BW Lumia brošura

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Svetlost novog doma

Predstavljamo We Present

Belgrade Waterfront



Nova perspektiva gradskog života Belgrade Waterfront više nije samo projekat uzbudljive sutrašnjice, već je uveliko sadašnjica života u prestonici i destinacija od međunarodnog značaja. Pružajući se na gotovo milion kvadratnih metara, na idealnoj lokaciji uz desnu obalu reke Save, sa najlepšim pogledima u gradu, Belgrade Waterfront u potpunosti oplemenjuje život u Beogradu. Zamišljen je kao novo gradsko jezgro, koje na jednom mestu okuplja sve one sadržaje koji su oličenje ispunjavajućeg i udobnog života u urbanoj, a mirnoj sredini. Otvoreno je novo poglavlje u istoriji Beograda i stranice se uveliko ispisuju - pronađite one koje čekaju da ih vi ispunite svojom savršenom životnom pričom.

New Perspective Of City Living



Belgrade Waterfront is no longer just a project of an exciting future, but a present representation of life in the capital and a destination of international importance. Stretching over almost a million square meters, perfectly located along the right bank of the Sava River, with the most wonderful views in the city, Belgrade Waterfront wholly refines life in Belgrade. It was designed to be a new city center, which would contain everything personifying a fulfilling and comfortable life in an urban, yet calm environment. A new chapter in the history of Belgrade has been opened, and the pages have been writing themselves find the ones waiting for you to fill them out with your perfect life story.

Novo srce grada The New Heart Of The City

Pored toga što je jedna od najekskluzivnijih i najdinamičnijih lokacija u prestonici, Belgrade Waterfront je i jedna od najbolje povezanih. Smešten na istočnoj (desnoj) obali reke Save, novi kompleks nudi direktan pristup mostu Gazela, čime je omogućen lak ulaz i izlaz iz grada međunarodnim autoputem E-75, dok se na udaljenosti manjoj od jednog kilometra nalazi Savski most, koji omogućava jednostavan protok saobraćaja između centra grada i Novog Beograda. Aerodrom Nikola Tesla Beograd je na samo 15 minuta vožnje automobilom, a u neposrednoj blizini nalaze se brojne stanice javnog prevoza, uključujući autobuse, tramvaje i budući metro.

In addition to being one of the most exclusive and most dynamic locations in the capital, Belgrade Waterfront is also one of the best connected locations. Located on the eastern (right) bank of the Sava River, the new complex offers a direct access to the Gazela Bridge, which allows an easy way into and out of the city via the international highway E-75, while the Sava Bridge, standing less than a kilometer away, allows easy traffic flow between the city center and New Belgrade. Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport is just 15 minutes away by car, and nearby, there are numerous public transportation stops, including bus stops, tram stops, and the future metro.

U svakom trenutku obasjaće vas osećaj povezanosti sa čitavim gradom. You will be illuminated at all times by the feeling of being connected with the entire city.



Svi elementi blistave budućnosti

Dobro došli u Elements kompleks, mesto gde će vaš životni

All The Elements Of A Bright Future

stil ispuniti sav svoj potencijal. Elements kompleks nalazi se u Park Distriktu Belgrade Waterfront-a, lokacije koja pruža najbolje od savremenog gradskog života. Čitav kompleks se, zahvaljujući upečatljivoj arhitekturi, naslanja gotovo

Welcome to the Elements complex, a place where your lifestyle will reach

polovinom svoje dužine na Savski park, dok je sa druge strane

its full potential. The Elements complex is located in the Park District of Belgrade Waterfront, the location which offers the best of the modern

udobno smešten uz Savsku, buduću najatraktivniju ulicu u

city living. Thanks to its striking architecture, almost a half of the length

prestonici. Ovakvo okruženje predstavlja savršen ambijent

of the entire complex is leaning against the Sava Park, while the other

za miran i urban život u Beogradu za sve generacije - pregršt

side is comfortably located along Savska Street, which is to be the most glamorous street in the capital. This environment represents a perfect

zelenila, svežeg vazduha, raskošnog i dinamičnog prostora uz

ambience for a calm and urban life in Belgrade for all generations -

izvrsnu povezanost.

abundance of greenery, fresh air, lavish and dynamic space with excellent connections to other parts of the city.




