Want ah Carey surpasses them to for Christmas is You”. In the the max. The way her voice beginning, it is slow and soft. matches immaculately with all Then, all of a sudden some the instruments is what makes jingle bells and drums come her so good. When I hear her into the song. With the com- voice, I just know I am in for bination of Carey’s voice and a treat. the background singers, it just makes me smile.

Bathroom Blockade

Michael Bublé is defrosting for the Christmas season as we speak.



Bathroom shut downs: is this the only solution?

By: KEIRRA McGOLDRICK, STAFF WRITER Everyone knows the Christmas classic, “All I Want for Christmas Is You” by Mariah Carey. Now no one is saying that the song isn’t an amazing Christmas tune by an amazing artist, but is that really enough to call Carey The Queen of Christmas? Michael Bublé is who we should call Christmas music royalty. Bublé is a 46-year-old Canadian musician with an ear for Christmas music. In 2012, Bublé released an album with 20 festive classics with featured artists such as Shania Twain and The Puppini Sisters. Some songs on the album that you’ve probably heard before are “Holly Jolly Christmas”, “I’ll Be Home for Christmas”, “It’s Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas”, “The Christmas Song” and “Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)”. His angelic voice brings these holiday classics to life like no one has ever before. In case you’re like “who the heck is Michael Bublé?”, you might’ve heard his songs “Come Fly With Me” and “You Don’t Know Me”. His Frank Sinatra-esque style of music makes people want to be with their loved ones, perfect for the holiday season. Carey has one good Christmas

song while Bublé has a whole album to prove he’s the King of Christmas Music. In an XPRESS article, Kit Blouin, askes avid Christmas music listener, Grace Haak, who she thought was the biggest Christmas icon was. “Michael Bublé is just the gift that keeps on giving… his smooth, jazzy vocals make his music the official sound of Christmas,” Haak said. So even before Bublé’s team comes out of hiding, people still believe that he is the best person to listen to this season. In Carey’s music, she uses a combination of R&B, pop and soul that makes people happy and excited for the holidays. Bublé’s music style is jazz and soul music that makes people feel at home during the holiday season. Both Carey and Bublé have beautiful voices and amazing Christmas songs that everyone should listen to this season. However, when compared side by side, Bublé feels more at home. In my house, my family loves Bublé’s song “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas”. Every year we listen to this song, and the rest of his album while opening our gifts and spending time together.

By: SELA TEPLIN, GUEST CONTRIBUTOR The human right to sanitation. As stated in the 2015 United Nations General Assembly, “everyone, everywhere, has the right to a toilet.” Why does T.R Robinson High School, being the profound and law-abiding school that it is, not adhere to this right? School administration emphasizes the importance of being on time, being present, wearing non-distracting clothes, yet the most disrupting activity for students is the long journey across the school on a hunt to find an open restroom.

an attempt to find a bathroom from Mrs. Sanford’s biology class, it took me longer to find the bathroom and wait in line than it would have been if I walked two laps around the school. This long search was a direct result of my peers and my administrators being too stubborn to see eye to eye with one another.

To try and understand the reasoning behind these shutdowns, I put myself in various positions. For example, what to do when students are skipping class and violating school Speaking from personal experience, in property? A reasonable solution would be to go straight to the source... the bathroom. A contrasting position would be those students involved. They are in search of a moment to themselves during a stressful school day, where they can escape all anxieties and pressure of the classroom. While I can understand the intense pressures of the school day, it has led me and my peers, who have no interest in said activity, to constantly worry if there will be a bathroom to alleviate our bladders. Rather than closing down an area that is necessary for all stu-

dents, why not implement more time during Syndrome. Both menstrual cycles, as well as the school day to take a break from studies? urination, are two human functions that are completely out of a student’s control, if the By integrating just ten minutes during roles were reversed and the administration the school day for students to cool off, both had to wait longer than necessary to urinate the students and administration would bene- or change a feminine product, I can guarfit greatly. As far as our bathroom Basquiats, antee that they would not be pleased. Even why not promote artistic exploration dif- if a student is going during passing period, ferently? Instead of covering the bathrooms they may be late to class because they were A) with black paint to cover our school’s char- Unable to find a bathroom or B) Waiting in acter, offer more opportunities for students line to use the bathroom because there is an to get involved in the school artistically. Pre- insufficient number available. venting a student’s right to urinate should not be the first solution. After speaking with my fellow peers, we have come to a consensus. The entire student I am not even beginning to dive into the body should not be punished for a select biological problems it could cause in the long group’s decisions. We must start to keep the term. It is vital to keep in mind that females well-being of the student body in mind, rathgo through menstrual cycles, by closing off er than just a select group. bathrooms, the administration is taking away a place for women to change feminine products. If they are unable to change their feminine products within a reasonable amount of time, it could potentially cause Toxic Shock

Cameron McFarland (’23) makes a disappointed expression next to the out of order sign in outside of one of the closed bathrooms. When students leave class to use the restroom, they’re now searching for one that’s open. “It’s a waste of time to be looking for a bathroom while I should be in class,” McFarland said. Photo by J. Le

Isn’t it just great for students to live in fear to go to school? To knowingly step foot on the grounds of the place that is meant to keep you safe, but is the same place other children have died across the country for over 20 years.

