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Zero Industry srl

Via Nazionale dei Giovi 251 20823 Lentate sul Seveso (MB) Italy


Phone: +39 0362 1661200 Fax: +39 0362 1661292 info@zerorh.com www.zerorh.com


Direzione Commerciale Silvia Boni Phone : +39 338 5722689 silvia.boni@zeroindustry.com


Contact : Arnaud Claude Phone : +1 802-734-2555 arnaudj.claude@gmail.com


Tonic Sport Contact: Laura Herrault Phone: +33 (0)6 07 21 49 46 laura.tonic@gmail.com


Agence Sports Évolutions Contact : Patrick Fortin Phone: +1 514 993 8681 pat.evolu@videotron.ca

Spain, Andorra & Portugal

Gini Vidaurreta Phone: +34 617 301781 ginividaurreta@gmail.com


Handelsagentur Markus Minatti Contact : Markus Minatti Phone: +43 664 2098000 office@markusminatti.at

Worldwide Contacts


SLS – Sport Life Style Cherni Vrah Boulevard 59B Phone: +359 2 9628338 sls@sls.bg www.sls.bg


ARNOLD SPORTS GmbH Rothelebuch 7 87637 Seeg Germany Phone: +49 8364 23797-60 info@arnoldsports.de www.arnoldsports.de


MODENA SPORT Ukraine Kyiv Peremogy ave68/1 03113 Tel. +38-050-947-60-30 sp.modena@gmai.com www.msport.com.ua

Czech Republic

EastSport s.r.o. Vyšehradská 1349/2 Praha 2 – CZ 128 00 Czech Republic Phone : + 420 777-815-181 info@eastsport.eu www.eastsport.eu


Fantastic Lab Limited 27/F, Tower A, Regent Center, 63 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong Phone: +852 9248 9201 info@fantastic-lab.com www.fantastic-lab.com

Hong Kong

Fantastic Lab Limited 27/F, Tower A, Regent Center, 63 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong Phone: +852 9248 9201 info@fantastic-lab.com www.fantastic-lab.com


EastSport s.r.o. Vyšehradská 1349/2 Praha 2 – CZ 128 00 Czech Republic Phone : + 420 777-815-181 info@eastsport.eu www.eastsport.eu

Thanks to:

Photo Credits: Francio Ferrari

For contact updates please visit our website www.zerorh.com

rh+ is a registered trademark of Zero Industry srl IT - Le informazioni contenute nei cataloghi o stampati pubblicitari, quali caratteristiche tecniche dei prodotti o dei componenti, dimensioni, colori, ecc., hanno valore meramente indicativo, in ragione delle specifiche tecniche e della evoluzione tecnologica dei prodotti aziendali. I dati impegnativi potranno essere forniti di volta in volta e dietro esplicita richiesta. Al fine di migliorare la qualità del prodotto, Zero Industry Srl, si riserva il diritto di modificare lo stesso senza alcun preavviso e anche dopo l’accettazione dell’ordine. L’azienda si riserva di apportare modifiche parziali o totali ai prodotti senza preavviso declinando ogni responsabilità su eventuali dati inesatti. EN - The information contained in the catalogues and printed advertising, such as the technical characteristics of the products or their component parts, size or colour etc are given by way of illustration only, in view of the specific techniques and technological evolution of the company's products. Detailed product information will be provided only when specifically requested. In order to improve products wherever necessary, Zero Industry Srl reserves the right to alter products without forewarning and even after orders for the product have been accepted. The company reserves the right to make partial or whole alterations to products with no forewarning and accepts no responsibility for subsequent inaccuracies in product details.

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