Obasjajte svoj život BW Lumia se nalazi na samom početku Elements kompleksa, nedaleko od Savskog parka i izlazi na Savsku, Ulicu Nikolaja Kravcova, kao i novu saobraćajnicu koja spaja Savski trg sa Umetničkim centrom. Smeštena u četvrtom redu u odnosu na reku Savu, ova devetospratnica je izvrsno povezana sa ključnim tačkama u Beogradu. BW Lumia sadrži 91 stambenu jedinicu različitih veličina - od stanova sa jednom do onih sa četiri spavaće sobe i penthausom na poslednjem spratu. Zahvaljujući lokaciji unutar Elements kompleksa, a u zavisnosti od pozicije koju zauzimaju unutar zgrade, stanovi poseduju neometan pogled na park ili na uređeno unutrašnje dvorište, dok je ograničen broj jedinica orijentisan ka impozantnoj panorami starog grada. Sa svih strana bićete obasjani nepresušnim izvorom mogućnosti za udoban i ispunjen život.

Illuminate Your Life

BW Lumia is located at the very front of the Elements complex, not far from the Sava Park and it faces Savska Street, Nikolaj Kravcov Street, as well as the new route which connects Sava Square with the Art Center. Situated in the fourth row from the Sava River, this nine-story building has an excellent connection with all the key points in Belgrade. BW Lumia has 91 residential units of various sizes - from studio to four-bedroom apartments and a penthouse on the last floor. Thanks to the location inside the Elements complex, and depending on the position inside the building, the apartments either have an unobstructed view over the park or the landscaped inner courtyard, while a certain number of units is oriented toward the impressive panorama of the old town. A never-ceasing source of possibilities for a comfortable and fulfilled life will illuminate you from all sides.



Siguran život sigurna investicija

Osim najkvalitetnijih estetskih i građevinskih rešenja, uvidećete da je posebna pažnja posvećena životnim stilovima svih generacija budućih stanara i njihovim potrebama. BW Lumia je projektovana kao stambena zgrada srednje visine, sa maloprodajnim i ugostiteljskim objektima u prizemlju, uz dva nivoa podzemne garaže sa 101 privatnim parking mestom. Ulazni lobi sa recepcijom i obezbeđenjem garantuje vam miran i siguran život, tu je i odvojeni deo za poštanske sandučiće, kao i direktan izlaz na unutrašnje dvorište sa igralištem i prostorom za opuštanje. Geometrija BW Lumie podseća na latinično slovo L, čime je dvorište namenjeno stanarima idealno smešteno u sam zagrljaj zgrade, doprinoseći ispunjavajućem i opuštajućem vizuelnom utisku.

A Safe Life A Safe Investment Aside from the aesthetic and construction solutions of the highest quality, you will learn that special attention was given to the lifestyles of all the generations of future tenants and their needs. BW Lumia is designed as a medium-rise residential building, with retail stores and eating establishments on the ground floor, with two levels of underground garage with 101 private parking spots. A lobby with a reception desk guarantees a tranquil and safe life. There is also a separate part for the mail boxes, as well as a direct exit to the inner courtyard with a playground and a lounge area. BW Lumia’s geometry resembles the letter L, which ideally places the courtyard intended for the tenants in the heart of the building, contributing to the fulfilling and relaxing visual impression.

Pogled iz pravca parka na pložaj BW Lumia.

Pogled iz pravca Savske ulice na pložaj BW Lumia.

The view of BW Lumia from parksidet.

The view of BW Lumia from Savska street.




Kvalitet u svakom detalju

Prozračne spavaće sobe za najmirniji san. Airy bedrooms for the most pleasant dreams.

Quality In Every Detail Kupatila u svim stanovima poseduju najviši kvalitet završne obrade i sanitarije renomiranih proizvođača. Bathrooms in all units have the highest level of finishes and the sanitary fixtures of renowned manufacturers.





