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Brand Guidelines August 2007 Version 1.0

A guide to our brand identity and how to implement it.

2 Identity Elements 2.0 Brand Marque 2.1 Brand Marque – 4 Colour Process 2.2 Brand Marque – 2 Colours 2.3 Brand Marque – 1 Colour 2.4 Brand Marque – Minimum Size 2.5 Brand Marque – Exclusion Zone 2.6 Brand Marque – Misuse of the Marque 2.7 Corporate Colours 2.8 Secondary Colour Palette 2.9 Typography 2.10 Tone of Voice 2.11 Photographic Style 3 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7

Stationery Guidelines A4 Letterhead Compliment Slip (99mm x 210mm) Business Card (55mm x 85mm) A4 Facsimile A5 Internal Memorandum A4 Press Release Paper Envelopes Mailing Labels

4 Presentation Material 4.0 Powerpoint – Title Slide 4.1 Powerpoint – Presentation Slide 5 Advertising 5.0 Advertising Style – Generic 5.1 Advertising Style – Recruitment Advertising


1 Introduction 1.0 Strategy and Corporate Vision 1.1 Brand Attributes

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines


The Hesley Group is a leading independent organisation committed to children and adults with challenging behaviour and severe intellectual disabilities arising from autism and other causes. We enhance lives by fully developing the potential of people with severe autism including those with challenging behaviour by offering: • A holistic service • A social education model closely aligned to supported living


1.0 Strategy and Corporate Vision

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

1 Introduction

• A high ratio of staff to students We individually tailor education, care and therapeutic provision to suit each person’s assessed needs, enabling them to maximise their participation in society. Our ethos is ‘valuing people’ and turning this value into workable practice – promoting the achievement and wellbeing of each and every student within one community. What sets us apart at Hesley is a dedication to actively invest in the future, to successfully enhance the lives of even the most challenging students by promoting their development and encouraging their achievements. In order to present The Hesley Group brand and its underlying values correctly and consistently to our various target audiences, the brand marque has now been enhanced and refined. Detailed guidelines on the presentation of the enhanced brand have also been produced and are contained within this document.

Our ethos is ‘valuing people’ and turning this value into workable practice – promoting the achievement and wellbeing of each and every student within one community. This ethos is now underpinned by our strapline: The Hesley Group – Enhancing Lives

Brand Attributes

The Hesley Group brand marque is a visual representative of our core brand values and attributes. These attributes reflect the Hesley ‘personality’ and underpin how we like to be perceived by others.

Our personality is: honest, caring, open, trustworthy, positive and confident.



The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

1 Introduction

Our core values are: caring, dedicated, committed, confident, positive, determined, consistent and inclusive. These values help set us apart from competitors and ensure that the correct messages are transmitted to our target audiences.

The Hesley Group brand marque has been updated to reflect our brand attributes. The adoption of a strong wordmark conveys our confidence and positivity. It is approachable and honest. The choice of a more modern typeface underlines our forward-thinking approach. The marque retains the HG monogram to maintain brand recognition, yet has been rebalanced to give greater emphasis to who we are. The new marque has been designed to incorporate the strapline that embodies our ethos – Enhancing Lives.


2.0 Brand Marque

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

2 Identity Elements

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

2 Identity Elements 2.1 Brand Marque – 4 Colour Process


This version of the marque is to be used where 4 colour process is specified or most efficient (for example in brochures that contain full colour photography). Always use the master artwork files supplied on disk. Use the correct file format for the job – e.g. JPG, GIF or PNG for web or Microsoft Office applications, EPS for professional reproduction. When supplying EPS artwork ensure that you send the correct version (positive or negative) and process (4c, spot, mono). Brand marque

HG Monogram

H prints in Pantone 295EC G prints white out of background, with a 100% Pantone 3272EC drop shadow. Background panel prints 60% tint of Pantone 3272EC. • 59% Cyan • 0% Magenta • 29% Yellow • 0% Black



Prints in Pantone 3272EC (solid to process EURO) • 99% Cyan • 0% Magenta • 49% Yellow • 0% Black

Prints in Pantone 295EC (solid to process EURO) • 100% Cyan • 70% Magenta • 8% Yellow • 54% Black

Negative version reversed out of 4 colour Hesley Blue (Pantone 295EC = as above)

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

2 Identity Elements 2.2 Brand Marque – 2 Colour (Spot)


This version of the marque is to be used where only 2 colours are available or deemed most efficient (for example in letterheads or other stationery items). Very rarely, for high profile jobs, four colour process plus two spots may be specified. In this case, the 2 colour logo should be used.