These are four of many shoot- guilt and trauma. Over 100 chilings that have happened, the most dren have died and that doesn’t in“popular” in the media due to their clude any educators/adults. death count, how old the children The nation watches families were and social media. and communities mourn the loss School shootings have many of their loved ones. They send deaths, many injured and many their “thoughts and prayers” but 22 years. For 22 years, not a wanting change. How many stu- thoughts and prayers never bring single thing has ever been done. dents have to die and live through back the dead. It’s a partial cop-out, For 22 years, gun violence has run these tragedies till something is an attempt at empathy. rampant in schools across America: done? Politicians weaponize these Columbine in 1999, Sandy Well, The Washington Post events following their tweets of Hook in 2012, Marjory Stoneman counted “278,000 children at 298 prayers: “Do we arm teachers? Do Douglas in 2017 and most recently schools” have been affected by we amend the Second AmendOxford High School on Nov. 30 of school shootings since 1999. Not ment? Oh, what do we do?” ACthis year. died, but were present at these TION. Take action! We need to events. They live with survivors’ save our children. They need to save

Editorial: Thoughts and Prayers but No Actions Thoughts and prayers do nothing to traumatized students of gun violence. Change is needed. By: KNIGHT WRITERS STAFF us! Children died and continue to fight for it and try passing laws if die. they want change. We want change. We want action. Our generation learned to detect if a shooter is at the door (like We don’t want to continue to the kids in the Oxford video did). wake up every day before school We learned hiding places in a class- and wonder: “Will I make it home room with monthly drills starting today?” It was a thought some Robfrom kindergarten age. We learned inson students had in the 2019to film everything. We learned and 2020 school year with our school adapted to save ourselves while our shooting threat. Just a simple threat leaders in the country did nothing brings the utmost fear. Imagine the but watch and used pain to advance students actually present in a mass their agendas. shooting. The “Pro-Life” politicians need They’re fighting for their lives. to defend their pro-life stance and They’re fighting to be heard. We save the living. The politicians who continue to fight to be heard by want gun control actually need to adults. We fight for actions.


Knight Writers Holiday Playlist Get holly and jolly with the RHS newspaper staff. By: ZOE THAXTON, ONLINE MANAGING EDITOR With the holiday season fast approaching, the time comes to start listening to music for the season. It fills many with holiday cheer and certain songs bring happiness to the listener. For the second year, Knight Writers compiled their favorite holiday songs and reasonings for why they picked them for the playlist.

Scan the QR code to take a listen!

"I like the holiday songs with a tropical twist. Christmas in Florida is so unique so I love Mele Kalimaka (even though it's Hawaii) and the reference to Palm Trees in The Carpenters version of "I'll Be Home for Christmas." They're definitely Christmas classics" -Joanie Oben, RHSToday and Knight Writers Advisor "I'm a hopeless romantic during the holiday season and "Last Christmas" is a perfect breakup song for such a festive season. It's also fun and retro without being cheugy." -Juno Le, Editor-in-Chief "While not explicitly Christmas, I like to listen to ["Over the Ocean" by Low and "After N. Young" by the Microphones] and their respective albums around the holiday season. The soft atmosphere is perfect to stay inside and keep warm to." -Samuel Elliott, Print Managing Editor "I just love the Christmas classics and Michael Bublé always delivers [especially with "The Christmas Song".] His voice is just perfect for the Christmas songs he sings and has always been a family favorite." -Jenna Falkowski, Staff Writer "All I Want for Christmas is You" is my go-to Christmas song because Mariah Carey is literally a Christmas song goddess." -Lindsey Chadwick, Opinion Editor "["It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas"] is just a classic Christmas song that you hear everywhere during Christmas. It reminds me of sitting by the fire and decorating the Christmas tree with my family." -Charlotte Stone, Features Editor "["Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas"] makes me feel like its snowy out and I'm sipping hot chocolate by a fireplace on Christmas Eve, even if it's actually 70 degrees outside. A perfect cozy song for the holidays, plus it's Frank Sinatra." -Grace Hilton, Sports Editor "["Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)"] makes everyone in my family feel at home. It reminds me of waking up crazy early to open gifts with my family." -Keirra McGoldrick, Staff Writer

All I Want for Christmas is... A gift-guide to get the perfect present for your people. By: ALLIE BARTON, SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR 'Tis the season of giving! The Christmas season is finally here! With this exciting holiday approaching us, what is in right now that people want? Here is your how-to guide on what to get a friend or any typical teenager in 2021.

and they are always in no matter the year. Nike/Adidas are practical for slides, but if you want to splurge, the Gucci Jelly slides are super cute and I feel they will be in for more than one season like we've seen these past two years. For a safe bet, buy slippers!

tainable bottles that anyone will love. Not to offend them, but gift them a new yoga mat or exercise equipment since theirs might be a little ruff around the edges.

For the shoe category, buying a pair of white or black shoes is essential for someone's closet and I feel it would be an appreciated gift. The classic Nike Air Force Sage Low is a simple route for white shoes if you are not well-versed with shoes (like me) or buying High Top Converse platforms, New Balances, Adidas and/or Nike Teknos. Anyone would love a pair of Jordans; they are on the pricier side, but every teen would like The cute yet straightforward black booties are For your fellow workout buddy, staying crucial for someone's closet for the fall and hydrated while working out is crucial to a some. winter seasons. It is easy to pair with any outfit.

successful workout.

Black booties are also a staple (Photo DSW) for the fall and winter season and to If the "bestie" you are shopgo along with that, so are Doc MarTo buy for your workout bud- ping for is techy, buying disposable tians. Knee-high boots are another dy, any reusable water bottles like cameras is very cute and suitable for must for the fall and winter season HydroFlasks or Yeti's are good sus- capturing memories with friends and


family. Buying a Polaroid camera fits in well with the camera category too. Purchasing a wireless speaker helps people who run or who like to spend time outside. Purchasing gift cards for someone is a safe bet for anyone and you can never go wrong with those. New socks are also perfect to buy with the winter weather here since everyone is constantly losing them. Whatever you end up getting your friend(s), I'm sure they will love it.