Nove mogućnosti u punom sjaju

BW Lumia je mesto na kome se briše granica između posla i zadovoljstva, sve je prilagođeno lagodnom i dobro organizovanom životu. Neposredna blizina parka i unutrašnjeg dvorišta omogućavaju vreme za relaksaciju ili pauzu tokom posla, dok se za one aktivnije na nekoliko minuta hoda nalaze multifunkcionalni sportski tereni, trim staze i šetalište Sava Promenada. Ukoliko želite najbolje uslove za porodičan život i bezbrižno odrastanje za vašu decu, očekuje vas vrtić u samom prizemlju zgrade sa odvojenim ulazom, neposredna blizina škole, igralište i celokupan sadržaj za rasterećen i ispunjen život bez kompromisa. Nakon opuštajuće šetnje pored reke, uvek možete da svratite u neki od omiljenih restorana na slatko ili slano okrepljenje, dok se samo nekoliko minuta dalje nalazi Galerija, najbolje mesto za šoping u gradu sa najvećim izborom restorana, kafića i prodavnica najpoznatijih brendova, kao i najmoderniji IMAX bioskop na Balkanu. Tokom cele godine možete upražnjavati sve aktivnosti na koje ste navikli, sada na još višem nivou ugodnosti. Pregršt različitih kulturnih i sadržaja namenjenih razonodi, koji definišu savremen i urban život u Beogradu, očekuje vas u neposrednoj blizini vašeg novog doma.

The Glow Of New Possibilities BW Lumia is a place where the line between work and pleasure disappears - everything is tailored to an easy and well-organized life. The close proximity of the park and the inner courtyard allow the time for relaxation or a break from work, and for the more active ones, just minutes away are multifunctional courts, tracks and the Sava Promenada. If you want the best conditions for a family life and carefree childhood for your children, there is a kindergarten at the ground floor of the building with a separate entrance, and close by, a school, playground and everything else needed for an unburdened and fulfilled life without compromise. After the relaxing walk by the river, you can always drop by some of your favorite restaurants for a sweet or savory refreshment, while, just minutes away, there is Galerija Belgrade, the best place in the city for shopping, with the largest selection of restaurants, coffee shops and stores of the most famous brands, as well as the best IMAX cinema in the region. You can do everything you are used to all over the year, now at an even higher level of comfort. Plenty of different cultural and leisure content defining the modern and urban life in Belgrade await at the immediate vicinity of your new home.

Reka Sava i Belgrade Waterfront sa Kulom Beograd u prvom planu. Sava River and Belgrade Waterfront with Kula Belgrade in the foreground.





Urbanizam u službi zdravog života

Najveća prednost BW Lumie predstavlja činjenica da se nalazi u okruženju idealno usklađenom između urbane i mirne gradske sredine. BW Lumia zauzima izvrsnu poziciju unutar Elements kompleksa, u kom su zgrade grupisane na takav način da formiraju zelene džepove, nesvakidašnji momenat u pretežno stambenim zonama. U neposrednom okruženju BW Lumie, u svakom trenutku pronaći ćete bezbroj mogućnosti za rekreaciju, opuštanje i zdrav život. Pažljivo uređeni travnjaci sa ambijentalnom rasvetom doprinose estetskom i funkcionalnom ugođaju za šetnju u bilo koje doba dana. Vožnja bicikla, trotineta ili trčanje predstavljaće pravu relaksaciju dok uživate u pogledu na reku duž Sava Promenada ili na zelenilo Savskog parka.

Urbanism In Harmony With Healthy Living The biggest advantage of BW Lumia is represented by the fact that it is positioned in an ideally coordinated setting between an urban and peaceful environment. BW Lumia is perfectly positioned inside the Elements complex, where the buildings are grouped in such a way to form green pockets, an unusual sight in predominantly residential areas. At any moment, you can find countless possibilities for recreation, relaxation and healthy living in the immediate vicinity of BW Lumia. Thoughtfully landscaped lawns with ambient lighting contribute to an aesthetic and functional atmosphere at any time of day. Cycling, scootering or running will be a great way to relax while you enjoy the view of the river along the Sava Promenada or the greenery of the Sava Park.




Kalemegdan Fortress

U centru svega

Republic Square




National Parliament




Sava Square SAVAMALA










Kula Belgrade

Dobra povezanost je jedan od najbitnijih preduslova za komforan i rasterećen život u prestonici. BW Lumia se nalazi na izvrsnoj lokaciji koja vas u svakom pravcu vrlo lako povezuje sa najvažnijim saobraćajnicama u Beogradu. Nikada nije bilo lakše da stignete na destinaciju ka kojoj se zaputite, bilo to automobilom ili nekom od linija gradskog prevoza. Na Novi Beograd stižete za desetak minuta preko Gazele i Savskog mosta, izlaz na E-75 autoput je dostupan preko Mostarske petlje, dok vas prometna Savska ulica vodi ka starom centru grada. Metro, dugo sanjani san Beograđana, uskoro postaje stvarnost, a BW Lumia se nalazi u blizini planirane stanice Savski trg. Ukoliko je vreva gradskog saobraćaja nešto što želite da izbegnete, BW Lumia je povezana i sa čitavom mrežom dobro povezanih biciklističkih i pešačkih staza.