Brand marque

HG Monogram

H prints in Pantone 295C G prints white out of background, with a 100% Pantone 3272C drop shadow.



Prints in Pantone 3272C

Prints in Pantone 295C

Background panel prints 60% tint of Pantone 3272C.

Negative version reversed out of spot Hesley Blue (Pantone 295C)

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

2 Identity Elements 2.3 Brand Marque – 1 Colour (Mono)


This version of the marque should only be used where just one colour is available or deemed most efficient (for example on fax headers or advertisements in local newspapers ). Never use black when your printed piece is full colour.

Brand marque

HG Monogram

H prints in process black* G prints white out of background, with a 70% black* drop shadow.



Prints 70% Black

Prints 100% Black

Background panel prints 40%Â black* * Or the only available ink where a one-colour job uses an ink other than black.

Negative version reversed out of solid process black

The brand marque should always be produced in a size where the Enhancing Lives strapline remains legible. It must not lose its integrity when reduced to small sizes. Wherever possible do not use the brand marque smaller than 50mm. If you really have to, for example in small recruitment ads or in co‑branding applications, do not reproduce the logo below 35mm wide. For on-screen applications the smallest permissible size is 160 pixels.


2.4 Brand Marque – Minimum Size

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

2 Identity Elements

Preferred size for small applications: 50mm

Minimum permissible size: 35mm.

The brand marque needs space to breathe. Always respect the exclusion zone in order to give our brand marque prominence. Do not allow any type, image, logo or other graphic element to encroach upon the clear space. Do not position the marque closer to any edge than the clear space rule allows. The exclusion zone is easy to calculate – allow half the size of the HG Monogram square:


2.5 Brand Marque – Exclusion Zone

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

2 Identity Elements



The brand marque should not be altered in any way. Do not attempt to recreate the marque. Remember too that file formats suitable for office applications are not suitable for professional reproduction. Always use the master artwork files provided on disk and supply the correct format for the process required.


2.6 Brand Marque – Misuse of the Marque

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

2 Identity Elements

Don’t distort it

Don’t re-colour it

Don’t change the typeface

Don’t alter the positional relationship between logo elements

Don’t alter the size relationship between logo elements

Don’t use the positive version of the logo on a coloured background. When the logo is to be placed on a background, the negative (white type) version should be used. The background colour should be Hesley dark blue.

Don’t add new elements

Don’t outline it

Our corporate colours are Hesley Blue and Hesley Aqua. These are defined below for various different applications: spot colour, four colour process, screen viewing and web safe.

Hesley Blue

Hesley Aqua

Pantone 295C

Pantone 3272C

Pantone 295EC (solid to process EURO) • 100% Cyan • 70% Magenta • 8% Yellow • 54% Black

Pantone 3272EC (solid to process EURO) • 99% Cyan • 0% Magenta • 49% Yellow • 0% Black

• 0 Red • 47 Green • 95 Blue

• 0 Red • 165 Green • 153 Blue

HTML Hex 002F5F*

HTML Hex 00A599*


2.7 Corporate Colours

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

2 Identity Elements

*Due to the scarcity of monitors that can display only 8-bit colour, it is now generally considered unnecessary to design websites to a limited palette of 256 colours. This was a technical consideration to avoid pattern dithering in the early days of web design and is no longer relevant with modern computers. In the unlikely event that it is necessary to restrict the palette to the 256 web safe colours the specifications given below should be used. Note that these colours will not be a good match so it is preferable to use the values above.