How to have

Get festive season with


Christmas is right around is the perfect time to be spent w friends. Even though this past rough why not leave off this yea

Here's a perfect guide to a f mas party so you, your family a a great time and celebrate this h

The number one thing yo party is a theme. What do you like? Do you want a winter the Christmas holiday party?

You could have people dres

Get Cozy With The Knight Writers This Holiday Season Find out some of the staff's not-so-normal traditions for the holidays By: GRACE HILTON, SPORTS EDITOR When you celebrate the holiday, you might immediately go to the classics: Put up a tree, hang up decorations, have a nice meal to celebrate the holiday. Sometimes we go out and look at other people's decorations and enjoy a warm beverage. But, when it comes to the Newspaper staff, the traditions are far from classic. For Editor-In-Chief, Juno Le, they find their joy from hiding things inside their Christmas tree that do not belong. The tradition includes Le and their sister, putting anything from a tee shirt to a bag of chips in the tree. "Doing this gives us something to look forward to," Le said, "When I come home from school and look at the tree, it's fun seeing like a football sitting in the tree." For News Editor Vikram Sambasivan and Staff Writer Jenna Falkowski, their tradition includes opening presents a day or two early. However, each of them still differs in how they celebrate. While Sambasivan spends his holidays on a road trip will bake a strawberry cake for her dad's birthday, which lands on Christmas day. "It was always nice because seeing all those gifts under the tree, building up my anticipation, and being able to open one on Christmas Eve always helped me make it through the next 24 hours," Falkowski said In the case of Staff Writer Briana Garcia, there is more than one strange celebration going on at her house. For Christmas, her family will dress up in fun themes. Some of which have previously been mustaches and animal print. They make strawberry pizza, which consists of cookie crust, cream cheese, strawberry glaze and strawberries. All while playing their fair share of their favorite Christmas music on CD. Opinion Editor Lindsey Chadwick gets to spend the days before Christmas baking with the girls of her family. They spend a day making hundreds of baked goods which are then enjoyed by her family. Their tradition includes chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies, oatmeal bread, peanut butter balls and more. "This tradition means everything to me. It brings my family together to laugh and enjoy each other's company while getting to do something really fun together," Chadwick said. Newspaper Adviser Joanie Oben has a new family tradition that still manages to make it on the nontraditional list. Her family will get funny pajamas from Costco and match each year. "We love Costco so much, so it's so fun to get pajamas depicting people buying giant teddy bears or a huge pizza. Plus, it's fun to match!" Oben said. It wouldn't be the same if the staff had normal holiday traditions, would it? Now that you know all our weird holiday festivities, you can go home and try them for yourself! Have yourself a merry little, staff certified, Christmas.

Midknight Snacks: Holiday Edition

Christmas is comin' to town! With the holidays in our backyard, what better time to make some holiday-themed cookies? These sugar cookies are scrumptious by themselves, but why not spice them up a little bit with some decorations. These cookies are fun to do with friends or family! In fact, I made these beautiful cookies with one of my friends and we had a blast decorating them!

e a flawless Christmas Party!

Find the full recipe on www.RHSToday.com

h loved ones this season.


the corner and with family and t year has been ar with a party?

or characters from Christmas movies. Just make sure there is a specific theme or angle to your party so people know what to bring and how to dress. For example, Everyone could have matching pajamas or it could be as simple as fantastic Christ- having everyone wear Santa hats. and friends have holiday together. Another key detail to your party is decorations. What's a party without decorations? ou need at your Decorations for Christmas are already being want it to look put out so there are endless choices to choose eme or a full-on from.

There are so many decorations you could ss up in pajamas bring. An obvious one could be a Christmas

tree with ornaments of your guests, ChristLast but not least Christmas isn't Christmas lights, fake snow or as easy as a Christmas mas without a Christmas movie. There's an unwreath and mini tree with mini ornaments de- limited amount of Christmas movies whether pending on how you want it to look. new or old. There are things like the Polar Express or Home Alone so everyone can reminisce People at your party are most likely going on the good times. to want snacks or something to eat. Maybe you could have everyone bring in something to eat Your party doesn't have to be expento help you out. Or, if you wanna go all out, sive and fancy because that's not what it's all you can make your guests food and treats so about. Everyone wearing pajamas and watching they never run out of something to eat, then a movie with some treats and games could be that's okay too. If you want something more cool too. As long as you have fun and make it convenient, however, everyone drinking hot co- your own and everyone has a good time then coa and making dessert together is good as well. that's all that matters.


arts &

ENTERTAINMENT Johannes Roberts brings the Resident Evil games to life “Resident Evil: Welcome to Racoon City” creates a chilling experience based off the original video game. By: JADYN GRAYES, STAFF WRITER One part follows Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine and Albert Wesker as they investigate the abandoned Spencer mansion. They are unaware of the zombie outbreak back at home and as betrayals unfold, they must find their way out of the mansion alive. I feel that this half of the movie brought most of the action and jumpscares, so beware if you startle easily. However, there is a big Promotional poster for the Resident Evil movie release. plot twist and sudden change of adventure that made me more interested in the outcome of the movie. Al“Resident Evil: Welcome to Racoon though the other storyline was more interestCity”, released on Nov. 24, is an action/hor- ing to me, this one unfolded much quicker ror film. The storyline comes from the first and included more drama. two Resident Evil games by Capcom. Writer and director Johannes Roberts did a perfect Back in town, Claire Redfield and Leon job bringing these games to life while adding Kennedy try to find a way out of Racoon his own twist to some characters. city before the town self-destructs. They visit Racoon City Orphanage, the home of Based in 1998, this film follows a group Claire’s nightmares and an old ghostly friend. of five people trying to survive a mysterious I think this storyline was slightly rushed, eszombie outbreak in the small, almost desert- pecially in the end. Before I even completely ed town, Racoon City. Two main storylines realized that the outbreak was in full swing, are followed: they were shooting zombies and finding underground prisons. Some major important

plot twists were also passed over very quickly and I didn’t realize how important they were until the movie was over. This slightly decreased my enjoyment of the movie, but I liked the main ideas of this storyline more. It was more mysterious and suspenseful.

