BW King's Park

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Grad na dve reke - kraljevstvo beskrajnih prilika Beograd je svojim jedinstvenim položajem na ušću dveju reka vekovima bio most između dva sveta - Istoka i Zapada, tradicije i napretka. Beograd danas predstavlja šarenoliki vez različitih kultura, običaja i životnih stilova. Iz godine u godinu, ojačava svoju poziciju kao ekonomski i finansijski centar jugoistočne Evrope, koji privlači najveće inostrane investicije i projekte. Ali pre svega, Beograd je grad neverovatnih prilika i mogućnosti za sve one koji žele da svoj život krunišu iskustvom stanovanja u pravoj, savremenoj evropskoj metropoli.

The city on the two rivers - a kingdom of endless opportunities Due to its unique position on the confluence of the two rivers, Belgrade has been for centuries a bridge between two worlds - East and West, tradition and progress. Nowadays, Belgrade is a colourful embroidery of many different cultures, customs and lifestyles. Year after year it strengthens its position as the economic and financial centre of Southeast Europe, one that attracts the biggest foreign investments and projects. But above all, Belgrade is a city of extraordinary opportunities and possibilities for all those who



want to crown their life with the experience of living in a real modern European metropolis.


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Predstavljamo We Present

Belgrade Waterfront

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Čitav svet na pragu vašeg novog doma Beograd je oduvek važio za grad bogat istorijskim nasleđem, koje vas na svakom koraku podseća na veličanstvenu prošlost. Međutim, duh Beograda nije samo nostalgični pogled unazad, već i uzbudljiv pogled u budućnost. To je upravo perspektiva koju donosi Belgrade Waterfront. Prostirući se na oko milion kvadratnih metara prvoklasnog građevinskog zemljišta na desnoj obali Save, ovaj projekat urbane revitalizacije grada donosi novu dimenziju življenja u prestonici. Belgrade Waterfront otvara nove kapije savremenog života, kroz koje Beograd postaje najpoželjnija destinacija i lokacija za investicije u regionu. Belgrade Waterfront sadrži niz stambenih i poslovnih zgrada, nove centre društvenog okupljanja, hotele, restorane, obrazovne i kulturne objekte, parkove i najlepše šetalište u gradu.


The world at the doorstep of your new home Belgrade has always been considered as a city with rich historical heritage, which reminds you of the glorious past at every step. Nevertheless, the spirit of Belgrade is not only a nostalgic look back, but an exciting view of the future as well. This is exactly a new perspective that Belgrade Waterfront brings. Situated on the right bank of the Sava River in an area of million square metres of prime riverside real estate, this project of urban revitalisation of the city introduces


a new dimension of living in the capital. Belgrade Waterfront opens the gates of modern life through which Belgrade becomes the most desired destination and location for investment in the region. Belgrade Waterfront consists of a number of residential and business buildings, new centres of social gathering, restaurants, cultural and educational institutions, parks and the most attractive promenade in the city.

Pogled na Kulu Beograd


View of the Kula Belgrade


Kraljevski pogled na život

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BW King’s Park Residences predstavlja vaš ulaz u novo kraljevstvo života. Pozicionirana u trećem redu od reke Save, ova savremena višespratnica direktno izlazi na Savski park, čime pruža nesvakidašnji ugođaj svojim stanarima u gradskim uslovima života.

Zapanjujući pogled sa Kule Beograd

Okružena je inspirišućim zelenilom i ekskluzivnim sadržajima, koji garantuju jedinstvene prednosti u pogledu životnog stila svih generacija. Mlade parove i pojedince očekuju najkvalitetniji restorani, kafei i maloprodajni objekti. Blizina škole, vrtića, igrališta i direktan izlaz na park dočekaće sve porodice sa decom, dok će u uređenim prostorima za šetnju i relaksaciju, duž Sava Promenade ili u obližnjim parkovima, podjednako uživati sve generacije stanara.