• 0 Red • 51 Green • 102 Blue

• 0 Red • 153 Green • 153 Blue

HTML Hex 003366

HTML Hex 009999


The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

2 Identity Elements 2.8 Secondary Colour Palette


In addition to our corporate colours, we have a palette of secondary colours which may be used for emphasis, differentiation and colour coding, for example in pie charts. Remember that the overall balance of colour should be weighted towards the corporate blue and aqua. Secondary colours should always be used sparingly. It is also permissible to use tints of the secondary colours, for example as a holding panel for extra information within a colour coded article.

Hesley Blue Hesley Red

Hesley Orange

Hesley Green

Hesley Violet

Hesley Grey

C0 M100 Y100 K30 R149 G017 B029 #95111d

C0 M65 Y100 K20 R178 G100 B028 #b2641d

C70 M0 Y100 K30 R092 G133 B047 #5c852f

C75 M75 Y0 K25 R072 G066 B124 #48427c

C0 M0 Y0 K70 R112 G112 B112 #707070
















Hesley Aqua

Example of a graduated tint used as a holding device for an introduction. Label 1

Our environmental commitment

Label 2

This is an example of how a secondary colour might be used within an article that made use of the secondary palette to colour code different aspects of the business. Note that the overall balance of the page should always give dominance to the Hesley blue and aqua.

Label 3 Label 4 Label 5 Label 6 Label 7 Example of how the secondary palette may be used in graphing.


The Hesley Group’s corporate typeface is Praxis Com. This type was specially designed to be clear and legible even at small sizes. It is available for Mac and PC and contains several typestyles as detailed below. Primarily we use Light and Semibold, but other styles such as regular or oblique may be used where appropriate. The oblique should be used sparingly for emphasis or when referring to journals and publications. Praxis Com Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ±!@£$€%^&*( )_+”:;|\<>?/,.


2.9 Typography

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

2 Identity Elements

Praxis Com Light Oblique ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ±!@£$€%^&*( )_+”:;|\<>?/,. Praxis Com Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ±!@£$€%^&*( )_+”:;|\<>?/,. Praxis Com Oblique ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ±!@£$€%^&*( )_+”:;|\<>?/,. Praxis Com Semibold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ±!@£$€%^&*( )_+”:;|\<>?/,. Praxis Com Semibold Oblique ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ±!@£$€%^&*( )_+”:;|\<>?/,. Where Praxis is not available Arial should be used. Arial Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ±!@£$€%^&*( )_+”:;|\<>?/,. Arial Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ±!@£$€%^&*( )_+”:;|\<>?/,. Arial Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ±!@£$€%^&*( )_+”:;|\<>?/,. Arial Bold Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ±!@£$€%^&*( )_+”:;|\<>?/,.


2.9 Typography continued


Good typography is the key to clear communication through the printed word. Sensitive typography helps convey the message without drawing attention to itself. Bearing a few principles in mind will ensure that all our printed materials communicate as clearly as possible.

Use of multiple typestyles. It is preferable to limit the number of different typestyles as far as possible. Only add a new typestyle if it helps communicate more clearly. For example, this paragraph is set in Praxis Com Light, but Light Oblique may be used for journals and semibold for emphasis. Use of different styles also helps the reader to understand complex documents with different levels of information by creating a hierarchy of heading styles.

Leading (line spacing) Leading should typically be 115–130% of the type size for body copy and 100–115% for headlines. As a rule, the longer the measure, the more generous the leading. This enables the reader’s eye to pick up the next line easily. As a guide, this copy is generously leaded at 9pt on 12 point.

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

2 Identity Elements

Top level (Fruit) Next level (Citrus) – Next level (oranges) Body copy, the juicy bits.

This body type is 9 point set solid and is uncomfortably tight. This type is 9 point on 15 point leading. This is too loose and looks disjointed.

Measure (line length) Do not set copy on too wide a measure. As a guide, 12 words per line plus or minus 3 is optimal. The use of grids and columns should be encouraged to keep measures reasonable and copy readable.

Kerning and tracking (letterspacing). Kerning When setting large headlines, pay attention to the spatial relationship between letters, as certain character combinations can sit too far apart by default, such as AV and 111. This is not normally necessary for body copy.

