1 minute read
A game-changer
Artificial intelligence is a field bursting with
innovation and risk. As it finds its way into a range of industries, including condo management, there are ideas brewing on how AI can augment managers’ work, especially with the lack of licensees available to effectively oversee operations and day-to-day tasks for the thousands of condos in Ontario.
In this issue, with a focus on technology, we present articles on the opportunities, but also legal implications that come with using AI.
On the legal and governance front, a condo lawyer outlines various new cases, which reflect the nuances of the Condominium Authority Tribunal’s response when it comes to enforcing a condo’s governing documents.
Also in this issue, we look at the financial risks of condos as they age and deteriorate, as well as how to deal with property crime, which occurs across all types of neighbourhoods.
Turning to management again, another piece explores what led some women to become successful condo managers. Fun fact: according to recent findings, more than half of Registered Condominium Managers in Ontario are women.
Finally, check out our 9th annual Who’s Who, which offers a run down of the top players and portfolios in condo management. See page 34 for more.
Happy summer!
Rebecca Melnyk Editor, CondoBusiness rebeccam@mediaedge.ca
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