Breathtaking view from the Kula Belgrade

A royal view of life BW King’s Park Residences is your entrance into the new kingdom of life. Positioned in the third row from the Sava River, this modern multi-storey building has a direct connection with the Sava Park, providing a unique ambience for the residents in the urban living conditions.

of all generations. Young couples and singles will find the best restaurants, cafes and shops. The proximity of school, kindergarten, playground and the direct access to the park will welcome families with children, while all generations of residents will have an equal opportunity to enjoy landscaped walking and relaxation areas along the Sava Promenada or in nearby parks.




The building is surrounded with inspiring greenery and exclusive content that guarantee exceptional advantages for the lifestyle

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Ugođaj dostojan kralja BW King’s Park Residences je zgrada od 15 spratova, sa 233 stambene jedinice različitih kvadratura, projektovanih tako da zadovolje sve kriterijume ekskluziviteta i udobnosti. Bilo da ste u potrazi za investicijom ili novim mestom stanovanja, očekuje vas jedinstven izbor od jednosobnih do četvorosobnih stanova najvišeg kvaliteta. Posebna pažnja je posvećena dovoljnoj količini dnevne svetlosti i sistemima ventilacije za protok svežeg vazduha u celoj zgradi. Zahvaljujući upečatljivom terasastom arhitektonskom rešenju, BW King’s Park nudi veći broj stanova na uglovima zgrade sa inspirišućim pogledima na park, uređeno unutrašnje dvorište ili panoramu grada, u zavisnosti od pozicije stana.


A comfort worthy of a king BW King’s Park Residences is a 15-storey building with 223 residential units of various sizes, designed to meet all the criteria of exclusiveness and comfort. Whether you are in pursuit of investment or a new living space, you will find an exceptional choice from studios to four-bedroom apartments of the highest quality.


A special care was dedicated to providing bountiful daylight and fresh air flow in the entire building. Terraced massing of the building grants more corner apartment units that have inspiring views of the park, landscaped inner courtyard or the city panorama, depending on their position.

Kraljevski pogled na park


Royal view of the park


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Život kakav zaslužujete BW King’s Park Residences je projektovana kao savremena stambena zgrada sa prodavnicama u prizemlju orijentisanim prema ulici, uz dva nivoa podzemne garaže sa 257 parking mesta za stanare.

Stanovi sa inspirišućim pogledima

Recepcija i obezbeđenje nalaze se u lobiju, za potpuni osećaj sigurnosti i jedinstvenog ugođaja u vašoj novoj stambenoj zajednici, dok su poštanski sandučići izdvojeni u posebnom delu. Za trosobne i veće stanove, predviđene su pojedinačne pripadajuće skladišne prostorije, dok je sistem za odvod smeća dostupan za svaku od 233 jedinice. Uz to, u svakom trenutku, svi stanari imaju direktan izlazak na raskošni Savski park.

Facilities Apartments with the inspiring views

The life you deserve BW King’s Park Residences is designed as a residential building with retail located on the ground floor facing the street, with two levels of underground garage with 257 parking spaces for residents. The reception desk and security are located in the lobby, for a complete sense of safety and exclusive comfort in your new dedicated storage space, while garbage disposal chutes are available for each of the 223 units. In addition to that, at all times residents will have direct access to the splendid Sava Park.




community, while the mailboxes are found in a separated part of the ground floor. Three-bedroom and larger apartments have

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Raskoš najboljeg sadržaja U BW King’s Park Residences shvatićete da udoban i ispunjen život više nije nedostižni ideal rezervisan samo za bajke. Od prvog trenutka kada kročite u svoj novi dom, osetićete beskraj mogućnosti da vreme i život uredite prema sopstvenom ukusu i potrebama. Na samo nekoliko minuta šetnje od obale reke, okružena raskošnim zelenilom i impresivnim sadržajima, zgrada BW King’s Park Residences garantuje život po meri svih životnih stilova. Pojedinci i mladi parovi mogu da se prepuste zovu dinamičnog okruženja koje kruniše Galerija, mesto najboljeg šopinga, restorana, kafića i prvog IMAX bioskopa na Balkanu. Parove sa decom dočekaće bezbedno i ispunjeno okruženje. Direktan izlaz na Savski park omogućiće vam pregršt prilika za porodično opuštanje, dok se vrtić i škola nalaze u neposrednoj blizini, u susednoj zgradi. Budite bezbrižni dok se vaša deca zabavljaju u udobnom unutrašnjem dvorištu, gde ćete u svakom trenutku moći da pratite njihovu igru. Svi stanari će podjednako imati priliku da iskuse najbolje kulturne i rekreativne sadržaje duž Sava Promenade, najlepšeg šetališta u Beogradu, bilo to šetnjom ili vožnjom bicikla, trotineta i rolera. BW King’s Park Residences vam garantuje idealne uslove za maksimalno organizovano i kvalitetno vreme, koje možete provesti u neposrednoj blizini svog novog doma. U prizemlju zgrade se nalaze brojni kafići i restorani, dok su obližnji travnjaci sa ambijentalnom rasvetom pogodni za šetnju u svako doba dana.