AV 7 AV 3 111 7 111 3

Tracking Minor adjustments to line length can be made by tracking. Excessive tracking should be avoided as it is distracting. A sensible range is ± 3⁄10 em (± 15 in InDesign, ± 3 in QuarkXpress).

This type is excessively tracked in and is uncomfortably tight. This type is excessively tracked out and is distracting.


(Alan/Caroline to supply)


2.10 Tone of voice

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

2 Identity Elements


Photography says a great deal about an organisation and helps create a strong brand. Bad photography will send out the wrong type of message and weaken the brand. It is therefore of great importance that photographs should be of the highest possible quality in visual, as well as technical terms. In general, photo images should focus on Hesley students and residents, rather than the buildings in which they are studying or living. Images should as far as possible show people, not buildings.


2.11 Photographic style

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

2 Identity Elements

Image style should be informal, natural, spontaneous and colourful, with bright backgrounds and blue skies where possible. Creative and interesting angles should be explored – from above, below, looking over shoulder etc, rather than employing simple ‘representative’ imagery. Hesley students or residents should be prominent within images, taking up most of the visible space and ideally occupied in an activity which shows some degree of independence. While not always easy to obtain, eye contact between carer and student or eye contact with student and camera should be sought whenever possible. A selection of images is shown below, demonstrating the image style and content which will best represent The Hesley Group to our target audiences. .


A sample letterhead is shown here (reduced from A4) for information only. There is a fold mark at 105mm to aid insertion into DL envelopes. It is not necessary to recreate the letterhead as 2 colour spot artwork is provided on disk.


3.0 A4 Letterhead

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

3 Stationery Guidelines

Mallard House, Sidings Court, Doncaster DN4 5NU t 01302 386900 f 01302 386901

The Hesley Group comprises:

Hesley Holdings (North) Ltd, Registered in England No. 5150235 n The Hesley Group Ltd. Registered in England No. 2665377 Registered ofďŹ ce for all companies: The Coach House, Hesley Hall, Tickhill, Doncaster DN11 9HH


A sample compliment slip is shown here (reduced from 99 x 210mm) for information only. It is not necessary to recreate the compliment slip as 2 colour spot artwork is provided on disk.


3.1 Compliment Slip

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

3 Stationery Guidelines

Mallard House, Sidings Court, Doncaster DN4 5NU t 01302 386900 f 01302 386901

With Compliments


A sample business is shown here (actual size, 55 x 85mm) for information only. It is not necessary to recreate the card as artwork is provided on disk. Using the 2 colour spot artwork provided, your design agency or printer can insert individuals’ details as required.


3.2 Business Card

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

3 Stationery Guidelines

Firstname Lastname BA (Hons) Job Description ddi 01302 866XXX ďŹ

Hesley Village & College The Coach House, Hesley Hall, Tickhill, Doncaster DN12 4AR t 01709 861663 f 01709 869635


The facsimile is printed in mono (black). Actual size is A4. Artwork is supplied on disk. (As a Word template?)


3.3 A4 Facsimile

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

3 Stationery Guidelines

Facsimile message From:

Sender’s fax number:


Recipient’s fax number:

Total pages including this one: Subject:

If there are any pages missing or you are not the intended recipient please notify the sender immediately by telephone on 01302 386900. This message may be confidential. You should not copy the message or use it for any purpose, or disclose its contents to any other person: to do so may be unlawful.'


The internal memorandum paper is A5 size and is preprinted in the two spot colours. It is not necessary to recreate the memo paper as 2Â colour spot artwork is provided on disk.


3.4 A5 Internal Memorandum

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

3 Stationery Guidelines

Memorandum To:


Date: Subject:


The press release paper (shown here reduced from A4) is based on the design of the letterhead. The words ‘Press Information’ appear clearly in the top right corner to help editors recognise easily that this is something relevant to them. It is preprinted in the two spot colours. It is not necessary to recreate the press release paper as artwork is provided on disk.


