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Creating Cities Of Tomorrow

Kao privatna kompanija za investiranje i razvoj nekretnina sa sedištem u Abu Dabiju, Eagle Hills koristi svoje finansijske mogućnosti, stručnost i razvijene odnose u cilju kreiranja velikih, planski građenih zajednica, sa raznovrsnim sadržajima koji razvijaju lokalnu ekonomiju, podržavaju holistička rešenja za život i rad, i istovremeno služe turistima i stanovnicima. Eagle Hills trenutno razvija niz megaprojekata mešovite namene u Bahreinu, Maroku, Omanu, Jordanu, Etiopiji, Egiptu, Srbiji, Albaniji i Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima.

As an Abu Dhabi-based private real estate investment and development company, Eagle Hills takes its financial capability, expertise, and extensive relationships to drive the creation of large-scale, master-planned communities, with a blend of facilities that will elevate local economies, support holistic living and working solutions, while catering to both tourists and residents. Eagle Hills is currently developing a range of mixed-use, mega-projects in Bahrain, Morocco, Oman, Jordan, Ethiopia, Egypt, Serbia, Albania and the United Arab Emirates.

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