Splendour of the best content At BW King’s Park Residences you will realise that comfort and fulfilled life is not some unattainable ideal found only in fairy tales. From the first moment you step into your new home, you will feel endless possibilities to arrange time and life according to your own taste and needs. Just a few minutes’ walk away from the riverbank, surrounded by lavish greenery and impressive content, BW King’s Park Residences guarantees life tailored to all lifestyles. Singles and young couples can indulge in a dynamic environment crowned with Galerija - place of best shopping, restaurants, cafes and the first IMAX cinema in the Balkans. Couples with children will find a safe and fulfilling environment. Direct access to Sava Park will provide you with plenty of opportunities for family relaxation, inner courtyard, as you can watch them play at all times. All residents alike will have an opportunity to experience the best cultural and recreational content along the Sava Promenada, the most beautiful esplanade in Belgrade, whether by walking or riding a bike, electric scooter and rollerblades. BW King’s Park Residences will guarantee the utmost conditions for organised and quality time, which you can spend in the immediate vicinity of your new home. Ground floor is provided with many cafes and restaurants while the nearby lawns with ambiental lightning are convenient for a walk at any time of the day.


Savršeno mesto za sve generacije


The perfect place for all generations


while the kindergarten and school are situated in close proximity, in the adjacent building. Stay relieved while your children are having fun in the comfortable

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Pogled na park i na široke ulice ukrašene drvoredima


A view of the park and wide tree-lined avenues

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Urbani duh prožet bogatim nasleđem

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Na svega nekoliko minuta od BW King’s Park Residences nalazi se veličanstveni Savski trg, rekonstruisan u savremeno mesto okupljanja i jedinstvenog susreta urbanog duha i istorijskog nasleđa. Uživajte u slobodnom vremenu uz prizore obnovljene zgrade bivše Glavne železničke stanice, zapanjujućeg arhitektonskog zdanja iz 19. veka, i grandioznog spomenika Stefanu Nemanji, osnivaču dinastije Nemanjić. Takođe, Savski trg je jedna od stanica budućeg metroa, za upotpunjen dodir savršenog života u metropoli. Pogled na BW King’s Park Residences iz Savskog parka

Blizu vašeg novog doma nalazi se i novo gradsko obeležje - Kula Beograd, koja krasi čitav kompleks poput pravog krunskog dragulja. Otkrijte zapanjujuću panoramu grada sa vidikovca na vrhu Kule, gde vas očekuje i prestižni restoran. Sa druge strane, u pravcu Gazele, nalazi se novi Kreativno-inovativni multifunkcionalni centar “Ložionica” koji predstavlja stecište najaktuelnijih kulturnih i umetničkih dešavanja i mesto rađanja novih ideja.


A view of the BW King’s Park Residences from the Sava Park

Urban spirit enriched with heritage The magnificent Sava Square lies just a few minutes from BW King’s Park Residences, reconstructed as a contemporary gathering place and a confluence of urban spirit and historical heritage. Enjoy your free time with the scenes of the renewed building of the former Main railway station, a stunning 19th-century architectural wonder, and the grandiose monument to Stefan Nemanja, founder of the Nemanjic dynasty. Sava Square is also one of the stations of the future metro, a trait that completes the touch of perfect life in

Close to your new home lies a new city landmark - Kula Belgrade, which adorns the entire complex like a real crown jewel. Discover a breathtaking city panorama on the top of the Kula with the prestigious restaurant as well. On the other side, in the direction of Gazela bridge you will find a new Creative-innovative multifunctional centre “Ložionica”, a place of the most current cultural and artistic events and the place where new ideas are born.




the metropolis.