3.5 A4 Press Release Paper

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

3 Stationery Guidelines

Press Information Mallard House, Sidings Court, Doncaster DN4 5NU t 01302 386900 f 01302 386901

The Hesley Group comprises:

Hesley Holdings (North) Ltd, Registered in England No. 5150235 n The Hesley Group Ltd. Registered in England No. 2665377 Registered office for all companies: The Coach House, Hesley Hall, Tickhill, Doncaster DN11 9HH


A sample envelope is shown here (DL, 110x x 220mm) for information only. It is not necessary to recreate the envelope as 2 colour spot artwork is provided on disk. For other sizes of envelope, use the same size and position relative to the edges for the brand marque and return address. These are: Brand marque 50mm wide, 10mm from bottom left corner, and return address set in Praxis Com Light 9pt, in Hesley Blue, 10mm from top left hand corner of flap.


3.6 Envelopes

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

3 Stationery Guidelines

The Hesley Group, Mallard House, Sidings Court, Doncaster DN4 5NU The Hesley Group, Mallard House, Sidings Court, Doncaster DN4 5NU


Alan to find out size and purpose


3.7 Mailing Labels

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

3 Stationery Guidelines


tbd. See Rob for sizes and other tech details/restrictions. See Alan for brief


4.0 Powerpoint – Title Slide

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

4 Presentation Material

Click to add title - 40pt Click to add subtitle - 28pt


4.1 Powerpoint – Presentation Slide



The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

4 Presentation Material

Click to add title - 36pt ■

Click to add text - 24pt

second level - 22pt

- third level - 18pt


[More copy to be inserted here] Where possible, advertisements should be produced using The Hesley Group corporate colours – aqua and blue. Press advertisements will almost always need to be specified in four colours as special inks are not normally available. If absolutely necessary, the advertisement may be produced in mono (black only). In this situation, only the positive version of the logo may be used, positioned on a white background.


5.0 Advertising Style – Generic

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

5 Advertising

Headline goes here in Praxis Com Light Subhead in Praxis Com SB Body copy goes here. Ignisi ercilit nullandio dolenim inis dolore dolore exerius cincill andiate min ulluptat. Ut augait aliquip er sim aciduisi blamet, quatin ea conulputat. Sit accum iustrud min vent ea alit ipit adipismolum doleniatetum num ver aliquam nisisi. • Bullet with more than one line of copy should indent • Bullet with one line of copy • Bullet copy does not have full stop


[More copy to be inserted here] Recruitment advertising does not use photography. Where space allows, it is recommended that the Investor In People accreditation logo is used. (Minimum total width 16mm, wreath 8mm). Where possible, advertisements should be produced using The Hesley Group corporate colours – aqua and blue. Press advertisements will almost always need to be specified in four colours as special inks are not normally available.


5.1 Advertising Style – Recruitment

The Hesley Group Brand Guidelines

5 Advertising

If absolutely necessary, the advertisement may be produced in mono (black only). In this situation, only the positive version of the logo may be used, positioned on a white background. Below is a typical example of a recruitment advertisement. Size and format will change dependent on the space booked.

Job title, Location, £00k + bens The Hesley Group are eIt iriure magna numhet num qui tem zzriure facilisisl ipsum amconsed magna feuis dolenim in ex ex elit wiscipit lorem num esequis endio consequamet et tincidunt ut wisi meniam. If you are ullamcorper lorem ipsum Em in vullam, sustin ut veliqui enibh eum et irilit amcommy num ip eu faccum nostrud tat, conullam aliquat. We are an equal opportunities employer. Please send your CV to or write to Firstname Lastname, HR Dept, The Hesley Group, Mallard House, Sidings Court, Doncaster DN4 5NU


Write to us

Call us

Fax us


The Hesley Group, Mallard House, Sidings Court, Doncaster DN4 5NU

General Enquiries 01302 386900

01302 386901


Placement/Referrals Freefone: 0800 0556789

The Hesley Group has Investor In People (IIP) accreditation which recognises the significant emphasis the Group places on the quality of its staffing and the associated management processes.

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