Roberts’ addition of her character in this film was genius, as it compelled viewers to investigate her backstory in the original games and make them wonder if she will have a comeback in the rumored sequel

Overall, this movie was incredibly put together and I am looking forward to hopefully seeing a sequel. As someone who gets scared easily, there was a perfect amount of jump scares to where I was on the edge of my seat but not on the verge of leaving. From In the original games, Lisa Trevor ap- the first minute of the film all the way to the peared only a couple of times and didn’t have last second, everyone in the theater shared a very prominent role in the adventure. This the same suspense and it made the viewing is why Roberts’ inclusion of her character experience so much better. was such a surprise to many people. I am not overly experienced in the Resident Evil video games, but I was hoping that her character would make an appearance and Roberts succeeded my expectations. The mysterious air of her background made me feel a deeper connection to the character as a viewer. She is the leather-faced girl that can be seen watching Claire sleep at the beginning of the movie and makes another appearance to help Claire escape Racoon City in the outbreak. This is also where Roberts decided to add something more to the film by giving a previously overlooked character more spotlight.

Take the laid-back route on Khalid’s “Scenic Drive” Yes it’s a story about cars, but it’s also so much more than that. By: JUNO LE, EDITOR IN CHIEF

Adele’s return with brand new album “30” After six long years, Adele finally releases her new album “30”. By: SALMA BOUGHDIRI, STAFF WRITER disliked. Some may think that all her songs sound the same, but those who truly listen to them will know that each song has a different meaning. One of the songs in the album that really brought me into tears is “My Little Love”, it is just so emotional. It sounds as though Adele is speaking with her son and include recorded audios of her speaking with him and sobbing about her current state. It really moved me and made me tear up a lot, you don’t always come across such a song that hits you hard like this one. Not only are there songs that really make you want to cry your eyes out, but The cover for Adele’s new album “30.” there is also poppy-jazz music like “Cry Your Heart Out” and “Oh My God”. Her songs Adele is back with her new album and are like an emotional rollercoaster, plus her it’s totally worth the listen. voice is crystal clear and seems to cleanse On Nov. 19, English singer-songwrit- just about anyone’s soul. It can turn anyone’s er Adele announced the release of her lat- day for the better. est album “30”. It is her fourth studio alWhen I tell you that I am absolutely bum, which is inspired by her divorce from content with this new comeback by Adele, ex-husband Simon Konecki. Adele set about I mean it! She has been such a huge role the separation on the album, while also dis- model of mine since I was very young and I cussing her motherhood and the review of was so excited to hear that she’s coming back fame. better than ever. Adele has indeed served us The album “30” consists of 12 songs, each unique in its own special ways. But what they all have in common is that they mostly speak of love and really touch one’s heart.

all again with this amazing new come back and I am ever so proud.

I rate this album a 10/10! The lyrics, voice and imagery are all top tier, I am in love with this album! I guarantee you I’ll be Adele, in my opinion, has such great repeating her songs all day and every day. songs and none that I have even slightly


Khalid’s tweet back in October about his next project no longer being an EP was definitely confusing, but it’s totally understandable now with the drop of his new “tape”, “Scenic Drive.” Nine tracks in total, with the most guest features, the 23-year-old artist has ever included in any work of his, Khalid takes fans on yet another soulful ride in his new mixtape named after the popular El Paso lookout. If you’re worried you won’t hear enough of Khalid’s voice on his tape, worry not! Each collaboration is more complimentary of his earthy voice if anything. “Intro” is one of my favorite parts of “Scenic Drive.” The first half of the track recreates the sound of switching between radio stations of an old car and snippets of Khalid’s previous tracks “Better”, “Talk” and his first hit song, “Location” can be heard between the static noises. For someone who hasn’t listened to Khalid in a while, it felt nostalgic hearing pieces of his past work before hearing the new. And best of all, Alicia Keys plays the role of a radio show host easing you into the next song on queue, “Present”, with a smooth, radio-like transition.

In his first new project in over two years, Khalid yet again to El Paso, Texas, which he’s claimed as the starting point of his music career. Scenic Drive is a popular overlook in El Paso where you can see Texas, New Mexico and Mexico tucked between two mountains. Here, Khalid opens up the car door of the same car on the mixtape’s cover.

love and doubts. “Backseat” is both sensual and soft, giving that romantic feeling of a long drive with a lover. It’s one of two tracks on “Scenic Drive” without a guest feature but doesn’t fail to match the same soulful Khalid’s music isn’t anything life-chang- energy as the rest of the mixtape. If it’s an ing, and it doesn’t need to be. Keys’ lines in “I’m going to romanticize anything and ev“Intro”, “We’re here tonight to provide the erything” kind of night, this track won’t fail vibes/So sit back, relax and enjoy the ride”, to mellow your thoughts in dreamy fashion. are so fitting to the overall sound of the Two years can be a long time, but at album. The tracks are good ambiance in a late-night drive, the kind where you’re a bit least it hasn’t changed the Khalid music we drowsy and slumping in the passenger seat know and love. Guest feature or not, it’s not but with the rhythmic chill of R&B vocals. a Khalid album without the elegance and synth-hop rhythm. Enjoy this lovely “Scenic The best piece from the tape would have Drive” and take it easy on the road while to be “Backseat,” a tempered, musky track of listening to this tape.