Vaše kraljevstvo najboljih puteva

Branko’s Bridge

National Parliament




Republic Square




Old Sava Bridge

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Za razliku od nekih “mlađih” prestonica širom sveta, evropske su se, pak, često razvijale na istorijskim lokalitetima, koji su time uslovili zahtevnije planiranje izgradnje infrastrukture. Belgrade Waterfront donosi novu dimenziju povezanosti sa čitavim gradom i prednost koju malo koja lokacija poseduje - uvek ćete biti u središtu raskršća svih vitalnih puteva, koji vam omogućavaju brzu i sigurnu vezu sa svim destinacijama od značaja u Beogradu. Belgrade Waterfront krase prostrani bulevari i široke ulice, koje se idealno nadovezuju na postojeću mrežu vitalnih gradskih puteva. Savski most se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini vašeg novog doma i pruža jednostavnu konekciju sa Novim Beogradom. Sa druge strane, most Gazela omogućava brz i lak izlaz i ulaz u grad međunarodnim autoputem E-75, dok se aerodrom Nikola Tesla nalazi na oko 15 minuta vožnje automobilom. Blizu BW King’s Park Residences se nalaze i brojne stanice javnog prevoza, uključujući autobuse, tramvaje i budući metro, za najefikasniju vezu sa čitavim gradom u svim pravcima. Osim idealne veze sa gradom, kretanje unutar samog Belgrade Waterfronta je jednostavno i efikasno, bilo da koristite automobil ili neki drugi vid prevoza. Pešake i bicikliste očekuje pregršt uređenih i dobro povezanih staza, koje se protežu čitavim kompleksom i duž Save i Dunava.

Sava Square Kula Belgrade

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Galerija Distances

Gazela Bridge

Slavija Square

Old Railway Bridge

Your kingdom of the best roads Unlike some “younger” ones around the world, European capitals, on the other hand, have often been developed on historic sites, which has further led to a more demanding infrastructure planning. Belgrade Waterfront introduces a new dimension of connection with the entire city and the advantage that few locations possess - you will always be at the crossroads of all vital roads, which allow fast and secure connection with all important destinations in Belgrade. Belgrade Waterfront is embellished with spacious boulevards and wide streets, ideally connected to the existing grid of vital urban roads. A smooth connection with New Belgrade is provided by the Sava bridge in the close vicinity to your new home. On the other side, Gazela bridge gives you

E-75 Highway

an easy entry and exit from the city via international highway E-75, while the Nikola Tesla airport is 15-minute drive away. BW King’s Park Residences is situated along the numerous public transport stations including buses, trams and future metro for a more efficient connection with the city in all directions. Apart from the ideal connection with the city, the traffic within Belgrade Waterfront is smooth and efficient, whether you are using a car or any other means of transportation. Hikers and cyclists will find plenty of well-maintained and connected paths and lanes, which stretch throughout the entire complex and along the Sava and Danube.

Belgrade Fair 18




Kalemegdan Fortress

Spacious and airy apartments

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Prostrani i prozračni stanovi


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Park na samom pragu vašeg doma Vaš novi životni prostor ne bi mogao da se nazove pravim dvorom bez raskošnog zelenila koje ga ukrašava. BW King’s Park Residences poseduje jedinstvenu privilegiju koju duguje svojoj idealnoj poziciji, a to je direktan izlaz iz zgrade na raskošni Savski park. Iskusite savremeni koncept življenja u urbanoj zajednici okruženoj prirodom. Otkrijte bezbroj mogućnosti za zdrave i aktivne navike na vašem pragu, jer se oko Savskog parka proteže 700m dugačka trim staza, a tu su i višenamenski sportski teren i stolovi za stoni tenis. Ukoliko ste više naklonjeni šetnjama po svežem vazduhu i opuštajućim trenucima u prirodi, pronaći ćete posebna mesta za piknik ili šetnju duž uređenih travnjaka sa ambijentalnom rasvetom i ulica sa širokim drvoredima. Porodicama sa decom na raspolaganju je idilično i bezbedno okruženje za ispunjavajuće trenutke na obližnjem dečjem igralištu i prvom interaktivnom vodenom igralištu u Beogradu.