15 MIN

Galerija Belgrade

In The Center Of Everything


Gazela Bridge

A good connection is one of the most important prerequisites for a

Slavija Square

comfortable and relieved life in the capital. BW Lumia is positioned on a marvelous location which will connect you with the most important routes in Belgrade in any direction you look. It has never been easier to reach a destination you’re headed for, weather

Old Railway Bridge

by car or any of the public transportation routes. You will reach New Belgrade in approximately ten minutes by Gazela and Sava Bridge, the exit to E-75 highway is accessible through the Mostar interchange, while the busy Savska Street will lead you to the old town center. The metro, a long-awaited dream of the people of Belgrade, will soon become reality, and BW Lumia is close to the planned station at Sava Square. If the tumultuous city transportation is something you wish to avoid, BW Lumia is connected with the

E-75 Highway Ada Bridge

Belgrade Fair



entire network of interconnected cycling and walking trails.

Dobar život kao odraz dobrog doma Odabir pravog mesta stanovanja igra ključnu ulogu u svemu što vas čini osobama koje jeste, za svaku stvar koja je bitna za vaš životni stil i ekspresiju. Vaš dom predstavlja vaš mikrokosmos u kome su svi vaši kriterijumi zadovoljeni, bilo funkcionalni ili estetski. Elements kompleks poseduje arhetipsku arhitekturu velikih gradova, u kojima su zgrade podeljene na više blokova, formirajući šarenoliku, a opet objedinjenu stambenu zonu. Svaki put pri povratku kući i ulasku u vaš dom, ispuniće vas osećaj života u pravoj evropskoj metropoli i pripadnost autentičnom gradskom duhu.

A Good Life As A Reflection Of A Good Home



Choosing the right place to live plays a key role in everything that makes you who you are, for each thing important for your lifestyle, and the way you express yourself. Your home represents your microcosm where all your criteria is met, whether functional or aesthetic. The Elements complex has archetype architecture of the large cities, where the buildings are divided into several blocks, forming a variegated, yet united residential area. Every road leading you back home will fill you with life in a real European metropolis and a sense of belonging to an authentic city spirit.



Vaš novi dom po najvišim standardima U BW Lumia pronaći ćete sve one prednosti koje očekujete od savremenog i komfornog života u prestonici. Svakoj prostoriji u stanovima posvećena je posebna pažnja, a naročito detaljima koji prave razliku i predstavljaju ugođaj kakav samo novi dom poseduje. Podovi trpezarija, dnevnih i spavaćih soba prekriveni su višeslojnim parketom, koji osim funkcionalnog predstavljaju i poseban vizuelni ugođaj. U vašem novom stanu možete osetiti prefinjenost i kvalitet na svaki dodir, s obzirom da se na svim elementima i vratima nalaze šarke, ručke i kvake renomiranih proizvođača. Kupatila su opremljena akrilnim kadama u stanovima sa više od dve spavaće sobe, tuš kabinama sa staklenim zidovima u svim stanovima, sanitarijama poznatih proizvođača, podovima i nižim zidnim površinama prekrivenim pločicama. Svaki stan ima centralno grejanje, kao i multi-split sistem za klimatizaciju sa spoljnom jedinicom ili više njih za ceo stan i unutrašnjim jedinicama za dnevni boravak i svaku spavaću sobu. Stanovi sa tri spavaće sobe i veći poseduju privatne stanarske ostave, dok je sistem za odvod smeća dostupan za svaku od 91 stambene jedinice.

Your New Home Up To The Highest Standards

In BW Lumia, you will find all those advantages expected from a modern and comfortable life in the capital. Special attention has been paid to each room in the apartments, especially the details making a difference and giving a satisfaction only a new home possesses. The floors in dining rooms, living rooms, and bedrooms are covered in multi-layer parquet, which, aside from giving the functional comfort, represent a special visual experience. In your new apartment, you can feel the sophistication and quality at every touch, taking into consideration that all the elements and doors have hinges, handles and doorknobs made by renowned manufacturers. The bathrooms are equipped with acrylic bathtubs in apartments with more than two bedrooms, showers with glass walls in all the apartments, sanitary fixtures of well-known manufacturers, floors and lower wall surface areas covered in tiles. Every apartment has central heating, as well as a multi-split air-conditioning system with an outer unit, or several of them for the whole apartment, and inner units for the living room and every bedroom. Apartments with three bedrooms and more have private residential storage rooms, while the garbage disposal system is available for all 91 residential units.