The magic awaits with Disney’s new movie, “Encanto” New Disney movie not only embraces Latino culture, but family as well. By: JENNA FALKOWSKI, STAFF WRITER movies and also showed how family-oriented everyone is. Disney even incorporated Spanglish throughout the movie and the few songs that were sung. This movie had me really into it from beginning to end. When the scene was sad I was teary-eyed and when they switched it up and upbeat I was right there with them. “Encanto” shows the Madrigal family and all of the gifts they got on their birthday. Some got strength, some are just effortlessly perfect, and then there was Mirabel, who never got anything. She was the only one who did not get a gift and felt outcasted because of it. Her grandma did not help in that either.

gave up and continued to fight for her family. I even could see a little bit of myself in Mirabel and some other family members. Mirabel is very determined and would do anything to help her family, as would I. Anyone who watches this movie will be able to see themselves, siblings, parents, and the rest of their family in each of these characters. Which is what makes this movie so special. Yes, other Disney movies of course are family orientated and teach you that there will always be someone who has your back. However, this movie specifically shows you first-hand things that families go through. “Encanto” shows people that no family is perfect. I really loved how this movie was able to shine a light on how even if you have nothing, you know that you always have your family sticking beside you ready to pick you up right where you fell.

Even though Mirabel never received a gift the rest of her family as well as the community never failed to let her know she was still just as important. However, things quickly turn bad and Mirabel knows she is the only one who can help save Even if Disney movies or animated movies, in general, Disney just recently released a new movie called “Encan- the magic. are not really your cup of tea you should definitely check this to” on November 24. It is about the Madrigal family and all movie out. It reminds you of the little things in life that you This movie never failed to keep me on the edge of my take for granted without even realizing it. This movie is sure of their unique abilities that have helped build up the comseat. I was right there with Mirabel following her trying to to be loved by many and those that are interested should give munity that they live in. figure out what was wrong or what caused the trouble to I loved how Disney brought a Latino culture into their break loose. Through all the twists and turns Mirabel never it a watch. A screencap of the movie showing Mirabel, the main protagonist in her own home.

“House of Gucci” Doesn’t Live Up to the Hype “House of Gucci” takes a look at the 1995 scandal of Gucci. By: VIKRAM SAMBASIVAN, NEWS EDITOR

“House of Gucci” theatrical release poster. Photo: IMDB

Despite all the luxury and wealth, and unfinished wills partaking and in“House of Gucci” couldn’t buy my in- fluences outside of the family, seeds are terest. planted in the minds of major players within Gucci which grow into greed, Starring Adam Driver as Maur- cunning and most of all, hatred. izio Gucci, Lady Gaga as Patrizia Gucci, Jared Leto as Paolo Gucci, Salma Looking at this movie from a Hayek as Pina, Al Pacino as Aldo Gu- broader perspective, it resembles cci and Jeremy Irons Rodolfo Gucci, the tragedy of Macbeth. Pina, a for“House of Gucci” is a drama based tune-teller takes the place of “the on the book “House of Gucci” by Wëird Sisters” in Macbeth as she is able Sara Gay Forden, which was based on to sit back and gently influence the the true story of the Gucci scandal of outcome of the story all throughout. 1995. Patrizia Gucci, wife of Maurizio Gucci (heir to half of Gucci) plays the role of Beginning in 70s Italy, House of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth as she is Gucci brings life to a story of love, greatly influenced by Pina and causes power and greed. At this point in time, the fall of everyone who supports her Gucci is a fashion powerhouse but due (being Macbeth) and radicalizes Mauto their lack of innovation over the rizio (being Lady Macbeth). Maurizio years, they’re beginning to slowly leave himself ends up being Banquo as he is the forefront of the industry. This call- greatly betrayed in Patrizia’s own hunt ing for new blood and creativity to be for power and revenge. infused into Gucci fueled the scandal portrayed in this film. Despite an incredibly talented list of actors and actresses and a stunning With multiple members of the plot, the movie is not as good as it family vying for more power and influ- seems. ence in the company along with deaths

Your Winter Clothing Basics for this season Your guide to 2021 Winter Fashion. By: ALLIE BARTON, SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR The cold front season for Florida’s forecast is here, and we are all thriving at the moment! With the change in weather, it’s time to show for more clothing to stay warm this season. This season for clothing is more earth tones and a mix of the holiday spirit of red and Christmas green.

To visualize this, buy black, beige, brown, or white baby tees to go with fun pants like dress pants or leather pants. This also applies with any tops such as turtle necks or any long-sleeved shirt. For shoes, black doc martin loafers and knee-high boots are timeless shoes to buy for adding with any fall or winter outfit. Buying pleaded/leather skirts are all-year pieces we recognize worn around wintertime. I feel investing in any cardigans/sweaters is crucial to winter since, in our lovely peninsula, this is the only time we look cute and be comfortable.

After finally piecing clothes into outfits, When organizing outfits together for adding rings, head pieces or bags to outfits plans with friends and family, we must help tie the look together. know what we should pick out in stores or online. So, what is “fashionable” and what’s not? For winter 2021 in Florida, it can be hard to plan outfits since we don’t get winter like other states in the country, but we can still keep up with this season’s After getting the basics, you can items. buy more fun, non-everyday pieces, such as jeans with fun designs or non-neutral When looking online for influence, sweaters, jackets or long-sleeves. You can such as Emma Chamberlain, Ariana start to piece these items together. By Grande, Tyler the Creator, you see trench gathering these basics, you can form cute coats, blazers, boots, leather clothing, outfits and add on a winter jacket or coat. sweaters, and midi/mini skirts. These are Seen on Ariana Grande, you can see how she also shown on websites like Pinterest, If you want to add even more to your styled a winter “coat” with a short dress. H&M, and Princess Polly. To shop effi- winter pieces... accessorize! Winter tones ciently and sensibly, shop for the “basic” go perfectly with sliver and gold-designed I’ll be sticking with my earth tones in items. I do not intend to go for the out-of- jewelry. To add to an outfit, clipping some season items; shop for the vital pieces you mini gold hoops on with a gold necklace the next couple of months, styling black and white booties with some fun gold earneed to build an outfit. or two lays out a nice, clean look. rings, necklaces, and bracelets.