Park right on your doorstep Your new living space could not be called a real court without the lush greenery that adorns it. Due to its ideal position, BW King’s Park Residences has a unique privilege of direct access to the lavish Sava Park. Experience the modern way of living in an urban community surrounded by nature. Discover endless possibilities for healthy and active habits on your doorstep with a 700m long jogging track around the Sava Park, multi-purpose sports field and table tennis.


If you prefer walks in the fresh air and relaxing moments in nature, you will find specialised places for picnics or strolls along landscaped lawns with ambient lighting and streets with wide tree-lined avenues. Families with children have at their disposal an idyllic and safe environment for fulfilling moments at the nearby children’s playground and the first interactive water playground in Belgrade.

Jedinstveni ugođaj direktnog izlaza na park


An exclusive ambience of direct connection with the park


Spavaće sobe krase veliki prozori za obilje prirodnog svetla

Prostrani stanovi puni životne svežine

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Bedrooms are decorated with big windows for an abundance of sunlight

Prostor koji zadovoljava sve vaše kriterijume potpunog ugođaja i rasterećenog života postaje više od toga postaje vaš dom. Svi stanovi u BW King’s Park Residences predstavljaju rezultat najsavremenijih građevinskih i dizajnerskih rešenja. Prostrane terase sa visokim prozorima u svim stanovima pružaju obilje dnevne svetlosti i protok svežeg vazduha, za dom pun životne vedrine. Osim toga, u svakom trenutku imaćete poglede pune nadahnuća na park, unutrašnje dvorište ili grad. Visoki plafoni od 2,78m u svim stanovima garantuju sveobuhvatni osećaj prostranosti i udobnosti vašeg novog doma.


Spacious apartments full of life freshness A space that meets all your criteria of complete comfort and relieved life becomes something more - it becomes your home. All apartments in BW King’s Park Residences are the result of the latest construction and design trends and solutions. Spacious terraces with large windows in all units deliver abundance of daylight and the flow of the fresh air, for a home full of life’s apartments guarantee a comprehensive feeling of spaciousness and comfort of your new home.




serenity. Furthermore, at all times you will have inspiring views of the park, inner courtyard or the city. Ceiling height of 2.78m in all

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Vaša nova zajednica najvišeg nivoa ugođaja Your new community of the highest level of comfort




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Dom skrojen po vašoj meri A home tailored to your lifestyle




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Vaš dom vaš dvor BW King’s Park Residences je sve ono na šta pomislite kada se pomene Belgrade Waterfront - kvalitet, ekskluzivitet i udobnost. Stanovi su zamišljeni i realizovani tako da predstavljaju najviši nivo kvaliteta u dizajnu enterijera i završnih radova. Podovi dnevnih i spavaćih soba, kao i trpezarija, prekriveni su višeslojnim parketom, dok podove kuhinja i zidove kupatila krase pločice najviše klase.

Spavaće sobe za mirne noći i nadahnuta jutra

Za dodir potpune prefinjenosti, posebna pažnja je posvećena i najsitnijim detaljima. Svi elementi u stanovima poseduju ručke, kvake i šarke renomiranih proizvođača. U kupatilima vas očekuje najkvalitetnija sanitarna oprema. Tuš kabine sa staklenim zidovima su standard u svim stanovima. Stanovi sa više od dve spavaće sobe poseduju akrilne kade u drugom kupatilu i pripadajući skladišni prostor unutar zgrade. Zgrada je povezana na sistem centralnog daljinskog grejanja, a svaki stan ima multi-split sistem za klimatizaciju sa unutrašnjim jedinicama za dnevnu i svaku spavaću sobu i jednom ili više spoljnih jedinica na balkonu.


