1 minute read
from FCM Summer 2023
by MediaEdge
As the cleaning and maintenance landscape continues to improve and evolve, what does it look like these days? The pandemic leaves its mark with labour shortages and flex hours, but the industry is moving forward with the help of technology, flexibility, and creative thinking to thrive into a successful future.
Our summer issue is seasonally focused, addressing common challenges from this time of year. We take a look at landscaping tips and tricks to minimize your outdoor maintenance, and we delve into mitigating the risks to outdoor workers and keeping them safe during the hot summer months.
With health and safety at the forefront, we explore the relationship between cleaning and disinfection, as infection prevention stays top of mind. As well, we offer some insight into autonomous cleaners and the ways that technology is helping to address labour shortages and boost efficiency.
In our cover story, we put the spotlight on Hallmark Housekeeping Services, a company that’s overcoming industry challenges by putting people first and leading with heart, focusing on data-driven change and employee retention for this year and beyond.
For our expert Q&A, we share our interview with Randy Burke, CEO of DCS Global, diving into the post-pandemic reality for commercial cleaners and the challenges they are facing today. We focus on lower building occupancy and how transparency and adaptability are crucial for cleaners as they navigate their way through a long-term (or even permanent) shift in the industry.
We recognize ISSA’s 2023 Environmental Stewardship Award winners, honouring companies that are helping the environment, reducing their carbon footprint, and protecting the health of their workers and building occupants. ISSA also showcases the newest products from its members, and our Clean Matters section features some of the companies recently attracting attention with their innovation.
This issue highlights how far we’ve come, gives a broad view of commercial cleaning and maintenance today, and offers a look at where we’re headed as we approach the fall.
Can’t wait for you to read this issue!
JESSICA BRILL jessicab@mediaedge.ca
Editor Jessica Brill jessicab@mediaedge.ca
Art Director Annette Carlucci
Graphic Designer Thuy Huynh
Production Ines Louis Coordinator Inesl@mediaedge.ca
Sales Sean Foley seanf@mediaedge.ca
Contributing Writers Jim Flieler Tanja Nowotny David L. Smith Circulation circulation@mediaedge.ca
Facility Cleaning & Maintenance is published four times a year by:
2001 Sheppard Ave E, Suite 500 North York, ON M2J 4Z8
President Kevin Brown kevinb@mediaedge.ca
Senior Vice-President Chuck Nervick chuckn@mediaedge.ca
Director and Group Publisher Sean Foley seanf@mediaedge.ca
Copyright 2023
Canada Post Canadian Publications Mail Sales Product Agreement No. 40063056 ISSN 1712-140X Circulation ext. 234
Subscription Rates: Canada: 1 year, $50*, 2 years, $80*, US $75 International $100, Single Copy Sales: Canada: $12* * Plus applicable taxes
Requests for permission to reprint any portion of this magazine should be sent to the Editor, Jessica Brill FORMERLY KNOWN AS bit.ly/FCM-FB
/CleaningMaint bit.ly/FCM-LinkedIn