I felt that the film focused on the wrong aspects of this family. While this scandal itself was interesting, it would’ve been better as a book or perhaps a lengthy article or a news segment. I had hoped that it would focus less on the romantic entanglements of the Gucci family and more on the business side. While the business was definitely a prominent part, it wasn’t the focus and it didn’t go into much depth on that aspect. Perhaps, a better story would be about the founding of Gucci or how Aldo Gucci grew it into an empire. The story also seemed to have trouble finding itself until the end. There were points in the movie where I felt that the characters were in the exact same spot or situation as they were 30 minutes ago. It was stretched out into a two-and-a-half-hour-long movie when it could’ve been closer to two hours or 90 minutes. Overall my feeling at the end can be encapsulated into one emotion: meh.

Study Cram Jams By: JUNO LE, EDTIOR IN CHIEF If my feelings about the upcoming exam week were a song, it’d be “Careful With That Axe, Eugene” by Pink Floyd. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to get through the week with spine-chilling sounds of screaming and will have to resort to the standard upbeat study jams playlist I’ve abandoned for the past two years. Knight Writers has compiled a playlist of 20 upbeat songs to keep you up on Monday night when you realize “huh, I have an exam tomorrow” and decide to cram in some late-night studying.


Top Ten Festive Flicks for the Christmas Your ultimate guide to Christmas movies By: JADYN GRAYES, STAFF WRITER Singing carols door to door, baking sugar cookies and sipping hot cocoa next to the fireplace on Christmas eve. All traditions that we couldn’t imagine this jolly holiday without. But what is Christmas without Christmas movies? Dull and disappointing. Spice up your holidays with these classic films. The Christmas season is in full swing and it’s crucial to have your seasonal movies queued up. Spend quality time with your loved ones with these festive flicks and maybe even start an annual tradition of watching these the night before Christmas!

1. “Elf ”: This charming Christmas comedy will have you giggling for an hour and a half straight. The cheery feeling spread throughout the soundtrack and visuals makes this perfect to watch with kids, and Will Ferell, the actor playing the prepare a warm mug of hot chocolate and a plate main character “Buddy”, adds enough humor to stacked high with cookies. make this enjoyable for adults and teens as well. 5. “Miracle On 34th Street”: This Christ2. “Home Alone”: What kind of Christ- mas classic is enjoyable for people of all ages. Its mas movie list would this be if this classic wasn’t festive charm and delightful humor make this an included? Home Alone is one of the only movies all-around perfect film to watch during the holithat are watchable not only during the holidays days under a warm blanket and with the people but year-round. Suspenseful and goofy, this movie you love. makes you appreciate family time and being with 6. “How The Grinch Stole Christmas”: the people you love. This is one of the most well-known holiday flicks 3. “Home Alone 2”: Lost In New York”: As and rightfully so. Despite the Grinch’s grumpy atsoon as you finish watching Home Alone, it’s only titude in the beginning, the duration of the movie right to watch the sequel as well. Just as cheery as is cheerful and wholesome. Almost everyone can the first movie, Home Alone 2 is accompanied by bond over their love for this movie. some surprising cameos featuring people such as 7. “Jack Frost”: This film stands out from Donald Trump and Tim Curry. the rest because of its mournful twist on a classic 4. “The Polar Express”: This movie is a Christmas story. While it has a sorrowful backstochildren’s book brought to life and teaches kids ry, it is still wholesome and festive. Watching this to never let go of their Christmas spirit. Before with family is good to make you appreciative of watching this with family, it’s crucial that you quality time with your loved ones.

Winter Break Service Opportunities Winter break is the perfect time to get some of your much needed service hours in. By: ANNEKA DEVRIES, STAFF WRITER Service hours. Not only do we need them for school, but doing community service helps give back to the community, it is always a great feeling to know you helped make peoples lives a whole lot better, and with this two-week break headed our way, now is the perfect time to help out. Here are some service opportunities taking place during winter break:

ing to be held. After that, you have to advertise it, tell your friends, then tell your friends to tell their friends, post it on social media, put up posters, do anything you can to get it out there. After that, make sure you have everything you need for the event, and finally, on a long-awaited day, it’s time to put all your preparation into action. 4. Salvation Army: Everyone has seen people outside malls and other stores ringing a bell and asking others to donate. These donations go towards meals for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, and Christmas gifts for the kids who wouldn’t originally get any, and this year, you can be one of those people helping every kid get a Christmas. All you have to do is sign up, and you can change people’s lives.

1. Humane Society of Tampa: The Humane Society of Tampa is an animal shelter that, especially during the chilly wintertime, needs help taking care of the animals. You can sign up for one of their many programs, including the long-term and short-term programs, there is even a fostering program if that is something you are able to do. These programs include set volunteer times in which you get to help maintain 5. Ronald McDonald and care for a variety of different anHouse: The Ronald McDonald imals. House has countless service oppor2. Soup kitchens/food pan- tunities to help families that are tries: As the holidays roll around, currently in the hospital. You can soup kitchens and food pantries are do anything from making meals to desperate for people to help create providing entertainment for these Christmas meals for the homeless. poor families during the Christmas There are many different locations season. Not only are you achieving popping up all over the place so all the service hours you need, but you you have to do is look up ones near are also helping to lift people’s spiryou. When you go, you will either its, which is especially needed during help make, sort, package or hand out this time of year, which is supposed food for people who are currently go- to be filled with joy for everyone, ing without. even the people who aren’t having the best luck. 3. Food drives: You can organize your own holiday food drive. Oftentimes, people really do This will earn you a lot of service want to help out, but don’t know hours since you have to have to plan how or where to start. Luckily for the whole thing. Of course, you can’t you, you have a list of many opporjust decide one day that you are go- tunities, so now you can go out and ing to spontaneously go to have a make a difference, you can help the food drive that day. First, you have community change for the better. to contact a food pantry (or wher- Just by lending a little bit of your ever you what to donate the food time, you can change a person’s life. too) and plan with them when and So just think about that when you how you are going to bring them the are sitting there, bored with nothing food. Next, you have to set a time to do this break. and a place in which this event is go-