Bedrooms for a peaceful nights and inspiring mornings

Your home your palace BW King’s Park Residences is everything that comes to mind when Belgrade Waterfront is mentioned - quality, exclusivity and comfort. Apartments are envisioned to represent the highest level of quality in terms of interior design and finishing works. Floors in living rooms, bedrooms as well as dining rooms are covered with multilayered parquet, while the kitchen floors and bathroom walls are decorated with the top-class tiles. For a touch of a complete refinement, special care was dedicated even to the smallest details. All elements in apartments have handles, doorknobs and hinges of Shower cabins with glass walls are a standard component in all apartments. Three-bedroom and bigger units have acrylic bathtubs in the secondary bathrooms and dedicated storage space within the building. The building is connected to the remote-controlled central heating system, with every apartment equipped with multi-split air conditioning with indoor units in living rooms and bedrooms, as well as one or more outdoor units at the balcony.




renowned manufacturers. Bathrooms are equipped with the sanitary fixtures of the highest quality.

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Savršeno mesto za život i rad A perfect place to live and work




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Stanovi najboljih životnih vibracija Homes with the best life vibes




Kral je vsk i pogl e d n a par k BW KING’S PAR K

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Krunišite svoj život najboljim izborom Dosegnite tron najboljeg života u Beogradu u BW King’s Park Residences. Bilo da ste vođeni željom za promenom životnog prostora, sigurnom investicijom ili pronalaskom idealne sredine za rad, na raspolaganju vam je izbor od 233 stambene jedinice, dizajnirane da ispune sve kriterijume najvišeg stepena ugođaja. Direktan izlaz na jedan od najlepših parkova u Beogradu, bezbroj sadržaja za životne stilove svih generacija, obilje dnevnog svetla i svežeg vazduha - samo su neke od prednosti kraljevskog pogleda na život u BW King’s Park Residences!


Crown your life with the best choice Reach for the throne of the best life in Belgrade in BW King’s Park Residences. Whether you are driven by a desire to change your living space, a safe investment or to find the ideal environment for work, you will have a choice of 233 apartments at your disposal, designed to meet all the criteria of the highest level of comfort.


Direct access to one of the most beautiful parks in Belgrade, numerous contents for the lifestyle of all generations, abundance of daylight and fresh air - are only some of many advantages of the royal view of life in BW King’s Park Residences!

Pogledi puni nadahnuća u svako doba dana


Inspiring views at all times


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Kula Belgrade, a jewel in the Belgrade Waterfront’s crown

Belgrade Waterfront

Belgrade Waterfront

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Kula Beograd, dragulj u kruni Belgrade Waterfront-a




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Predstavljamo We Present

Eagle Hills


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Eagle Hills

Siguran partner sa kraljevskom reputacijom Eagle Hills je privatna građevinska i investiciona kompanija sa sedištem u Abu Dabiju, specijalizovana za kreiranje novih gradskih jezgara i vrhunskih destinacija na tržištima u razvoju. Tokom postojanja, kompanija je stekla izvanrednu reputaciju i postala međunarodni simbol kvaliteta, investiranja i prestiža u projektima najvećih razmera. Jedna od osnovih odlika kompanije je da inovativnim pristupom podiže nivo kvaliteta života u urbanim zajednicama, stvaranjem novih radnih mesta i privlačenjem brojnih lokalnih i međunarodnih investicija. Kompanija trenutno razvija jedinstvene projekte u Bahreinu, Jordanu, Maroku, Etiopiji, Omanu, Srbiji i Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima.

Eagle Hills

A reliable partner with a royal reputation Eagle Hills is a privately owned Abu Dhabi-based construction and investment company, specialised in the creation of new city hubs and top destinations in the developing markets. Through their business activities, the company has acquired an excellent reputation and became an international sign of quality, investment and status in realisation of the large-scale projects. One of the main company characteristics is an innovative approach, which increases the quality of life in urban communities, creating new job opportunities and attracting many local and international investments. The company is currently developing unique projects in Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Ethiopia, Oman, Serbia and the United Arab Emirates.


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