The Six Senses

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Summer 2015 Portuguese Color Proposal Intercolor Congress Paris 路 June 2013

The Six Senses

Empathy Design Meaning Playfulness Symphony Story

Empathy 12-4302 TPX 11-0410 TPX 14-3911 TPX 13-4308 TPX 12-5303 TPX 14-1418 TPX 12-0642 TPX 14-1012 TPX

Vapour Essence Purple Cloud Whisper Blue Liquid Coral Glass Aurora Pearl Beige

Design 11-0604 TPX 14-1312 TPX 17-1444 TPX 14-0955 TPX 13-0632 TPX 15-4702 TPX 19-4916 TPX 19-4021 TPX

White Powder Pale Blush Ginger Sensorial Stimuli Well Being Calming Grey Soundless Green Deepness

Meaning 12-0601 TPX 13-1012 TPX 12-0913 TPX 15-1523 TPX 18-1346 TPX 17-4320 TPX 16-0233 TPX 12-5303 TPX


Playfulness 11-0601 TPX 16-1333 TPX 13-0648 TPX 13-0850 TPX 16-1361 TPX 16-1626 TPX 18-1661 TPX 17-4041 TPX 16-6127 TPX

Bright White Cork Joyful Yellow Luminous Yellow Plastic Orange Sugary Pink Skittles Red Imagination Blue Toy Green

SYmphony 13-0002 TPX 15-3800 TPX 19-0516 TPX 19-0814 TPX 14-0846 TPX 16-1332 TPX 16-1448 TPX 19-1250 TPX 18-1555 TPX

Architectonic White Hidraulic Grey Dark Olive Slate Black Golden Ochre Story Telling Mutating Orange Dye Red Arty Red

story 11-4800 TPX 19-0201 TPX 15-4306 TPX 12-0642 TPX 17-1463 TPX 18-1663 TPX

Freemium Indentity Shady Aurora Carnation Heart Storming

White Hues

Pastel Colors

Skin / Cosmetic Tones

Siena and Reds

Color Focus

Portuguese Color Proposal Summer 2015 Project: Dolores Gouveia Graphic Design: Ricardo Moura With the collaboration of: Sara Teles and Jo達o Carvalho I Fashion Design Students; Ana Velez and Isabel Guimar達es I Textile Designers; OSDM Design Team I Fashion Company

Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria Têxtil, Vestuário, Confecção e Lanifícios.

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