8. “A Charlie Brown Christmas”: This classic has been around since 1965 and is still appreciated by kids around Christmas time. This enough should tell you how good of a film it is. Despite all the characters being cartoons, they still manage to convey love and Christmas spirit. 9. “The Santa Clause”: This silly Christmas film is the best mix of sentimental and funny. The writers did an amazing job designing the movie for kids while keeping adults in mind. I enjoy watching this the night before Christmas with my sisters to set the mood for the following morning. 10. “Prancer”: Finally, this charming and affectionate Christmas movie. Prancer is appreciated by kids for its holiday spirit, and by adults for its soft-hearted lesson. The main character Jessica Riggs is a young girl that many kids relate to, and she serves as a great role model.

Fun Holiday Activities in Tampa With the holiday time quickly approaching, we all need something to keep us entertained. By: CECILIA CHENG, A&E EDITOR As November slips through our fingers, everyone is beginning to play their Christmas playlist on repeat. Christmas decor is starting to pop up at every street corner and no one can get enough of it. No matter what holiday you and your family celebrate, we can all agree that this is the most wonderful of the year. But you’ve got to admit, Tampa is not as festive as other cities when it comes to its holiday spirit. A lot of the time, my friends and I get stuck coming up with things to do around the holiday time. So, here are a few cheap holiday activities to do in order for you to get into the mood for this cheerful season. Christmas Town at Busch Gardens: Starting from Nov. 12 and lasting till Jan. 2, Busch Gardens is hosting their annual holiday event, Christmas Town! From festive shows to incredible holiday dining and shopping, it’s something you definitely don’t want to miss. From personal experience, I really enjoyed my time there. The whole park was decorated with Christmas lights and they had numerous amount of trees up on display. They even have a special fireworks show and most importantly, let’s not forget about their thrilling rides. Save over $35 and purchase your tickets now on their website. Winter Village at Curtis Hixon: Located in Downtown Tampa along the Tampa Riverwalk, Curtis Hixon Park is having their Winter Village celebration from, Nov. 19 to Jan. 2. With fun activities for all ages, there are a variety of gift shops, a pop-up market, a waterfront cafe and even an ice skating rink. Although it does get crowded sometimes, you’ll definitely not regret your experience there. I went with my friends two years ago and made some amazing memories. Individual tickets are $17 for the skating rink, which includes rental for the skates. Visit their website for more information. Lighted Boat Parade: Get excited because on Dec. 18 at 6 p.m., the Saturday before Christmas, Tampa will hold its largest lighted boat parade of the year. The lighted boat parade will start at the southern tip of Davis Island, traveling along the Riverwalk and ending at Sparkman Wharf. But it doesn’t end there. This is a competition. The best boats will win prizes and even receive a trophy. Even though this is a new tradition that I was totally unaware of, I am excited to see these heavily decorated boats light up the Riverwalk on a cold, dark winter night.

At Busch Gardens, the shining lights and spectacular shows are a great way to get into the Christmas

At Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park’s Winter Village, you can escape reality and have fun around this chaotic time of the year. (Photo That’s So Tampa)

Spend time with your loved ones at the Tampa Riverwalk Boat Parade! You have the chance to see tons of creative and wildly decorated boats! (Photo 813 Area)


For This Year’s Upcoming Midterms

The Hottest Study Spots for Study Season These local study spots will help you ace this year’s upcoming midterms. By: CHARLOTTE STONE, FEATURES EDITOR If you are anything like me, you find it practically impossible to focus, especially when studying. During the time leading up to midterms, this can add extra, unnecessary stress. But, don’t worry, there is a solution. Studying can get excruciatingly boring if you are just sitting in the same place for hours, , but if you decide to get a change of scenery and go to a cafe, you will immediately feel more productive and find it easier to focus. When you are stuck in the same, comfortable spot, it tends to be harder to get motivated and easier to get distracted. Here are some great local study spots in Tampa to help you ace your midterm exams.

Barnes and Noble: This first option is a classic. Located at 213 N Dale Mabry Hwy, Barnes and Noble is the perfect study spot. Not only does it have a Starbucks cafe located inside, but it also has a very quiet and peaceful environment, which you can’t get at any regular Starbucks. You don’t have to worry about getting hungry since there’s a Starbucks inside. And, if you start to get restless, you can always take a break to walk around and browse through the aisles filled with a multitude of books.

Yet again, the dreadful test is back to haunt the winter season. This means weeks of stress, panic, and an attempt to remember everything you learned is ahead. Is it even possible to feel confident about midterms, though? Maybe not so much, but here are some good ways to get close. When: It is always best to study when you are motivated, but that’s not always easy. So, one of the best tips is to really break up the information. If you have a bit of free time, go over just a few things, the main topic, or just make the note cards for the topic. Just make sure to use prep time to your advantage. The #1 internet study tip is to not cram, so give yourself a little time! Where: Check out “The Hottest Study Spots” by Charlotte Stone! What: What’s the worst part of studying? Actually going over the information. For sophomores and upperclassmen, recall what your previous midterms went over. It is likely to be similar to this year’s midterm. Do not try to convince yourself you know something you don’t! View your notes like you are seeing them for the first time and try to relearn everything. Review everything at least once and practice the things you struggle with along with the main ideas.