Susret stila i funkcionalnosti Stanovi u BW Lumia unose stil, funkciju i kvalitet u vaš novi život. Dizajn enterijera za maksimalno iskorišćen prostor, najkvalitetniji materijali i najviši nivo završne obrade predstavljaju sve ono najbolje od savremenog životnog stila kakav zaslužujete. Spavaće i dnevne sobe odlično su prosvetljene zahvaljujući velikim prozorima, dok visina plafona od 2,8m doprinosi utisku opšte prostranosti. Svaki stan poseduje terasu sa prozorima od poda do plafona, odakle ćete u svakom trenutku imati neometan pogled na savršeno okruženje BW Lumie.

Where Style And Functionality Meet



The apartments in BW Lumia will bring style, function and quality into your new life. Interior design to make the most out of the space, materials of the highest quality, and the highest level of finishes represent the best of the modern lifestyle you deserve. Bedrooms and living rooms are perfectly illuminated with the help of large windows, while the height of the ceiling of 2.8m contributes to the feeling of spaciousness in general. Every apartment has a terrace with floor-to-ceiling windows, where you will have an unobstructed view over the perfect environment surrounding BW Lumia at all times.

Spektakularni pogledi u život kakav zaslužujete

BW Lumia prožima sve aspekte savremenog života, povezujući ih u prefinjenu i funkcionalnu celinu, bez suvišnih kompromisa. Bilo da se opredeljujete za novi životni prostor, investiciju ili stan za izdavanje, vaš izbor će biti nagrađen komfornim i elegantnim prostorom, materijalima i komponentama najvišeg kvaliteta koji garantuju ekskluzivitet u svakom detalju. Pronađite svoj idealni način življenja u besprekornom okruženju i saržaju Elements kompleksa, autentičnoj stambenoj zajednici, u kojoj su vaše potrebe uvek na prvom mestu. Spektakularni pogledi, udobnost i sigurnost, obilje prirodnog svetla, svež vazduh, dobra povezanost i pravi osećaj urbanog duha - u svakom trenutku bićete okruženi najboljim elemenitma od kojih možete da napravite svoju idealnu životnu priču. U BW Lumia sjaj novog života nikada ne bledi!

Spectacular View Towards A Life You Deserve BW Lumia permeates all the aspects of a modern life, connecting them into a unity of sophistication and function, without excessive compromise. Whether you are deciding on a new living space, investment, or a rental unit, your choice will be rewarded with a comfortable and elegant space, materials, components of the highest quality which guarantee exclusivity in every detail. Find your ideal way of life in an immaculate environment and the contents of the Elements complex, an authentic residential community, where your needs are always at the forefront. Spectacular views, comfort and security, an abundance of natural light, fresh air, good connection and a real feel of the urban spirit - you will constantly be surrounded by the best elements of which you can make your ideal life story. The luminosity of new life will never fade in BW Lumia!





Sigurnost u službi ugođaja Security in the service of comfort

BW Lumia Ulazni lobi sa recepcijom. BW Lumia Entrance lobby with reception area.








Predstavljamo We Present

Eagle Hills 46


Svet blistave sutrašnjice

Eagle Hills je privatna građevinska i investiciona kompanija sa sedištem u Abu Dabiju, specijalizovana za kreiranje novih gradskih jezgara i vrhunskih destinacija na tržištima u razvoju. Tokom postojanja, kompanija je stekla izvanrednu reputaciju i postala međunarodni simbol kvaliteta, investiranja i prestiža, a trenutno razvija jedinstvene projekte u Bahreinu, Jordanu, Maroku, Etiopiji, Omanu, Srbiji i Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima.

The World Of A Bright Tomorrow Eagle Hills is a private construction and investment company with its headquarters in Abu Dhabi, specialized in creating new city centers and top destinations in developing markets. In the course of its existence, the company has gained an outstanding reputation and became an international symbol of quality, investment and prestige, and it is currently developing unique projects in Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Ethiopia, Oman, Serbia, and the United Arab Emirates.


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