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rent trends

Editor Erin Ruddy

Art Director Annette Carlucci

Graphic Designer Thuy Huynh

Production Coordinator Ines Louis

Contributing Writers Andy Schwartze

National Sales Bryan Chong Melissa Valentini

Digital Media Director Steven Chester

Circulation Adrian Holland

For sales information call (416) 512-8186

Canadian Apartment Magazine is published six times a year by:

2001 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 500 | Toronto, Ontario M2J 4Z8 E-mail: info@mediaedge.ca

President Kevin Brown

Group Publisher Sean Foley

Copyright 2023

Canada Post Canadian Publications

Mail Sales Product Agreement No. 40063056 ISSN 1712-140X

Circulation 416-512-8186 ext. 234 circulation@mediaedge.ca

Subscription Rates: Canada: 1 year, $50*, 2 years, $90*, US $75 International $100, Single Copy Sales: Canada: $12* * Plus applicable taxes Requests for permission to reprint any portion of this magazine should be sent to Erin Ruddy.

Authors: Canadian Apartment Magazine accepts unsolicited query letters and article suggestions.

Manufacturers: Those wishing to have their products reviewed should contact the publisher or send information to the attention of the editor. The opinions expressed are those of the authors of articles and do not necessarily reflect the views of Canadian Apartment Magazine. This information is general and is not a substitute for legal advice.

Sworn Statement of Circulation: Available from the publisher upon written request. Although Canadian Apartment Magazine makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information published, we cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions, however caused. Printed in Canada.

Five by Erin Ruddy

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