How: The big question: how? When it comes to approaching, it differs for everyone. Harvard recommends that students space out their studies, take rewarding breaks, and stay healthy. While this may sound stupid and unhelpful, you have to remember that there is more to life than school. Take time off, focus on what you are good at, and never force yourself to work for too long. It pays off in the end. Motivation: The enemy of high schoolers has to be finding motivation. But, sometimes it isn’t about that. Your motivation is fueled by how you reward yourself. If you study the same topic for hours straight without understanding it, of course, you will feel bad. So, reward yourself for nothing. If you work and it doesn’t go well, at least you worked! Motivation is like a pet: you have to take care of it, feed it, exercise it, and make sure you reward and love it. One of the first semi-normal years of testing is finally here. You can make neater notes, make flashcards, review your information for 8 hours every night, or not do any of it at all. That part is up to you. But remember to focus on yourself. How do you learn? How do you focus? So that you can be a little bit more confident about your midterms.

The cozy ambiance created by the cafe’s dim lighting builds a very calming study environment. It has a work-centered environment that is also comfortable to help you focus and stay focused. (Photo Charlotte Stone )

Buddy Brew: Our next study spot is Buddy Brew. Buddy Brew has a very productive environment. This coffee bar is always filled with students studying or people working. As a result, it is always quite quiet and seeing others work around you will definitely encourage you to study hard. Since Buddy Brew is a chain, there are multiple locations you can stop by, including the ones located at 1605 W Snow Ave, 2020 W Kennedy Blvd and 3304 W Bay to Bay Blvd, among many others.

DI Coffee Bar: Last but not least, a great place to get some studying done is DI Coffee Bar. This cafe has a very homey and relaxing feel. It’s a great place to go if you want to get out of your room, but still feel comfortable and cozy for your studying. And it has an amazing selection of refreshing drinks and pastries. This relaxed coffee bar is located at 214 E Davis Blvd on Davis Islands.

Buddy Brew’s warm lighting and decor induce relaxation while still promoting productivity. Its productive climate mixed with its delicious snacks make the perfect combo for effective studying. (Photo Charlotte Stone)

The homeyness of DI Coffee Bar is accentuated by its mismatched lighting and home decor. This creates a very comforting and relaxed environment that is perfect for studying. (Photo Charlotte Stone )


Oh The Places We’ll Miss As Robinson is soon to be reconstructed, the Knights reminisce on their favorite places around the school. By: JULIA GUILLERMO, STAFF WRITER As Robinson is underway for construction the students have only a few months before they will be transferred into portables for the next year and a half. Although the students at Robinson are looking forward to the remodeling of the school, there are many individuals who have expressed how they will miss certain aspects of the old campus. To make light of the situation, both IB and traditional students had the opportunity to share some of their favorite places to hang out around Robinson. For many, this brought back the fond memories each individual spent during the school day, whether that was at the open courtyard, the gym, or a teacher’s classroom. As the students spend the majority of their time attending school, it is important that they are in an environment where they feel comfortable, which is why the majority of students have grown to enjoy a designated area within the school. Although students are saddened about the demolition, they are looking forward to creating new memories once the school is complete. Fortunately, the current students will always have a piece of the old Robinson building to reminisce about long after they graduate. This is an exciting time for Robinson, but also bitter-sweet as students take in some of their last moments in the original T.R Robinson building. “I will miss the English hallway winter it’s really nice, so you get to do the most because it is my favorite sub- homework outside” Trinavy Le (‘22) ject” Tara Kuklen (‘24) “The part that I’m going to miss “My favorite part of Robinson about Robinson is probably having that I’m going to miss is the Aerospace snow cones and playing music during building because it’s really fun and we lunch” Keira Person (‘22) get to fly planes...” Mia Reineke(‘23) “I like the cafeteria because it’s “My favorite spot to hang out where everyone else is. I’m going to around Robinson is Ms. Sasser’s class- miss actual buildings because we’re room because I like Ms. Sasser and I going to be in portables” Ryan Leget to be in there by myself and not Clair (‘24) be around people” Christal Rolack “I will miss the outside patio in (‘22) front of the cafeteria the most because “My favorite spot is the court- there’s a lot of memories there and I yard, because usually around fall and like when the sun beats down on me


when I’m eating my turkey sandwich” “What I’m going to miss about Brianna Stearns (‘22) the old school is the old look of it, because it’s nostalgic even though I “I’m going to miss the culinary am not from that time. It has a cool building the most because I have a lot feel to it with the old floors and walls of memories [there]” Cameron Duss and if you stepped into the bath(‘22) rooms it looks 50 years old, which is “My favorite place to hang out kind of cool in its own sense because at Robinson is Ms. Marazzo’s room old things are kind of cool” Connor because she has this space mural on Trimble (‘23) the window and I think it looks really “My favorite thing about Robcool” Jordayn Curry (‘22) inson high school is how the lunch“My favorite spot is the cafeteria room looks so beautiful and I think because they got food all the time” it’s a nice touch to the already outdoor school” Malik Jordan (‘22) Richard Furey (‘23)

“My favorite place is Ms. Obens room because it’s very big and there’s a couch. Also, another of my favorite places is the vending machine... because the drinks are really good” David Hughes (‘22) “I’m going to miss the IB math and science hallway because those are my two favorite classes” Jeremiah Sawyer (‘24) “My favorite part of the school is the field because that’s where we make a lot of memories, especially playing sports” Adriana Williams (‘23)

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